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Yes, Virginia, there IS a Tuesdayton! FE DS! MONSTER HUNTER...WII? SONIKU IN SUMABURA


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Dragona Akehi said:
nintendo thread + nintendo fans + nintendo phantom announcements = WHY THE FLYING FUCK IS THIS THING NOT FIFTEEN PAGES YET?
They hyped the private retailer meetings so much and disappointed them-selves 4 times this year. :lol


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Dragona Akehi said:
but it's a nintendo conference...~~~!!!
I don't think they can tell the difference, or this thread would be 15+ pages already. :lol


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
JohnTinker said:
Personally I would really like to see some more on Wii Motorsports, although now it's probably vaporware. That airplane demo looked really fun, too.

ditto. i hope we see that early next year *wishful thinking*


Didn't Matt say this conference was only about Nintendo's holiday lineup?. I think its safe to say there will be playeble versions of Brawl, BWii, Mario and some DS games. I don't expect anything else.


ksamedi said:
Didn't Matt say this conference was only about Nintendo's holiday lineup?. I think its safe to say there will be playeble versions of Brawl, BWii, Mario and some DS games. I don't expect anything else.

Matt says a lot of things.
I believe.

Tron 2.0

ksamedi said:
Didn't Matt say this conference was only about Nintendo's holiday lineup?. I think its safe to say there will be playeble versions of Brawl, BWii, Mario and some DS games. I don't expect anything else.
Is this the conference he was talking about?

I just figure that they're going to have to tell us about Quarter 1 before the holidays.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
ksamedi said:
Didn't Matt say this conference was only about Nintendo's holiday lineup?. I think its safe to say there will be playeble versions of Brawl, BWii, Mario and some DS games. I don't expect anything else.
No, that's another one by NoA (in San Francisco), this one is by NCL, we can use the same thread for both I think, the other one is on the 10th as well. Think Wii Preview + New York conference from last year.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ksamedi said:
Didn't Matt say this conference was only about Nintendo's holiday lineup?. I think its safe to say there will be playeble versions of Brawl, BWii, Mario and some DS games. I don't expect anything else.

I don't remember Matt saying what it was specifically, just that it was a Nintendo media event.


Tron 2.0 said:
Is this the conference he was talking about?

I just figure that they're going to have to tell us about Quarter 1 before the holidays.
Or maybe they just won't have anything else than Wii Fit and MK for 1st quarter :(


jj984jj said:
No, that's another one by NoA, this one is by NCL, we can use the same thread for both I think, the other one is on the 10th as well.

I thought this was a US only thing. Now I'm kind of excited, although I don't think they will be very different.


ksamedi said:
Didn't Matt say this conference was only about Nintendo's holiday lineup?. I think its safe to say there will be playeble versions of Brawl, BWii, Mario and some DS games. I don't expect anything else.

Matt thought E 4 all was a bomba, but the presence of playable Smash proves him wrong.


ksamedi said:
Well I have to admit, it is kind of a bomba. Nobody seems to care that much.

Playable Smash was only announced today though. I'm already hating everybody in the LA area. If there was one event I could go to this year, it'd be E for All. However, I can't attend any :(

Playable Smash + I believe Playable MGS4 is pretty big for something open to the public.


Isn't this just going to be exactly the same as the conference that was in June? Journos turn up and play Q4 titles. Big deal.


Were we already at 3.1U? I just did the update, don't notice any changes, there aren't any changes to the shop channel either.


Previous conferences, so you have a taste of what to expect:

2005 conf (5 Oct = year after DS launch)
- Wi-Fi connection unveiled
- Wi-Fi USB connector announced
- Animal Crossing & Mario Kart dates
- English training, Brain Age 2 announced

2006 conf (15 Feb = halfway between DS and Wii)
- DS browser / Oneseg tuner announced
- Tetris DS / NSMB dates
- Kanji dictionary, Cooking Navi, etc. announced
- Lots of third party software announced (incl. DS Musou which is still not out)

2007 conf (10 Oct = year after Wii launch)

My predictions:
- DS oneseg tuner dated
- Smash Bros / Wii fit dated
- Wii music, Mario Kart officially announced in Japan, with dates
- Third party stuff
- Mii Contest channel :/


listen to the mad man
studio810 said:
Were we already at 3.1U? I just did the update, don't notice any changes, there aren't any changes to the shop channel either.

it activated the orange port on the back of the wii


Jonnyram said:
Previous conferences, so you have a taste of what to expect:

2005 conf (5 Oct = year after DS launch)
- Wi-Fi connection unveiled
- Wi-Fi USB connector announced
- Animal Crossing & Mario Kart dates
- English training, Brain Age 2 announced

2006 conf (15 Feb = halfway between DS and Wii)
- DS browser / Oneseg tuner announced
- Tetris DS / NSMB dates
- Kanji dictionary, Cooking Navi, etc. announced
- Lots of third party software announced (incl. DS Musou which is still not out)

2007 conf (10 Oct = year after Wii launch)

My predictions:
- DS oneseg tuner dated
- Smash Bros / Wii fit dated
- Wii music, Mario Kart officially announced in Japan, with dates
- Third party stuff
- Mii Contest channel :/

You're not at this one right? =(


I'm really hoping Nintendo announces an overhaul to the way downloaded games are organized. A solution to this is long overdue.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I just realized that ASH came out Oct 4th, the day before it would've been 2 years since it was announced. :lol

In that sense, I do prefer Nintendo's new method of keeping games under wraps until a few months before release. :lol


force push the doodoo rock
Remember folks, channels don't automatically appear in your Wii, you have to download them from the shop.


sp0rsk said:
Remember folks, channels don't automatically appear in your Wii, you have to download them from the shop.
Yeah but there's nothing in the shop! Panic in the streets!
.....refreshes shop channel constantly
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