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Most Downgraded game



MGS4 has always gotten a huge pass, and people go to such insane, ridiculous lengths to defend or be blind to the downgrade. Nevermind that its original showing was a perfect 60fps as well. It was just bullshit.

joke post


Real time 3D vertical slices are always worse to me. CG means the publisher did not want to waste the developer's time with creating a reveal promo, and contracted an outside company. In terms of game play being absent from the final product, Halo 2 and BioShock Infinite are probably the worst offenders. Both good games, but the particular sequences shown at E3 03/12 were better than the corresponding sections of either game. For completely bullshitting about the level of detail that was going to end up in the game, Watch Dogs takes the cake.


I think Dennis was being sarcastic. I've seen that same picture being thrown around with sarcastic remarks about how "good" Watch Dogs looks.

Its a shot from the high res screen shot thread

Like 80 percent of the screens there are abusing the smartphone depth of field trick


I must say that Dark Souls 2 downgrade days before release is worse than CGI media like the first MotorStorm.


They did present it as in game for a while, but it was clearly CG so it doesn't count. If CG trailers do count, Killzone 2 is hardly the biggest offender. Even amongst early PS3 trailers I think Motorstorm was a bigger offender.

Actual downgrades... Metal Gear Solid 4? Bioshock Infinite? Dark Souls 2? launch Crysis? I'm sure there are some really big ones I've forgotten about.

None of the officials ever claimed the KZ2 trailer to be ingame, not even Sony. Phil Harrison mistakenly said it was ingame because he thought he was being questioned about Resistance Fall of man (apparent because in the said interview he referred to Ted Price while speaking about it and how it is all ingame), and he later said so as well but no one wanted to listen lol.

MGS4 was downgraded for obvious reasons I think, the target PS3 specs that Kojima was given was much more powerful than the final PS3. Wasn't there a point when the PS3 was suppose to ship with the equivalent of 2* 6800 GPUs ?

fart town usa

Gold Member
If ports count then Dead Rising for the Wii and any other PS3/360 game that was made for the Wii.

The Mario Advance titles were wonky too as well as Contra 3 for the GBA.


How about Resident Evil 2 for the game[.]com




If anything Unity from what i've played and Gaffer screenshots looks upgraded from those leaked shots if i'm not mistaken and haven't been hoodwinked by Ubishots.

Yeah, from what I've seen of screenshots they do look upgraded. Unfortunate they couldn't optimize it to make it playable.

If anything Unity from what i've played and Gaffer screenshots looks upgraded from those leaked shots if i'm not mistaken and haven't been hoodwinked by Ubishots.

Coop missions were downgraded for sure. It's kinda a joke how scripted the E3 mission was.

Vertical slice or no, nothing in the full game comes close to that E3 mission.


Anything by Peter Molyneux.

Those games aren't just graphical downgrades, the gameplay suffers even more imho.


Dark Souls 2, obviously.

When you have game developers coming on GAF and telling people that the original version wasn't even feasible on 7th gen hardware, you know you have a problem. This isn't even getting into the fact that it resulted in a completely retooled game with mechanics and (at launch) bosses that don't even work anymore on any sort of functioning level, and the game ran at what, like 25 FPS avg on PS3?

Of course that didn't stop the press from totally ignoring it (Giantbomb: "Get over it nerds, one cares") and from some of GAF's finest from trying to sweep it under the rug at the time because of who made it. If Ubi or EA had done something as awful as what Namco and Fromsoft did with DS2 there would probably be lawsuits filed over it, and no, Watch_Dogs doesn't even come close to the blatant level of false advertising Namco boned consumers with on Dark Souls 2. I mean people didn't even know what the game really looked like until they purchased it ffs! We knew about Watch_Dogs what, a month or two before launch?


never left the stone age
Nah, the PS4/X1 version looks at least as good as the early screenshots and trailers. It's clear they had to cut back to make performance targets on last gen and just cut the PC version to match.

Nope. The lighting engine is still gone


Dark Souls 2 or Bioshock: Infinite. Infinite is worse for me because the actual game and gameplay looked a lot more interesting in the 2010 video than what we ended up having. Fuck.
Killzone 2.


The first reply often wins on these forums but in this case you're just left looking like a fool for everyone to see.

Not only was the trailer CG but the graphics in the final game were very close to that initial trailer anyway.

There have been much worse games. For people to just comes in and say KZ2 just shows how little knowledge or attention you have. So grats on that.


I have to hand it to Souls 2. It was released without any clips or footage of the downgrade so when people started playing it became a massive shitstorm.

Watch Dogs was at the least confirmed for downgrade before release.


It's got to be Dark Souls 2, I really don't think anything else comes close. For games like Watch_Dogs, I really have to squint to see the difference, and don't care much either way. Dark Souls 2 looks immediately different from a glance. Bioshock Infinite is also pretty heinous, but the area shown doesn't even exist in the final game, so you can't do a direct comparison.

I'm kinda curious why they thought they could pull off the lighting shown in DS2 preview footage. In my opinion, it looked better than Bloodborne(Only talking about lighting).


The first reply often wins on these forums but in this case you're just left looking like a fool for everyone to see.

Not only was the trailer CG but the graphics in the final game were very close to that initial trailer anyway.

There have been much worse games. For people to just comes in and say KZ2 just shows how little knowledge or attention you have. So grats on that.



Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Fable, jesus PM talked some absolute shite about that game before release. I doubt the PS4 could manage that game.

I didn't think Watchdogs was as bad a downgrade as everyone else, it looked a bit more basic but it played essentially the same. I think Bioshock was pared back to fit on the PS360, there was no way they could ever run that version of the game. I think I would have preferred Bioshock Infinite if it were a PS4/XB1 launch title.


I'll never understand Killzone 2 apologists. It was CG, they pretended it was gameplay. Does Killzone 2 look good? Yes. It is still a completely misleading, anti consumer practice, regardless. And although it mimics the look of the CG na certain way, it didn't get anywhere close to that level of image quality, lighting and effects, such as the smoke and particles.
Killzone 2.


they showed off a CG concept trailer

honestly that isn't really a downgrade since that CG thing wasn't even a game to begin with (unless GG tooted it as inengine in which case makes it their fault)

Sony said it was 'target render' and implied it was in-engine without ever actually stating that (to my knowledge), but to be fair what we got was remarkably close to the original CG trailer, albeit not as smooth.

Project Ego/Fable

To be fair, I think that was just Molyneux getting carried away and giving examples of possible concepts, rather than anyone in a reliable position ever actually demonstrating gameplay features.

I'd argue Destiny. While we never really saw the game that Bungie was talking about all these years, there's zero chance it was what was released this September.

Yeah, their promises of stuff like a fully explorable world was such steaming hot nonsense.


MGS4 made me bitter. Kojima talked all kinds of insane shit before release like trees growing in real time and soldiers having emotions... The game looked so much worse than the "gameplay" trailers.



Have to agree with this. That's the result of development hell though. That's usually the reason i'm fine with downgrades as long as the game plays like it was advertised.

I forgot how incredible that looked. Hell, I'd kill for a halo like that now.

What a disappointment to have a marine drive and all but confirm your death.

Though the first time I jacked a ghost was the coolest moment of all time for me in gaming.

Uncharted 2_ 3, 4.
Destiny was nothing compared to what it was promised it would be.


Since the actual game design counts, Bioshock Infinite.

I can only imagine the kind of development hell that this game went through to start as what they initially showed and end up as a corridor shooter.

Dark Souls II is a pretty strong contender too.


Which is the downgrade? Be kind I'm on mobile

Character geometry (polygons), shading, textures and shadowing from what I can see.
Sorry, thought you asked where the downgrade was. Yes, as someone else said, bottom pic is the downgrade. For the reasons above.


Originally supposed to be an open world pc horror game, when it finally showed up years late it had been turned into a consolized tube shooter.


To everyone saying Watch_Dogs

I've no idea if this is supposed to be good or bad, but either way it's a poor representation of the game as it only looks like this (no HUD, heavy DOF) for a split second after you press the phone button but before the phone interface appears. 99.999% of the time the game doesn't look like this.
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