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Xbox Series X|S sold 155k units in the UK (full allocation)

Well that's kinda obvious

True, now that I think about it.

Sold out is sold out.

In 48 hours. These numbers for 24 hours and no more in stock. It would sold more if there were more consoles.

Switch's numbers on the other hand :messenger_tears_of_joy: Who could have thought that that beast will roar

Wow, that's an oof

  • 40k - Wii U
  • 70k - 360
  • 80k - Switch
  • 105k - Wii
  • 150k - Xbox One
  • 155k - Xbox Series X/S
  • 165k - PS3
  • 250k - PS4
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Basically the same of original Xbox One.

“The Xbox One has reached sales figures of 150,000 since launching this past Friday, with stock hard to find on the shelves.”
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True, now that I think about it.

Wow, that's an oof

  • 40k - Wii U
  • 70k - 360
  • 80k - Switch
  • 105k - Wii
  • 150k - Xbox One
  • 155k - Xbox Series X/S
  • 165k - PS3
  • 250k - PS4
It all basically depends on the stock. That's why the number of sold consoles on the launch day is irrelevant. It would be interesting to look at it after a couple of years, though at that time the probably metric would be the number of GamePass subscribers.
Or people will start calculating the profits for the corporations :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
lets wait and see how well the ps5 does. 150k is not a bad number. on par with xbox one which is very popular in the u.k.
It's a shame they've sold out to be honest. I would be interested to see what the ceiling would be if they had enough stock.

Selling out doesn't tell the full story of success.
Behind Ps3 even 😂

Damn not looking good for Xbox HW, UK is a Key market.

Did you even read the rest of the thread or just flipped on the fanboy switch and revved to the redline?

Did you read the thread? 😂

Of course not. Fanboys have an IQ of 3. 1 point for waking up. 1 point to fart out a thought. The last point to actually make the post.

Don't ask me how they breath...
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Behind Ps3 even 😂

Damn not looking good for Xbox HW, UK is a Key market.



So pretty much in line with Xbox One numbers.
Far behind PS4 numbers although there are shortages around and retail sales have been damaged by covid.
66% XSX and 33% XSS is actually a bit more than I expected towards XSS (75:25)
Now let's see if Sony can actually ship more PS5 consoles than PS4 like they promised a while ago.
Anyway it's good to have actual numbers instead of PR lines like "best launch ever".
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
The numbers are what they are since it's a bit early to claim "bad sales" on anything other than supply constraints at this point.

The unit itself is region free and it would be substantially cheaper to import one to the US rather than buy one on eBay like some are doing. So even if they did have excess stock, that stock would get immediately shifted elsewhere.


lets wait and see how well the ps5 does. 150k is not a bad number. on par with xbox one which is very popular in the u.k.

The PS5's number will be just as meaningless as this one. Both consoles have completely sold out.

It tells us about their supply chains and that's about it. We'll have to wait until next year to gauge how demand for the two differs.
If due to limited stock, it's interesting Sony had so many more consoles available for purchase. Wonder what the hangup was for MS - did they just produce far less, for whatever reason, or did they simply not allocate enough inventory for the UK?
- Wait for the new API
- Wait for e3
- Wait for?

Is this your new line of defense? Lmao

These numbers are terrible, should have been at least on par with Ps4.
I don't need a line of defense, I have both a XSX and ps5.

Comments about stock sold out is dumb.


If due to limited stock, it's interesting Sony had so many more consoles available for purchase. Wonder what the hangup was for MS - did they just produce far less, for whatever reason, or did they simply not allocate enough inventory for the UK?

I guess with launching in more countries (and COVID) they had to budget the allocation. Can’t be a coincidence that the total number sold is just over that of X1 - probably enough supplied to hit the predicted demand. Sounds like they were a bit conservative with their estimates though (based on people saying they want one but can’t get one).
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I really dont see how MS only had 150k available by that date or sony with there's. You would think they could make nearly as many of these things as they would want.
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lets wait and see how well the ps5 does. 150k is not a bad number. on par with xbox one which is very popular in the u.k.
I fully expect it to better, and if Sony plays it smart - it would provide more consoles for UK region to surpass PS4 numbers. It would be a nice advertisement. At least for console warriors.

How did PS3 manage that with it's high price in the UK? Strange...
How people able to afford new consoles, videocards during pandemic? Some people just have more money than they complain about :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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good number. wonder if they allocated just slightly more to the UK than last time so they could call it their biggest ever launch there. 5k is a small difference after all
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