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Bloodborne's Frame Pacing still isn't fixed, it never will be, and that sucks

That's factually wrong. Hell, an entire mechanic from DS2 revolved around precision gameplay. In BB you can't adjust it, but it's still a mechanic in the game, no matter how generously adjusted. Performance problems and stuttering mess. this. up. Your opinion is just that.

What pattern? Humans have a pattern? Is Player vs Player interactivity not a huge part of the game?

You mean the pattern by which the game drops frames and stutters?

Also, patterns and appropriate tactics are important, but the timing and fluidity necessary to even carry out such play is not? In an action game? That is contradictory.

Bleh. Hasn't hurt my experience in any way which is all that matters.


Low Poly Gynecologist
You are talking like you've never played the game. Have you?

They aren't talking like they've never played the game, and their point totally makes sense.

You can argue how much of an impact the frame pacing has on the gameplay, but it's indisputable that it has SOME effect, regardless of how large or small it is. The game has timing based components. Poor framepacing leads to frames displaying at inconsistent times. There has to be an impact because those ideas are inherently linked.


I find it a bit hard to believe that a game about combat, timing, and patience is somehow unaffected when a frame displays at in incorrect interval.

It is not affected or at least not even close to hampering combat. It responds exactly as how I want it to respond during combat so....you may become a believer if you actually play the game.


It doesn't happen nearly often enough to be a real issue.

Also, timing isn't that crucial in Soulsborne games compared to some action games. This isn't a twitchy FPS, the challenge is more about observing patterns and finding appropriate tactics.

I disagree with that. Timing is very important in Bloodborne since you can't rely on a shield. You will need to dodge and thus have to be decent at timing.

Furthermore, the framerate really suffers during some bossfights which really affects the gameplay. Prime examples would be Abhorrent Beast and Paarl/Loren Darkbeast (especially the latter, have fun dodging shit at <15 fps).
Its not an ideal locked 60fps but at the same time it never gets as bad as Blighttown while looking damn good so thats progress I guess


I find it a bit hard to believe that a game about combat, timing, and patience is somehow unaffected when a frame displays at in incorrect interval.

The Souls series' timing windows for most things are extremely generous compared to other action games, and I'd be hard pressed to give you specific examples of the frame pacing problems hurting my experience in combat.

This isn't being dismissive, mind you, I still wish it was fixed. I'm just being honest. Bloodborne still plays really well in spite of its technical issues, and it's not hampered to the degree of something like Dragon's Dogma on PS3.

EDIT: Hypron did point out that the game does suffer from actual framerate drops in some places, which are generally more detrimental than the pacing.

EDIT 2: It's also worth pointing out that Bloodborne is probably the best-performing non-remaster Souls game on console in terms of average framerate. Dark 2 ran like a dog, and it doesn't have major areas with severe, sustained framerate problems like Demon's or Dark.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Even after Platinum-ed it up and watched several videos/read explanation about what the hell "frame pacing" actually is--honestly, I still don't have any clue what it is, hahaha---I still never actually "feel" the problem whenever I play the game.

I mean, I guess it's too bad if you're sensitive to that kind of thing, but for the life of me I just don't see it... or how it bothers anyone so much to the point that anyone would be unwilling to play the game.

I guess I am quite blessed because I have a technically deficient mind, hahah.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Even after Platinum-ed it up and watched several videos/read explanation about what the hell "frame pacing" actually is--honestly, I still don't have any clue what it is, hahaha---I still never actually "feel" the problem whenever I play the game.

I mean, I guess it's too bad if you're sensitive to that kind of thing, but for the life of me I just don't see it... or how it bothers anyone so much to the point that anyone would be unwilling to play the game.

I guess I am quite blessed because I have a technically deficient mind, hahah.
How in the world can you watch this video. and not notice it?


I feel sorry for the people bluntly claiming "no Problem"..its an issue with the game that is affecting many and if fixed will render a smoother experience.

Its 2015 .....how incompetent are the developers that they are not listening to the community.

FYI, the same issue was in Destiny Beta on PS4 which was quickly fixed.

I feel sorry for the people who are affected by it. I personally am not. And incompetent isn't a word I would throw around so haphazardly like that. The progression from Kingsfield to Bloodborne is not of the same as the one from Oblivion to fallout 4 in terms of bugs and incompetency on Sony platforms.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
What pattern? Humans have a pattern? Is Player vs Player interactivity not a huge part of the game?
No? lol. Have you even played the game?

Also, patterns and appropriate tactics are important, but the timing and fluidity necessary to even carry out such play is not? In an action game? That is contradictory.
I didn't say it wasn't important, only that the framerate issues don't affect it on any significant level. No one's ever died because of it.

I disagree with that. Timing is very important in Bloodborne since you can't rely on a shield. You will need to dodge and thus have to be decent at timing.
Decent, yes. But I did compare it to twitch action games. It's not remotely the same.

Furthermore, the framerate really suffers during some bossfights which really affects the gameplay. Prime examples would be Abhorrent Beast and Paarl/Loren Darkbeast (especially the latter, have fun dodging shit at <15 fps).
I did fight those bosses. Framerate wasn't an issue that I can recall.


This is just another one of those things that some people are sensitive to, but most don't care. Add this to things like people sceaming about CA, screen tearing, jaggies, etc.

Yeah, it's all nice when everything is perfect. But, most of us will hardly notice anything as long as it isn't extremely hindering gameplay. I'm in this boat. Yes, I can see it if I take the time to look for it. I'll never notice it otherwise though.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
How in the world can you watch this video. and not notice it?

It's a PvP involving three people at the same time. First of all, I don't do PvP (unless some fuckers invade me, hahaha), and second of all that kind of PvP situation is hardly common as you play the game (and you can even disable PvP entirely.)

I guess you will still not be satisfied if I counter with "it's not really that much of a big deal"? Especially a big deal enough to entirely skip a great game like Bloodborne?

I am just not as sensitive to it as some people maybe. Like I said, I guess I am just a technically deficient person after all, hahaha.


When you have to dodge some boss' attack (that can one shot you) using a handful of iframes, twitch or no twitch, having a reliable framerate and a low input lag is crucial, and BB doesn't really perform that well in either.

Strategy can get you only so far in this game, especially in BB, where the builds available are essentially a variation of the agility build you had in Dark Souls.
If you can't dodge reliably, you can have all the strategies in the world planned, you're gonna die (unless you're massively over leveled and spam vials, i guess).

This is only amplified, if you take into consideration PvP, obviously.

Infact, i'd say responsiveness is even more important here than in, say, Dragon's Dogma.
That game has fucking horrid performance (much worse than BB, actually) and generally faster combat, but it's nowhere near as punishing, and it doesn't rely on exploiting iframes as much.

Try dodging in Dark Souls 2 at 60fps (on PC, but i assume it's the same on PS4) and then in BB, especially in areas where frame pacing is bad, and the general input lag + stuttering caused by the frame pacing issues, makes the difference pretty damn obvious.
Yes, you can work around it, yes you can still play and enjoy the game (and platinum it, like most here have done) but it doesn't change the fact that it is a pretty crucial aspect that they should be much more careful with.

You can adapt around a lot of problems in games, but they're still problems that should be fixed, or taken more into consideration.

Doesn't mean you can't like or even love these games (since a lot of people feel the need to point out how much they loved the game).
You are talking like you've never played the game. Have you?
No? lol. Have you even played the game?

Oh man, we gottem' there!

Guys, seriously. I play DS2 PvP more than once a week on a 120hz monitor at 60fps. I can see and feel the numerous issues BB has by comparison.
I jumped back in the other way and the shitty pacing hit me like a wall of bricks to my eyes.

It's playable, I guess. I pumped like 300 hours in earlier this year, too.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's a PvP involving three people at the same time. First of all, I don't do PvP (unless some fuckers invade me, hahaha), and second of all that kind of PvP situation is hardly common as you play the game (and you can even disable PvP entirely.)

I guess you will still not be satisfied if I counter with "it's not really that much of a big deal"? Especially a big deal enough to entirely skip a great game like Bloodborne?

I am just not as sensitive to it as some people maybe. Like I said, I guess I am just a technically deficient person after all, hahaha.
PvP is quite common in the game. Co-op as well. Both get worse performance issues when playing the game.

Sure seemed like the person playing didn't notice.

There were a few frame drops here and there, especially when breaking chairs and such, but nothing that had any influence on player choices.
There were a lot more than "here and there." Speaking of the amount of useless breakable objects really make little sense from a game design standpoint especially since they cause performance issues as well.

I literally cannot tell what is poor frame pacing and what is poor framerate.
In PVP it's a combination of both.
You can't judge uneven frame pacing properly from a 30Hz video.

How about a 60hz recording of 30fps gameplay? It's so bad in that video that the game looks like the framerate is actually dropping rather than just stuttering/duplicating. Those little notches in the graph = every time the game has frame pacing problems.

Anyway, the video I posted and Crossing Eden reposted was an example of a situation where performance problems and visual irregularities would have a negative effect, not "look at this heavily compressed stream rip and find the frames that are paced incorrectly." Though you can clearly see the game's framerate drop during that example.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
PvP is quite common in the game. Co-op as well. Both get worse performance issues when playing the game. .

I suppose. And I do realize the game's performance bogging down in Coop since I do play lots of Coop in this game, and yes at times they can be quite noticeable (I do notice those frame drops but I still don't know how to spot "frame pacing" issues... guess I need to educate myself more by watching more videos explaining it), especially if I play along with two other people.

This game is not perfect technically, I am aware of that. I guess I am quite blessed in that I am not as sensitive as you and many others to its issues that it will sour me completely on the experience.


Decent, yes. But I did compare it to twitch action games. It's not remotely the same.

I don't find it to be that different to be honest. I play a fair bit of action games and those games also rely a lot on patterns (unless twitch action games doesn't refer to stuff like DMC/Platinum Games' games) &#8212; you tend to have less iframes but there isn't a world of difference between the two. I still find dodging some attacks challenging in Bloodborne even after having played the DMCs on DMD for example.

I did fight those bosses. Framerate wasn't an issue that I can recall.

Yeah I find that hard to believe considering how the framerate tanked, especially against the Loren Darkbeast. As the fight progressed the controls felt less and less responsive. I fought it twice and it was the same on both instances. Same thing against the Abhorrent beast but not to the same degree.

On a related note, I recently played Bloodborne again after having been playing nothing but MGSV for more than a month. The controls in Bloodborne felt pretty unresponsive in comparison.
I love Bloodborne and the bug is a bloody pain. At least after some time with the game I can somewhat feel when it will appear, so I can manage.

People who claim not being affected by this bug either 1) dont remember it, because it's relatively short and relatively infrequent, enough to be forgettable, or 2) stockolm syndrom ;p
The framepacing and frame rate never gave me an issue with bosses. NG+ and the only boss that I didn't kill on the first run in + was ML and that's because I rolled off the roof....

The negatives in this game do not outweigh the positives and for some people it's not even an issue.


There were a lot more than "here and there." Speaking of the amount of useless breakable objects really make little sense from a game design standpoint especially since they cause performance issues as well.

They're a simple way of allowing the player to connect to the environment.


I don't find it to be that different to be honest. I play a fair bit of action games and those games also rely a lot on patterns (unless twitch action games doesn't refer to stuff like DMC/Platinum Games' games) — you tend to have less iframes but there isn't a world of difference between the two. I still find dodging some attacks challenging in Bloodborne even after having played the DMCs on DMD for example.

Yeah I find that hard to believe considering how the framerate tanked, especially against the Loren Darkbeast. As the fight progressed the controls felt less and less responsive. I fought it twice and it was the same on both instances. Same thing against the Abhorrent beast but not to the same degree.

On a related note, I recently played Bloodborne again after having been playing nothing but MGSV for more than a month. The controls in Bloodborne felt pretty unresponsive in comparison.

I've fought all of the bosses many many times, I have hundreds of hours in the game and I've played MGSV for I think 100 hours as well and I haven't had any issue with the framerate or the responsiveness of the controls. I actually find it kind of hard to believe that people would.
The framepacing and frame rate never gave me an issue with bosses. NG+ and the only boss that I didn't kill on the first run in + was ML and that's because I rolled off the roof....

The negatives in this game do not outweigh the positives and for some people it's not even an issue.

Not everyone sees a game as a sum of its parts. It depends on who you are, but any one thing can definitely be a deal breaker.

For some people it may not be an issue. Maybe it is an issue for some other people.

Take this guy for example. Dark Souls 1 & Dark Souls 2. No buy, because M & K support is not up to snuff, even though he does have an xbox 360 controller. Sub standard implementation in a product that was paid for and expected to work properly.

Bloodborn is substandard in regard to is frame pacing and its general performance for a not insignificant amount of people. Plenty of both objective and subjective evidence is a google search away.


never noticed this
should be fixed for those who are annoyed by it tho
i wonder why they cant fix this issue would it break the engine?


It honestly hasn't affected my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.

While I agree one can still enjoy the game, isn't this the same thing as saying you still enjoy a game when it has flaws in a DF thread?

Sort of irrelevant to the problem in the OP.

Jacked up frame-pacing is annoying, even in a great game.

I'd take jacked up frame pacing over screen tearing any day though.
There are so many sensitive people here. I either don't notice it or don't care. I am just glad I can enjoy it and not let the minor technicals override my enjoyment.


There's no doubt that it affects the game. It can't be denied that the doubled frame causes a 33ms delay on top of whatever human delay you'll have.

...I'd argue that it affects the game less than, say, sweaty palms, an uncomfortable chair, or perhaps the reflection of the DS4's light bar in your display, but the impact sure is non-zero!


I've fought all of the bosses many many times, I have hundreds of hours in the game and I've played MGSV for I think 100 hours as well and I haven't had any issue with the framerate or the responsiveness of the controls. I actually find it kind of hard to believe that people would.

Good for you then, you're probably not sensitive to those things. But still, the game literally runs at 15 fps during the Loran Darkbeast's electric attacks I find it hard to believe someone would not notice that.

I also have played the games a fair bit (100 hours for BB and 160 for MGSV) and I can definitely feel the difference between 30 fps with drops and uneven frame pacing vs almost flawless 60 fps.


Good for you then, you're probably not sensitive to those things. But still, the game literally runs at 15 fps during the Loran Darkbeast's electric attacks I find it hard to believe someone would not notice that.

I also have played the games a fair bit (100 hours for BB and 160 for MGSV) and I can definitely feel the difference between 30 fps with drops and uneven frame pacing vs almost flawless 60 fps.

This is why I stopped caring when I died in Bloodborne. Most of the time it's my fault, but I know when the game has screwed me over and all I can do is sigh and shrug. I'm still enjoying myself, but I wish these issues were fixed, too.
I wasn't bothered on my first playthrough month ago. But I got to play Dark Souls 2 on PS4 and going back to Bloodborne now made me realize this issue.
It took me an hour to get use to that. Now it's okay :p


Neo Member
It's funny, I had almost the complete opposite response when going into Bloodborne than most PC players. I had girded myself for a terribad console experience ala DS1, but when I started playing it all I could think was 'Wow, this runs really well.'. Of course, I had no idea what frame pacing is and still don't really. I guess I'm more sensitive to FPS drops than frame pacing.
I just started Bloodborne for the first time (first souls game) and I noticed the frame pacing issue immediately. I find it really bothersome, but I'm going to continue anyway because the game seems really fun so far.

I regularly play on a 144Hz g-sync panel, so it sticks out like a sore thumb. Is there really no hope of a fix?


Low Poly Gynecologist
I just started Bloodborne for the first time (first souls game) and I noticed the frame pacing issue immediately. I find it really bothersome, but I'm going to continue anyway because the game seems really fun so far.

I regularly play on a 144Hz g-sync panel, so it sticks out like a sore thumb. Is there really no hope of a fix?

At this point almost certainly not.

Adam Blue

I don't notice it when I play, but I'm finally now seeing it in these videos. It reminds me of all distant animations in Halo 5 - is that the same thing?


How in the world can you watch this video. and not notice it?

I notice it but I don't think it matters that much. I played Dark Souls with a shit frame rate and I very rarely died because of it. That doesn't excuse it and if it bothers you then fair enough (I have my own nit picky hangups with games). However I don't think frame rate is nearly as important as in say an FPS.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I notice it but I don't think it matters that much. I played Dark Souls with a shit frame rate and I very rarely died because of it. That doesn't excuse it and if it bothers you then fair enough (I have my own nit picky hangups with games). However I don't think frame rate is nearly as important as in say an FPS.
It's incredibly important in Souls games where the slightest mistake can mean life or death. Especially against those boss fights.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Sure, excuse your ineptitude by blaming the framerate... ;)

Death by framerate never happens. Death by camera, though? Sure, that I'll grant.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Sure, excuse your ineptitude by blaming the framerate... ;)

Death by framerate never happens. Death by camera, though? Sure, that I'll grant.
It depends on the fight, pvp is definitely affected by framerate.
Always win though.


I've never felt hindered by the frame rate in Bloodborne or even Blight Town in Dark Souls. I might notice it, even dislike it in regards to the latter, but I'm never affected by it regarding gameplay.
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