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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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I think its is that you prefer the line up of games on the X1 and the feel of the controller over the games/controller of the PS4. While Garden Warfare and Titanfall are on PC, they are games that look to be a blast to play with buddies online from the comfort of your chair :). Enjoy your system man :).

You're right, the controller makes a huge difference and after maining the 360 last gen the X1 controller feels like home. And I do like co-op games more in general. It really is a shame Destiny was delayed.

REV 09

As a former owner of an Xbox One, I'd like to think people are making the right decision. Better games (for the moment,) aside, the system is far overpriced and underwhelming after spending a month of solid time with.

It will suck to miss out on a few exclusives but I can't see myself ever buying another with the Ps4 available. As soon as something decent releases, I'm all over one.
Both consoles seem disappointing to me at their current stage, but I also think that both will turn out to be great systems with strong lineups. I enjoyed the launch XB1 games but the system is definitely underwhelming. The ps4 needs more exclusives for me to justify the purchase right now, and I'm also concerned over the thumb stick issues...e3 will probably ease these concerns and give me confidence in a purchase. Despite how improved these consoles become; I'm starting to doubt that console gaming will ever pull me off the pc. Once you get used to complete customization it's hard to go back.


On the same boat, owned an "OG Xbox" since launch, and I'm not going X1 this gen because of the bullshit they tried on me as they treated me like shit as a consumer and could've destroyed . I immediately bought a PS2 after the X1 press conference, as I'd only borrow one from my friend for months at a time, and bought a PS4 at launch. If anything I might buy an X1 when it goes for $250.

Edit: And as a huge Halo/Dead Rising/Dead Rising guy, it was a hard decision to make.

I think the whole corporation association of "they" in statements made like this is interesting. Corps aren't singular entities thinking all the same evil. They are made up of people. People make products, policies, decisions. People make bad decisions and follow bad leaders, and then people try to correct mistakes.

You might think I'm talking about Microsoft, but I was talking about Sony. Many of the people running Sony's game division now for the PS4, are the same people that ran things for the PS3. People that screwed up playstation during the PS3 for years, fixed things inside the company for the PS4. And "they" did good this time.

My point is that the MS DRM choice was unpopular, but it wasn't some some corporate evil memo to steal your used games and laugh as they took your money. It could have been Mattrick, it could have been Ballmer, or it could have been well intentioned attempt to move gamers to digital only before people were ready, and they bungled the rental option and connectivity checking. So the peole responsible for the 360 can still work hard to make the X1 a better console. In my opinion they're fixing things at a 10x faster rate than Sony did last Gen.

MS made a far greater sin with the RROD and people still bought the console because it had great games.
One console future is here.

In the US, the Xbox One has the second highest IB in history after 4 months in market only behind the PS4.

It has a huge lead compared to the X360 at the same point in time.

So to say a one console future is here is console warrior at its finest.


This is true for me and friends of mine. I also own an Xbox One, but most of my play time has gone to PS4 -- and that's where all the multiplats will be played.

I bought an Xbox back in April 2002 to go with my PS2 and I quickly started buying any multiplat on Xbox since they looked or ran better. That continued in the 7th gen with my 360 and PS3. But MS really screwed up, in my eyes, with Xbox One. The $500 price point was not a problem for me since I bought one, but it deterred some friends and the fact that Xbox One is significantly weaker and $100 more didn't help. I only have 1 friend that bought a PS4 and Xbox One. The rest that bought a next-gen system went PS4. That's proof to me that MS screwed up because they were big Xbox fans.


Yeah I'm in that first pile. Had both last time but will probably stick with PS4 this time.

I might have considered picking up an X1 down the line after a price drip or something but there's no way in hell I will pay two monthly subs for console online access.
This should come with a "Shocking News" tag. A lot of these gamers used to be PS2 gamers before jumping ship to the 360. Some of these gamers will just buy the cheaper box. This shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.

I'm actually surprised that Sony haven't come up with a way to ease the transition of XBL players to PSN. Given achievements and gamerscores are public data, there should be a way for Sony to issue trophies for multiplatform 360/PS3 games for similar achievements on live and even a way to translate gamerscores to levels.
The story rings true to me. I owned both consoles last generation and considered myself primarily a 360 gamer. I bought a small handful of PS3 exclusives but everything else was done on 360... well, until I got my gaming PC anyway.

I own a PS4 and have no real plans to get an Xbox One. It's going to require an stellar looking Crackdown sequel or something like that to get me to change my mind.

I have a friend who is basically in the same situation and another who only has a 360 but will likely upgrade to a PS4 (only) at some point.

Honestly, the price difference was just the icing on the cake. Even if there had been price equity it would be an easy call for me. Now if the Xbox One was $100 cheaper than the PS4, that might have required a bit more consideration.
What happened to the expanded audience from the Wii/DS? And where did the massive iOS/Android gaming audience come from?
The expanded audience vanished because mid-2010 Nintendo completely stopped delivering them content, especially in the case of the Wii. People said all the same things about DS vs PSP vs iPhone, and yet DS and PSP went on to become two of the highest-selling game platforms of all time. "iPhone is stealing away the handheld" market wasn't true then, demonstrably so, and I don't understand how it's magically true now.

The massive iOS/Android gaming audience came from people who

a) want a cell phone, and...
b) once played games on Facebook, PopCap Games, Maxis titles, etc

It has more to do with macroeconomic circumstances, not "iPhone is stealing the DS audience". Someone is going to buy a cell phone, no matter what. They might as well play games on it since they cannot afford a 3DS, nor are they going to tote it around with them.

When someone walks out of Verizon with a $100 iPhone 5c, they weren't thinking "boy oh boy, I planned on stopping by WalMart to get a 3DS, but this iPhone has all the games I want." Please pause and think about what it means when we say "smartphones are stealing the handheld/console/whatever market". Taken further, that claim means that a person was thinking of getting a PS4 or a 3DS but they stopped and said "you know what? I think I'd rather get an iPhone for all my gaming needs". I really don't think that happens too often.


King Snowflake
so 42% are choosing neither for now. Is it PC, is it WiiU, is it "there are still plenty of last gen games and I will wait", or is it I quit gaming?

Note I do not consider mobile an alternative to having both consoles.


As someone who only owned a PS3 last gen and have both PS4 and Xbox One now, I must say I'm somewhat underwhelmed by the Xbox One. I bought it brand new from someone on Craigslist for $300 so I didn't spend more for it than a PS4, but I still think the PS4 at $400 is more impressive than the Xbox One at $300 at the moment.
I'm one of these people - 360 exclusive last gen and PS4 now. It's gonna be tough when the One is $400 and there's Halo 3 HD, though. Maybe Destiny will be enough to resist.


extra source of jiggaflops
so 42% are choosing neither for now. Is it PC, is it WiiU, is it "there are still plenty of last gen games and I will wait", or is it I quit gaming?


Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Based on reviews (and probably sales, unless we count Max Payne 1/2 sales on PC) alone, Naughty Dog beats both hands down. Then there's Santa Monica, Housemarque (as we're listing 2nd parties) and the rest. It's quite funny, that for years Insomniac was classed as a mediocre developer, but now that they're making an Xbox exclusive they're suddenly among the top tier. How things change, when they're turned around. I personally enjoyed RFOM and Resistance 3, but don't really care about the rest of their games.

As for the launch line-ups, it depends entirely on personal taste. Some people just don't enjoy fighters and racing simulators.


I own both a 360 and PS3 but I play most games on my PC. At this point I mostly use the 360 for media streaming and the PS3 for PS+ games. I only have gold because I got a boatload for next to nothing a few years ago. I will not renew when it ends because I don't play much multiplayer. Microsoft's decision to keep streaming content locked up behind a paywall will ensure that I don't buy an Xbox One. PS+ would have leaned me toward a PS4 anyway. It's no contest for me even though I always preferred my 360 in just about every way.

Now, there are two things Microsoft could do to win me over. The first is releasing streaming content from the paywall. It's not like they're hosting the Netflix servers. It's a joke that they still do that.

The other is something that's even more insane to me. Windows Media Center is a really great HTPC DVR solution. It's got the easiest setup and offers great free guide data. I use my 360 as an extender. They do not support their own TV solution on the Xbox One. The whole damn thing is built around being an all in one device that works with your cable box and it doesn't tie into Microsoft's own product.


Yeah, I'm one of these people as well. Had an Xbox 360 first and when I got a PS3 1-2 years later, I very much regretted not getting it first.

Having to pay for extra HDD storage, having to pay for online multiplayer (and other crap like accessing demos), having to pay for a Wi-fi dongle, greatly inferior exclusives... When it came down to whether getting an Xbox One or a PS4, it was obvious. Not sure I'll ever get an Xbox One unless there's a big price drop, and even then I don't want to pay for online for two platforms (especially since Xbox Live Gold offers practically nothing of value for me other than online multiplayer while PS+ offers so much).


I'm loving all this "PS4 haz no gamez" nonsense.

Sony always delivers exclusive content and new IP...every generation...like clockwork, and they have been wiping the floor with MS in that regard since 2009 or so. Just during the PS3 era they brought us new exclusive IP like Uncharted, Infamous, Last of Us, Resistance, LBP and Motorstorm along with continuing IP from the PS1 and PS2 eras like God of War, Killzone, Ratchet, Sly, Twisted Metal, Wipeout and Gran Turismo.

Sony, for whatever business reason, opted to continue to support the PS3 with great content in 2013 (Sly, GoW, GT, TLoU, Puppeteer, Beyond, Ratchet, etc.) rather than pushing it to their new console, and that has affected the quantity of retail content in the first few months of the PS4. You'd have to be a moron to hold that against them, because they'll show the same commitment on PS4 just like they did on PS2. Anybody else remember that God of War 2 on PS2 released after the PS3?
Describes me well. I was primarily a 360 guy last gen and didn't end up getting a PS3 until a year before the PS4 came out. Then I realized how much greener the grass was on the other side and never looked back.

I'm a very happy PS4 owner and probably won't get a bone until the very end of its cycle and it's dirt cheap
y in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

LOL, is the best response I can come up with for this post.
360 -> PS4 here and I'm never looking back. Honestly I feel like what MS tried to do with their always online and restricted console was a breach in trust and I'm still waiting for an apology.

You just didn't understand their vision of the future that's all. The market wasn't ready :p

evil ways

The better visuals and 720p vs 1080 word of mouth for third party games, is strong. A lot of friends and co-workers who I usually only ran into Live online on Xbox 360 have migrated to PSN on the PS4.


Wait, what? Lol, okay? That's not even close to what I said. I said the ad is a shit marketing attempt. How does that at all relate to my opinion on the Xbox One?

Ya I was being oddly random there. I hate marketing! Working in previous job where the engineering team and planners of one product almost started to have rage fits and meltdowns when the commercial for the said product was super, super bad. Since then I try to remind myself that marketing is like fireworks. Sometimes it goes off and your target audience goes "ooooh! Ahhhh! That was great!"

Sometimes it goes off in your hand, and blows your fingers off.


I don't care for the xbox one but the way yahoo is presenting information is flawed.

According to DealNews, one of the key factors to Sony’s success has been converting the “swing gamers” — Xbox owners who have decided to ditch the Microsoft brand for PlayStation this generation.

A survey of 1,727 readers revealed that 35% of gamers who owned both the Xbox 360 and PS3 have opted to purchase a PlayStation 4 while only 23% bought an Xbox One. Brand loyalty was a major selling point for gamers who only owned one last-gen console, but “dual owners” are skewed in Sony’s direction, primarily because of the enhanced specifications. Whether or not the ongoing 1080p controversy will stick around as headline news for much longer remains to be seen, but it’s certainly turned some heads post-launch.

So this is just speculated on by looking at the user base that visits DealNews. That alone makes this less representative of the internet as a whole.

Secondly I never even heard of this website till now.

So I look them up and here are their full figures.


So 23% of previous dual machine owners brought an Xbox 1.
27% so far have skipped on buying any machine. With so many people not choosing to buy any console even though last gen they purchased 2 gives MS a lot of leeway for potential sales even though they are losing out now.


This puts into better context among DealNews readers how badly (or in the case of how this thread devolved, not so badly) the Xbox 1 is selling. When looking at all owners Xbox 1 is behind PS4 by about 17% overall.

That is half the 34% difference for last gen dual console owners.

What can really turn things around is a price cut.

The primary reason people had for not buying either of the consoles was price; either the cost was too high, or users claimed to be waiting for a deal.



If brand loyalty still remains a factor for this first year then MS with their rumored plans to sell a bundle without kinect can threaten Sony's hold on the iron throne.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
That 33% being content with last gen could be a problem. The ps3 and 360 are very competent systems and media hubs...that'll be enough for some people.

That 33% is going to quickly change their mind this fall when stuff like Batman is next-gen exclusive, or when all of their Destiny friends are playing on a PS4


Describes me. Primary 360 and PC gamer, 90% of all my online time on the 360, most of all my gaming purchases there.

Now I am primary PS4 and PC gamer, and like how I waited until Uncharted 2 came out before jumping on PS3, I don't intend to jump to XBO until it's $299.99. I simply go where the environment for gaming is best, companies don't concern me

Same, exactly actually.


Junior Member
That 33% being content with last gen could be a problem. The ps3 and 360 are very competent systems and media hubs...that'll be enough for some people.
People have backlogged games every generation. Once there's a steady supply of high-quality games out this generation that are only available on this-generation consoles, people who were holding out with start to convert, especially if there are bundles.


That 33% being content with last gen could be a problem. The ps3 and 360 are very competent systems and media hubs...that'll be enough for some people.

Not when games stop coming out for their system(s). Want to play the latest game, buy a new system.


Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.
Expense and time. I've owned 2 consoles every generation, but I always buy the second one near the end. Now that I have enough money to afford two at the same time, I don't have the time. I already have a ps4 backlog. Gaming isn't worth spending over a grand on just hardware alone. Not when there aren't enough hours in the day to play all the good games on one machine alone. PEACE.
Lol, so you ignore all digital releases? You never said "Xbox One has more retail exclusives" You simply said "Xbox One has more games!" What about all the Digital PS4 exclusives? Flower, Dead Nation, Outlast, Contrast, War Thunder, DC Universe, Warframe, Contrast, just to name a few.

Moving the goalposts?

Actually, i believe you are the one that moved the goal posts.

I believe last gen during the list wars, PS3 fanboys would discount any xbla games when listed by 360 fanboys.


That 33% is going to quickly change their mind this fall when stuff like Batman is next-gen exclusive, or when all of their Destiny friends are playing on a PS4

Agree, enjoying watchdogs on ps360 is one thing, and you'll probably be able to do the same for watchdogs 2 but probably not 3/4, "next gen" will simply become current gen and ps360 will be a thing of the past.
Yeah, if you can manage to buy one, second month in a row without a single unit in stores.

People with pre orders from December still waiting to get one.


amazon has been doing well keeping it in stock via some "trickery" of just using their next shipment to keep their stock from dropping below 999 for the cart count counters


I'm loving all this "PS4 haz no gamez" nonsense.

Sony always delivers exclusive content and new IP...every generation...like clockwork, and they have been wiping the floor with MS in that regard since 2009 or so. Just during the PS3 era they brought us new exclusive IP like Uncharted, Infamous, Last of Us, Resistance, LBP and Motorstorm along with continuing IP from the PS1 and PS2 eras like God of War, Killzone, Ratchet, Sly, Twisted Metal, Wipeout and Gran Turismo.

Sony, for whatever business reason, opted to continue to support the PS3 with great content in 2013 (Sly, GoW, GT, TLoU, Puppeteer, Beyond, Ratchet, etc.) rather than pushing it to their new console, and that has affected the quantity of retail content in the first few months of the PS4. You'd have to be a moron to hold that against them, because they'll show the same commitment on PS4 just like they did on PS2. Anybody else remember that God of War 2 on PS2 released after the PS3?

Agree 100%. I actually appreciate it when Sony releases their strongest content on the outgoing console right up until the new one is coming out. It shows that they give a shit about giving you value for your investment for the entire gen and not just the beginning of it. If that means that early PS4 exclusives aren't as plentiful, so be it because I know that when PS5 is announced I'll still be getting a bunch of AAA late-fen exclusives from Sony.


extra source of jiggaflops
Actually, i believe you are the one that moved the goal posts.

I believe last gen during the list wars, PS3 fanboys would discount any xbla games when listed by 360 fanboys.
Demonstrate that he did that or this is not relevant.

The original claim that people (including myself) responded to was that Xbone has more games than PS4 full stop.

This is not factually not true.

Your feelings on the line-up have no bearing on the factually incorrect claim that was made.

That such a dumb statement that was obviously untrue even gets this much attention that it results in list wars and counter list wars and people defending the filtering criteria that was used in the first list wars attack is completely absurd. The guy was wrong, the end.


Yeah, this. If MS can get the 'bone down to around $299 by the time Halo 5 comes out there will be quite a few PS4 owners buying a secondary console.

No chance in hell. If it's $449 by holiday 2014 that's the best you're going to get. Kinect is here to stay, unfortunately.

No Love

Sad but true... I started off last gen lovin' my 360... then Sony turned everything around in '09 and I got a PS3 as well. PS3 ended up having wayyyy better exclusives and then the rest is history: PS4 ended up being far superior to Xbone and cheaper too. I'll probably wait til later this year to grab a an Xbone once it becomes more streamlined and has exclusives worth buying.
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