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Destiny House of Wolves Reveal Thread


But you do, not allot of content compared to say WOW with monthly subs that's been running for how many years ?

Some people play a 10 hour campaign and give it their GOTY and moan about destiny,

I just want to know where these crazy preconceptions of content comes form ?

I can only guess its the destiny hype, as no other game offers so much to do with mates.
Maybe if Destiny wasn't designed around grinding the same 12 missions till the end of time, and had a real campaign (with an actual story) with good encounter design (something Bungie used to excel at) people wouldn't complain so much.


Maybe if Destiny wasn't designed around grinding the same 12 missions till the end of time, and had a real campaign (with an actual story) with good encounter design (something Bungie used to excel at) people wouldn't complain so much.

Its not, that's rubbish.

22 missions,

9 strikes

2 raids

14 multiplayer maps.

4 communal 'areas' to muck around in.

And HOW drops in a few days adding POE, 4 multiplayer maps etc etc

So what game do you recommend that offers more coop content ?

I played Halo 2, 3, ODST, 4 and all I can remember is Cortina babbling nonsense, and every mission go to that spot and kill things or get to that location and kill everything. I cannot recall anything interesting in the story......and if you say Gears then that is really funny

Destiny is not much better, but the point is coop heavy games with heavy character creation don't have deep personal stories, or not one I have played. I will go further, most games don't have good stories, Nintendo don't bother much...there are a few like TLOU but that does not lend itself to large group play.


Its not, that's rubbish.

22 missions,

9 strikes

2 raids

14 multiplayer maps.

4 communal 'areas' to muck around in.

And HOW drops in a few days adding POE, 4 multiplayer maps.

So what game do you recommend that offers more coop content ?
Well, I stopped playing 6 months ago, so I don't recall the exact number of story missions in the game. But yeah, during those first two months it felt like I was always replaying the same 6 story missions + the 6 strikes. And yeah, you obviously counted the DLC missions too, because I know the base game definetly didn't have 2 raids or 9 strikes.

The amount of content is not a problem for me, BTW. It's the quality of the content that's the problem, especially when you take into account the number of times you have to go through it because the game has been designed around grinding the same content over and over. The competitive multiplayer being garbage doesn't help improve the overall impression of game either. Seriously, it is so bad it makes the MP in Halo Reach seem great in comparison.

I played Halo 2, 3, ODST, 4 and all I can remember is Cortina babbling nonsense, and every mission go to that spot and kill things or get to that location and kill everything. I cannot recall anything interesting in the story...
The Halo games (at least those developed by Bungie) have WAY better encounter design than anything in Destiny. I still can't believe the same developer that gave us levels like Silent Cartographer, Delta Halo, Tsavo Highway, The Ark, The Covenant, etc, went on to make Destiny (aka: Dinklage Defender Simulator 2014) The encounter design in Destiny is mediocre at best, and awful at worst. The bullet sponge enemies and the pathetic vehicle sandbox (not even one vehicle for more than one player, LOL) do not help, that's for sure. Only the VoG could be considered a great level, and it isn't so much for the encounters themselves, but for the puzzles designed around them. And about the story, well, at least the Halo games had one.


That's good. Your vanguard and crucible rank are great.

You can probably buy two pieces of armor from the crucible vendor and one from the vanguard vendor. Then if you also have a maxed exotic armor (like a helmet) you'll have four level 32 pieces and then be level 32 on May 19.

The max number of marks you can have is 200 for each.

Alright! Sounds good thanks!
But you do, not allot of content compared to say WOW with monthly subs that's been running for how many years ?

Some people play a 10 hour campaign and give it their GOTY and moan about destiny,

I just want to know where these crazy preconceptions of content comes form ?

I can only guess its the destiny hype, as no other game offers so much to do with mates.

Let me try to explain.

How many times in the campaign do you deploy your ghost just to fight a few waves of enemies till he opens the door? How many of the bosses are just the same thing with a different model? This is the real problem. Halo had a lot of varied content over its 10 hour campaign. Vehicles sections, gunplay variations like starting with the sniper in Truth and Reconciliation, stealth sections, etc.

Destiny just feels like the same level over and over again. and when Bungie did try to do something unique, their execution was terrible. Like the Archon strike with the pikes, they are useless. Better to bypass them and just snipe the enimies in that section. And the Mars strike with the tank. Better to just snipe him. And PvP modes are just all tdm variants.

So it's not really that Destiny doesn't have the hours of content, but more that Destiny has very little variation in its content.

Edit: Exactly what RSB is saying.



Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The story mission and encounter design in Destiny seems to be a victim of the standbox planetary areas. You basically land in the same place you've been many times before, and spend a lot of mission time crossing the same terrain. The Darkness-gated set pieces for story missions aren't unique enough and can't use levels constructed just for the story at hand, in a lot of cases.

I think it says a lot that among people I know who played the core story, the one thing most of them remember and still talk about is the mission where you pick up the evil sword and begin laying in to waves of enemies. The story missions in Destiny needed way more set pieces of that nature to surprise and twist the mechanics around.

Plus Bungie is really good at vehicle missions, so Destiny feels as if they were operating with one hand tied behind the back. All their experience at varied vehicular gameplay could not be fully brought in. (Due to the lack of heavy and flying vehicles.)


Its not, that's rubbish.

22 missions,

9 strikes

2 raids

14 multiplayer maps.

4 communal 'areas' to muck around in.

And HOW drops in a few days adding POE, 4 multiplayer maps etc etc

So what game do you recommend that offers more coop content ?

Right off the top of my head I'd blurt out Diablo 3 Ultimate Edition with a quickness. After that Bloodborne. I can probably keep going if you want me too.

I wouldn't call Destiny's Competitive MP 'garbage' but I would go on the line and say I've found it vastly inferior to dedicated multiplayer FPS like Battelfield 4 & Halo. There's just no comparison. But if I were challenged to give at least one example I'd point to lack of map voting and the seriously gimped amount of modes. The last straw for me was ToO (in HoW) which only adds yet another deathmatch variant. I just cant take it anymore. They could at least add more Deathmatch variants such as a SWAT mode like we had in Halo
PvP is definitely not "garbage" but it definitely needs significant changes.

Halo was literally the only shooter I cared about until Destiny released and there's a reason i've left it behind. Bungie took those games downhill with each iteration. Maps got flatter, weapons got dumber and they piled in mechanics that simply didn't compliment the gameplay. On top of this, they started throwing away the things that made the first one as balanced as it was like utility weapons, map control and power ups. My biggest problem with Halo right now is the fact that it's so focused on spawn killing and team shooting across the map. Map design has stagnated because competitive Halo players don't want to play anything else; nothing else plays well when you have weapons that take ages to kill and abilities that let you run away from fights. It isn't fun to play solo and it isn't fun to play with a team because nobody really cares anymore. The meta is exhausted and it's boring.

On the other hand, I can boot up Destiny, whip out The Last Word and average 40 kills. Running around shooting things in this game is incredibly satisfying [when it isn't lagging]. I cant really say the same of Halo with projectile weapons and bloom. Obviously the skill ceiling in this game is low and I enjoy being better at it. But Destiny ironically has some of the key elements that Halo has been lacking - height variation and individual skill. The only thing I miss from Halo in that regard is being able to jump and shoot, but after 2 games with jetpack, I've had enough of people shooting and flying.

That's probably where I'll say it stops for Destiny though. I detest the majority of the maps in the game and especially am not fond of all the cheap OHK abilities. I appreciate the fact that you can feel like a superhero during the match - it's part of the game's charm - but every month the balance sways from one OP combo to the next and the latest one has effectively ruined the meta game. It's like Halo 4 where everyone had thruster, light rifles and bolt shots.

Elaborating on that, playing Destiny competitively is a joke. I like playing against evenly skilled teams, but between the bad maps, nooby weapons and the lack of tools to facilitate that competitive edge, you end up with a very small niche of the fanbase. We basically know all the good players because we have to match each other to find competition. And even then, many of those "good players" are so reliant on cheap tactics like blink and shotgun.

This ties into the biggest issue with Destiny's PvP. It isn't the maps, nor the balance or the skill ceiling. It's the fact that it's tremendously barebones. For all the faults with the latter Halo games, their feature set was ever expanding, with new gametypes, vehicles and even level editing. Destiny doesn't have any of that. There's no map voting, no ranking and no true objective gametypes. Hell, it doesn't even have private matches for us to play our friends without the OP weapons. Their reasoning against objective game modes ("we don't want to put too much pressure on one player") also doesn't make any sense.

Bungie held back on everything from the lobbies to the gametypes. This is something they pioneered and at one point nearly perfected, so it's especially puzzling how they failed to deliver. Halo's vehicle combat is a staple of the franchise and Bungie also messed that up. It's almost as if they tried so hard to not be Halo that they forgot all the good stuff they did in those games.

Despite the overemphasis on PvP since the game launched, it seems like this entire half of the game was an afterthought. Or rather, Bungie wanted to make it a significant chunk of the end-game but at the same time didn't know what to do with it. Perhaps that's why we still have weapons and even classes that are completely useless in PvE but amazing in PvP, and vice versa.

Trials of Osiris is a decent step towards making the competitive multiplayer portion of the game more interesting. However, considering the current meta game and the fact that its debut will take place on arguably one of the worst maps in the game, I think it's going to be met with significant backlash. We saw it with the first Iron Banner and at this point it's expected for every new bit of content that releases in Destiny. I just hope that Trials at the very least is a catalyst for significant improvements to the Crucible. I'm not looking for Halo out of Destiny, but I'd like to see Destiny's multiplayer find a foothold and become a smarter game for it.
There were four primary complaints, generally speaking.

  • The story is thin and what is there is poor.
  • There is not enough content, particularly to justify
  • a pretty steep endgame grind, which
  • not enough of the population has access to.
To touch on what has changed, in order.

Not much they can do with the story, so it's down to what they do going forward. The Dark Below was a marginal step up, but only marginal. Jury is still out on House of Wolves, though they are trying some new things. (Incorporating the Reef characters into the narrative, for example.) Still very valid criticism.

The largest complaint about Destiny is the lack of content. It was a valid complaint at launch. TDB added some decent content, but it was spread thin. The House of Wolves is a much larger expansion, and all signs point to be being of higher quality. Put together they are adding three strikes, a new raid, a new arena mode, a new PvP event and game type (Osiris), eight story missions, a new PvE event (Queen's Wrath), multiple quest lines (Eris, Queen Dude), ~seven (I think?) new Crucible maps, the Reef and hundreds of new pieces of weapons and gear. Upgrade systems have been overhauled and streamlined, lots of polish added, options expanded. Obviously HoW is not out yet so we need Tuesday to arrive to start judging it properly. But together the two expansions are adding a lot to the game.

When the weekly reset happens, you've got the daily story mission, weekly Heroic strike, Nightfall, two raids, Trials of Osiris (on weekends) and the rotation of Prison of Elders hard modes on tap. Queen's Wrath will likely alternate with Iron Banner. Lack of content as a valid critique is rapidly fading.

The endgame grind has been gradually reduced through several updates, and is getting axed further with the House of Wolves release. (The list here is very long, from new sources for planetary mats, to the lower leveling requirements for the new gear.)

There's still no raid matchmaking (good), and no LFG system in game (bad). What they have done is added matchmaking to the weekly Heroic strikes; are setting the weekly Heroic and Nightfall strikes to be different strikes each week, with at least one not from the DLC so non-DLC owners are not locked out of them for the week; including matchmaking in the base Prison of Elders mode. I think that's decent progress and indicates Bungie has heard the criticism about needing to open up more of the endgame to more players. Ultimately, a LFG system is very much needed for NF, hard PoE, Trials teams and raid grouping up. This is probably the most asked for feature in the game at this point and something Bungie needs to address.

This post basically just convinced me I'm gonna download HoW and jump back into Destiny.

Should be fun


The only thing I miss from Halo in that regard is being able to jump and shoot
That shit drives me crazy. Why do you give me all these cool movement options (double jump, slide, hover, etc) and then force me to stand still on the ground to hit anything? Why Bungie, why do you sabotage your own game with that shit? The gameplay would feel SO much better without all those dumb movement and accuracy penalties for everything...

Please Bungie, kill that random vector stupidity for Destiny 2.

One of the warlock class attributes you can enable is the ability to hover in midair while shooting your gun.
I know, but it's just one specific ability, so it doesn't really address the problem. And I only play as a hunter. (I'd actually like to try the other classes, like I did during the beta, but the game is quite a timesink already, unfortunately, so I can't really afford to)


That shit drives me crazy. Why do you give me all these cool movement options (double jump, slide, hover, etc) and then force me to stand still on the ground to hit anything? Why Bungie, why do you sabotage your own game with that shit? The gameplay would feel SO much better without all those dumb movement and accuracy penalties for everything...

Please Bungie, kill that random vector stupidity for Destiny 2.

One of the warlock class attributes you can enable is the ability to hover in midair while shooting your gun.


Even though I have the DLC coming to me since I already paid for it, I don't think I have it in me to jump back in without some way to participate in the raids. I've probably put 10-15 hours into looking for groups, posting on forums, spamming friends, waiting in lobbies to get into any raid, and I just can't do it. Not having raid match making is bullshit, and it leaves players that don't have a network of friends playing out in the cold.


Thanks for response guys

Even though I have the DLC coming to me since I already paid for it, I don't think I have it in me to jump back in without some way to participate in the raids. I've probably put 10-15 hours into looking for groups, posting on forums, spamming friends, waiting in lobbies to get into any raid, and I just can't do it. Not having raid match making is bullshit, and it leaves players that don't have a network of friends playing out in the cold.
I use the lfg website (destiny lfg.net) I find a match in at least 10-30 minutes on average.

I would hate raid matchmaking for the sole reason of having someone just sit there and not do anything and not have a way to kick them out


PvP is definitely not "garbage" but it definitely needs significant changes.

Halo was literally the only shooter I cared about until Destiny released and there's a reason i've left it behind. Bungie took those games downhill with each iteration. Maps got flatter, weapons got dumber and they piled in mechanics that simply didn't compliment the gameplay. On top of this, they started throwing away the things that made the first one as balanced as it was like utility weapons, map control and power ups. My biggest problem with Halo right now is the fact that it's so focused on spawn killing and team shooting across the map. Map design has stagnated because competitive Halo players don't want to play anything else; nothing else plays well when you have weapons that take ages to kill and abilities that let you run away from fights. It isn't fun to play solo and it isn't fun to play with a team because nobody really cares anymore. The meta is exhausted and it's boring.

On the other hand, I can boot up Destiny, whip out The Last Word and average 40 kills. Running around shooting things in this game is incredibly satisfying [when it isn't lagging]. I cant really say the same of Halo with projectile weapons and bloom. Obviously the skill ceiling in this game is low and I enjoy being better at it. But Destiny ironically has some of the key elements that Halo has been lacking - height variation and individual skill. The only thing I miss from Halo in that regard is being able to jump and shoot, but after 2 games with jetpack, I've had enough of people shooting and flying.

That's probably where I'll say it stops for Destiny though. I detest the majority of the maps in the game and especially am not fond of all the cheap OHK abilities. I appreciate the fact that you can feel like a superhero during the match - it's part of the game's charm - but every month the balance sways from one OP combo to the next and the latest one has effectively ruined the meta game. It's like Halo 4 where everyone had thruster, light rifles and bolt shots.

Elaborating on that, playing Destiny competitively is a joke. I like playing against evenly skilled teams, but between the bad maps, nooby weapons and the lack of tools to facilitate that competitive edge, you end up with a very small niche of the fanbase. We basically know all the good players because we have to match each other to find competition.

This ties into the biggest issue with Destiny's PvP. It isn't the maps, nor the balance or the skill ceiling. It's the fact that it's tremendously barebones. For all the faults with the latter Halo games, their feature set was ever expanding, with new gametypes, vehicles and even level editing. Destiny doesn't have any of that. There's no map voting, no ranking and no true objective gametypes. Hell, it doesn't even have private matches. Their reasoning against objective game modes ("we don't want to put too much pressure on one player") also doesn't make any sense.

Bungie held back on everything from the lobbies to the gametypes. This is something they pioneered and at one point nearly perfected, so it's especially puzzling how they failed to deliver. Halo's vehicle combat is a staple of the franchise and Bungie also messed that up. It's almost as if they tried so hard to not be Halo that they forgot all the good stuff they did in those games.

Despite the overemphasis on PvP since the game launched, it seems like this entire half of the game was an afterthought. Or rather, Bungie wanted to make it a significant chunk of the end-game but at the same time didn't know what to do with it. Perhaps that's why we still have weapons and even classes that are completely useless in PvE but amazing in PvP, and vice versa.

Trials of Osiris is a decent step towards making the competitive multiplayer portion of the game more interesting. However, considering the current meta game and the fact that its debut will take place on arguably one of the worst maps in the game, I think it's going to be met with significant backlash. We saw it with the first Iron Banner and at this point it's expected for every new bit of content that releases in Destiny. I just hope that Trials at the very least is a catalyst for significant improvements to the Crucible. I'm not looking for Halo out of Destiny, but I'd like to see Destiny's multiplayer find a foothold and become a smarter game for it.
You the one, Zoba.

You the one.


With everyone already stocking up on PoE keys and post-DLC engrams I already feel like I'm behind the curve and PoE only launches tomorrow...
Damnit, FFXI is already sucking all my free time out of me again!


With everyone already stocking up on PoE keys and post-DLC engrams I already feel like I'm behind the curve and PoE only launches tomorrow...
Damnit, FFXI is already sucking all my free time out of me again!

I farmed quite a lot this week, filled up my chars with engrams and the bankspace. I only got 2 epics and 1 key so I think its pretty safe to say that only a selected few got more than a handfull keys. So no need to feel like you're behind the curve, most players are.


Maybe if Destiny wasn't designed around grinding the same 12 missions till the end of time, and had a real campaign (with an actual story) with good encounter design (something Bungie used to excel at) people wouldn't complain so much.
But then people wouldn't be playing this game 7-8 months later.

Me and 5 other people from GAF gridded the same 2 public encounters for hours, multiple times this weekend. A different 6 people everytime, had a blast talking to everyone, talking about what could be fixed in the future, making new friends and just having a good time, all while preparing for House of Wolves. The people who shit on this game need to realize a large # of people love this game, on both systems.


Destiny Hot Fix - 05/19/2015 |
  • Added a new Daily Reward package upon completion of the first game in the Daily Featured Crucible playlist
  • Added Passage Coins to reward streams across all playlists, including the Daily reward package
  • Increased Crucible Mark drop rate across all playlists by 100%
  • Increased Crucible Reputation earnings across all playlists by 20%
  • Increased Rare Weapons and Gear drop chance for completing games across all playlists by 100%
  • Added Legendary Weapon drops into the Crucible reward stream across all playlists
  • Added Dark Below maps into all Crucible playlists for all players to enjoy (Pantheon, The Cauldron, Skyshock)

Iron Banner
  • Adjusted the power curve for Iron Banner playlists to accommodate the competitive range of power in House of Wolves
  • Across one Iron Banner event, players competing in Iron Banner with more than one character on the same account will receive a reputation boost for the lower-ranked characters to reach parity with the higher-ranked character more quickly
  • Six additional Iron Banner bounties have been added to the bounty rotation
  • Removed an errant buff from Iron Banner Control playlist
  • Etheric Light will now be available at Ranks 3 and 5 in Iron Banner

  • Newly acquired Faction reward packages will no longer produce Shards
  • The Speaker will exchange Ascendant and Radiant Materials for Glimmer and Motes of Light
  • Xûr will exchange Strange Coins for Motes of Light
  • Commendations are no longer required to purchase gear
  • Commendations can be converted to receive +250 gains in Vanguard, Crucible, or Faction reputation
  • Note: Etheric Light will not be made available for ascending gear until the release of House of Wolves
  • The Cryptarch will no longer convert newly acquired Legendary Engrams to Shards (possibilities include gear/weapons or Exotics)
  • Expansion II featured Daily Heroic activities will produce Motes of Light in lieu of Shards
  • Ascending: Year 1 Legendary and Exotic gear can be upgraded to the highest power levels available in Year 1

User Interface
  • The Control UI above the mini scoreboard has been fixed & returned to the players HUD

  • Added a new “Connection Recovery” System
  • Specific player networking problems will now be fixed instead of kicking affected players to orbit
  • This will be enabled first for Trials of Osiris and rolled out to other activities over time

Destiny Update - 05/15/2015 | 1.2.0
  • Fixed an issue in which Vex Mythoclast was not respawning with primary ammunition
  • Fixed an issue with the Hive Disruptor perk, which now appears in the Black Hammer perk set again
  • Fixed an issue in which the Phantom Gift and White Nail perks would become interrupted when non-precision damage occurred from other perks
  • Bonus damage from other perks (e.g., Explosive Rounds, Hive Disruptor) no longer interrupts the count
  • Three precision hits within the time window will trigger the intended refund bonus
  • Fixed an issue in which the Hive Disruptor perk did not work correctly with sustained damage events (auto rifles, pulse, etc.)
  • Oracle Disruptor perk now triggers more often
  • Hive Disruptor perk now triggers more often, but does less damage per event

  • Salvage: Moved the first Relic to more consistently appear in a centralized position on the map
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to wait an excessively long time to respawn

User Interface
  • Vendor Interaction Panel has been updated to support Quest chains
  • Vendor Interaction Panel now has better animations and fewer popping issues
  • Number of buffs that can be displayed on the Character screen has been increased
  • Inventory item stacks that have reached their highest possible count will now display gold numbers along with an alert in the tooltip that maximum quantities have been acquired

  • Added improved feedback for players who take damage from energy weapons

  • Fixed an issue in which the Mercury Grimoire card was not being awarded
  • Retroactively awarded the Mercury Grimoire card to players who have found the "Mercury Memory Fragment" Dead Ghost
  • Vendor items, damage types, and perks will now be visible on Bungie.net and the Mobile App

  • Addressed a crash on Xbox One that was induced when too many explosions/projectiles were generated
  • Fixed an issue that affected the network quality user interface
  • Indicators will no longer display persistently bad ("red") quality after a user's connection recovers from a temporary quality issue
  • The quality indicators should now always correctly reflect a user's live connection quality

  • We have discovered that Rare and Legendary Engrams will drop in 1.2.0 that the Cryptarchs will not recognize
  • Hold on to all newly-acquired Engrams until May 19th to benefit from their upgraded decryption skillset

The following is a preview of changes that will take effect on May 19th, 2015 on or soon after 10AM PST with the manual activation of House of Wolves.


Excited that Crucible got a nice update. Looking forward to playing more of time, with better rewards. Crucible is hard for me to put down sometimes, and this will just make that worst!

Hawkmoon dropped in a Crucible match last week that I was in, and it made me stay for a few more matches to see if would happen again, lol.

got all the wolves across all 3 accounts, not a single key/coin .... am cry

I got a Passage Coing doing the daily Crucible match. I believe it's one of the rewards for completion.
I wonder if Bungie expected us to have so much loot ready for tomorrow?
Everything is full including post master (vanguard packages everywhere)

Rahool going to break servers lol



Does anyone know if you can buy house of wolves separately from the season pass on Xbox One? I can't find the stand alone version on the store or on amazon.


anyone catch any info regarding rotation of legendary vendors to include how, crota and vanilla gear? read some thread that it was a community requested feature (to include all past legendary vendor gear by a system of hourly inventory rotation)
They really need to do something about the way chests can be reused if you travel away and back again, all I see on twitch are people abusing it lol
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