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Xbox One will NOT support Dutch Language for Kinect upon Dutch Xbox One launch


pardon my ignorance, but there surely must be one "standard dutch" just like there is on "standard german" that Bavarians, Austrians, Saxons, Swiss, ... use in written form - but also when they expect voice recognition software to understand what they are saying.
There is.
Penello clearly states "it's not just about text integration" and that it's an "integral part of the system"

Now obviously dumping Kinect changed that last part, but it's very clear he was talking about localization of Kinect and not just translating the Dashboard.

I'll admit it's kind of weird how he says it. But with this quote
And once people see the system and how integral it is – it's not just text integration.

..I think he's talking about how integral that localization, which is not just text integration of the dashboard but a lot of things some of which he mentioned in that other quote a few posts above, is to bringing the console officially to the country.
i don't get it. Xbox One voice commands are so limited anyways.

how hard is it to localize a vocabulary of 20 or so commands?

the "speech-to-text" module surely should be able to understand the spoken words, right?

Accents and the like. They have to localize so that it understands every single dialect.
As an ignorant English speaker, is Dutch voice recognition available on other electronics like google/apple?

Samsung TVs have Korean voice recognition, it works 60% of the time every time.



Why the fuck did they delay that shit then? Theyve got fuckjng pallets of xbones rotting away in german mediamarkts, they could have sold a shitton in the netherlands LOLOL

Now 90% has a ps4 I bet.
Doesn't them still not having voice commands for these countries kinda proves Penello right? They are able to release it anyway now because kinect has been dropped, otherwise it could have been delayed even further...

Also, localization doesn't mean just voice, Ms also needed to trade xbox live servers to Azure servers, so games that rely on cloud compute behave the same on each country xbone is launched officially.

I don't think anyone could look back at launch and say they were being held by poor production rates, so either way, I don't see how this news makes previous claims not true.


So this is a big deal if you speak Dutch? It doesn`t support my language either, but it`s not a big deal because we all speak english very well.
I seriously doubt you'll see localization for any of the countries mentioned in the Joystiq article..Not just Dutch. At least not at launch.

The whole localization excuse is just bs anyway. And it has been from the start. Releasing with English only localization in Europe wouldn't be much of as problem as English is the second language in most European countries

Why the fuck did they delay that shit then? Theyve got fuckjng pallets of xbones rotting away in german mediamarkts, they could have sold a shitton in the netherlands LOLOL

Now 90% has a ps4 I bet.
...but they have pallets full of imported xbox ones in the tier 2 countries too.

Why the fuck did they delay that shit then? Theyve got fuckjng pallets of xbones rotting away in german mediamarkts, they could have sold a shitton in the netherlands LOLOL

Now 90% has a ps4 I bet.

there are a pallets of german xbones rotting all over europe.
you can buy imported XB1 and games in most stores, but nobody does and the official launch won't change that.



Why the fuck did they delay that shit then? Theyve got fuckjng pallets of xbones rotting away in german mediamarkts, they could have sold a shitton in the netherlands LOLOL

Now 90% has a ps4 I bet.

Good question. I imported Xbox One from Microsoft Store in Germany right after release, and it works perfectly in Norway, even if it`s not released.



Why the fuck did they delay that shit then? Theyve got fuckjng pallets of xbones rotting away in german mediamarkts, they could have sold a shitton in the netherlands LOLOL

Now 90% has a ps4 I bet.
I thought many XB1s from germany are already in dutch Media Markts.


So this is a big deal if you speak Dutch? It doesn`t support my language either, but it`s not a big deal because we all speak english very well.

There is a detail that could make this a _very_ big deal.

First, is it true that if you have your console's region set to Dutch, then you cannot use English voice commands to speak to the Kinect? If so, that is a major, major problem. If someone has to change their region from something other than the Dutch region, in order to speak English voice commands to Kinect, then how are they supposed to make purchases on the Dutch marketplace?
Here is what I think was the series of events that happen.

Mid last year
Delay the system in half the world to add proper Kinect integration.

Late last Year.
Launch in tier 1 countries. See that no one gives a fuck about Kinect.

Q1 2015
Panic, Panic, Panic.

Q2 2015
Remove Kinect as a pack in and start slowly phase it out.
Cut Kinect Localisation in renaming countries and spend the money on Tomb Raider / gamer t shirts for Spenser.

Every new syem bundle for the holiday is kinect-less because Kinect is done.

Will they even be selling a Kinect SKU at launch in these countries?

I am sure they where telling the truth about the Teir 2 delay last year but once they saw how Kinect was DOA they probably put those resources elsewhere but couldnt push the launch forward due to the logistics


From what I understand, it's exactly the same in Finland. Xbox One launches this week, no Finnish language support for Kinect at all. And you can't use English commands either, unless you want to change your whole console to UK/US region. Basically the Kinect is deaf, and that's the result for 10 months of extra waiting and development time.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
There's no way that MS aren't aware of why Europe doesn't give a shit about their products, right? Are MS just not interested in selling consoles in the EU? Do they not see it as worth the investment?


Have you ever heard a dutch person speak english though?
The hokey way the average dutch gamer pronounces english words will lead to a 95% failure rate on voice commands either way.

I think you are greatly exaggerating.

I was really hoping they would finally support the Dutch language. I got Kinect partly because I was expecting Dutch voice commands. But if that wasn't the case I would've been more than happy with English commands etc but keep the Dutch store. Really don't understand why this still isn't possible. Almost everyone in the Netherlands speaks English. C'mon Ms, not this shit again.


there are a pallets of german xbones rotting all over europe.
you can buy imported XB1 and games in most stores, but nobody does and the official launch won't change that.

Yeah, we've been selling Ones since December last year. PS4 still crushes it. It's not pretty. Microsoft really shot themselves in the foot here. There has been a rise in demand and sales for the last 2 weeks, probably because MS is revving up the marketing machine in Benelux, but it's still nowhere near PS4 numbers.

Every electronics store sells them, but Game Mania (local gamestop if you will) still doesn't. Maybe they'll gather some sales from the under-informed?


Yeah, well, they are too late. All my friends that had a X360 got tired of waiting and got a PS4 instead. Which makes me very happy, as I was the only one with a PS3 before. :)

Microsoft really fucked up in Europe. :/

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Every electronics store sells them, but Game Mania (local gamestop if you will) still doesn't. Maybe they'll gather some sales from the under-informed?

Doesn't the official release (day one version) come with a digital game or two? I imagine that may help initial sales.


Hmm, I guess stuff like "Xbox show notification" is a good example why it could be hard to translate:
"Xbox laat notificatie zien"
"Xbox geef notificatie weer"
But that's just a different way of saying something to achieve the same thing, I'm sure every language has this...

"Xbox display notification"


Hmm, I guess stuff like "Xbox show notification" is a good example why it could be hard to translate:
"Xbox laat notificatie zien"
"Xbox geef notificatie weer"

no it's not hard. just enforce a certain wording.

just like they're enforcing "go to APP/GAME-NAME" and "play" "launch" or "start" aren't valid commands.

it's super limited in english, they can make it equally limited in dutch.

you can't "yo whatupp x-bizzle, let's play some titanfall" either ;)
Have you ever heard a dutch person speak english though?
The hokey way the average dutch gamer pronounces english words will lead to a 95% failure rate on voice commands either way.

From what other people tell me I have an obvious Dutch accent but I rarely have trouble with software misunderstanding me. It is distinctive, but not an unclear accent.

Wouldn't this be confirmation that it was a localization issue? That even when they did launch at a later point, the speech language element wasn't able to be addressed?

There is not a lot that would need to be addressed. In a year you'd expect any company to be able to add one language. Sure you got accents, but that is always the case and hasn't seemed like much of a problem with the other languages.


So this is a big deal if you speak Dutch? It doesn`t support my language either, but it`s not a big deal because we all speak english very well.

86% of the population speak english, I'd imagine that is at least part of the reason.
For context, Apple launched Siri in 2010 and that doesn't support Dutch.

Google now doesn't support it either.


pardon my ignorance, but there surely must be one "standard dutch" just like there is on "standard german" that Bavarians, Austrians, Saxons, Swiss, ... use in written form - but also when they expect voice recognition software to understand what they are saying.
There's standard Dutch (though the Flemish sort of have their own version), but no received pronunciation. Some people are physically unable to pronounce certain letters / combinations (the ui diphtong for southerners/westerners and the 'hard g / soft g') that would be considered standard elswhere. Probably has to do with the fact that Dutch formed out of different peoples' languages.

In any case I always though localization had more to do with their TV integration ideas (before Netflix undercut their market), and the Dutch tv system is a notoriously difficult patchwork of media rights. Or something.
Penello een leugenaar? NEEEEEEEE , wie had dat gedacht. (rofl)

pardon my ignorance, but there surely must be one "standard dutch" just like there is on "standard german" that Bavarians, Austrians, Saxons, Swiss, ... use in written form - but also when they expect voice recognition software to understand what they are saying.

Yes there is 'algemeen nederlands', and everyone has to speak it in school since the 1980s at very least (a big part of why many dialects are dying out, you almost never see <30 year olds who can speak the original antwerp dialect anymore)

If they can have voice recognition for the UK with all their crazy accents then they can have it for belgium and the netherlands as well.

Anyhow, tier 2 countries result in tier 4 sales microsoft^^

edit: here's some voice recognition software from back in 2010, works just fine.

There's dutch speech recognition progs on phones and for office and there has been for ages


So not worth it
Wouldn't this be confirmation that it was a localization issue? That even when they did launch at a later point, the speech language element wasn't able to be addressed?

Then why launch it now? It was reason enough to cancel the launch a few month before the actual release last time after all and then delaying said launch by 10 full months.


Doesn't the official release (day one version) come with a digital game or two? I imagine that may help initial sales.

Yeah, they have a Kinect-less SKU with Forza 5 and FIFA 15 for € 399 and a Kinect Bundle SKU with the same game for € 499. I don't care for those games, but that is still a pretty sweet deal for most gamers out there!


Then why launch it now? It was reason enough to cancel the launch a few month before the actual release last time after all and then delaying said launch by 10 full months.

Why launch it?

Because they have removed Kinect as a requirement for the machine at the consumer's request. The consumer has said they don't want voice commands or Kinect, which they have done.


"People assume there's a volume issue which in fact there isn't," Penello said. "You're actually seeing pre-orders pop back up now because we're able allocate the countries' volumes back in. It's there; the problem is localization. And once people see the system and how integral it is – it's not just text integration."

Didn't he get banned from GAF for this kind of half truth/full lie?



Why does he wear the mask!?
Well won't a lot of people just ignore kinect anyways?

I imagine a lot of dutchies have bought a Playstation anyway
I feel like MS deserves every bit of it so far. I have zero interests in this system. The Halo rerelease looked okay, but is.missing ODST, and again, my interest went back to zero from maybe a barely care.


I would be really surprised if it had Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish voice support/localization as well
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