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No Man's Sky Gameplay Trailer (PSX)


Speak for yourself. The game's purpose has been explained well enough. The trailers are fine. You should just learn some patience. The game will not release with this little information. PEACE.
Its been a year now and the trailers are basically identical to the first. How patient am I suppose to be? And the purpose has been explained well enough yet every thread on this game has someone on every page asking what you actually do in this game.
Nothing happened. It would have gone a long way of explaining a little bit of the interactivity of the game if the ship hit an asteroid or something. So far it still just looks like a cool looking travelogue.
I've not been following this game. I've seen all the footage from VGX, E3, and TGAs.... Can someone please tell me.... what is the point of this game?

I made a post on the other topic, I hope it helps a bit: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=142035739&postcount=746

lol, ninja'd by my own post :)

For example the following scenario:

Lets say that you land your ship around some plants and the sun goes down. The plants then grow and entangle your ship. If you find a way to shine a light on them then they shrink and you can free your ship. Next you pull out your scanner to scan for materials. A few flying creatures immediately surround your scanner and follow your every move like they are memorized by it. If you put it up they get angry and attack you so you must pull it out again. How do you get yourself out of this situation? Can you use these creatures for anything?

A game like this will not have a designer's touch and cool things like this to actually figure out and discover. It will be randomly generated terrain (based on a set of rules) The above scenario that I made up in 5 seconds sounds like it will be more interesting than any thing you actually do on the thousands of planets in the game (which is sad)

No one is saying you need guns and swords....they just haven't shown us why this game will actually be good yet. They haven't shown any mechanics besides flying around and looking at things. Will resource gathering be boring? Will there be more to it than seeing a shiny rock and then pressing "A" in front of it.

The scenario you mentioned could be relatively easily implemented in a procedural game like this. You just add behavioral patterns to types of creatures depending on various factors. Avian creatures would always be attracted the scanner's waves, the plants react to sunlight etc. It's easily done in this kind of game, it has nothing to do with the limits of designing a game around procedural generation. Don't Starve has procedurally created worlds (albeit much simpler, just flat surfaces with neighboring plots of land) and mobs that react to the day/night cycle, seasons, are attracted to light, food or other objects and all kinds of simulations are running in there all the time. If I misunderstood your post though and that's not what you meant, then I'm sorry.

With that said, I think NMS won't have those kinds of scenarios. It's a small game by a small team, no matter how grand and large it all seems. And on top of that, they are deliberately (for better or worse) trying to keep it simple.

As for resource gathering, I'm confident (based on what they've said so far) it will be something along the lines of - you turn on your scanner (it has to be properly upgraded to scan for certain minerals, can't scan everything at first) and activate it which sends a "ping" around you in a short distance and if the "ping" hits a resource deposit, it'll mark them as boxes on your hud. You take out your mining laser and hold a button, when the progress bar is done you've mined that mineral deposit, done.

Discovering mineral deposits will most probably be also done by approaching the planet (just a blip shown on your map) as well as visually recognizing the types of ore if they're are distinctly different looking than usual rocks.


So if that is Myst then what we have seen so far from No Man's Sky is the equivalent of Penn and Teller's Desert Road.

No. What I posted was a few quick examples of actually exploring plant life and creatures and making actual real discoveries rather than flying over everything.

You're describing scripted puzzles.


Let me rephrase.....

Does this game have an objective? If so, what is it/are they?

To get here:


Hmmmm I wonder what's there... Super massive black hole? The bearded lady? A brick wall? Jimmy Hoffa?


Neo Member
Keep telling yourselves that guys. That is not what is going on at all.

What is new about what they have actually shown?

The planets look really cool and the concept sounds really cool. I love exploring but what I have seen is not exploring.

People keep saying they are so excited to explore planets that aren't put together with a designer's touch. We have yet to see any real "exploring" or how it works. Flying over random pretty rocks and plants is not my definition of exploring.

Exploring to me for example would be landing on a mysterious planet and then actually interacting with things and discovering things.

For example the following scenario:

Lets say that you land your ship around some plants and the sun goes down. The plants then grow and entangle your ship. If you find a way to shine a light on them then they shrink and you can free your ship. Next you pull out your scanner to scan for materials. A few flying creatures immediately surround your scanner and follow your every move like they are memorized by it. If you put it up they get angry and attack you so you must pull it out again. How do you get yourself out of this situation? Can you use these creatures for anything?

A game like this will not have a designer's touch and cool things like this to actually figure out and discover. It will be randomly generated terrain (based on a set of rules) The above scenario that I made up in 5 seconds sounds like it will be more interesting than any thing you actually do on the thousands of planets in the game (which is sad)

No one is saying you need guns and swords....they just haven't shown us why this game will actually be good yet. They haven't shown any mechanics besides flying around and looking at things. Will resource gathering be boring? Will there be more to it than seeing a shiny rock and then pressing "A" in front of it.

How are you not tired of making the same point over and over again (now across 3 different threads)? I'm certainly tired of reading it.


Will there be civilizations or at least villages on some of the planets with life?

I think that's a mystery from what we know so far. From what Hello are saying, only 10% of all the planets support life. And only 10% of that 10% is "Intelligent life".

They have not elaborated on "Intelligent Life".

How badass would it be to stumble upon an intelligent civilization with cities, etc.


I just wanna land on a crazy ass forest planet, and then dive in a deep ocean, and then get eaten by a giant sea monster. If that can happen god bless america


They haven't shown anything beyond technical feats which is nice but if it's that easy to move from system to system how much variety can there actually be is the big question


They haven't shown anything beyond technical feats which is nice but if it's that easy to move from system to system how much variety can there actually be is the big question

THe thing they havent shown is you cant actually freely move. You need resources and better ships to get further into space. All their demos they just go everywhere in the same ship to show off the locations. I imagine that will add some level of 'game' for the people worried.


Yet another NMS video consisting of

a) Walk around
b) get in ship
c) fly around
d) land
e) Repeat.

Wondering if they're ever going to show anything else.

E: I know they've talked about it. I want to *see* it.
So this is the first i've heard about the game. I just saw the trailer and it didn't really understand what I'm supposed to be interested in just yet.

The presentation is great, but in addition to discovering new populated worlds I would like to see what else occurs in my "day to day" affairs.
They can talk and post articles about what you can do or what your suppose to do. But until they show a trailer that actually shows something beside them walking around and then flying off in a spaceship we don't need anympre trailers.

What exactly do you want them to show? Keep in mind that trailers have shown virtually everything...


What exactly do you want them to show? Keep in mind that trailers have shown virtually everything...

so the game consists only of getting in a space ship and flying between planets and doing/accomplishing absolutely nothing? interacting with nothing in any way? and in a massively multiplayer game, other humans don't exist. okay. (we haven't even SEEN what a player looks like)

won't buy.
How are you not tired of making the same point over and over again (now across 3 different threads)? I'm certainly tired of reading it.

Cool. I will just mindlessly go along with 80% of the other posters in the thread and proclaim this as the best game ever and not bring up any concerns. Follow the leader it is.

Excuse me for bringing up my point of view.
Looks pretty nice, but the pop in and the weird scale of the planets messes it up a bit. Hopefully the former isn't an issue on PC.
I made a post on the other topic, I hope it helps a bit: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=142035739&postcount=746

lol, ninja'd by my own post :)

The scenario you mentioned could be relatively easily implemented in a procedural game like this. You just add behavioral patterns to types of creatures depending on various factors. Avian creatures would always be attracted the scanner's waves, the plants react to sunlight etc. It's easily done in this kind of game, it has nothing to do with the limits of designing a game around procedural generation. Don't Starve has procedurally created worlds (albeit much simpler, just flat surfaces with neighboring plots of land) and mobs that react to the day/night cycle, seasons, are attracted to light, food or other objects and all kinds of simulations are running in there all the time. If I misunderstood your post though and that's not what you meant, then I'm sorry.

With that said, I think NMS won't have those kinds of scenarios. It's a small game by a small team, no matter how grand and large it all seems. And on top of that, they are deliberately (for better or worse) trying to keep it simple.

As for resource gathering, I'm confident (based on what they've said so far) it will be something along the lines of - you turn on your scanner (it has to be properly upgraded to scan for certain minerals, can't scan everything at first) and activate it which sends a "ping" around you in a short distance and if the "ping" hits a resource deposit, it'll mark them as boxes on your hud. You take out your mining laser and hold a button, when the progress bar is done you've mined that mineral deposit, done.

Discovering mineral deposits will most probably be also done by approaching the planet (just a blip shown on your map) as well as visually recognizing the types of ore if they're are distinctly different looking than usual rocks.

Thanks for the response. That is exactly why I was pointing to this having a small dev team. Nothing against them at all. Glad they are trying something like this. It is just impossible for a team that size to make this into the game that I wish it could be.

If it is what I suspect it is many will be disappointed. Some people though will love it. Good for them.

Looking forward to seeing more on it and hoping it surpassed my realistic expectations.


The transition from space to a planets atmosphere and then the surface seems to be too quick they should make the process from entering a planets atmosphere to surface a bit longer as its not realistic at all
so the game consists only of getting in a space ship and flying between planets and doing/accomplishing absolutely nothing? interacting with nothing in any way? and in a massively multiplayer game, other humans don't exist. okay. (we haven't even SEEN what a player looks like)

won't buy.

It's a game primarily about exploration with no story and one very loose goal of reaching the centre of the galaxy.

I don't know what you expected.
The transition from space to a planets atmosphere and then the surface seems to be too quick they should make the process from entering a planets atmosphere to surface a bit longer as its not realistic at all

If you watched the 30 minute interview yesterday they explained why they decided not to make that part realistic. It comes down to not all planets are that close to each other and they wanted the feeling of having planets on the horizon like scifi covers so they opted to make the distances between planets not take 5 minutes to travel to each one when there are billions of planets.


This is gonna sound bad, but I actually love that they made the planets closer together. Just being able to look up in the sky and see something like this....

Damn those dinosaurs looked ugly with those legs.
But yea, like everyone else, I would like to see something else other thatn just walking around.
Is this not the game where i read that you can go to someones planet and kill everything, and that planet won't have any life on it for anyone after that?
Although it isn't the case with NMS, I love the idea of "doing nothing". Just being able to fly around in space, discover and exploring planets is enough for me. And as silly as it may sound, is pretty much a childhood dream of mine coming true. Understandbly, it's not for everyone.

However, I'm still not clear on whether this is an always-online experience only or it's a game that you can play all by yourself (i.e singleplayer and offline). I also wonder if NMS will get a physical release or not.


It's a game primarily about exploration with no story and one very loose goal of reaching the centre of the galaxy.

I don't know what you expected.

I expect to be able to do something on these planets they keep going to. interact with something. you know, like in video games?

I was responding to the claim that the trailers have already shown everything, which I find to be a laughable statement. the trailers have not shown any interaction with the game at all other than switching locations.


If you watched the 30 minute interview yesterday they explained why they decided not to make that part realistic. It comes down to not all planets are that close to each other and they wanted the feeling of having planets on the horizon like scifi covers so they opted to make the distances between planets not take 5 minutes to travel to each one when there are billions of planets.

Yeah i understand that 5 minutes would be OTT but be nice to make the transition a bit longer maybe twice as long as it is no so 20 seconds. Maybe some planets will be different from others, be nice to see you nose of your ship glow when entering an atmosphere and then going through layers of clouds etc.


I expect to be able to do something on these planets they keep going to. interact with something. you know, like in video games?

I was responding to the claim that the trailers have already shown everything, which I find to be a laughable statement.

I agree with this. I would love for some planets to have something significantly important.

I do know that when you arrive to a planet, your ship's computer will point out "points of interest". I'm not sure beyond that.

FFVII remake will be on one of those planets, happy hunting...

That wouldn't work out well for that particular solar system.
I expect to be able to do something on these planets they keep going to. interact with something. you know, like in video games?

I was responding to the claim that the trailers have already shown everything, which I find to be a laughable statement.

Well you explore, gather resources, engage in combat if you so choose, discover things, visit outposts and then move onto the next planet where you do the same with the goal of upgrading your ship.

All of the above (apart from how upgrading works) has been shown in trailers.

If you're asking for extensive and uncut footage of the above, that's sadly not available, but virtually everything else has been shown in the trailers they've released.


Well you explore, gather resources, engage in combat if you so choose, discover things, visit outposts and then move onto the next planet where you do the same with the goal of upgrading your ship.

All of the above (apart from how upgrading works) has been shown in trailers.

If you're asking for extensive and uncut footage of the above, that's sadly not available, but virtually everything else has been shown in the trailers they've released.

all the trailers have shown is traveling between planets and naming them. if it's a game where all I do is travel to a planet, name it, then travel again, I won't buy it.

We still don't know what the gameplay actually is like. I don't appreciate being hyped/touted to this degree for this long without actually seeing what the game is like to play for even one second.


all the trailers have shown is traveling between planets and naming them. if it's a game where all I do is travel to a planet, name it, then travel again, I won't buy it.

We still don't know what the gameplay actually is like. I don't appreciate being hyped/touted to this degree for this long without actually seeing what the game is like to play for even one second.
That's not all the trailers have shown.
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