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SPOILER ALERT: Halo 5 (Spoiler) Spoiler Thread of Spoilers Spoiler


Neo Member
Atrocious VA, goddamn.

Wow... Cortana sounds like a total bitch now. She might have been able to sell me the misunderstood villain thing if she still sounded sweet like in the past games but after hearing her for myself... damn... what the hell happened that made her do a complete 180?
I don't want to read anything on this topic... But I have only one question : is it good ?? Really good ? Masterpiece ? Meh ? Bad ? Something ?


Did not expect this game to feel so co-op focused. Had some frustrating moments with AI.

Some encounters just dragged solo. Specifically the following:

[Call-Me-G];182733560 said:
I don't want to read anything on this topic... But I have only one question : is it good ?? Really good ? Masterpiece ? Meh ? Bad ? Something ?
I did not expect it to turn out like it did. Better than Halo 4 and very interesting. I think many here will hate, but in my opinion: it was great.
I think my theory was mostly correct. That's clearly the anger state Cortana from H4. She's isn't cured but she has managed to stabilize the outburst due to being in the Domain for like 8 months or however long. Now she's twisting the Forerunner's words to say the AIs are the rightful Reclaimers by taking the created part literally while disregarding that the Precursors created both the Humans and Forerunners.


The only real concern I have is with the amount of on screen time Blue Team has. I understand they only have 3 missions, and that a lot of the press we're saying that the game was 'the story of Blue Team', but I just hope they didn't mean that in the sense that it's just a lot of people talking about Blue Team.

Even is Blue Team isn't playable for most of the game, as long as they're featured in most of the cutscenes I'd be fine.

(Either way, MORE Blue Team in Halo 6!)


Uf....I find those scenes pretty rough viewing. Its so horribly melodramatic and it makes no sense for the characters!


The VA is still better than some of Cortana's very odd VA in Halo 3, although I'd say its not quite up to Halo 4's quality in that regard.

Actually, come to think of it, she sounds a lot like a very crazy Halsey now.

And jesus you guys are salty. It's not even as remotely bad as some of you claim.
And jesus you guys are salty. It's not even as remotely bad as some of you claim.


Just because people didn't like it they are salty now? And it isn't even Cortana the bad one, it's the first thing that speaks in the first video.

The "oh dear" VA.



Just because people didn't like it they are salty now? And it isn't even Cortana the bad one, the first thing that speaks in the first video is terrible.
Misinterpreting my statement 101.

There's a difference between criticism, salt, and the total hyperbole among some commentators, not all of whom have played the game. And it extends across multiple threads.

Nobody is saying don't criticize the game, but there's a difference between informed criticism and nitpicking the game based on the sections we have seen. Most people who have played the game so far are fairly positive, others not so much.

I have my own worries and sets of criticism, but there is definitely a lot of salt in this thread. I'll reserve final judgement to see how Cortana changes throughout the game.
Huh? Cortana in 4 was a shouting nutjob even at her calmest. This Cortana sounds like a more arrogant (but also enlightened) version of the confidently cocky character from Bungie's games.

This sounds like the crazy angry corrupted by Gravemind part of Cortana who holds a grudge against Halsey to me. The one that rants and calls Halsey a bitch at the start of Composer rather than the part that tells Chief not to tell Halsey how she acted later in the mission.


Her VA during the Genesis section is being perturbed by some intereference, I think. She sounds much more natural (and better) during the Infinity cutscene.


There's definitely deliberate Halsey/Didact references to Cortana's behaviour, as well as the forced death of AI. I haven't played the game, but it'll be interesting to see how they handle it. The biggest criticism of Halo 4's story was the Didact's motivation not being fleshed out properly.


Am I the only one who cringed at the Cortana meeting Chief cutscene?

Man, I was really hyped for the story too.

Not really, I cringed during Halo 3's rescue and Halo 4's ending though. Something about Cortana is kinda cringeworthy when they make her overly emotional.

The reason I didn't cringe this time is because the ending makes her creepy, and that may be the best representation of Cortana since Halo 2.

Edit: The videos are down.




This game is going to be very divisive.

I noticed a general trend that the more enthused you were with the lore, the more likely you were to like Halo 4's story, and vice versa.

This time, the story seems more comprehensible and likeable to the average gamer, but there are reasons for lore fans to be upset. Now criticism will come from both ends, but so will praise. Although the gameplay/level design would probably rank Halo 5 above Halo 4 in that regard.

The music is definitely on point though.
Am I the only one who cringed at the Cortana meeting Chief cutscene?

Man, I was really hyped for the story too.
I actually got a good case of the feels. Certain points of Halo 4 were cringy to me, but I really like What they're doing with the characters here.

But inb4 people make a clamoring for the "revelutionary story-telling and in depth character developments of 2001's Combat Evolved".

People give 343 a lot of flac, but they do a great job of giving estsblished charcters depth, which I felt that was something Bungie by and large failed to do, with a few exceptions.

They're making Chief a real human bean, with real bean feelings. I don't see Chiefs relationship with Cortana romantic as people like to make it out. They're obviously very protective of each other, and the bond they have is very strong and meaningful, one that has been tested by the crucible of war time and time again. If you go into a war for it's entire length, and you only had the guy next to you the only one watching your back, I bet you guys would grow pretty close too.


Neo Member
Not going to watch the two videos but by the looks of everyone's reaction the leaks were at least mostly correct. I would like to experience the story for myself before I make a judgement though. The plot could very well be great and the person who leaked it just simplified it so much it sounded pedestrian. After much thought I suppose you could do that with just about every story told no matter what form of media or art. I've loved almost every piece of Halo lore from books to games and even comics. No reason to at least not play the game for ourselves and make our own judgements rather than have two 5 minute videos make those judgements for us.
Not at all. It's all generic and corny.

What are you talking about? Don't you remember how awesome and totally fitting for grounded sci-fi it was when Dart- I mean Didact Force Choked™ Master Chief in Halo 4? Or that time that the living memory™ of a space wizard made Master Chief immune to orange laser beams? Such an emotional moment.


That VA needs "some work"; although it's more about the dialogue written, and the way the scene is executed, planned that makes the VA seem meh (combination of)...343i still behind the times on this. No feels arisen.


Not at all. It's all generic and corny.

You could definitely call parts of it corny, but it's not like Bungie lacked corniness throughout the trilogy, lol.

I certainly wouldn't call it generic. The Chief/Cortana interaction in Halo 4 was well above anything Bungie attempted to accomplish in the trilogy.
Personally, I'd take Halo 3's story over 4's (plot holes and all) any day of the week.

The Didact was such a pathetic villain and most of the characters in 4 were laughable. It also didn't have any of the same sense of being "epic" that 3's story did (nowhere close really).

But both sucked at the end of the day.

Edit: ...yea... the Chief/Cortana interaction in Halo 4 had me rolling my eyes. Shit was cringey as fuck.
Your rampant hyperbole goes very unappreciated, I see. And Buck has always been a snarky character, Josh Whedon like.

Yet every single line out of his mouth wasn't some witty remark.

I certainly wouldn't call it generic. The Chief/Cortana interaction in Halo 4 was well above anything Bungie attempted to accomplish in the trilogy.
What parts exactly? Not trying to be snarky here, I'm genuinely curious.


Yet every single line out of his mouth wasn't some witty remark.

Every reply that wasn't a corny remark was about Dare and their relationship. And that was a terrible plot point to begin with.
Personally, I'd take Halo 3's story over 4's (plot holes and all) any day of the week.

The Didact was such a pathetic villain and most of the characters in 4 were laughable. It also didn't have any of the same sense of being "epic" that 3's story did (nowhere close really).

But both sucked at the end of the day.

Edit: ...yea... the Chief/Cortana interaction in Halo 4 had me rolling my eyes. Shit was cringey as fuck.

I think it's clear we have very different perspectives on the games, in that case. I disagree with you on most points, but I guess it comes down to preference.

Either way, both are inferior to Halo 2, in my opinion.


Edit: ...yea... the Chief/Cortana interaction in Halo 4 had me rolling my eyes. Shit was cringey as fuck.

I absolutely loved it, and it's why I love halo 4 more than any of the other games. People on the internet like to say: "this is like fanfic" but the writing was topnotch. Chris Schlerf wrote some amazing stuff in that game.

Edit: People who cringe when Cortana is emotional, do you cringe when characters are emotional in other games or fiction?
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