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Xbox Series X|S sold 155k units in the UK (full allocation)


This is great news, and expected result as seen by the welcomed response to X/S in the run up.

A big difference compared to the bad One. So Phil team is back! On the right track! :messenger_moon: :messenger_ok:


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
I don’t know if these numbers are good or bad. Hopefully they are good as competition is good for us gamers.


I know it's one country. It sounds and feels low. Maybe that's normal but I expect a lot when they hype these consoles a lot and say they're sold out everywhere exceeding expectations etc.

why is it low? its one day lol. the world is massively effected by covid, the uk is in lockdown as we speak and they still managed to beat previous first day sales. that's quite an achievement
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Not a great launch in the UK tbh. Looking forward to getting more numbers.



For real tho, I don't really expect Xbox to outsell the PS5 in Europe, just by the sole fact that Europe (especially UK) = football = Playstation, that's how it's always have been, people played PES back in the days, nowadays it's Fifa, but it's always on Playstation consoles.

Nevertheless, the new Xboxes have been sold out anyway, so it couldn't be any better for MS.
What part of it wasn't great?
The supply of only 155k units in 2020 compared to 2013.

Consumer are better informed. Launches getting bigger and more front loaded with the move to online sales.
2020 is a huge demand spike for gaming.
Xbox launched 2 consoles.

Still only 2013 Xbox One numbers.
That's just not great.
The supply of only 155k units in 2020 compared to 2013.

Consumer are better informed. Launches getting bigger and more front loaded with the move to online sales.
2020 is a huge demand spike for gaming.
Xbox launched 2 consoles.

Still only 2013 Xbox One numbers.
That's just not great.

The numbers are more than Xbox One numbers.

They launched in 6 times more markets.

Global pandemic.

Not sure if you're trolling or not.


why is it low? its one day lol. the world is massively effected by covid, the uk is in lockdown as we speak and they still managed to beat previous first day sales. that's quite an achievement
Well, because I felt these consoles were hyped too much, and I remember them saying they'll have plenty for everyone at launch. So I thought they'd be doing great numbers this time.
The numbers are more than Xbox One numbers.

They launched in 6 times more markets.

Global pandemic.

Not sure if you're trolling or not.
No I'm not.
5k is not really more. It's the same. It's 3% more.

I'm aware of the situation going on and they didn't capitalize on it.

Xbox One launched in 13 markets.
Series X|S in over 40 markets.

Initial first batch launch allocation was from production units made between 3rd July and 22nd October. That's 16 weeks.
No I'm not.
5k is not really more. It's the same. It's 3% more.

So it's not the same. It's more.

I'm aware of the situation going on and they didn't capitalize on it.

Xbox One launched in 13 markets.
Series X|S in over 40 markets.

So they had to provide stock to the 27 extra markets, yet still provided more to the UK, during a global pandemic with countries in lockdown.

Sounds like you just don't want it to be good, to be honest.
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I know it's one country. It sounds and feels low. Maybe that's normal but I expect a lot when they hype these consoles a lot and say they're sold out everywhere exceeding expectations etc.

Except they havent sold out everywhere, Finland and Sweden have series S available, Slovakian friend says S and maybe X is available too

Link below is the biggest electronic chain in my country, and their system says "on main warehouse 100+" which means that they have hundreds/thousands of units in their main logistic center. And it above that it is available on 34 physical stores too. (which covers all our bigger towns/cities basically)

Also second biggest chain have them on many retail stores

So if anything, MS have failed with their logistics. Why send so many to places whom are known to not buy many xboxs, they could have send these to UK and sell them all :messenger_savoring:

Nintendo did same, while US/japan had switch sold out for months on launch + multiple times after, we had always plenty of them in stores and they never sold out from what I have seen and heard.

If series S would be sold out too here, that could mean that it is selling really well. Because we are playstation land after all and PS5 is sold out till 2021, yet people still rather wait than get series S.
Except they havent sold out everywhere, Finland and Sweden have series S available, Slovakian friend says S and maybe X is available too

Link below is the biggest electronic chain in my country, and their system says "on main warehouse 100+" which means that they have hundreds/thousands of units in their main logistic center. And it above that it is available on 34 physical stores too. (which covers all our bigger towns/cities basically)

Also second biggest chain have them on many retail stores

So if anything, MS have failed with their logistics. Why send so many to places whom are known to not buy many xboxs, they could have send these to UK and sell them all :messenger_savoring:

Nintendo did same, while US/japan had switch sold out for months on launch + multiple times after, we had always plenty of them in stores and they never sold out from what I have seen and heard.

If series S would be sold out too here, that could mean that it is selling really well. Because we are playstation land after all and PS5 is sold out till 2021, yet people still rather wait than get series S.

Nobody gives a shit about a few consoles being available in the most sparsely populated country in Europe. It wouldn't even add to the statistic.

The fact you're still posting this two months on in every single Xbox sales data thread is insane.
The UK is Xbox second biggest market by far.
They should've close to 200k units.
The supply situation is bad. I don't want it to be bad.


Well, because I felt these consoles were hyped too much, and I remember them saying they'll have plenty for everyone at launch. So I thought they'd be doing great numbers this time.

they have done great numbers lol remember world wide demand is huge and same with PS5, why do you think they delayed the launch of the UK by a week? prob because they didn't have enough world wide stock so they waited till they know there will be enough
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These threads are so confusing as people are claiming selling out is some sort of failure.

I guess its a failure of management not to have more to sell but the COVID situation would have had a pretty big impact.
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Kagey K

These threads are so confusing as people are claiming selling out is some sort of failure.

I guess its a failure of management not to have more to sell but the COVID situation would have had a pretty big impact.
That and we don't know the strategy of either company. Sony might have sent out every console they produced to get the biggest launch ever title, and now have to send out small batches as they are produced.

MS could have held some back to target best selling territories and also make sure there is a steady flow so as not to starve retail chains.

Alan Wake

They’ve made an amazing console, there’s absolutely no reason for it to fail, unless they can’t get their studios producing, which seems highly unlikely.

The only reason I'll see is that a lot of 360 gamers moved to PlayStation with the PS4 and they might not be moving again. I guess 2022 will be the year when all the Xbox Game Studios start showing what they're made of.


The only reason I'll see is that a lot of 360 gamers moved to PlayStation with the PS4 and they might not be moving again. I guess 2022 will be the year when all the Xbox Game Studios start showing what they're made of.
Momentum with the sports sim/gta/cod early adaptors is what needs to shift, if ms can gwt that group playing on xbox, ms can gain back ground as it will push their friends to adopt xbox over ps5
, no matter how much we want console sales to be dictated by the best exclusives, but who can get that mainstream audience playing on thier hardware, a quick look at annual sales will show you that it isn't the game that we care about that sell the best, but the regions favorite sports sim/cod/gta

Alan Wake

Momentum with the sports sim/gta/cod early adaptors is what needs to shift, if ms can gwt that group playing on xbox, ms can gain back ground as it will push their friends to adopt xbox over ps5
, no matter how much we want console sales to be dictated by the best exclusives, but who can get that mainstream audience playing on thier hardware, a quick look at annual sales will show you that it isn't the game that we care about that sell the best, but the regions favorite sports sim/cod/gta
Earlier Microsoft had Xbox Live as an advantage. Now they have Game Pass and they're clearly pushing Xbox as a Game Pass box, which they should. They better increase that install base quick, though, because it likely won't be long until Sony have a similiar offer which combined with their strong first party exclusives will be tough to match.


Don't mean to hijack the thread, just an innocent observation. Here in Poland you can buy a Series S/X without any problems and for a normal, non-inflated price. People are killing each other to get a PS5 (even the digital version) and overpaying thanks to scalpers and it's because the PS brand was always very strong. The situation is becoming quite pathological, because even the big chains are now offering only expensive PS5 bundles trying to get rid of their camera, tv pilot, controllers and games stocks. And people still buy them and try to resell the stuff they don't want (which from what I can see is starting to become problematic).
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Don't mean to hijack the thread, just an innocent observation. Here in Poland you can buy a Series S/X without any problems and for a normal, non-inflated price. People are killing each other to get a PS5 (even the digital version) and overpaying thanks to scalpers and it's because the PS brand was always very strong. The situation is becoming quite pathological, because even the big chains are now offering only expensive PS5 bundles trying to get rid of their camera, tv pilot, controllers and games stocks. And people still buy them and try to resell the stuff they don't want (which from what I can see is starting to become problematic).

I predict it may take 5 years for XBox to take hold in certain markets.
Earlier Microsoft had Xbox Live as an advantage. Now they have Game Pass and they're clearly pushing Xbox as a Game Pass box, which they should. They better increase that install base quick, though, because it likely won't be long until Sony have a similiar offer which combined with their strong first party exclusives will be tough to match.

Given Sony's consumer mindshare advantage in most regions I'd tend to agree although I think this argument does cut both ways to a degree in that MS is building steam with a massive wave of exclusive titles that should start hitting in 2022 forward.

From Sony's perspective I'd say they need to offer an equivalent service to Game Pass by that same rough time window or we could see this generation become much closer long term than most people predicted. This is essentially a race with each side needing to bring some degree of parity to what their platform offers both in terms of quality exclusive games and monthly services.

Data Ghost

I know lots of people who want a Series X and cant get one. Selling all of your inventory is great no matter how you look at it. Well except if you could have made more units you'd make more money :)


Ton of people I know who are PS Centric going for Xbox's while they wait to get a PS5 mainly due to gamepass which will pass the time, both consoles doing well though obviously PS will have the better sales when returning to normal but dont feel it will be a landslide like previous gen due to Gamepass and the changes Xbox has put in.
Earlier Microsoft had Xbox Live as an advantage. Now they have Game Pass and they're clearly pushing Xbox as a Game Pass box, which they should. They better increase that install base quick, though, because it likely won't be long until Sony have a similiar offer which combined with their strong first party exclusives will be tough to match.

But playstation fans have been saying gamepass is ****, the public don't like 'renting games'... Going digital or like being told what games to play. Why would a PlayStation equivilent be popular on that console?

Literally every week we get a thread on neogaf on why gamepass is bad for the industry. I've read comments from it will cause a crash in the industry, it will cause mobile only type games etc etc
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Alan Wake

But playstation fans have been saying gamepass is ****, the public don't like 'renting games'... Going digital or like being told what games to play. Why would a PlayStation equivilent be popular on that console?

Literally every week we get a thread on neogaf on why gamepass is bad for the industry. I've read comments from it will cause a crash in the industry, it will cause mobile only type games etc etc
I don't think we should listen to fanboys too much. as long as I can buy my games on disc, which I continue to do despite having Game Pass since 2017, I'm fine with cloud gaming and Netflix like services in gaming. Sony will go where the money is, just like they did with online for a fee.
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