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Zombi - Pure Survival Horror is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC [ZombiU Port]


Good, more people should play this awesome game.

The gamepad features are really good in the Wii U version though... It's fun to use the motion controls to aim your light.


hide your water-based mammals
Probably won't ever buy this but the marker is there more on those 2 platforms.

And PC, well, I might care more but only at the right price.


Looks like a game I would like, and surprised it is releasing so soon; with only rumours that it will be released on other platforms.
I'm glad that other people get to play this game now.
Still I hope that, if sales are good enough to warrant a sequel, that this sequel will also be on Wii U.

I would be dissapointed if it wasn't there.


They are very different. I liked both, but i liked more ZombiU, the survivor feel is really good. Dying Light is a more fast pacing game.

Dying Light on the newly-added Hard mode is not that fast paced. You have to be careful as hell. Whenever it's fast it's only because you're running like hell.

How does ZombiU compare to Dying Light?

Finally picked up Dying Light and it's so good.

Another tense, open-world, melee-focused zombie game is right up my alley

They seem like opposite sides of the same coin to me.

Both are fairly realistic and focused on zombies, obviously. But ZombiU has very detailed resource and item management, a very slow/careful pace, little/no crafting, and permadeath. Die, and you get kicked back to your last bed, and the person you were playing becomes a zombie wandering where you died, with all your gear. It's also quite linear, with small hubs and tight, complicated areas leading through London, a little like Demon's Souls or Bloodborne.

Dying Light is obviously a far more broad, expansive game with more focus on action and movement, with less on hardcore survival. Although Dying Light on Hard more is quite close to ZombiU.

I've only played TLOU of all that but from what I remember of TLOU, you still could see what was going on with the UI. It didn't block your whole screen.

I suppose I don't know what the UI of Zombi so maybe that addresses that (like if it is like TLOU where it doesn't block the whole screen). But if it is like a lot of games where it opens up a seperate menu where you can't see what is going on, I would definitely consider that frustrating not to be able to see at all or even try to keep an eye on what was going on. Where as the idea that I could look down at my smartphone to see an inventory list but can try to keep an eye on what's going on by either watching out of the corner of my eye or quickly looking up interests me.

In real life you can't look into your back pack, root around for items, and craft complicated objects while seeing all around you. I don't think this is a very valid complaint (if that is your complaint). Dying Light on Hard mode doesn't pause time whenever you go into your inventory, and it definitely pushes you to be careful and aware of your surroundings whenever you're going to do things. When a zombie grabs you as you thought you were safe and just about to craft a medkit... It's such a great moment.


How's about a patch for us Wii U owners & players with all the new gameplay content?? Hmmm?

That would be nice (I own the Wii U version myself), but the main reason to do this port would be to get more money out of those assets and open the IP up to a larger audience with less development effort than a new game. Why would they spend money patching that content back into the Wii U version when they already have your money?
ZombiU is second only to Splatoon as the best new IP of this generation. I can't say enough good things about it. It's one of the best survival horror games ever and probably he most misunderstood game of the past decade.

It'll be interesting to see how the game works without the game pad, but I am ecstatic that more people will get a chance to play the game. I just hope Ubisoft doesn't water down the game in response to the misplaced criticism it received for its difficulty.


Great game but sucks to see the visuals are so poor, mostly character models. Could have touched them up at least a little. I'll miss the inventory management, hope there is smart glass support for that or at least a decent substitute.

Oh and I really REALLY hope they fix the bugs in the first game, the most annoying one being that weapons were randomly placed after death but sometimes unobtainable or just not where they were flagged to be.


Wow, I had no idea this was even a possibility.

The only problem is that Dying Light on Hard mode is giving me more than my fill of FPS zombie horror tension. Dying Light Hard is a real survival experience in lots of ways, where I'm up to.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The one melee weapon shit was one of my biggest gripes with the original version.


Never played the original, but:

-No multiplayer
-No major graphical improvements
-Only 2 new weapons
-No replication of the 2nd screen (Isn't Ubisoft adding mobile features in all its new games?)

does not sound enticing.

Plus, we are talking about Ubisoft integration too.
So, in my case, it will all depend on the price. $20 for an aged title would be reasonable.

IF they ever release a sequel, they really should focus on adding more seamless Multiplayer features. This kind of game would be perfect for it.


Never played the original, but:

-No multiplayer
-No major graphical improvements
-Only 2 new weapons
-No replication of the 2nd screen (Isn't Ubisoft adding mobile features in all its new games?)

does not sound enticing.

Plus, we are talking about Ubisoft integration too.
So, in my case, it will all depend on the price. $20 for an aged title would be reasonable.

IF they ever release a sequel, they really should focus on adding more seamless Multiplayer features. This kind of game would be perfect for it.

Honestly. To hell with the Wii U gamepad argument. I love the game on Wii U. That's the game that I got the system for. The gamepad however does nothing for the game. The gamepad is not what makes the game great. It only a slight increase in terms of tension. Tension that is easily reproduced by replacing the gamepad with an inventory/map overlay on the main screen. Problem solved. I've always wished I could use the Pro Controller on Wii U instead since A) The battery life in the gamepad sucks. B) It's not that comfortable.

Getting this great survival horror game for PC with the addition of a high resolution and possibly a much higher framerate is great news. A shame that they didn't increase the detail in terms of textures and whatnot, but this could be the one true possibility of getting a sequel. Also. Multiplayer in the original got boring after 10 minutes. Not something I will miss. Hopefully if this sells well we'll get a sequel with a revamped multiplayer component. =)


On PC.


Fucking this. SUPER HYPED!


is easily reproduced by replacing the gamepad with an inventory/map overlay on the main screen. Problem solved.

I feel this way about almost every use of the Gamepad screen (aside from off-tv play). Way too often it's used to put HUD elements, or maps, or inventories out of the way and easily accessible. In practice, it's really cumbersome because you have to look away from the TV. Almost always would be better served with a button that overlays the map or whatever onto the TV screen.


Y'all better damn well enjoy this game. But not so much where a sequel is developed and Wii U is left in the dust again.

I wanted my zombie Bono, dammit...
Tension that is easily reproduced by replacing the gamepad with an inventory/map overlay on the main screen. Problem solved.

Disagree. The whole point of the GamePad was to act as your virtual knapsack/backpack that exists in an entirely separate space. So you're looking down to rearrange your inventory in your "backpack" in real time, all while you can still look up at the TV screen to check what's going on around you. It's quite fitting.

It's not just your backpack either, but other attention-dividing things in the game like keypads and so on. The designers wanted your attention to be divided between two *places* at once, obscuring the screen does none of this and is a compromise. Your other issues with the GamePad sound like personal problems (weight, battery life etc) to me, not anything that would affect ZombiU from a game design standpoint.


Meh could care less about a barebone port that misses the whole point of the game to begin with.
With a minimap on the screen showing your surrounding at every moment it diffuse the tension, it's like playing MGS on easy mode in that regard (with a map showing you the enemies that is).

I feel this way about almost every use of the Gamepad screen (aside from off-tv play). Way too often it's used to put HUD elements, or maps, or inventories out of the way and easily accessible. In practice, it's really cumbersome because you have to look away from the TV. Almost always would be better served with a button that overlays the map or whatever onto the TV screen.

That was the whole point, to put you in the shoes of a survivor who have to make do with what he had.
And he had a small gps to help him along the way but he can't use it all the time, in the same way you can't use the gps all the time.
It's like making an easy version of Demon's Souls, way to miss the point.
Real-time inventory management has been in every Souls game for years. disappointed that there have been so many people clamoring about the game being impossible without a second screen to split what goes on around you and what's in an inventory bag.

It's not really about whether it's the first game to do this or not, the point is the GamePad was literally detached from the action. Whacking a realtime inventory on the same screen isn't the same thing since it removes a lot of the friction involved in switching between your backpack and the TV.

I've played plenty of games with realtime inventory management and they haven't felt quite the same as the way ZombiU handles that second, distinct space that's beneath your gaze.

I'm sure the new way is a decent compromise, but it's really not the same thing, moreso given the survival horror genre depends on this kind of thing to make the player as anxious as possible.
I feel like I was too hard on the game when it was first released, so I'm interested in giving this port a shot and giving it a second chance so to speak.

I did beat the Wii U version, but I got mad with it and put it down for months before picking it back up due to the fact that it frustrated me. It had a lot of really good qualities, though.

I got to the point of no return, and died falling down a SMALL elevator shaft. It didn't seem like there was any way to find the body, which had a key, and when I restarted all of my quick travel points were gone. Not only that, but all of the zombies I'd cleared out in the tunnels were back in full force.

I was furious.


Honestly. To hell with the Wii U gamepad argument. I love the game on Wii U. That's the game that I got the system for. The gamepad however does nothing for the game. The gamepad is not what makes the game great. It only a slight increase in terms of tension. Tension that is easily reproduced by replacing the gamepad with an inventory/map overlay on the main screen. Problem solved.
I agree about the gamepad usage, for me scanning was the best use the game made of the gamepad, while inventory management was fairly meh. The game was really tense, but inventory management only accounted for a tiny fraction of that.

I always wished they'd added off-tv play with an inventory overlay like you mentioned, with scanning working as it already does. I would have replayed the game far more if that option existed, damn wife and kids with their multiple TV hogging ways.

Pinkish Phoenix

Neo Member
That's not going to be replicated in any way at all. The stress and tension was mostly created when you're in the position where your gaming focus has to be on the GamePad to sort out your inventory or pick locks or enter numbers in a keypad but you also need to keep your eye on the telly to watch out for zombies. You were constantly looking up and down from one screen to the other.

This can still be replicated by having a system where the character looks into a bag that has the inventory screen and uses the right stick to look at their surroundings while the inventory is open, this same system could be used with lock picking, keycodes, ect...

Just having an inventory on the telly isn't going to be the same at all, nor is having the telly screen being split into two parts, one half with the inventory and one half with your surrounding area - because both parts are viewable at the same time.

Again, have the character look into their bag with the inventory screen being isolated to the opening of said bag while using the right stick to check your surroundings. This way you have to choose between managing your inventory or watching your back.

It was having to switch your attention from one screen to the other that creates the stress and tension. It's a fundamental part of the game that can't even be recreated with Smartglass or a Vita because any sort of lag would make it as useful as a chocolate teapot.

No, having to look at inventory and perform misc. tasks in real(game) time created the tension. It meant that you couldn't just stop whenever in the middle of battle to change gear, and if you needed health you had to wait for a window of time during battle sor heal when the coast is clear. As long as the devs find a design that enables you to chose between managing inventory/small tasks while simultaneously being able to view your surroundings OR engage in combat, then gamepad functions will mostly be replicated.
Small thing like characters chat coming in through the gamepad will be lost(on XB1 & PC at least) but stuff like that is negligible at best.


Tried this a while back on the Wii U, but I just couldn't stand playing anything with that fucking tablet/pad. Eventually sold my Wii U, so I'm looking forward to giving this another shot on one of these other three platforms.

Really? Pple find any excuse to not play games other than the ones of their favorite console brand....
I never finished the wiiu game but I won't be buying this again specially after ubi actions regarding wiiu software....


Now everyone will LOVE it...

I guess the port is good...but it should have gotten it proper due when it was released...
ahh. ahh ahahah.. ahh. ahhhhh. hahhhh.

oh man.

first of all, apples and oranges. Dying Light is an open world bro game. Zombi U is a survival horror game with challege, risk, and consequences...

ahhh yeah,NO

diying light its lights years on almost every aspect to this game,really i loved how people says "but these two dont have anything on common" really? first person zombie survival game? zombiu its mediocre on every aspect,the repetitive nature of everything make this game mediocre

Good to know it makes me a moron because I don't agree with you about a video game.

- Gravely voice steroetype white guy bro hero
- Every character is a stereotype
- Horribly obnoxious forced tutorial
- Shallow skill tree progression
- Shallow RPG systems
- Vapid open world design
- Drop in coop
- No real challenge
- Game eventually devolves into shoot/blow shit up fest

Compared to Zombi U, I feel comfortable calling it a bro game. Also my response was in response to someone calling Zombi U "mediocre" as compared to the amazing Dying Light. I disagree.

ok uu are just not making any sense..good too know
This only makes me want to replay on Wii U because of the Gamepad. It has become an annual tradition for me. Halloween is just around the corner... right??

Pinkish Phoenix

Neo Member
Meh could care less about a barebone port that misses the whole point of the game to begin with.
With a minimap on the screen showing your surrounding at every moment it diffuse the tension, it's like playing MGS on easy mode in that regard (with a map showing you the enemies that is).

Unlike the Wii U version with a miny map on the gamepad that shows your every movment?

That was the whole point, to put you in the shoes of a survivor who have to make do with what he had.
And he had a small gps to help him along the way but he can't use it all the time, in the same way you can't use the gps all the time.
It's like making an easy version of Demon's Souls, way to miss the point.

Uh... except your character literally used the miny map all the time. Even though you always used two hands for pretty much every weapon in the game and you had to come to a full stop to check your inventory in your bag, for some reason the map was there no matter what.


I thought that the gamepad gimmicks are cool:

- It acts like a fucking two-way radio where your buddy gives you orders from your base. Instant surround sound!
- Pinging the surroundings and anxiously asking yourself if the signal is a zombie or a rat.
- Scanning the surroundings for items is rad
- Gamepad Sniping!
- The sequence on the
Nursery. You rely on your gamepad, only for it to only show static noise, and scanning "her" for the surprise jumpscare
- Cleaner hud on the screen gives a little sense of immersion.


Unlike the Wii U version with a miny map on the gamepad that shows your every movment?

You can't focus on the main screen and the pad screen at the same time.
That was the whole point of the pad integration, putting a minimap on the mainscreen is missing the point.

Uh... except your character literally used the miny map all the time. Even though you always used two hands for pretty much every weapon in the game and you had to come to a full stop to check your inventory in your bag, for some reason the map was there no matter what.

That's niticking, like saying that it's unrealistic to have the character interact with the flashlight while also holding his weapon with both arm.
The minimap is not just minimap, it's 1rst and foremost and radar and used as such.
You would get that if you actually played it.
A better integration of the map would be using a button to switch between map and mainscreen on the fly with the radar being always there (at the press of a button or not).
Again putting a minimap on the screen like in a random GTA is pretty much like playing Tenchu with the MGS minimap.
If you don't care about the ZombiU experience and just want to play random zombi game #87645 just say so.


Disagree. The whole point of the GamePad was to act as your virtual knapsack/backpack that exists in an entirely separate space. So you're looking down to rearrange your inventory in your "backpack" in real time, all while you can still look up at the TV screen to check what's going on around you. It's quite fitting.

It's not just your backpack either, but other attention-dividing things in the game like keypads and so on. The designers wanted your attention to be divided between two *places* at once, obscuring the screen does none of this and is a compromise. Your other issues with the GamePad sound like personal problems (weight, battery life etc) to me, not anything that would affect ZombiU from a game design standpoint.

Yeah, but you can still replicate this. Have the main screen focus where you'd usually look at the gamepad while having an overlay next to it. Let the user look with the analogue stick instead of his/her head and it's pretty much the same thing. For example. If you at one point had to look at a dialpad next to a door on the gamepad you could just have the screen focus on a dialpad being shown with the overlay right next to it while letting you turn the camera in a fixed position. Only difference here is that instead of looking down at the gamepad you look to the sides on one screen. The difference is really small in the end. Also. For all we know they might just fill the entire screen with said dialpad or whatever it could be about only to show the players surroundings when he/she is moving the analogue stick. Stop moving the stick and immediately switch back to the dialpad.In that case you would get your separate viewing to 100%.


Yeah, but you can still replicate this. Have the main screen focus where you'd usually look at the gamepad while having an overlay next to it. Let the user look with the analogue stick instead of his/her head and it's pretty much the same thing. For example. If you at one point had to look at a dialpad next to a door on the gamepad you could just have the screen focus on a dialpad being shown with the overlay right next to it while letting you turn the camera in a fixed position. Only difference here is that instead of looking down at the gamepad you look to the sides on one screen. The difference is really small in the end. Also. For all we know they might just fill the entire screen with said dialpad or whatever it could be about only to show the players surroundings when he/she is moving the analogue stick. Stop moving the stick and immediately switch back to the dialpad.In that case you would get your separate viewing to 100%.

I don't understand what's wrong with them just making an ios/android app to do the same thing. I mean Fallout is doing it for xbox one and PS4 and PC, so if they can do that, so can this game. I agree with the person and tried to say this myself earlier, it's really not the same thing to not pause teh game and have your inventory block out the whole screen vs. not pause the game and have your inventory on a seperate screen (That still allows you to look up quickly just to keep an eye out for stuff).

Your proposal I guess would be an ok compromise but honestly, I'd still prefer the second screen. It would just feel more immersive to me if I actually were looking around rather than having to press a joystick.


Gamepad gimmicks are just that, gimmicks.

Real time inventory management has been around literally decades before ZombiU was a thing (Ultima Underworld, System Shock, etc), and scanning was done better on a controller on a Nintendo system more than ten years before Zombi U released in Metroid Prime.

There's nothing ZombiU did with its gamepad stuff that hadn't been done before, and better, by other games with more traditional input methods. Hell, even contemporaries like The Last of Us did the real time inventory thing without having to rely on a second screen to artificially inflate tension...


I quite enjoyed the original, but whether I will double dip or not depends on the price. Nothing more than £20 please Ubi...
Gamepad gimmicks are just that, gimmicks.

Real time inventory management has been around literally decades before ZombiU was a thing (Ultima Underworld, System Shock, etc), and scanning was done better on a controller on a Nintendo system more than ten years before Zombi U released in Metroid Prime.

Yet it's never gonna be as immersive as with 2 screens in this game (alongside the other features beside the item management). It works =/= optimal experience.


I quite enjoyed the original, but whether I will double dip or not depends on the price. Nothing more than £20 please Ubi...

Something tells me that this port isn't for the less than 300k Wii U owners who bought the game, personally.

Yet it's never gonna be as immersive as with 2 screens in this game (alongside the other features beside the item management).

As I said before, other games have done it just fine for decades, and better managed it to boot.

Games like System Shock 2 and the Dead Space games have much more intuitive and immersive designs for real time inventory management and get "around" the two screen gimmick with smart enemy placement.


Gamepad gimmicks are just that, gimmicks.

Real time inventory management has been around literally decades before ZombiU was a thing (Ultima Underworld, System Shock, etc), and scanning was done better on a controller on a Nintendo system more than ten years before Zombi U released in Metroid Prime.

There's nothing ZombiU did with its gamepad stuff that hadn't been done before, and better, by other games with more traditional input methods. Hell, even contemporaries like The Last of Us did the real time inventory thing without having to rely on a second screen to artificially inflate tension...

Check mael post or read it again...its not about item management...


Check mael post or read it again...its not about item management...

It's about nothing.

There's is nothing in ZombiU that has to rely on the gamepad to make it work. Games have been doing the same formula as ZombiU, and better, for decades without two screens. System Shock 2 did the exact same thing in 1999 for fucks sake (including the spawn system...), what makes you think these designers can't make it work in 2015?
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