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Zoë Quinn writes on games industry's reaction to harassment "Risky Business"

To be clear this is a reference to the issues she had to put with around 2007 with a persistent reduction of her to the 'hot dev' or 'she knows nothing and is being pushed because PC' BS (http://www.feministe.us/blog/archives/2007/11/19/the-trouble-with-jade/). I used this as an example to make clear that gender based harassment is neither new nor restricted to indie devs who create games w/TWINE.

Also I'm an idiot it's Jade Raymond.

I'll never forget this one thread on here about some Asscreed game with an interview with Jade Raymond

I think the first reponse was something along the lines of

"I'd love to giver her some nice anal"


I work in the industry and I can honestly say that nobody I've met has expressed any concern at the possibility of harassment by GG, and we have a huge amount of interest in our intern scheme. Applications were up this year, and the male/female split is closer than ever.

I'm not saying what you are alluding to doesn't happen, because it clearly does, but it is overblown.

Oh GG doesn't have a problem with anyone who keeps their mouths shut about anything that even remotely smacks of 'SJW'


I am confused. Where was it proven that Eron made up all that stuff he wrote? Because that moves the whole fiasco way past the point of absurdity.

Google was not much help, but I am on the phone right now anyway.
Even if was true does it matter? The issue is how women are treated in the industry and community, not who sleeps with who. And even if their had been reviews or favors bought that is on those who gave favors for the sex, not her in my opinon( though it's all bullshit anyway.) all businesses try to find ways to butter p reviewers, it's on reviewers to stay honest. That's where all the idiocy comes from. If any of it had been true the condemnation should have been on the games media not Zoe Quinn. But that would be impossible for a group that's true intent is misogyny.

Besides, even if all true he's the scumbag for airing his dirty laundry, not some kind of hero. Funny how he only had an issue when he could not have her anymore, funny how that works.
She developed a game called Depression Quest witch looks like a school project .. and now she talk about the industry like she is a real video game developer .. can someone tell me did Amy Hennig say anything like this about games industry

You know what's the worst part of posts like these? People don't even attempt to google the shit they say. You're banned now, but this is for posterity:

In addition to her own game development projects, Quinn is also known for creating the Game Developer Help List, designed to bring experienced game developers and novice developers into contact with one another. In 2014, Quinn was to be part of the cancelled YouTube reality television show codenamed "Game_Jam", which was intended to bring together a number of prominent indie game developers. She has additionally worked on Fez, Jazzpunk, They Bleed Pixels and several jam games.

Quinn has joined Loveshack Entertainment as narrative designer for the upcoming iOS game Framed. Quinn is also working on a full motion video game starring Greg Sestero.

Baseless comments wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't for the way these have affected people like Quinn and Sarkeesian directly. If you don't like her opinions, people, you are free to ignore these personalities (and their plights), but don't fucking double down on the campaign that has both invaded and destroyed her personal life.

There's a lot of other threads people, go be tired about this somewhere else.


You know what's the worst part of posts like these? People don't even attempt to google the shit they say. You're banned now, but this is for posterity:

Fanatics are proud of their ignorance, look at anti-vaxxers, ISIS, Westboro Baptists, gators, etc etc.


What the fuck does this mean?

I think he means that people usually get target for having a very vaguely Feminist view not matter how small or innocuous. Bioware developers (multiple ones) got harassed on Twitter because they said nice things about Anita Sarkissian.

People get left alone unless they stick their neck out a small inch. They have harassed over the smallest thing or the midlest joke.

I'm often times afraid to speak my mind for fear of the wrong person seeing my post. I just takes one person to send hurtful shit your way.
I think he means that people usually get target for having a very vaguely Feminist view not matter how small or innocuous. Bioware developers (multiple ones) got harassed on Twitter because they said nice things about Anita Sarkissian.

People get left alone unless they stick their neck out a small inch. They have harassed over the smallest thing or the midlest joke.

Basically. Gamergate hasn't found any worthwhile developers in their corner so they count the silent majority as signs of their support. Many of them like to believe that their silence is caused out of fear of the 'feminist machine'.
What the fuck does this mean?

Gamergate's targets are largely political in nature, mostly women talking about feminism or other social issues.

This is one reason people like Anita are so hated by GG despite her not being a journalist at all.

"SJW" or Social Justice Warrior is a fairly silly insult anti-feminists et ilk use to describe anyone they find "too outspoken" about social issues.
It's 8chan these days. 4chan was too 'authoritative' for GamerGate, so they went on a mass exodus to their libertarian haven. Let's just think about that for a second -- 4chan didn't even want them.

when there's no more room in 4chan, the gators shall shamble angrily to 8chan


L Thammy

It's 8chan these days. 4chan was too 'authoritative' for GamerGate, so they went on a mass exodus to their libertarian haven. Let's just think about that for a second -- 4chan didn't even want them.

If I recall, 4chan's owner clamped down on them, and they're still extremely bitter about it. Naturally, a lot of their insults against him are about how he's being cuckolded by his girlfriend. Which, from what I can tell, is because he listens to what his girlfriend says sometimes. Imagine that, actually communicating with a woman. What a pussy.

Then they did that image of their sockpuppet anime girl mascot leading their exodus, which is kind of hilarious since one of her only stated personality traits is that she's apolitical.
If I recall, 4chan's owner clamped down on them, and they're still extremely bitter about it. Naturally, a lot of their insults against him are about how he's being cuckolded by his girlfriend.

Gamergate discussion was banned because of the doxxing and calls for harrasment (known as /i/nvasions or raids in the 4chan community). The whole cuckolded thing seems to be completely fabricated out of nothing as far as I can tell.

L Thammy

Coincidentally, is Encyclopedia Dramatica another gator site now? I wanted to look over some of the facts, and there's this huge blatantly pro-Gamergate article about this titled "Moot sells out" or something like that.

I did find an image, but it didn't actually have anything related to cuckoldry, just people declaring Moot to be owned because his girlfriend wrote a college thesis on him. (What?)

And yet, it's going strong as of today.

At least they're consistent about believing the things they've obviously made up.
It's 8chan these days. 4chan was too 'authoritative' for GamerGate, so they went on a mass exodus to their libertarian haven. Let's just think about that for a second -- 4chan didn't even want them.

lol, when 4chan has enough of you it might be time to rethink some things.

Coincidentally, is Encyclopedia Dramatica another gator site now? I wanted to look over some of the facts, and there's this huge blatantly pro-Gamergate article about this titled "Moot sells out" or something like that.

I did find an image, but it didn't actually have anything related to cuckoldry, just people declaring Moot to be owned because his girlfriend wrote a college thesis on him. (What?)

ED has always been like that, simply extreme to be extreme.


Coincidentally, is Encyclopedia Dramatica another gator site now? I wanted to look over some of the facts, and there's this huge blatantly pro-Gamergate article about this titled "Moot sells out" or something like that.

Yes, it is. You're better off avoiding Dramatica - they went all in with GumbyGators a long time ago.
The Moot cuckolded thing seems to come from:


Where they assume, from a single tweet, he was being manipulated by someone from Gawker.


And we're all kinds of off-topic. Seems this thread has ran out of coal. So some final thoughts from myself (unless something fresh is added to the discussion soon):

The industry is too cowardly to take a stance against a group like Gamergate. It's a sad state of affairs, but profits rule their decisions. Unfortunately this will prevent brave people who speak out against harassment from finding employment in major publishers/studios/etc. This is why I personally value indie developers who seems to maintain more integrity, love for video games, and perhaps most important, the respect for those who play them. This isn't true for all indies, mind you, but a more significant portion than the AAA studios. I hope someday the vitriol in this medium will disperse, but I don't see it happening any time soon, and there's been so much damage caused by it already that it'll remain bittersweet when (if) it does all end.


I don't doubt this, but I am kind of amazed that someone can get cuckoldry out of this. Do gators even know what that word means?

It's the only way they know to categorize human interaction. Could your actions be construed as doing something on behalf of somebody else? LMAO U GOT CUCKED


Literally the only times I ever hear anything about GG these days is when it is mentioned on GAF, and most times it is by somebody who has scoured the darkest reaches of 4Chan just to keep up to speed on what garbage a bunch of loveless-man-children are spouting to each other.

This isn't really the case at all from what I've seen. The Gator vocal minority take over discussion on basically every large game forum that isn't heavily moderated and aware of it's tactics, and it's not just obscure ass-end places but also stuff like the Steam forums and Reddit (admittedly GG is just one of Reddit's problems as far as reactionaries go).

Hell, a couple of weeks ago I did a search for the main character's voice actor in Dying Light (my brother thought it was Nolan North but it turns out it isn't) and one of the first results was a Steam forum thread of someone saying character customisation or choice would be nice, that turned into an anti-feminist circle jerk (and was also full of GG dogwhistles like "SJWs") within one post, with some eventual Anita-hate too.
I haven't followed this story closely, but it does reinforce my belief that in general many men in the game industry have not developed as much emotional maturity as men outside. It just takes so much time to become a good dev that there hasn't been time to nurture human relationships outside work. Look at the way women are often portrayed in games. it's pretty rampant, but at least there are some studios that are OK.

L Thammy

This isn't really the case at all from what I've seen. The Gator vocal minority take over discussion on basically every large game forum that isn't heavily moderated and aware of it's tactics, and it's not just obscure ass-end places but also stuff like the Steam forums and Reddit (admittedly GG is just one of Reddit's problems as far as reactionaries go).

Hell, a couple of weeks ago I did a search for the main character's voice actor in Dying Light (my brother thought it was Nolan North but it turns out it isn't) and one of the first results was a Steam forum thread of someone saying character customisation or choice would be nice, that turned into an anti-feminist circle jerk (and was also full of GG dogwhistles like "SJWs") within one post, with some eventual Anita-hate too.

The thing is that Gamergate is largely the products of sentiments that have nothing to do with gaming at all. The way that gators talk about their SJW conspiracy is very similar to accusations of liberal media bias. An idea that I've seen flying around in the old GG thread is that Gamergate is - at least in part - formed from a desire by conservatives to have their own gaming media outlets. I think there's a lot of truth in that.

So before Gamergate even started, you still had a lot of angry conservatives on every gaming board. They just hadn't gathered together and helped to radicalize each other yet.


Just out of curiosity, are we not allowed to dislike the woman of gamergate ? It seems like here on gaf you're either with them or you're banned. I mean, I dont support the harassment these women are receiving, but outside of that I really dont want to support them and what they are trying to set out to achieve in trying to change how the industry portrays woman in videogames, granted the harassment in the workplace is something I dont agree with.


Just out of curiosity, are we not allowed to dislike the woman of gamergate ? It seems like here on gaf you're either with them or you're banned. I mean, I dont support the harassment these women are receiving, but outside of that I really dont want to support them and what they are trying to set out to achieve in trying to change how the industry portrays woman in videogames, granted the harassment in the workplace is something I dont agree with.

Why go out of your way to say you don't like someone? If you don't like something, just ignore it and walk away. If everybody on this site had to go into every topic about something they didn't like to let everyone know how they felt... well, you'd wind up with 4chan I guess.


This isn't really the case at all from what I've seen. The Gator vocal minority take over discussion on basically every large game forum that isn't heavily moderated and aware of it's tactics, and it's not just obscure ass-end places but also stuff like the Steam forums and Reddit (admittedly GG is just one of Reddit's problems as far as reactionaries go).

The biggest Steam curator, TotalBiscuit, is also a GGer.


Just out of curiosity, are we not allowed to dislike the woman of gamergate ? It seems like here on gaf you're either with them or you're banned. I mean, I dont support the harassment these women are receiving, but outside of that I really dont want to support them and what they are trying to set out to achieve in trying to change how the industry portrays woman in vvideogames, granted the harassment in the workplace is something I dont agree with.

Why do you feel a need to dislike a victim of extreme harrassment on a personal level and not just disagree with her? Disagreement is always welcome, disliking on a personal level makes you look wrong, very wrong.
Just out of curiosity, are we not allowed to dislike the woman of gamergate ? It seems like here on gaf you're either with them or you're banned. I mean, I dont support the harassment these women are receiving, but outside of that I really dont want to support them and what they are trying to set out to achieve in trying to change how the industry portrays woman in videogames, granted the harassment in the workplace is something I dont agree with.

God bless you for being brave enough to ask the hard questions. I will ask one back to you. Why don't you want change in how the industry portrays women in videogames?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Just out of curiosity, are we not allowed to dislike the woman of gamergate ? It seems like here on gaf you're either with them or you're banned. I mean, I dont support the harassment these women are receiving, but outside of that I really dont want to support them and what they are trying to set out to achieve in trying to change how the industry portrays woman in videogames, granted the harassment in the workplace is something I dont agree with.

a quick hypothetical: you eventually have daughter, and as a kid she takes an interest in video games.

would you prefer her to see a more positive representation of girls in the games she plays or a more negative representation?

if negative, why?


This isn't really the case at all from what I've seen. The Gator vocal minority take over discussion on basically every large game forum that isn't heavily moderated and aware of it's tactics, and it's not just obscure ass-end places but also stuff like the Steam forums and Reddit (admittedly GG is just one of Reddit's problems as far as reactionaries go).

Hell, a couple of weeks ago I did a search for the main character's voice actor in Dying Light (my brother thought it was Nolan North but it turns out it isn't) and one of the first results was a Steam forum thread of someone saying character customisation or choice would be nice, that turned into an anti-feminist circle jerk (and was also full of GG dogwhistles like "SJWs") within one post, with some eventual Anita-hate too.

This has been my experience as well. On a large game dev forum I'd rather not mention by name, students, experienced devs, and hobbyists talk about game art/tech and also post their work. Once in a while you'll get a GG related post, or a random jab at Anita, along with several replies in agreement. The GG stuff is the usual "ethics in journalism" nonsense. The misinformation about GG is in full effect. It's disappointing because some of the replies are from devs instead of just random hobbyists who aren't in the industry.


The biggest Steam curator, TotalBiscuit, is also a GGer.

I'd classify him as more of an opportunist who espouses some GGish views and is happy to accept any attention they give him. It is funny, however, to watch the gators get upset and turn on him on the occasions when he's being more reasonable.


Even if was true does it matter? The issue is how women are treated in the industry and community, not who sleeps with who. And even if their had been reviews or favors bought that is on those who gave favors for the sex, not her in my opinon( though it's all bullshit anyway.) all businesses try to find ways to butter p reviewers, it's on reviewers to stay honest. That's where all the idiocy comes from. If any of it had been true the condemnation should have been on the games media not Zoe Quinn. But that would be impossible for a group that's true intent is misogyny.
Like most members of this community I look highly unfavorably towards emotional abuse, especially over lengthy periods in personal relationships. So it matters to me on a personal level, and how I perceive Zoe Quinn as an individual. It also helps me better understand why his ex did what he did, if he was indeed treated the way he described it (and my poor memory remembers it).

And no, it does not make any of it right, but rather shows that there are no innocent parties when it concerns the relationship between those two.
Besides, even if all true he's the scumbag for airing his dirty laundry, not some kind of hero. Funny how he only had an issue when he could not have her anymore, funny how that works.
This is exactly what irks me -- he is the "scumbag," the "psycho ex," etc. according to people in this thread, but her behavior is not even being touched upon when this is being mentioned. It's exactly this sort of mob mentality of black-and-white character assassinations that started this shitstorm in the first place. And makes it for people like me, who tend to obsess over empathy and equality on every level, so difficult to take a stand for what is right.

But yes, you are wholly correct in saying that this issue has moved far beyond the original incident and it bears little meaning now. The gamergate movement as a whole is probably the single worst blemish on gamer culture as a whole. The sooner it ends, the better.


Just out of curiosity, are we not allowed to dislike the woman of gamergate ? It seems like here on gaf you're either with them or you're banned. I mean, I dont support the harassment these women are receiving, but outside of that I really dont want to support them and what they are trying to set out to achieve in trying to change how the industry portrays woman in videogames, granted the harassment in the workplace is something I dont agree with.

I know you're just asking questions, but on good faith, it's absolutely okay. Plenty argue over the Women versus Tropes videos, and others due constructively based on the merits or fault of the work they're involved in. Dislike them all you want, make personal insults or insinuations against them however is bad. Don't do that.
I'm sorry, but it's hard to sympathize with a guy who airs his dirty laundry with the hope of recruiting an Internet army to harass his ex.

Her behavior is a private matter, not something to run to the mob and cry about.

And frankly, it's all he said she said anyways. The rest of us shouldn't care a bit about it, let alone start and endless harassment campaign about it.


Like most members of this community I look highly unfavorably towards emotional abuse, especially over lengthy periods in personal relationships. So it matters to me on a personal level, and how I perceive Zoe Quinn as an individual. It also helps me better understand why his ex did what he did, if he was indeed treated the way he described it (and my poor memory remembers it).

And no, it does not make any of it right, but rather shows that there are no innocent parties when it concerns the relationship between those two.

This is exactly what irks me -- he is the "scumbag," the "psycho ex," etc. according to people in this thread, but her behavior is not even being touched upon when this is being mentioned. It's exactly this sort of mob mentality of black-and-white character assassinations that started this shitstorm in the first place. And makes it for people like me, who tend to obsess over empathy and equality on every level, so difficult to take a stand for what is right.

But yes, you are wholly correct in saying that this issue has moved far beyond the original incident and it bears little meaning now. The gamergate movement as a whole is probably the single worst blemish on gamer culture as a whole. The sooner it ends, the better.
is hard to understand?
You don't know them personally?
If you don't, how do you know that he isn't full of shit spewing bile to make her look like worst scum of the Earth.
Why should you care? Why should anyone care?
Even if everything in the Zoe post is true, what then?

If you do know them, why the hell didn't you help them in private instead of letting the world deal with this?


And no, it does not make any of it right, but rather shows that there are no innocent parties when it concerns the relationship between those two.

And their past relationship is none of our business, nor is your or my judgment of their personal lives required.


This is exactly what irks me -- he is the "scumbag," the "psycho ex," etc. according to people in this thread, but her behavior is not even being touched upon when this is being mentioned. It's exactly this sort of mob mentality of black-and-white character assassinations that started this shitstorm in the first place. And makes it for people like me, who tend to obsess over empathy and equality on every level, so difficult to take a stand for what is right.

Her behavior isn't touched on because she's not the one who put it on a public forum and riled up people just waiting to grab pitchforks - he did. A developer's sex life isn't the public's business. Nobody's sex life is anybody else's business except the other party/parties directly participating in it. That's the difference and the reason why her "behavior" isn't touched on by anybody with any sense at all.


And no, it does not make any of it right, but rather shows that there are no innocent parties when it concerns the relationship between those two.

This reeks of "yeah, he hit her, but maybe she kind of deserved it."

Or, "yeah, she was raped, but she was wearing slutty clothes."

The conversation can't go there. It can't.


Her behavior isn't touched on because she's not the one who put it on a public forum and riled up people just waiting to grab pitchforks - he did. A developer's sex life isn't the public's business. Nobody's sex life is anybody else's business except the other party/parties directly participating in it. That's the difference and the reason why her "behavior" isn't touched on by anybody with any sense at all.

I think the only person who's sex life can be touched in public would be porn actor and even then...
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