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Yakuza 0. 1/24/17 Less than a month to go. Let's make a difference.


Do it like every beginner here and,jump on this train and ride it with everyone else.

With the amount of people starting the series, I think the OT will be spectacular

And I can guarantee Y0 is worth full price.

I know it's worth the price from what I've heard, but there are so many games I want to play early next year. Gravity Rush is already in the "maybe" category.
Most of you probably saw a couple of videos and gifs of the game where characters are quite literally trowing money in the air. What's up with that? What excatly happen in japan back then? Well, if your interested, here are 2 articles talking about the japanese economy between 1985 and 1990.



I think everyone will enjoy the game a bit more by having a good understanding of how life in japan was like back then.

wow, thanks for the links. a lot of stuff makes more sense now


Bought immediately. Thanks for the reminder, OP! After starting the series with 3, I have owned and beaten every other game in the series that's been localized to the West including Dead Souls. 5 was a day-one purchase. I love the Yakuza series so much. It is so charming and sweet and likable with great characters and so much to do. If you have any questions about the games, I would be happy to help out.


Warms my heart reading this thread, lots of preorders and lots of people going to give it a shot!

I won't say the complaints don't have merit, but we really come off as whiners here, especially people turning up their noses at Y5's digital release. Thankfully, somehow, 0 and 6 are getting the full localization support.

Considering that getting Y5 was pretty much a miracle, yep the complaints were crazy.

I don't think it's that expensive. They reuse a lot of the locations and character models so that budget really spreads over multiple games.

Anyways I'm in for all these games day one as long as they keep making them.

I always feel like they are very expensive games to make, considering the actors they get to play the parts, plus all the new content that they create. There's obviously a lot of recycled content in the games, but there's just so much attention to detail everywhere its incredible. This is not like The Division where they copy and paste piles of rubble everywhere you look. I walk into a shop in Yakuza and astounded at all the different items they've had to recreate.

Hats off to Nagoshi for making a Shenmue like game but reining in the budget.

I'll get this and RE7 on the same day. I'll probably sacrifice Nioh for that. That game has still a bunch of question marks around it for me anyway.

The only thing that bums me out about Yakuza Zero is the included arcade games. Not that they are bad but seeing what is included in Yakuza 6 makes it look worse. lol

I'm getting 0, Kiwami and Nioh next year and sacrificing (waiting for a lower price on) Persona 5 and Nier. :(


I did some digging around and got some Yakuza sales figures.


Note that Sega announced recently that the Yakuza series has sold 9.2m in total, so the figures are a bit out, but you can kind of get an idea how its doing in each of the regions.

The data is courtesy of ******** and Wikipedia, whichever was the most recent.

(Looks like that website is banned here!)


This has been a series I've wanted to get into for a long time.

What ever they release on the PS4 I'm there for day 1. I just hope we eventually get all the games on the same console (similar to Resident Evil).


I did some digging around and got some Yakuza sales figures.


Note that Sega announced recently that the Yakuza series has sold 9.2m in total, so the figures are a bit out, but you can kind of get an idea how its doing in each of the regions.

The data is courtesy of ******** and Wikipedia, whichever was the most recent.

(Looks like that website is banned here!)

Some of those sales are WAY off. Website is banned for a reason.
I did some digging around and got some Yakuza sales figures.


Note that Sega announced recently that the Yakuza series has sold 9.2m in total, so the figures are a bit out, but you can kind of get an idea how its doing in each of the regions.

The data is courtesy of ******** and Wikipedia, whichever was the most recent.

(Looks like that website is banned here!)
That site is not accurate in the least bit. I think the NPD data for Yakuza 4 was around 40k-60K or something. And Dead Souls in US was waaaaay lower than that. (around 20k at best)

I had the exact NPD numbers somewhere but I can't seem to find them right now.

Edit: Here:


That site is not accurate in the least bit. I think the NPD data for Yakuza 4 was around 40k-60K or something. And Dead Souls in US was waaaaay lower than that. (around 20k at best)

I had the exact NPD numbers somewhere but I can't seem to find them right now.

Yeah I recall NPD numbers similar to what you have. I'm sure PS+ added another five figures to Yakuza 4 but nothing that dramatic and it's not like they'd have access to the digital numbers.

Like I said, shocked that we're getting three PS4 titles and even got Y5. Somehow they're not losing money on these. God bless whoever at Sony and Sega made it work.


Nagoshi said that there's about 100k players in the West. I guess this mean that the most a Yakuza game has sold is 100k which is pretty horrible if you also include the PS+ downloads.

"On the series’ growing appeal among Western fans, Nagoshi said, “We get more and more comments from players overseas, and we do listen to them. In the West we have about 100,000 players, which compared to the players we have in Japan is a very small number, but we consider them to be very important fans, and we want to make games that they will enjoy.”"

Just bought both kiwami and 0 for ps4. Was waiting for a ps4 remodel or price down to buy them. Basically only buying a ps4 because of this series (have the games but not the actual ps4 yet). Gonna get 6 when it drops in price more.
Is there a pro version of this game?

Nothing's been announced but tbh, it's unlikely. The game's been out in Japan for almost 2 years now and this is just a release to a different region, not a new game so they probably won't go through the trouble of adding one. Similar situation with Kiwami.

Yakuza 6 does have a Pro version though, as well any new RGG/Yakuza games.


Some of those sales are WAY off. Website is banned for a reason.

That site is not accurate in the least bit. I think the NPD data for Yakuza 4 was around 40k-60K or something. And Dead Souls in US was waaaaay lower than that. (around 20k at best)

I had the exact NPD numbers somewhere but I can't seem to find them right now.

Edit: Here:

Yeah its a little off, but thought I'd include it as it underestimated the sales compared to Sega's official announcement of 9.2m.

I've removed it from the OP now.

But if Yakuza 4 did only 40-60k sales, that's just criminal. I don't care what type of cultural boundaries there are, that's a poor effort from Sega to get the word out for the game.

At 40k sales, that's $200k? assuming they are all full priced purchases. A localisation would cost at least $100-200k so its probably not even breaking even.


Yeah its a little off, but thought I'd include it as it underestimated the sales compared to Sega's official announcement of 9.2m.

I've removed it from the OP now.

But if Yakuza 4 did only 40-60k sales, that's just criminal. I don't care what type of cultural boundaries there are, that's a poor effort from Sega to get the word out for the game.

At 40k sales, that's $200k? assuming they are all full priced purchases. A localisation would cost at least $100-200k so its probably not even breaking even.

It's more than a little off, it's completely made up lol. You can find exact physical Japanese numbers, but everything else is a guess, and most of Yakuza's sales from outside of Japan have been coming from Asia recently which that list isn't covering at all. Just don't ever link/post VG Chartz numbers as a rule.

And yes, Yakuza does not do well in the West. It's niche as hell. It's nicher than [insert Vita game here]. Keep in mind NPD is just the US, it doesn't count EU, but combined they're looking at roughly 100k English-speaking players worldwide as the above post mentioned. Either way, I'm not sure how they're making any money, but clearly it's enough to keep giving us localizations.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
It's already 1080p60 on the base PS4, no additional enhancements on Pro due to the game releasing in Japan before the Pro existed.

Didnt know it was 60, thats even better

Cant wait for this, only three more weeks

Does anybody know if the trophies are fun go get in this game ? Or are they more grinding trophies ?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Game's 1080/60 on normal PS4 so I doubt they're gonna bother with anything on such a short notice (game was finished a long time ago), probably Kiwami and 6 will see some differences.

6 already has a Pro patch for the JP version and Kiwami came out before Pro was released, same reason 0 isn't getting one. These two games (0 and Kiwami) came long out before the Pro and there's no obligation for them to have any kind of Pro updates. 6 came out after Pro's release and had to include some kind of Pro upgrades, which they did.


People who will wait to get this game later because they're getting other games first, please consider the other games aren't going anywhere and Yakuza needs all the support it can. (With the exception of Gravity Rush 2, that's just as niche). Capcom won't stop making Resident Evil games if it sells a few less copies at launch.

I know I shouldn't be the one to talk as I too won't get the game until later, not because I'll be buying other games, but because I just can't afford any games for the next few months. And knowing I'll miss out on that sweet-looking card holder case is painful.
i didn't know that this thread existed.

Count me in everyone.
Hopefully this game will allow video sharing

Still disapointed there is no collector edition for europe that i see.


I've got Yakuza 3,4,5 - started 3 a while back but didn't get into it and dropped it for something more short term and 'immediate', which is odd for me as I'm big into most things Japanese. I have however just put 70 hours into FFXV, so Yakuza 0 is the perfect opportunity to jump back in and start afresh.

Preordered !


I know it's worth the price from what I've heard, but there are so many games I want to play early next year. Gravity Rush is already in the "maybe" category.

I know how you feel, I am just trying to do that little push into unreasonable financial behavior =D

Considering you're in the thread, you're at least very curious about it. If your wallet allow it, crack it open and come to the party (Support GR2 too. We need more of these kinds of games).
i didn't know that this thread existed.

Count me in everyone.
Hopefully this game will allow video sharing

Still disapointed there is no collector edition for europe that i see.
As stated above, John confirmed that they've lifted share restrictions in western version, which a very sweet bonus.
As stated above, John confirmed that they've lifted share restrictions in western version, which a very sweet bonus.

Really hope they do the same for 6. Having an in game phone camera in 6 is awesome, not being able to share all the pics I take though kinda makes the entire mode pointless (well, apart from capturing the ghostly apparitions of dead characters that appear round Kamuracho).
Really hope they do the same for 6. Having an in game phone camera in 6 is awesome, not being able to share all the pics I take though kinda makes the entire mode pointless (well, apart from capturing the ghostly apparitions of dead characters that appear round Kamuracho).

I certainly hope so. Them removing the restriction in Zero shows that they know we don't like it so fingers crossed that they'll do the same with Kiwami and 6.

If they didn't, we can always keep on bugging John until they remove it :p


To my eternal shame, I dropped Yakuza 5 when I started going through Saejima's hunting minigame. I'll finish it before 6 is released, I promise.


To my eternal shame, I dropped Yakuza 5 when I started going through Saejima's hunting minigame. I'll finish it before 6 is released, I promise.

I really liked that story segment to my surprise, seemed janky at first (mainly due to controls) but I really got sucked into it big time and did everything.
I loved all Seijima's stuff in 5 bar the dream sequences. I loved that psycho in the prison, the hunting and small town then hitting the city and doing stuff like the Santa Fighters side mission.


It's 1080p 60fps.

It's an older game so we are not going to get Pro mode for Zero or Kiwami, however 6 does have that. Still, it's not like you really need it as the games are 1080p, 60fps, look good, and are pretty smooth on the PS4.


I'm goong to buy all Yakuza games day one, pro patch or not. Yakuza already looked great on ps4, so I'm hyped for a ps4 game :)
still need to get around to playing Dead Souls and 5. Havent had the motivation to dig out my ps3. Ive platinumed 3 and 4, those were a nightmare to do. I heard dead souls has a trophy thats basically all luck and could take 100's of hours. Not looking forward to that


Thinking about it. No connection to the series, but still curious. Gravity Rush is already a lock-in for Day One and then, then there is February...


still need to get around to playing Dead Souls and 5. Havent had the motivation to dig out my ps3. Ive platinumed 3 and 4, those were a nightmare to do. I heard dead souls has a trophy thats basically all luck and could take 100's of hours. Not looking forward to that

Nobody should be platinuming these games Jesus

Dead Souls is an easy skip too


This game needs all the support it can get, hopefully this will push the sales of future sequels more as this is great starting point.

Was debating whether to get it day one or not due to so many awesome games out this month but have decided day one.
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