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Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Thread: Everyone wants it, no one uses it


Why doesn't the best console Doom count?

Well it's the best by default because it's the only console only Doom game.

But it doesn't count because the chances of seeing it ported to any other system legitimately is slim to none so there's no point in even thinking about it.


I was pretty excited for 360 BC to come to XB1. But some of these games have really bad input lag that's ruining it for me.

First game I played: pacman championship edition. Next game sonic 2 (though I heard maybe that's a problem with the sonic 2 to 360 port rather than the BC). And there's been a few more games I can't think of right now.

I'm not usually someone who even notices these kinds of things usually (heck I'm a PS4 remote play user!) but it's really made me hesitant to spend any more money on these things.

Is this a prevalent problem?

Check your TV settings. I've not noticed any issues with Pac-Man CE here.

Xaero Gravity

I know it was off-topic, but at least I was trying to inform rather than ironically pointing out how unnecessary someone else's post was.

So, just curious; does anyone know if there's any chance of the 360 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider being made BC? You know, for the people who still only had a 360 when RotTR was still new (or people who just feel like double dipping the achievements).
I wasn't being facetious lol. It's a bit of a stupid pet peeve of mine to see people not getting that Redemption wasn't the first one. :p

Red Dead Revolver gets ignored way too often.


Does anyone know if there's any chance of the 360 version of Rise of the Tomb Raider being made BC? You know, for the people who still only had a 360 when RotTR was still new (or people who just feel like double dipping the achievements).

Given they already brought the Xbox One version as a "Games with Gold" title I would understand if this was the absolute bottom of their list ... ;-)
I'm trying to freshen up on Gears by installing the past 4 3 games. I'm issuing a disc, but my Xbox keeps saying each one needs an "Update" and attempts to download the entire game digitally, regardless of the disc.

Why is this happening, has anyone figured out how to fix this,


I'm trying to freshen up on Gears by installing the past 4 3 games. I'm issuing a disc, but my Xbox keeps saying each one needs an "Update" and attempts to download the entire game digitally, regardless of the disc.

Why is this happening, has anyone figured out how to fix this,

You can't "fix" it because that's exactly what it's supposed to do. In order for backwards compatibility to work the Xbox One needs the game installed completely to the drive. The disc is just saying "yeah I bought this" and that's about the extent of it.
You can't "fix" it because that's exactly what it's supposed to do. In order for backwards compatibility to work the Xbox One needs the game installed completely to the drive. The disc is just saying "yeah I bought this" and that's about the extent of it.
Right, but the issue is that every other physical game I have ever installed has used the disc to install the game data, the Gears games only allow me to install the entirety of the game data digitally instead of using the disc.

For example, Halo: Reach and Left 4 Dead 2 installed within minutes because they installed the game data from the disc.


Hmm, seems DOOM 3 BFG doesn't have 3D option from menu. Idk if I'm missing something here or it isn't implemented yet. And I totally forgot DOOM 3 doesn't have subtitle... :( Otherwise, it runs awesome.
Right, but the issue is that every other physical game I have ever installed has used the disc to install the game data, the Gears games only allow me to install the entirety of the game data digitally instead of using the disc.

For example, Halo: Reach and Left 4 Dead 2 installed within minutes because they installed the game data from the disc.

Um... No they didn't. All backwards compatible games download from the server.


Right, but the issue is that every other physical game I have ever installed has used the disc to install the game data, the Gears games only allow me to install the entirety of the game data digitally instead of using the disc.

For example, Halo: Reach and Left 4 Dead 2 installed within minutes because they installed the game data from the disc.

Pretty sure every BC game is downloaded.


I wasn't being facetious lol. It's a bit of a stupid pet peeve of mine to see people not getting that Redemption wasn't the first one. :p

Red Dead Revolver gets ignored way too often.

No, I get that. I was agreeing with you in my totally unclear way while also adding that it was ironic of the other guy to make a useless post about how he thought my post was useless.

Given they already brought the Xbox One version as a "Games with Gold" title I would understand if this was the absolute bottom of their list ... ;-)

You're thinking of Tomb Raider: DE. I already have RotTR on XB1, but I wouldn't mind playing through the 360 version solely to double dip on the achievements. I think the only way it would be BC is if it was offered as a GwG title later (maybe a year from now?).


So I installed DOOM BFG Edition and it wants me to rebuy DOOM 2 even though it's included with it, what gives?

EDIT: Nevermind, got a free update with it. Problem solved.
On the subject of everybody wants it but no one uses it.


PLAYSTATION'S former Director of Strategic Content has had some tough words to say about the Xbox One's most popular feature to date.That's the verdict of Shahid Kamal Ahmad, former Director of Strategic Content for PlayStation.

He reckons most gamers don't really want to play old Xbox 360 games on their Xbox One.

And he believes Xbox bosses would do better to concentrate on giving their machine a new 'vibe' with fresh games, rather than bringing back old titles from glory years gone by.

More at the link. I know few of us care but is he right? Do most gamers not really want to play old games?


Knows the Score
On the subject of everybody wants it but no one uses it.


More at the link. I know few of us care but is he right? Do most gamers not really want to play old games?

Is that an admittance that Playstation Now is unpopular?

Unsure why providing choice is such a bad thing, and I doubt the people working on the compatibility would be game devs anyhow so it's not really taking resources away from Blinx 3 or something.
Use regular black settings on your X1, not zero white. And turn up the darkness in-game. It fixes it.

Alan Wake doesn't need any adjustments from the default brightness setting. Alan Wake's American Nightmare still has a black crush issue. It's not as bad as Alan Wake's black crush before the patch, though, so American Nightmare is at least playable after turning the brightness up as few notches.


That's ridiculous. It's part playing your old games, part not feeling like you've thrown all you 360 games away.

It makes me comfortable/confident to buy digitally.


On the subject of everybody wants it but no one uses it.


More at the link. I know few of us care but is he right? Do most gamers not really want to play old games?

Great PR response. They can't physically get PS3 running on a PS4 so say gamers don't want to play old games. Meanwhile, they churn out PS2 games to rebuy even if you already own them on PS3 PSN.

EDIT: Never mind, he left Sony.


with film too, if I’ve bought a Blu-ray, I don’t want to pay again for a streamed version, but you know what? I do. I’d bought the Bond collection on DVD, but when it became available on Apple TV, I bought it again, no hesitation."

Good to see that Sony way of thinking is still with him.
People use digital BC. The whole "no one uses BC" thing is from a time where you had to keep old ass discs around that filled your shelves. At some point you always got rid of that shit.
With digital purchases people just download the stuff they own. I see plenty of BC activity on my friends list.
"If I want to enjoy the originals, I still can. I can dig out my old consoles, or my CD player, or my DVD player, but do I really want to?

That's the damn point isn't it? Do I really want to dig out my old consoles to play old games? I'd rather not. But it's great to have a new console that allows me to not have to do that.

His argument is not that people don't want to play old games or the ability to interact with old things material, it's that they don't want to dig out the old hardware to do that. No shit!


I like playing on the original console more though. For example, I could play GameCube on the Wii, but I wouldn't be able to experience the amazing bootup screen, and the cute floating menu cube.

Pure nostalgic to play on the original console ;)


You're thinking of Tomb Raider: DE. I already have RotTR on XB1, but I wouldn't mind playing through the 360 version solely to double dip on the achievements. I think the only way it would be BC is if it was offered as a GwG title later (maybe a year from now?).

You are right :)
PLAYSTATION'S former Director of Strategic Content has had some tough words to say about the Xbox One's most popular feature to date.That's the verdict of Shahid Kamal Ahmad, former Director of Strategic Content for PlayStation.

He reckons most gamers don't really want to play old Xbox 360 games on their Xbox One.

And he believes Xbox bosses would do better to concentrate on giving their machine a new 'vibe' with fresh games, rather than bringing back old titles from glory years gone by
wait is this coming from the guys that just released a remake?


On the subject of everybody wants it but no one uses it.


More at the link. I know few of us care but is he right? Do most gamers not really want to play old games?
I think the point they fail to understand is as consumers we want choice. We want the option to say I made this investment and I want to be able to pick up and play a game from a previous generation on my new console without the hassle of reconnecting the older console. This to me shows that a company values their fans and wants them to feel like the games they purchased in the past still hold value now. Sure you might not play it often but there is still the ability to do so when you have an urge.


He reckons most gamers don't really want to play old Xbox 360 games on their Xbox One.

And he believes Xbox bosses would do better to concentrate on giving their machine a new 'vibe' with fresh games, rather than bringing back old titles from glory years gone by

Why not both?


The statement "Players don´t want old games, they only want new games" is just ridiculous on so many levels

1) Sony did more remasters of PS3 games than MS of their games.
2) Sony also brings back old games from the PS2 and also charges for them (again)
3) Sony has PS Now (and charges for that)


Maybe I'm just a part of the niche he's talking about. I think that there are games that are timeless and should always be available and the 360 has no shortage of those types of games.

Besides there have been so many popular re-releases this gen far that makes me think it's not really as niche as he may believe.

I think that this is going to be a standard featute for Xbox systems from here on out and not just the previous gen but every system from 360 onward will have backwards compatibility.

Chitown B

On the subject of everybody wants it but no one uses it.


More at the link. I know few of us care but is he right? Do most gamers not really want to play old games?

easy to say when your system can't do it. It was a huge uproar when the new systems were announced and they couldn't do it. Now X1 can and "it doesn't matter."

Matters to me. I love having all my games on one box and having the video and screenshot abilities, plus twitch.
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