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Bloodborne's Frame Pacing still isn't fixed, it never will be, and that sucks


I think a good number of people who say they don't notice it probably are more apt to say they don't care.

While I definitely notice these things, unless it is proving to be noticeably and consciously detracting, I really couldn't care less. A big post keeps getting requoted about how even if the frame pacing isn't noticeable it is still affecting you. While I definitely agree, I think actually noticing these things is a huge factor that you can't really put aside. I think it's fairly reasonable to say for the vast majority that these technical issues, frame rate included, are easily put aside because they just rarely ever actively negatively impact your play. While I think it's important to be able to vote with your wallet, I'd rather support these games instead of only technical marvels.


It does suck. Wasn't an issue for me in that I'm not too sensitive to the effect but its there,nit shouldn't be and it affects some peoples enjoyment so it is a shame.

I found the CA more distracting myself but again not enough to impact my enjoyment.
Why is there CA ? Without it, would the game look worse ? I know some games have the option on consoles to turn bloom off, would that work also with CA?

I most distracted by the jaggies, graphically. I think this game is otherwise one of the best looking games this gen.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
It honestly hasn't affected my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.

It did mine. It was one of the first games I played on my PS4 and it felt like the game was constantly dropping frames as it was so choppy. I later learned it was due to the frame time issue. I really had to struggle to play the game in the start because it was just so off putting, by the end I noticed it less but it was still the biggest issue I had with the game.
Never noticed this and I speedrun Bloodborne. Glad that I am not sensitive to such bullshit.

It saddens me to read that people won't play this game because of this. How do you notice this? I never had the feeling that I got hit unfair or anything like that. Well and I don't give a shit about CA. Bloodborne is way more playable than Dark Souls 1+2 back then lol.

Late, but...

I have a 144hz monitor that I run at 120hz + Lightboost strobbing for PC games, and have been gaming at 120hz since 2011. I use this same monitor in 60hz mode to play Bloodborn.

I play Dark Souls 2 PC at 60fps@120hz + Lightboost on at least a tri-weekly basis.

Believe me, I can tell.


It kinda sucks although never rendered the game unplayable. I would love to get a better framerate bloodborne, with less jaggies.

But all in all the final product makes up for it by far at least in the gameplay aspect. Fromsoft always kinda sucked at optimization of their engine though, that is a known thing and probably won't change anytime soon, even for DaS3
Dark Souls 3 has the same frame pacing issues so it's probably a core problem of the engine itself and would require too much work to fix it. It's a shame this will never get fixed from the looks of it.

I'm just glad it doesn't bother me enough to drop the game. I'm noticing it all the time but the game itself is excellent enough to keep me playing.

I have never noticed this. I guess I'm lucky because I don't even care if a game is 30 or 60fps as long as it's good. :)

Ignorance is bliss. Goes for a lot of folks here.


It didn't bother me to the point of never buying it but I was holding off until they either fixed it or I was able to get it for cheap. Picked it up for like $30. I wasn't going to reward them with a full price sale. Amazing game that suffers this terrible flaw, but I don't think it is as juddery as the game goes on. It is very bad at the beginning of the game and there is always a hitch when you go over a bridge in Old Yarnham. That was the only time I felt it affected my handling of the game.
I didnt notice this problem in particular until I had a long break from bloodborne and after prolonged session with Boarderlands Handsome collection. It is annoying but you do get used to it in the end. It is mostly with multiplayer where the frames gets almost unbearable.


I played on an integrated graphics for years and years...

So my threshold for lag and stuff is pretty darned high, lol.
I won't continue to support devs that either don't give a shit or can't fix their issues. Have fun pretending there aren't plenty of other games out there.

this is a nonsensical reaction IMO, as if frames per second is the only defining feature of a game... Bloodborne for example is a million different things, the framerate is just one of them. sure it sucks (and i think it sucks A LOT, especially in multiplayer), but the game has SO MUCH good going for it, that i as a sensible person can forgive a single technical shortcoming. it's perfectly playable anyway, it's just a bit irritating sometimes.

and there are no other games like it out there.


I think a good number of people who say they don't notice it probably are more apt to say they don't care.

While I definitely notice these things, unless it is proving to be noticeably and consciously detracting, I really couldn't care less. A big post keeps getting requoted about how even if the frame pacing isn't noticeable it is still affecting you. While I definitely agree, I think actually noticing these things is a huge factor that you can't really put aside. I think it's fairly reasonable to say for the vast majority that these technical issues, frame rate included, are easily put aside because they just rarely ever actively negatively impact your play. While I think it's important to be able to vote with your wallet, I'd rather support these games instead of only technical marvels.

I agree. The timing window for dodging attacks is massive and every attack has a long tell associated with it. A smoother frame rate would be nice, but for how good each frame looks with the post-processing (though I wish I could turn off CA) and cloth physics, I honestly don't care.


Neo Member
So having been playing at much higher fps on PC and in other games in general, I'm able to see this issue more than I did before. Honestly, going back after that is a little jarring even though I'd never really had too much of an issue with it during my playthrough at release but I hope people aren't serious when they say they're refusing to play it or the dlc. The game is fantastic and it's really not the be all end all anyway.
That said, I'll agree that it sucks it was never fixed because its one of the few gripes I have with the game.


I never really noticed it, but I would notice I get some serious bad headaches after playing hours of Bloodborne compared to other games on PS4.

So I was affected by something, just not sure if it's frame pacing.


Put like 200 hours into this game and still don't know WTF you people are talking about. Ignorance is bliss; not clicking link. More BB in my veins please.


Never noticed it and had more fun playing this game than almost any other in recent memory. I would guess that the number of people who actually care about this is extremely small.


I know what framepacing is and am aware that the lack of perfect frameacing is an issue for some. Personally I have never noticed any probem in Bloodbourne *shrugs*.
I don't mind them due to me not noticing them as much as some, but what I do mind is my touchpad not working anymore for whatever damn reason. A quick internet search made me realise that I wasn't the only one, but I still havn't found a fix for it yet. I guess the bug appeared after one of the updates? I used the touchpad to taunt and use the summoning bells so it really stinks. Touchpad still works for other games, so it ain't the problem.


The only place where I physically notice it in the game is the entrance of Old Yarnam. Any other place in the game and I don't really pay attention. I've been playing recently after playing some other games as well and never noticed it once in my playthrough.

I'm assuming most people that have a problem are PC players who usually game on a high refresh rate monitor with a good setup. Most console owners won't notice because the performance isn't that much different from most other console games.

But then there are those who might physically be affected, which is unfortunate, kind of like the people who get nauseous when playing certain first person shooters.

Anyway I'm not bothered, but if there is still frame pacing issues in DS3 then that would be pretty disappointing, because it's a new game and they have a chance to improve the engine. It's unfortunate, because in my opinion DS3 doesn't look quite as nice artistically as Bloodborne (so far).


From gives zero fucks about framerate and never will. It's a real shame.

Except, you know, Dark Souls 2 PC and Scholar of the First Sin completely betraying what you just said. I say they are incompetent when it comes to optimizing the use of the hardware but I feel it is irresponsible to just flat out say they don't care.


Did the latest patch bring any installation issue as well? In preparation of the DLC, I reinstalled the game and downloaded the 9GB patch. When booting up the game to try some of the new additions, I simply get a "Game install incomplete, cannot load save data" error all the time.

Is the game actually still installing in the background, or is this some error? I really don't want to redownload the patch, if necessary.

I'm getting the same thing. I can't get the game to work. :(


I won't continue to support devs that either don't give a shit or can't fix their issues. Have fun pretending there aren't plenty of other games out there.

Yeah. Who gives a shit about huge, beautiful, artistically astounding worlds with pitch perfect gameplay? Especially when so many other devs do it better than From anyway.


I feel you OP. I was hoping it'll be fixed by the time the DLC came out as well but oh well. I guess I'll just play other games. It's so weird to see a development studio who is praised for its gameplay design decisions make so many gameplay affecting technical decisions throughout their games. As soon as I reached Blight Town in Dark Souls on PlayStation 3, I knew their priorities were not necessarily gameplay first.


I feel you OP. I was hoping it'll be fixed by the time the DLC came out as well but oh well. I guess I'll just play other games. It's so weird to see a development studio who is praised for its gameplay design decisions make so many gameplay affecting technical decisions throughout their games. As soon as I reached Blight Town in Dark Souls on PlayStation 3, I knew their priorities were not necessarily gameplay first.

I ask this genuinely trying to understand. Has this frame pacing issue ever caused you to make a mistake in the game? When I play I feel as though I am in full control of my character.

In my opinion, the correct priority when it comes to gameplay is making sure that the game is fun, the character responds to button presses with precision, the game mechanics are sensible and require some degree of skill, the environment and enemy design is conducive to the gameplay mechanics, etc. The list goes on. Waaaaay down the list of priorities for me would be dropping the occasional frame. That's just me. Sincerely asking, what makes that occasional frame more important than the entire game itself?

Now if this were a fighting game and I were playing at a high level where I actually have to count out each frame and train myself to press at specific frames, it would be an issue for sure. BB obviously is not even close to that though.


I feel you OP. I was hoping it'll be fixed by the time the DLC came out as well but oh well. I guess I'll just play other games. It's so weird to see a development studio who is praised for its gameplay design decisions make so many gameplay affecting technical decisions throughout their games. As soon as I reached Blight Town in Dark Souls on PlayStation 3, I knew their priorities were not necessarily gameplay first.
The tech issues in BB don't affect the gameplay.


It bugs the shit out of me, but, if it wasn't fixed for the dlc its never going to be fixed so ill deal with it. I quit playing because of it but looks like is not going anywhere.


Bloodborne's frame pacing issues are gross and shitty and clear as day and no more than a few-minute hurdle for anyone that wants to try the game out in good faith.
I normally care about a games framerate, but normally that's because I feel under performance affects a games responsivitity, significantly.

I did not feel that way in Bloodborne, not at all. Never did I feel that the game was significantly delayed or unresponsive, because of framerate issues.

Visually it is choppy at times, certainly. Particularly in that one area, with the smoke.... but I found those issues to be very isolated. And the games performance has been that way since Demon's Souls, where physical destruction of carts would impede the games frame rate significantly, despite that, again these issues were few and far between, and even during these instances of poor performance, I never felt that I had lost control of my character.
The tech issues in BB don't affect the gameplay.
Video games are technology. If the tech has issues, everything in the game is affected. If the gameplay has issues, the tech may very well be just fine. That's just reality.

I ask this genuinely trying to understand. Has this frame pacing issue ever caused you to make a mistake in the game? When I play I feel as though I am in full control of my character.

In my opinion, the correct priority when it comes to gameplay is making sure that the game is fun, the character responds to button presses with precision, the game mechanics are sensible and require some degree of skill, the environment and enemy design is conducive to the gameplay mechanics, etc. The list goes on. Waaaaay down the list of priorities for me would be dropping the occasional frame. That's just me. Sincerely asking, what makes that occasional frame more important than the entire game itself?

Now if this were a fighting game and I were playing at a high level where I actually have to count out each frame and train myself to press at specific frames, it would be an issue for sure. BB obviously is not even close to that though.


Because if I was dropping frames or hitching during something like this, where utilizing i-frames (huge in souls PvP) for precision dodging at the correct time, that wouldn't be a big deal because environment, enemy design, and fun are more important for this game... while I'm trying to not have my ass pulled through my throat in a 2v1 battle. It's the same deal for single player.

Look at that section highlighted. That's not video playback, that's the game chugging like that. Seemingly nothing to do with frame pacing, the issue in this thread, but both frame pacing and frame drops share the same core issue: game performance and smooth, consistent frame delivery is essential. Imagine trying to make a decision between dodging forward and attacking with your sword or staying back and shooting with your gun during a 6-8 frame window when the game decides to conveniently hitch multiple times during that window. You wouldn't be able to get your spacing and character placement lined up correctly for the optimal action, so you go on instinct and pick one. That sucks.

How about this: Play Dark Souls DSfix and switch between parrying a Black Knight at 30fps and 60fps. Now Imagine the 30fps version but with the BL skipping forward after seemingly moving normally, slowing down, or even halting for a split second and cutting you down. That's what its like. It may sound ridiculous, but that's basic fighting game shit 101, but its supposedly excusable here because DS/BB isn't classified as a fighting game? I don't agree.

This game was already way too fast for 30fps. Add regular, yet unpredictable performance problems and irregular frame delivery. Yeah, its a big issue.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I find it a bit hard to believe that a game about combat, timing, and patience is somehow unaffected when a frame displays at in incorrect interval.
It doesn't happen nearly often enough to be a real issue.

Also, timing isn't that crucial in Soulsborne games compared to some action games. This isn't a twitchy FPS, the challenge is more about observing patterns and finding appropriate tactics.
I find it a bit hard to believe that a game about combat, timing, and patience is somehow unaffected when a frame displays at in incorrect interval.
I wouldn't say unaffected, but the difference the frame timing makes in a player's performance is less than the difference it would make if the game were 60fps vs 30. Which is already pretty minute in a game that is for the most part pretty generous with its counter and dodge windows.
Well believe it.
That's factually wrong. Hell, an entire mechanic from DS2 revolved around precision gameplay. In BB you can't adjust it, but it's still a mechanic in the game, no matter how generously adjusted. Performance problems and stuttering mess. this. up. Your opinion is just that.
It doesn't happen nearly often enough to be a real issue.

Also, timing isn't that crucial in Soulsborne games compared to some action games. This isn't a twitchy FPS, the challenge is more about observing patterns and finding appropriate tactics.

What pattern? Humans have a pattern? Is Player vs Player interactivity not a huge part of the game?

You mean the pattern by which the game drops frames and stutters?

Also, patterns and appropriate tactics are important, but the timing and fluidity necessary to even carry out such play is not? In an action game? That is contradictory.


I find it a bit hard to believe that a game about combat, timing, and patience is somehow unaffected when a frame displays at in incorrect interval.

Have you played Bloodborne? The combat is pretty slow and methodical. It's not Ninja Gaiden or Bayonetta.

To be more specific than what I said, the frame pacing has never gotten me unfairly killed in Bloodborne.


That's factually wrong. Hell, an entire mechanic from DS2 revolved around precision gameplay. In BB you can't adjust it, but it's still a mechanic in the game, no matter how generously adjusted. Performance problems and stuttering mess. this. up. Your opinion is just that.

What pattern? Humans have a pattern? Is Player vs Player interactivity not a huge part of the game?

You mean the pattern by which the game drops frames and stutters?

Also, patterns and appropriate tactics are important, but the timing and fluidity necessary to even carry out such play is not? In an action game? That is contradictory.

You are talking like you've never played the game. Have you?

Purest 78

After getting the platinum and beating it on NG++++. I'm happy it didn't bother me,I would have missed a great game. I noticed it maybe 10 minutes after that it was a non issue.
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