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Zombi - Pure Survival Horror is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC [ZombiU Port]


I disagree entirely. The gamepad functions were nice but they can be easily replicated by creating an inventory system that doesn't pause the game. I enjoyed this game but the gamepad wasn't a major contributor to that.

ehhh I don't know about that, ill be on PC with this one so the fact that i'll be able to play with a smooth framrate(100+) already makes it a more "proper" experience than the Wii U ever will be. :p

That's not going to be replicated in any way at all. The stress and tension was mostly created when you're in the position where your gaming focus has to be on the GamePad to sort out your inventory or pick locks or enter numbers in a keypad but you also need to keep your eye on the telly to watch out for zombies. You were constantly looking up and down from one screen to the other.

Just having an inventory on the telly isn't going to be the same at all, nor is having the telly screen being split into two parts, one half with the inventory and one half with your surrounding area - because both parts are viewable at the same time.

It was having to switch your attention from one screen to the other that creates the stress and tension. It's a fundamental part of the game that can't even be recreated with Smartglass or a Vita because any sort of lag would make it as useful as a chocolate teapot.


I think people oversell the "looking away" stuff. As the below poster put it, 90 percent of the time I was using the gamepad gimmicks it was in situations where I had cleared an area or moved to somewhere I knew I'd be safe.

If I didn't have the game, you'd be swaying me into a purchase.

The reality was you'd organize your stuff in safe areas that were already cleared.
You'd scan often while in a safe area to detect anything up ahead.
Looking down to pick stuff up is in a billion other games.
You made it sound exciting though.


A good game but it suffered in some areas. It's fairly short and you can tell it was rushed for launch day. A fully developed sequel with more time in the oven could be a really fantastic game. Hopefully this sells well enough for a sequel to be greenlit.


I think people oversell the "looking away" stuff. As the below poster put it, 90 percent of the time I was using the gamepad gimmicks it was in situations where I had cleared an area or moved to somewhere I knew I'd be safe.

But there were also door key code areas, and dumpster diving, where you would get ambushed. Not a lot but they were there.

Heh, thats actually my review from the Wii U version few years back. Pretty funny to see it back in the North-American version of the announcement trailer :)

I still stand by the 9/10 by the way. One of the best Wii U games available, although a big part of the fun was the use of the GamePad.
Heh, thats actually my review from the Wii U version few years back. Pretty funny to see it back in the North-American version of the announcement trailer :)

I still stand by the 9/10 by the way. One of the best Wii U games available, although a big part of the fun was the use of the GamePad.

Definitely worth that score.
This port being 1080/60 is awesome news.


Will wait for impressions on the gamepad less gameplay. If its good and $20 or less ill pick it up. Has to be cheap though because zombieu can be found for $15-20 easily.
While it had a few creases that needed ironing out, I found ZombiU to be one of the more enjoyable and memorable games that I've played in the last few years. If they iron out those creases and solve the lack of gamepad issue then (old skool) survival horror fans are in for a treat and I'm glad more people will get to experience and enjoy this great title!


I probably won't double dip... might reconsider PC version if there's no uPlay bullshit. And if there's enough new stuff in the game. More melee weapons is definitely not "enough".

And I still need to progress beyond the Buckingham palace in the original game. Got distracted.


Gamecube - Eternal Darkness, ReMake, Re0, Resident Evil 4 as well as (IIRC) Vode Veronica and 2+3
Wii - Re4, Umbrella Chronicles, Project Zero, Silent Hill, House of the Dead games

I don't think Nintendo consoles particularly suffered a shortage of horror games more than any other console?

REmake and Zero didn't sell that well, just like ZombiU, as the fanbase was elsewhere. RE4 and CV were also on the PS2 (and PS3), on top of Silent Hill 2-4, Project Zero 1-3, and Siren 1-2. Some of the SH and PZ titles were on the XB as well. As for last gen, The Last of Us, Dead Space series, Siren: Blood Curse, and Dead Island were not on the Wii. So, in that context the Nintendo platforms have never been the best choice for horror fans. Last gen was pretty poor on all platforms for the fans of the genre though. This gen has been amazing turnaround in that regard.


Played it on the Wii U and it was great. Might double dip on PC.

Can't wait for more people to experience
the nursery.


Interesting that its coming to PC, might take a look if its cheap. Still prefer the Wii U version purely for its control scheme.


If you haven't played this already - get it. Such a great game, although as suggested, the GamePad really added an element of suspense.
Oh my god


Heh, thats actually my review from the Wii U version few years back. Pretty funny to see it back in the North-American version of the announcement trailer :)

I still stand by the 9/10 by the way. One of the best Wii U games available, although a big part of the fun was the use of the GamePad.
I thought most of the fun was the fact that it's basically a first person shooter roguelike with zombies.

I don't understand the appeal of holding a tablet in my hand while playing a game just so I can access my inventory without pressing another button beforehand.


Gold Member
One of the best Wii U games available, although a big part of the fun was the use of the GamePad.

That's the problem. Judging by the trailer, not a lot was done to remaster this game and it looks like an attempt to use existing assets to grab some extra cash. No problem with doing that, of course, but I question whether it will be worth more than $10 or so without the gamepad stuff.
Wonder how they'll replace the game pad mechanic? Searching through your inventory on the pad with stuff going on in your main screen was freaky as hell!

Great game. You'd be insane not to try it


One of the most tense and effective horror games out there. Hard to tell how this will work without the gamepad but it's cool that other people will get to experience it now.


Wonder how they'll replace the game pad mechanic? Searching through your inventory on the pad with stuff going on in your main screen was freaky as hell!

They've probably (imo) made it so it's still in real time but on an Options screen taking your view from the action.

So pumped to see what they've done to justify a port. If Any, differences.
I honestly think the WiiU will still be superior... Just because, of the WiiU pad.

Can't wait. Will Buy.
To this day it's still one of only 2 third party games I've bothered buying for Wii U, and for good reason. It's an amazing horror game that really nailed the dreary, hopeless atmosphere of a post-apocalyptic zombie world. And I'm happy that more will get to experience it now.

I'm definitely double-dipping on the PC version eventually.


I'll have to see how this works without the gamepad. That said, I'm sure the game hasn't aged very well either graphically. Not by today's standards anyway, I'm curious to see what Ubisoft does, if anything to it.


Playing ZombiU without a gamepad is like playing a really bad Resident Evil game, as it bypasses the mechanics of the game.

What makes this game good is having to use your gamepad as a backpack or a scanner. You constantly need to look down (i.e: away from your screen) to grab things while not knowing if you're going to be attacked, or, to analyse things.If you can just do this via a quick menu, its just not the same thing, the immersion isn't there.

Also, it took them 3 years to release this, seeing as there is no gamepad gameplay how about improving the game and not just releasing this as an quick/easy money grab?
I can't really see this do well in the stiff competition today.

Which is why it's a download only game. It will be a niche game that will ride on the Wii U versions cult word of mouth, which will hopefully be enough to get some influence YouTube or bloggers to look at it, and give the game a second chance at getting some attention.

This isn't positioned to be a big AAA thing, it will be a niche product and expectations (and marketing effort) is adjusted accordingly.

Kydd BlaZe

Tried this a while back on the Wii U, but I just couldn't stand playing anything with that fucking tablet/pad. Eventually sold my Wii U, so I'm looking forward to giving this another shot on one of these other three platforms.
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