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Bloodborne Producer: Targeting 30fps for "Game Design" purposes

maybe it's taken a bit out of context, lost in translation... =\

like, what he means is, most average gamers (target demographic for majority of sales) people think 30 FPS and better graphics is better than 60 FPS and weaker graphics, which is why most big action games still usually go with 30 FPS because they feel the added graphics make the game better, and in this way of trade-offs, 30 FPS is "best" for an action game as a whole... as a whole, 30 FPS is best because it result its a better overall game for the majority of consumers... or something...

because I can't imagine he means that if you have the same game, all things equal, all graphics equal, and one is 30 FPS and the other is 60 FPS and that is literally the only difference, that the 30 FPS is actually better for action gameplay... because that would be insane... right...


That's just as much Bullshit as when Ubisoft says it.

More so
, if anything, since the souls games rely a lot more on skillfully executing / timing moves than Ubisofts "cinematic" titles. Anyone who played DS 1 or 2 at both 30 and 60 FPS can easily confirm that.

Hyun Sai

Dear Developers/Publishers/PR People:

If you can't make your engine run at 60 FPS then just stop opening your mouth and saying stupid shit like this. It's not more cinematic. It's not better. It's the not best for anything ever. Just say that you're going for a locked 30 and nothing else or at the most say you're going for a locked 30 to hit the visual fidelity that you want. That's it, no bullshit. Just stop insulting us with absolute, patently false nonsense like this kind of statement.



Well...if it was like alpha, I'm fine with it, but I of course would have preffered 60fps.
That and I find it more disappointing cause I don't see Bloodborne as particularly impressive graphic wise. Think it would run on last gen consoles mostly...hopefully visuals improve on final release, but I doubt it.


I'll take this bong rip first.....

30 or 60 doesn't matter much if it's a fun game and looks great. I'm not entitled to have 60, nor is it any kind of benchmark or standard that has to be met by devs..

A game can be good at either, let's just hope they can achieve making a great game that's fun to play.


Mhm. We are going right back to Blighttown.


Shit, if they're TARGETING 30fps that means there will probably be some drops and judders. 30 locked is the best case scenario.


A large par of it are the terrible excuses from developers claiming 30 FPS to be "best" for a certain type of game, or "more cinematic" - rather than just admitting that they can't hit the level of visuals they're targeting at 60 FPS.

Ok that's a fair statement to make, I do find it amusing what some PR people say.

However if the end result is the same 30 fps, I don't care about meaningless PR speak beforehand.


I fail to understand why people care about these statements at all. None of these people that say "We chose 30fps because.." are actually serious, it's just PR crap to make their choices look more justified. It's common knowledge that 30fps comes from devs prioritizing graphical fidelity over framerate, and that's the end of it. This is the reason any developer chooses not to have 60fps on console, and aside from using that as a springboard to a graphics vs. framerate discussion, I don't see much room for discussion there.

Why are devs feel the need to even make statements about resolution or framerate anymore.
You can't win, no matter what you say :D
I assume it's because they're asked about framerate / resolution / etc., and the reason you keep seeing it come up in places like NeoGAF is because people like to make threads out of quotes like these because they'll get a buttload of pages.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth has already begun. This is such a tired topic, and GAF seems to eat up every bit of drama like it's a story on TMZ.

I hope we can move past this and enjoy what is likely to be a game of the highest caliber from a developer so many of us already respect.


we got a shot of his face right after saying that

edit: screw it nicolas cage is producing bloodborne


benevolent sexism
But on the other hand... nothing to do with design, everything to do with handling. That aspect of "design" wouldn't exist if it weren't for hardware limitations.

You're right, if hardware were infinitely powerful, no dev would ever have to make the decision between 30 and 60 again. Can't wait for that next gen of consoles with unlimited power.


I fail to understand why people care about these statements at all. None of these people that say "We chose 30fps because.." are actually serious, it's just PR crap to make their choices look more justified. It's common knowledge that 30fps comes from devs prioritizing graphical fidelity over framerate, and that's the end of it. This is the reason any developer chooses not to have 60fps on console, and aside from using that as a springboard to a graphics vs. framerate discussion, I don't see much room for discussion there.

Probably for the same reasons why people cared when Ubisoft made a similar statement.


I've only played the Gamescom demo for a couple of minutes and watched the PS4 demo on Youtube. Honestly can't quite understand how they fail to hit 60 fps here. Certainly didn't look thaaat impressive to me. Good, sure. But not "omg how gorgeous" good for me to accept that. Whelp.
Could he not possibly mean they're targeting a solid 30 rather than a frame-rate that fluctuates? I'd rather stability than a game that's sometimes more and sometimes less.

(It should go without saying that 60, where possible, is the best choice for action games.)
People just want to position it positively. What would you guys have him say?

PS4 SDK or hardware isn't where it needs to be. Or maybe my publisher and I agreed it was better to release it at 30fps over optimizing it to hit 60fpa over the next 6-12 months.
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