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Xbox One will NOT support Dutch Language for Kinect upon Dutch Xbox One launch


GAFers who are having issue with this, tell me honestly what your problem is. Is it that they promised you voice commands by the time it launches in tier 2 countries? Or does it seem like they don't even care about your country at all? Were you ever planning on buying one to begin with? Please answer reasonably, not trying to stir up any drama or console warz.


So not worth it
GAFers who are having issue with this, tell me honestly what your problem is. Is it that they promised you voice commands by the time it launches in tier 2 countries? Or does it seem like they don't even care about your country at all? Were you ever planning on buying one to begin with? Please answer reasonably, not trying to stir up any drama or console warz.

Former tier 1 country, actually. Read the OP.

That is the issue here.


Then why launch it now? It was reason enough to cancel the launch a few month before the actual release last time after all and then delaying said launch by 10 full months.

Releasing once it was realized there was a technical hurdle for the extended language support that they couldn't reasonably overcome makes sense.

It would make even less sense to delay for a reason other than language implementation but then release it without that feature. Since they have language engineering staff within the company, I doubt they would just have those people sit idle with the extra time they had. Attributing this to a yield issue would be almost laughable at this point.


"We aren't releasing the Xbox One in these regions, because localization is missing." - *Proceeds to release it with English Kinect controls*

Sounds like a joke now...
After this I really don't know why in the hell they delayed the launch in tier 2 countries for so long if they in the end are going to launch without tier 2 language supports for Kinect (the original ''reason'' for delay). I understand somewhat that during holidays season they thought that maybe they don't have enough consoles for whole word but after it came clear that Xbone is not just selling that much they should have been able to do easily Q1 launch.
GAFers who are having issue with this, tell me honestly what your problem is. Is it that they promised you voice commands by the time it launches in tier 2 countries? Or does it seem like they don't even care about your country at all? Were you ever planning on buying one to begin with? Please answer reasonably, not trying to stir up any drama or console warz.

When you delay the console for a year, after saying it would release at the same date as the other countries and name localization issues as the reason, I think it is not too much too expect to get more support than only the UI elements. They also have been very unclear on when the console would be delivered to Tier 2 countries and everything makes me feel like they are being very disrespectful of all the non-Tier 1 countries.

I am not pissed about there being no voice support as I would not use it, I am pissed that they delayed the console for a year, with there being barely any difference. A difference I also do not care about, so they probably could have just released everything in English and few people would mind.

And no, I am not planning on buying a Xbox One.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Yeah, they have a Kinect-less SKU with Forza 5 and FIFA 15 for € 399 and a Kinect Bundle SKU with the same game for € 499. I don't care for those games, but that is still a pretty sweet deal for most gamers out there!

Yeah. Not a Fifa man myself, but it's a pretty good bundle. After the Forza+Fifa bundles are gone, the system on it's own will be the same price, right?


So not worth it
I know it was formally tier 1. So had they launched with voice commands in Dutch you would have bought one?

Let me clarify further then, since you asked what the issue was:
1. Microsoft announces a system launch in select countries.
2. Microsoft then drops certain countries from launch mere months before people can get their hands on it, having pre-ordered "Day One" editions.
3. Microsoft says delay is definitely not due to lack of units, but simply doesn't have time to localize system, telling the consumers in -now former- tier 1 countries "you matter to us, we just want you to have the full experience of our system."
4. Microsoft fails to announce a new release date, eventually launches system 10 months later.
5. Microsoft doesn't add localization for system.

You see the issue here, right? You see how this is basically just telling the customer: "Yeah, we don't really care either."

Now you might not find that a big issue, but this is not how you build consumer loyalty. If they had just plain out said "listen, we don't have enough systems to launch everywhere, we have to drop launch in these countries" they would have saved more face than by launching now and still not adding localization. It's disrespectful to your customer, esp. the ones who were going to buy your system day one, your most devoted fans. It's a dumb move to 1. Lie about the delay reasons and 2. Still launch without the thing you weren't truthful about.


Can you speak any dialect regardless of location or system language settings and as long as Microsoft supports the language, it works. For example, if you say a command in English, then say something else in French, will Kinect acknowledge both without changing regions, settings?

Should be a standard feature of voice control on any platform or service. Not sure if Siri or Cortana, Google Now do this.


I know it was formally tier 1. So had they launched with voice commands in Dutch you would have bought one?

If you mark a product ready for release in a country for a set date, then push it back by almost a year, then when it is ready to come out its localization still has not been addressed. It seems pretty damning in some respects.
The fact that its not localized is not the problem.
Its the fact that it was delayed for "localization problems", which usually means they delayed to actually localize...


Maybe the delay was because they knew they'd be releasing a Kinect-less one by then so didn't need to waste time on language support.

That wasn't the case, because they were confident in their product and even said, that there will be no Kinecless bundle ever.


If you mark a product ready for release in a country for a set date, then push it back by almost a year, then when it is ready to come out its localization still has not been addressed. It seems pretty damning in some respects.
The fact that its not localized is not the problem.
Its the fact that it was delayed for "localization problems", which usually means they delayed to actually localize...

Maybe they realized Kinect isn't wanted by consumers, so they decided to focus their efforts on getting the UI to work without Kinect and then launch it to these countries after?
That wasn't the case, because they were confident in their product and even said, that there will be no Kinecless bundle ever.

Well yeah I remember Penello saying it would literally never happen, lol.

Was this really all just a huge potential waste of marketshare for no reason? I'm sure there were enough units shipped to Germany to go around.


Can you speak any dialect regardless of location or system language settings and as long as Microsoft supports the language, it works. For example, if you say a command in English, then say something else in French, will Kinect acknowledge both without changing regions, settings?

Should be a standard feature of voice control on any platform or service. Not sure if Siri or Cortana, Google Now do this.
From Penello, dont know if it still holds true...


Well yeah I remember Penello saying it would literally never happen, lol.

Just like they were never going to remove the DRM. Come on guys, they realized consumers weren't happy so they went back on their policies. I love how when they listen to consumers people still have issue.


Just like they were never going to remove the DRM. Come on guys, they realized consumers weren't happy so they went back on their policies. I love how when they listen to consumers people still have issue.

This was before the console even launched and nobody has a problem with that, because that's what we were asking for all the time. Statements like this are just dumb, just like the statement above, because eventually it becomes true.

Microsoft has done great things to make me happy, because now I will actually buy a Xbox One, but it's funny how they lie about these things. It wouldn't have hurt them more, if they were being honest from the beginning.


Maybe they realized Kinect isn't wanted by consumers, so they decided to focus their efforts on getting the UI to work without Kinect and then launch it to these countries after?

Sounds extremely reasonable, and I hope it is this.
Unfortunately, when Penello comes up in conversation, criticism is sure to follow shortly.
He really has not helped his cause in the past year, if we look back, even though Xbox one has been getting better and better, and constant updates.


Might as well not launch it in Holland, because most stores are still sitting on their batch of launch xbones from Germany.


How am I supposed to answer this? Initially it was delayed, because localization issues. Even CBOAT said that was BS.

So you don't know why they were delayed? How can you say they were lying then, because you mentioned how they should have just been honest to begin with.

Edit: CBOAT has also been wrong, so not the best example to use.


So you don't know why they were delayed? How can you say they were lying then, because you mentioned how they should have just been honest to begin with.

Edit: CBOAT has also been wrong, so not the best example to use.

Because Penello said so?


Well, not to defend them, but Siri has been out for like 3 years and still no dutch (or my language, swedish).
Is it possible the tier 2 delay of the console was in part so they could wait until the Kinect was unbundled, so it's be less of a liability to actually sell that device in countries that it wouldn't support?

And this was the lazy ass plan all along? Release elsewhere once the Kinect bombed?

Because if it ain't (and it probably isn't), it's a perfect excuse.

In all actuality, having dealt with localizing shit on games, and many other parts of the computer industry, it's a fucking joke they couldn't have this shit ready in time.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
I love how when they listen to consumers people still have issue.

I love how some people forgive so easily. Despite a vocal minority liking the original policies, the majority of us were offered a shit sandwich... And we were supposed to like it. We didn't. Turns out it was our fault for not wanting a shit sandwich... Apparently, we just "weren't ready for it" and we should just forgive them, because although the intent was there, they changed their plans when listened to the consumers
looked at the preorder figures

Anyway, that's a story for another thread...

Basically, people who were/are interested in the Xbox one and happen to live in the Netherlands were expecting to be able to buy an Xbox one last November. Then the release was pushed back by Microsoft, who cited localization issues as the reason for the delay. They were then labelled a "tier 2 country" and had to wait for almost a year for an official release.

Now, a few days before said official release, they finally learn that the localization work that necessitated the delay hasn't even been done. And you expect them to be happy?


So not worth it
So what is the honest truth about them delaying the launch in Netherlands?

Doesn't matter, fact is they lied about the actual reason. The honest truth can be anything, but since they lied about it, we don't know the "honest truth".

It doesn't matter since it's being lied to by a company that decreases consumer trust and not what the actual reason was.

But if you must know, it's probably due to the production issues that were rumored before the delay was announced. But again, it doesn't really matter, since they lied about it. And if they lie about this, why would we trust them to be honest about anything else they say?


I'm one of the few Dutch guys who wants an Xbox One and hasn't already imported one. I'm waiting patiently until Friday.

But I don't give a shit about Dutch voice recognition not being implemented yet. Even if I was planning to use it, I can wait a bit longer.

It's better than another delay.
We watied one year because of the lack of translation what do we get the xbox with out translation one year later.

bwhahhahahahahaha ow MS never change plz :|


So you don't know why they were delayed? How can you say they were lying then, because you mentioned how they should have just been honest to begin with.

Edit: CBOAT has also been wrong, so not the best example to use.

Sorry, but I just don't believe that it was the main reason, now that the Kinect won't support Dutch at all and I will take CBOAT's word for it. He has been wrong on some things, but he was also right on many other things.

This report is proof enough for me.
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