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Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Thread: Everyone wants it, no one uses it


We need an "RDR BC OUT NOW" while they're on-stage at E3.


It's the most likely scenario! I think MS want to "win" E3 and thrust at the top of E3 topics.

Maybe they'll announce the GWG for june as usual this week and add RDR to the list as available starting 16th June on stage @ E3.

Chitown B

"The XB1 used to have games be free for longer than a month (alongside a new one each month) but they were never repeated."

They had extended free periods, that's not the same as repeating a game after the GWG period is over. None of those games have been GWG since the original offer expired.

Repeating with the opposite version isn't the same...

Come on now - repeating with the opposite system's version is close to a repeat, considering now all x360 GWG's work on X1. It's basically a loophole.


Come on now - repeating with the opposite system's version is close to a repeat, considering now all x360 GWG's work on X1. It's basically a loophole.
Close but not really. You can still grab the XB1 or 360 version if you've got the other. Is it a bit cheap? yea (though I don't mind it), but it's hardly a repeat. They're different platforms with different userbases, hypothetically why should someone who only has an xbox 360 never get say, dark souls 2, just because they gave away dark souls 2 on XB1 at some point?

If you're talking about strictly BC games that work on XB1 aswell, none of the 360 GWG's that work on XB1 has been repeated either. The only 360 game that's been GWG since November that also has a remastered edition is SR4, and the XB1 version hasn't been free yet.

Either way that's a completely different situation from repeating the same game, for the same platform twice, which they haven't done and I seriously doubt they're gonna start it in June, the same month where E3 takes place and is typically one of the biggest months in the gaming industry.


They're not going to give that away for free to Gold members when it can be used as a pre-order bonus.

(Hopefully this post doesn't come back to haunt me in 10 years time when someone bumps it after it's been on GWG)

Chitown B

They're not going to give that away for free to Gold members when it can be used as a pre-order bonus.

(Hopefully this post doesn't come back to haunt me in 10 years time when someone bumps it after it's been on GWG)

they would if MS paid them enough for the privilege. It would sell boxes immediately. The game has been onsale for $5 before, it's not that expensive a game. It's 6 years old.


Neo Member
It runs okey. Suffers from framerate drops and input lag

I saw a post in the black ops thread regarding input lag and someone said that moving that game to your internal hdd fixes it.

I tried it with gears 3 last night and tested it in sp / mp and it worked. When the game was on my external hdd it had insane input lag, like a 1 second delay but its 1:1 now.


There are not to many 360 games I want to play again other then SSX since there are no current snowboarding games but I just remembered one more I would love to see....BLUR, what a blast hat was online and not sure why it didn't do better.
There are not to many 360 games I want to play again other then SSX since there are no current snowboarding games but I just remembered one more I would love to see....BLUR, what a blast hat was online and not sure why it didn't do better.

Me too! Blur was awesome online. As good as Mario Kart imo



Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon

Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon

I never got around to Red Dead Redemption, Fallout NV or Forza Horizon. Would be interested in all three of those.


Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon

While you're looking through that window, do you mind walking on in and hitting the big red button that will release the games?

It looks like this....

...only instead of "Easy" it says "Make Gamers Happy"

Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon
Really need to finish New Vegas, hoping it comes!

Hoping WB does Barman Origins too since they aren't including it in the remaster collection.

Still waiting on AC Rogue too since it was last gen only and it's one of only ACs I haven't played


my hard graphic balls

Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon
I'll have one Red Dead Redemption, please!
I saw a post in the black ops thread regarding input lag and someone said that moving that game to your internal hdd fixes it.

I tried it with gears 3 last night and tested it in sp / mp and it worked. When the game was on my external hdd it had insane input lag, like a 1 second delay but its 1:1 now.

I have all my games on my internal HDD (which i replaced with a bigger one). And no the game really isnt 1:1. Regardless if External or Internal


Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon

Noice. Its about damn time that RDR finally shows up. It sits on my Box since February not playable Online.



Someone left a Window open for me

I can see Red Dead now, also these ones have been active during the last few days

Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock 2
Fallout NV
Forza Horizon

Fallout New Vegas would be cool, because I've only played Fallout 3 so far.


So reading how Black Ops runs better on the internal drive, opposed to an external, I'm wondering if this is the case for all 360 BC games, or is Black Ops an exception?


Big 360 sale:
Tekken Tag 2 (BC)- $9.99
Wolfenstein 3D (BC)- $2.49
Stick of Truth (BC)- $9.99
Mirrors Edge (BC)- $4.49
Dark Souls 2 DLC (BC)- $12.49
Eternal Sonata- $3.74
Tales of Vesperia- $3.74
Asura's Wrath- $7.99
Puzzle Quest- $3.29
PQ2- $4.94
Max Payne 3- $4.99
SF X Tekken- $8
Lost Planet 3- $7.99
Dead Rising 2- $9.89
DMC HD Collection- $6
Midnight Club LA- $3.74
Dead Island- $3
Skyrim- $10
Naruto Shippuden UNSR- $12
Epic Mickey 2- $5
DA:Origins- $5
Bioshock- $5
Bioshock 2- $5
GTA:SA- $3.74
Red Dead Redemption- $7.49
Bioshock Infinite- $7.49
Dungeon Defenders $5
Fallout 3- $7.49
Fallout: New Vegas- $7.49
Bully $3.74
Escape Dead Island- $4
Transformers: Cybertron- $12
Saints Row 1- $2
Saints Row 2- $2
Saints Row 3 $3.74
Gat out of Hell- $4.49
Oblivion- $7.49
Civ Rev.- $7.49
Injustice- $9.99
So reading how Black Ops runs better on the internal drive, opposed to an external, I'm wondering if this is the case for all 360 BC games, or is Black Ops an exception?

I've got little to no input lag and it's installed on the internal (Halo 5 Xbox one if it matters).


BO1 is a laggy mess. I can't believe I actually paid for XBL and thought this was playable. AW and BO3 feel lightyears ahead of this game in comparison.
I initially had issues with black ops (first game I played I went 0-10) but I'm used to it now and that's with also playing PS4 black ops 3, advanced warfare, and BF4 (I'm a sucker for double XP weekends).

Switching between all 4 games over the course of this weekend has been interesting. Different controls, different ttk, different play styles.


I'm not even sure it is. Is there any real proof of this, or is it one of those things where someone "felt" it was a bit better and then from there it somehow spiraled into "fact"?

Well..someone "claimed" a 1 sec lag when played of an external drive, which defies any xbox 1 behavior shown by DF on testing with external drives

Probably the same people that say their eyes bleed if the framerate drops below 30. lol
I'm sorry but the reducing of input lag by moving games from an external (which DF already has confirmed usually are must faster drives) to the internal one sounds like complete BS.
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