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Splatoon | Review Thread


All my support go to them, ganbate!


The #NintendoWorld #Splatoon #WiiU line from the back. You can already see a kid turned squid-Luigi.
Its almost a block-long line.


Unconfirmed Member
A guy interviews his 10-year-old daughter about her impressions of the game and first time playing an online shooter.


Like you were there, inside the game. That you, not your avatar, were the one doing the shooting and splattering.

Well, no. And that makes me happy. Because I don’t want to feel like I’m covered in paint, or that I’m a squid swimming through paint. And this game isn’t as aggressive as I thought it might be. It’s not violent the way I hear other shooters are. Like, when you die, you don’t really die or anything. It has kind of a bright, happy atmosphere, actually. Because it’s Nintendo, right? And it’s very colourful, and nice to look at. Except when you’re fighting with red and green paint. That’s when it’s most warlike. Because red and green don’t go well together. At all. Except at Christmas. And even then, really
omfg she's adorable
I'll echo what others have said, I don’t really agree with the way a lot of outlets are reviewing this game. I’ll be first in line for complaints against this game, and I have whined about them many times. But at the end of the day, fun trumps all. Trumps controller preference, trumps any lack of content, trumps missing features/options. I feel like a lot of major outlets feel obligated to dock this game for “lack of content” to make a point, no matter how fun it is to play.

I view this game the same way I do Counterstrike. I’ve only ever played 5-6 Counterstrike maps in the exact same mode every time. The joy of playing Counterstrike doesn’t come from the amount of “content” because at its core it’s really fun to just play and compete.

I hate using the Gamepad, I agree the games very light on content, and I can’t voice chat or hook up with my friends. Yet I’ve got it already preloaded on my Wii U and will be staying up late on a work night to taste it. The testfire made a believer out of me and I had so much fun it’s stupid to skip out on this for those reasons.


It is actually pretty eyeroll-inducing, honestly.

The picture, I mean.

I can understand what its trying to say, but it comes off fairly patronizing and kind of assumes facts not in evidence regarding Splatoon's fanbase.

I don't take that picture as seriously as yall, I guess

it's a pretty innocent joke in my eyes

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
We've all been there. For me it was after the SNES that Nintendo wasn't cool enough for me. I must've been 13 years old maybe.

Eh, Nintendo actually wasn't cool during the N64 era. I still thought Nintendo was for babies when the Gamecube was about to come out, but came to my senses about a year later.

Kids are dumb.

Azure J

Kotaku's review is up: It's a YES.

More importantly, though, my gear is on fleek. Splatoon is the most stylish game I’ve played since The World Ends With You, and its flair enlivens things in welcome ways. I can’t remember the last Nintendo game that looked or sounded this cool.

A magnificently bold claim to make and one that I have a hard time disagreeing with despite my love for TWEWY. I wonder what the "Freshest Games of All Time" list would consist of after reading that. Jet Set is also up there.


WOOO I got my eshops ready! So excited to jump into the Single Player, been kinda hyped for it for awhile since it was EAD and looked a tad like Galaxy in the initial reveal trailer for the single player. Multi is looking great too, going to be interesting to see if the TF2 approach works for them or not. Wonder how many maps the game is gonna have come Fall or years end. Pretty much buying this game exclusivly for the single player though, I'll play with the MP a bit and if it hooks me I'm sure I'll play more, but daaaaamn dat single player!

Plus after hearing the length all my concerns are squashed. This is gonna be great.
Wait. You actually have to use the gamepad? I guess once I read about the local multiplayer using the Pro controller I didn't expect you couldn't play regular multiplayer without the behemoth.

Even the awesome little girl interviewed turned off the motion controls. Whyyyyy must they make me use the clunky game gear.


Oh wow @ these reviews. Might it be time for me to finally take the Wii u plunge?????

Make sure you want more than 1 game for the system at least before taking the plunge. Never buy a console for 1 game, unless that one game is so magical that it's worth 200+ lol
Oh wow @ these reviews. Might it be time for me to finally take the Wii u plunge?????

a 81 on metracritic and gameranking is not impressive, it's very good but it's nothing wow about it, or buy a console for, i'm just talking about reviews here, usually a over 90 score on metracritic would make me say wow, i have to try this game, if i like the settings and art style just a little.
A quasi review from Canada's National Post (Financial Post) newspaper.

A guy interviews his 10-year-old daughter about her impressions of the game and first time playing an online shooter.


I really like Splatoon a lot. But I feel like if I told the other kids that I was playing Splatoon they might not think it was all that great. Because it’s Nintendo, and they think Nintendo is for kids. And it doesn’t have blood and guts. And even if it was fun, they wouldn’t admit it. Because they want to seem more grown up. But I don’t care, because Nintendo games are adorable. And fun. Especially this one.

Hah! Some things never change, I guess. Still remember those playground arguments.


Yeah but that dude is seriously talented. Well done smut is more powerful than just smut smut.

I dont want to see their reactions after eating delicious food either. Nope

Episode 1 of Soma was a reference to this wasnt it

Wasnt it

peanutbutter squid...ALL OVA MAH FACE

...would post the gif but would get banned most likely.


You know, it's weird, I don't think there's been a point in my life where anything went to "uncool" to me. Everything I've told was cool at a younger age I still think is cool and everything I thought was uncool is still uncool to me. I've been really consistent in that kind of stuff in my life.

a 81 on metracritic and gameranking is not impressive, it's very good but it's nothing wow about it, or buy a console for, i'm just talking about reviews here, usually a over 90 score on metracritic would make me say wow, i have to try this game, if i like the settings and art style just a little.

Yeah, well, you're avoidance of capital letters is probably only about a 70 on metacritic but it still makes some go wow.


a 81 on metracritic and gameranking is not impressive, it's very good but it's nothing wow about it, or buy a console for, i'm just talking about reviews here, usually a over 90 score on metracritic would make me say wow, i have to try this game, if i like the settings and art style just a little.

you should, like, read the reviews maan


Yeah, when you see the name ninjablade in any Nintendo related theme, the best thing is to take that ninja part of his name to heart and pretend like you just can't see it.


Yeah but that dude is seriously talented. Well done smut is more powerful than just smut smut.

I dont want to see their reactions after eating delicious food either. Nope

Don't worry, he managed to show restraint in that jump crossover with that little girl so I think he would do the same them, unless he uses Calie and Marie...


The definition of front-butt.
Woah, there. I wasn't trying to misrepresent anything or push an agenda. I just thought it was cool that a 10-year-old "gets" that you'll run in to people online that will give you abuse for being bad at a game, and is empathetic enough to understand why some people don't want it there (regardless of whether she agrees or not).

Alright, thanks for the clarification. If you think that's cool, uh, that's cool. I didn't think it was particularly noteworthy, it's just normal empathy and understanding. Its no surprise a young girl is capable of that. To me, a "truth bomb" is a truth that really needs to be said, usually because no one is willing to say it and then it makes a big impact. There are posts all the time on here like that miiverse quote, followed by people who understand their position, whether they agree with it or not.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
This game and its reviews prove once again that the WiiU is the #1 system for gameplay and Nintendo is still king. Can't wait to play this with my family!
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