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Xbox One Exclusive D4 is selling like complete shit, please help me #SaveD4


supporting swery's second rate effort? the ps3 (and pc port) is fucking garbage and didn't even have half of the new features mentioned in the previews.

Since I have no other option I'll stick with my purchase, even if it's not the superior version from the heavens.
Swery is giving a lecture on game design at MIT as we speak.

But can he settle Boston's food rivalries?

I've uploaded all of the game's dinner scenes here if you want to relive the magic.
Clam Chowder
Hot dogs


I have an XB1 and this game just doesn't look interesting. YouTube hasn't done a good job of selling me on it either. Wouldn't say the poor sales are mainly due to poor advertising, because for me it's knowing wtf kind of game it is and why I should buy it

Yeah, I don't think publishing is the main reason it's not selling well. I thought his games have always had a niche audience.
I bought my copy the day it came out. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but I'd say outlook is pretty grim that we're going to get more episodes. Hopefully word of mouth will bolster sales and it'll become a sleeper hit.

I loved it, by the way. We need more of this kind of weird in gaming, especially console gaming.
Installing as we speak. Have no idea what I'm getting into!

Pretty much the same, I have no idea what this is about.

Also, I had no idea that this game is already out. For some reason I was thinking it is next year but thanks to this thread, I'm making my purchase.

Poor job by Microsoft, I don't believe they even have a tab on the X1 dashboard marketing this game.


This was one of my most anticipated Xbone games. Unfortunately, I ended up returning the console. I'll definitely pick this up when I buy another.
Games with Gold here we come!

Perhaps if the storefront wasn't limited to 3 horrendously oversized tiles and inside it wasn't just the worst thing I've ever seen, it might get more exposure
Games with Gold here we come!

Perhaps if the storefront wasn't limited to 3 horrendously oversized tiles and inside it wasn't just the worst thing I've ever seen, it might get more exposure

They should just make the prologue a Games with Gold title and charge $4.99 per episode.
Can't wait to have some time to really dig in to this. I've only had a chance to play up to about the "Clam Chowdah" part. Really liking it so far.
Hope so. Maybe they're impressed with the meager sales given the complete absence of promotion? The game has reviewed well too.

It's surprisingly high on the popular games list on the UK store.

I hope this has lit a fire under Spencer and MS in locking Swery down to work on more episodes. This has so much potential, they can't let it slip through their fingers.
It's surprisingly high on the popular games list on the UK store.

I hope this has lit a fire under Spencer and MS in locking Swery down to work on more episodes. This has so much potential, they can't let it slip through their fingers.

It's high on the US list as well. Hopefully that means something.
I remember the dev saying that he would never release it on the PS4...maybe he should have thought that one through a bit..just a wee bit
Does this mean more episodes are possibly back on the table?


Frankly, I always thought that they were going to keep up support, regardless of sales. For MS, D4 (and other titles, like Phantom Dust) seems to be more about diversifying their brand image after the Forza-Gears-Halo gen then about selling software.


How dependent on Kinect is this game? I plan to get an XB1 this month and am interested in this game but was wanting to know if it's playable without Kinect.
I'm still convinced he's ntkrnl.

Wouldn't be surprised.

Frankly, I always thought that they were going to keep up support, regardless of sales. For MS, D4 (and other titles, like Phantom Dust) seems to be more about diversifying their brand image after the Forza-Gears-Halo gen then about selling software.

U don't know, MS are notorious for making stupid mistakes when it comes to game IP.

Looks with a tear in eye at Viva Pinata, Kameo, PGR, RSC, Crimson Skies.
I remember the dev saying that he would never release it on the PS4...maybe he should have thought that one through a bit..just a wee bit

It was impossible for it to release on PS4. Microsoft is the reason why this game got any funding

How dependent on Kinect is this game? I plan to get an XB1 this month and am interested in this game but was wanting to know if it's playable without Kinect.

100% playable without kinect.


y'all should be ashamed

Phil Spencer was at the top of the "Special Thanks" credits for D4. Hopefully further promotion leads to better sales and more episodes!

Oh look, another answer from Phil that I'm sure won't amount to anything. Prove me wrong Phil.

Also thanks OP for introducing me to the soundtrack to this game. It's fantastic.
Oh look, another answer from Phil that I'm sure won't amount to anything. Prove me wrong Phil.

Also thanks OP for introducing me to the soundtrack to this game. It's fantastic.

What has Phil Spencer said that hasn't amounted to anything? He's been in his job 6 months, Rome wasn't built in a day

Phil Spencer was at the top of the "Special Thanks" credits for D4. Hopefully further promotion leads to better sales and more episodes!

Glad Phil was quick to respond, especially since the dev's themselves feel like they were tossed aside. I have nothing against Microsoft at all but, showing support for something they had funded for should have been key, not wait until fans of the dev's and the game itself to ask for its attention. I say this not knowing how Microsoft PR's their games as I own a PS4 and follow mostly Sony and their devs and games being made for their consoles.


This game has Walking Dead potential with a great intriguing story, wanting to know more in next episodes, etc., hopefully Microsoft can do more with it and market it to a broader market. I really think it can have more mass market appeal as you're following a mystery and is sort of akin to a television series. The Kinect controls are actually really good too that a lot of people would like.
He's not wrong though. This type of game doesn't seem like it would appeal to the main demographic that is actually buying a Xbone. Just because you are an outlier doesn't change that. Possibly people could be waiting for the game to fully release all the episodes before jumping in. I know I did that for The Walking Dead S1 and plan on doing it again for S2.

Prove it. Show me data that Xbox careers to a mostly "dudebro" audience.
They can't do a ton. I expect some YouTube adverts before like a gamespot video or something and some more front page space on the store

They can get a new trailer with awesome review scores up on the 360 and XB1 dashboards, they can advertise it all over their websites, they can get the soundtrack up on music sites, do free swag giveaways, make the prologue free with Gold, promise support for a second season etc...

I think they can do a ton, still.
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