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Yes, Virginia, there IS a Tuesdayton! FE DS! MONSTER HUNTER...WII? SONIKU IN SUMABURA


* From Sega, the newest Sonic title, Outrun Wii, Afterburner Wii, House of the Dead Wii

AfterBurner Wii ??

Sega didn't release the PS2 AfterBurner II remake (2004) in the U.S. yet, nor have they announced plans for home versions of Climax.

OutRun Wii sounds sweet, though.


Thats a lot of 3rd party announcements rumoured from 2chan at a Nintendo conference..

Are 3rd parties going to be there or something?


Lobster said:
Thats a lot of 3rd party announcements rumoured from 2chan at a Nintendo conference..

Are 3rd parties going to be there or something?

i don't think so...i mean...rumor from 2ch...


Lobster said:
Thats a lot of 3rd party announcements rumoured from 2chan at a Nintendo conference..

Are 3rd parties going to be there or something?

It wouldn't be so much if they were there or not, rather that any and all NDAs regarding those products would finally be lifted, allowing the information regarding 3rd party titles to be disclosed.

But in any case...we can only wait and see. I have my own personal wish list, but again, the most that I'm expecting to see is the third Pokemon game that will basically serve as the compliment to Diamond and Pearl.


camineet said:
AfterBurner Wii ??

Sega didn't release the PS2 AfterBurner II remake (2004) in the U.S. yet, nor have they announced plans for home versions of Climax.
PSP port, this could happen


Amir0x said:

i mean i'd buy it but it'd inevitably be 3D and well... let's just go the Wii route
Do we really need Pikmin 3 on Wii if King Story looks to provide similar gameplay with a lot of charm?

The answer is yes.
Animal Crossing details is all I want to hear. Haven't heard anything about AC from a press conference since E3 2006 when they talked about WiiConnect 24


First-party-wise, Nintendo's revealed so little for 2008 for Wii or DS that I'd be happy to see even one of the following:

-Pokemon Gold/Silver remakes - But I don't expect these to be announced so reasonably soon after D/P.
-F-Zero Wii - Even if it was done by the F-Zero X team. That game was excellent too, just not as much as GX.
-Kirby platformer - What ever happened to the Wii one, anyway?
-2D Metroid - Hope. Dwindling. :(
-Fire Emblem 11 - But it probably wouldn't be announced before FE10 was out in all regions.
-2D Zelda with 2D sprites - If a game like this is never made again, I'm going to be very sad. Very. Minish Cap was so beautiful...

Not that I'm expecting any of them, though.


Getting this in the mail today made me even more excited about tonight.



Jiggy37 said:
First-party-wise, Nintendo's revealed so little for 2008 for Wii or DS that I'd be happy to see even one of the following:

-Pokemon Gold/Silver remakes - But I don't expect these to be announced so reasonably soon after D/P.

Would be cool, but I doubt we'd see this happen before the 3rd game in the "D/P" generation is released.

-Kirby platformer - What ever happened to the GC one, anyway?

Fixed. And yeah, it would be nice to know whatever happened to that game. It was going to be basically Super Star on steroids!

-2D Metroid - Hope. Dwindling. :(

Continue. To. BELIEVE. :D..... >_<

-Fire Emblem 11 - But it probably wouldn't be announced before FE10 was out in all regions.

Never stopped them before. I'd see no reason for them to NOT release another FE game, especially if this was going to be on DS, and follow on the heels of the new Advance Wars for DS.

-2D Zelda with 2D sprites - If a game like this is never made again, I'm going to be very sad. Very. Minish Cap was so beautiful...

Unfortunately, I think the new game pretty much sealed the fate of what we can expect from portable Zelda games from now on. And I would so much enjoy a stylish remake of Link's Awakening too...

But any way...y'know what would be funny? If it turned out such a game was in the style of Zelda II. I know I wouldn't complain (hell, I'd relish it), but some people act like Zelda II is the bane of their existence...

Not that I'm expecting any of them, though.

And yeah, this is probably the number one truth to embody until we see more.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
hopefully the matsuno's game rumor turns out to be true or at least some confirmation that he is working on something.

last Matsuno game I played was VS, dude needs to churn out another game.


TreIII said:
Unfortunately, I think the new game pretty much sealed the fate of what we can expect from portable Zelda games from now on. And I would so much enjoy a stylish remake of Link's Awakening too...

I know what you mean, but looking it from a different prospective than 2D/3D, i really think that the Wind Waker style is the colourfull continuation of the cartoonish tradition of Link's Awakening (and therefore Link To The Past).
I'm not excited. When is this happening?

I'm not excited. I'm just interested.

Again, I'm not excited. No interest. How long am I staying up for?

Hold on, I just realised 8am my time is Japan Time. So nothing will happen until then I'm sure. Oh well. I can sleep. Not that I was excited.


force push the doodoo rock
I think Nintendo tends to do these things around lunch time, so I wouldn't expect much for another 4 hours.


1UP just got off the phone with Nintendo of America, who confirmed there's been some confusion over the recently discovered "Wii Play 'n Learn" UPC linked to the company on Monday. Nintendo says Wii Play 'n Learn, whatever it is, is definitely not related to a new Wii hardware configuration, but the spokesperson we talked to said there may have been some confusion along the way when the UPC was originally filed.




TreIII said:
Would be cool, but I doubt we'd see this happen before the 3rd game in the "D/P" generation is released.
FR/LG preceded Emerald.

Fixed. And yeah, it would be nice to know whatever happened to that game. It was going to be basically Super Star on steroids!
I thought it was moved to Wii at some point, but otherwise yeah.

Never stopped them before.
FE sequels are announced before the next game comes out?


Haunted One said:
Do we really need Pikmin 3 on Wii if King Story looks to provide similar gameplay with a lot of charm?

The answer is yes.

you know i've followed King's Story, think it has promise and all, but it really is not much like Pikmin at all.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Fladam said:
Getting this in the mail today made me even more excited about tonight.

I got that a day after signing up for my Wiimote jackets last week and thought Nintendo had super fast shipping on those jackets until I opened it. :lol


Jiggy37 said:
FR/LG preceded Emerald.

Alright, ya got me there. Still, my point stands; I don't think we can expect to see anything on the level of a full-scale remake of G/S before Game Freak probably just bangs out that 3rd game. They've given hints that they would like to do other things like Drill Dozer in between inevitable Poke-games...

I'd gladly sacrifice the possibility of a G/S game, if it meant maybe a new platformer from them. Or...do I even dream of PulseMan...?

I thought it was moved to Wii at some point, but otherwise yeah.

Well, there was that initial announcement that had a Kirby game listed, but I don't think it was ever explicitly stated one way or the other whether it was the GC game that we haven't seen since E3 2005 or not.

Again, I hope that Nintendo didn't "Air Ride" that game. I really don't want to have to wait til like almost a decade later to finally get to play that game.

FE sequels are announced before the next game comes out?

It would pertain to the Japanese side of the equation more than anything else. The Wii game's been out since February of this year in that territory. If there was any proper time to start to give at least a hint of a new FE (especially if it was for the DS, which would probably be proper at this point), now was as good a time as any.


Today's underwhelm bar has been set, and set low, by the Totems teaser. Nintendo can't be bottom of the pile, no matter how negligible or contemptuous this is.


sp0rsk said:
Ooohh yeahhh, this is possible.
New Brawl character! New game announcement! Something something!

I am excited.

Amir0x said:
you know i've followed King's Story, think it has promise and all, but it really is not much like Pikmin at all.
Well, we don't have that much info about King Story yet, and the base building aspect definitely isn't like Pikmin... but taking/commanding all your little followers out of your base to fight big monsters/comb the surroundings for resources while the player character is trudging closely behind them certainly rings a bell.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
felipeko said:
Will Famtisu reveal something early?

I had the same thought. Maybe not for 1st party, but if any 3rd party has something.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Dragona Akehi said:
nintendo thread + nintendo fans + nintendo phantom announcements = WHY THE FLYING FUCK IS THIS THING NOT FIFTEEN PAGES YET?

Too much disappointment has hardened our hearts.
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