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Shots fired at Police during Dallas Police anti-violence protest (5 officers killed)

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How many reported incidents of murder/attempted murder of police have there been now in the past 24 hours?

4 to my knowledge, although the one near St. Louis may not have had the motivation of "retaliation" that the three others seem to have had.
The systemic abuse and oppression of minorities could only go on for so long before they started fighting back.

You reap what you sow.
That's a losing battle. It's a losing battle physically, and it's a losing battle politically. All it's going to do is galvanize public support for cops and police militarization, i.e. result in more innocent black people being killed. And civilian firearms aren't going to do shit against this:



The source in Wikipedia is cited. Not saying it is 100% true, but given how sensitive this subject is, if this is not true, someone would have corrected it already.

Nobody should believe that. 52% of homicides are committed by black people. The population numbers don't add up.
I think the Dallas PD made great strides in making sure the community could trust them and fixing up their policing practices. And when things went down, they got protected by the people. The ultimate reward IMO.

But they aren't the police in general. They aren't the US police, and the departments all over the country failed to hold themselves accountable and make the necessary fixes.

It's a shame the five cops died due to a deranged mind reaching a breaking point. And it sucks that more cops are now in danger.

But this could have been stopped! And one side had the power to stop it, to fix things, to make life easier for themselves and the communities if they had just listened. The state failed the people, I just hope they figure out a way to mitigate the fallout and find positive solutions asap.
This is a fantastic post.


That statistic is fabricated. Last I remember, blacks make up less than 15% of the population. There is no way they could be responsible for 52% of homicides.
The US department of Justice is fabricating data? Really?
When you factor in gang violence and theft in lower-end neighborhoods, that doesn't sound wrong at all. Also blacks make up 17% of the population, not 15%

I can't vouch for Frogger's earlier posts, but there is absolutely nothing racist about these facts. Trying to ignore facts because it puts a certain race in the wrong light is arguably worse.


is a goddamn bear
I'm gonna ask that everyone not argue with Frogger because if he is in fact a victim, his biases and trauma are going to be exacerbated by any further discussion.

Frogger seek help. You're going to need it if you'll ever find some peace in life because at his rate, you're causing more harm than good.


Incredibly Naive
I'm not advocating this but people are PISSED. We need to restructure our law enforcement. This should not be the catalyst, but as more time goes on more people will get angry. Watching these videos constantly release makes me more and more angry, this is not how it's supposed to go down.
Nothing. But that's what happens.

No one's condoning violence but it needs to be understood that whitewashing the reasons behind this will only result in further atrocities. Unless serious and immediate steps are taken to curb police brutality and unchecked powers, then more and more of the disenfranchised will see violence as the only solution. That's just how the world works.

Ah yes, reaping what you sow is definitely the way world works, just like karma isn't that right?

You mind reminding me when did Stalin reap what he had sown for killing tens of millions of people?

Or when did Andrew Jackson reap what he had sown?

But at least Josefe Mengele reaped what he had sown for being the leader of the most atrocious concentration camp in human history....by spending the rest of his days in fucking Argentina.

No, karma and reap what you saw aren't the way world works, they are just asinine concepts that people use to feel better about themselves and their actions.
Socio-economic gaps don't just happen, by the way, they're engineered by the elite in society.

Exactly. It's not a grand conspiracy in the sense people are bending over backwards holding secret meetings and coordination, but make no mistake the goal is to target the blacks and treat them like shit. That's why they're near the bottom or at the bottom of a whole slew of metrics people care about and laws are structured to be stacked against them.


Really separates the two incidents, doesn't it. Whether yesterday's murder was captured alive or not he was going to face justice. Both cops who executed black men a couple days ago probably won't be charged, and certainly won't be indicted/sentenced.

How long can you push people before someone pushes back Not justifying this nonsense, but you can't expect incident after incident of state sponsored executions to result in no justice and not eventually spark a violent reaction.

This is the thing. It's not about justifying these things or make light of them or giving them incentive or anything like that.
It's an analysis. If a group of people feel threatened and hopeless enough, they will act and there is a good possibility this action will be violent.

I think a lid was somewhat being kept by the hope that justice would eventually prevail. Then it seems that, nope, justice won't prevail, it really won't, black people will be executed by white policemen, nothing will happen to said policemen and a movement like BLM, which should be a common sense for any human being in the civilized world, is being "debated" as if not executing people because of their race is cause for debate.

The solution to violence is democracy and justice. In this particular issue, the US is failing miserable. Therefor, in the absence of justice, violence will breed violence.
It's not about saying people are right in lashing out, it's about saying it doesn't matter what we say because people got pushed enough that rational discourse has failed. And once the lines of dialogue and democracy have been broken, it is a hell of a hard job to restore them.

I can't say if violence will increase or not. But as long as the civil, lawful, democratic answer is to rule in favor of injustice, then the civil, lawful, democratic answer will not be chosen by many people.


The US department of Justice is fabricating data? Really?
When you factor in gang violence and theft in lower-end neighborhoods, that doesn't sound wrong at all. Also blacks make up 17% of the population, not 15%

I can't vouch for Frogger's earlier posts, but there is absolutely nothing racist about these facts. Trying to ignore facts because it puts a certain race in the wrong light is arguably worse.

15%-17%, splitting hairs. If these numbers were accurate there would be much less support, politically, for this movement.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Nobody should believe that. 52% of homicides are committed by black people. The population numbers don't add up.

There isn't even an arrest in over a third of homicides. That statistic is meaningless anyway.
If you want to talk about the percentage of suspects then just remember the percentages for people suspected of carrying contraband in NYC.
This is a fantastic post.

Bollocks it is. It's complete bullshit. One guy went rouge and shot a few cops, and there is no excusing that. You're no better than the people who post justifying police killings of black people.

Fuck the guy who did this. Don't make excuses or try and legitimise his actions. He isn't helping black people. Quite the opposite.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
I don't buy this 'lone shooter' bullshit. What happened to the other 3 people that DPD said were in custody last night? What happened to the reports of shots being triangulated from different high level positions?

Something just seems off here. Are facts still coming in on this?
No, but him basically okaying racial profiling does = racism so fuck off with that

Okay, so with that logic, remember next time a white cop pulls you over that if you're apprehensive for even a moment due to all the horrible things you've seen and read about white cops, that you are, in effect, a racist yourself. Or is that somehow different?

No one should let their experiences with or what they've heard about certain members of another race color their perception of that entire race, but it's something we all do anyway, even at a subconscious level.


Kind of hard to say when it's mostly a hashtag -- like, I'm not sure anybody has the authority to deny someone setting up a "chapter" for BLM.

Yeah BLM is a movement, not an organization. We can't really consult the national member rolls or anything. Anyone can just say they're part of BLM, it's up to all of us personally to decide whether we let their actions reflect on the movement or not.


ugh.. anything said pertaining to racial profiling and why its done will start a GAF riot.
Do you know how often I've had niggas lock their doors the moment I pass? Get followed in stores on top of other shit? I live in a rough neighborhood but I ain't gonna profile anyone, just not in me. At all.


Bollocks it is. It's complete bullshit. One guy went rouge and shot a few cops and there is no excusing that. You're no better than the people who post justifying police killings.

Fuck the guy who did this. Don't make excuses or try and legitimise his actions. He isn't helping black people. Quite the opposite.
Do we even know if he reached a "breaking point"? Whenever someone begins to gun down strangers I wouldn't put mental illness off the table. Maybe he just looked for an excuse.


15%-17%, splitting hairs. If these numbers were accurate there would be much less support, politically, for this movement.

The numbers are accurate, and they have been consistent for years.

The FBI and DOJ does not just make shit up.

There are known historical causes for these statistics, but denying reality does no one any good.


Okay, so with that logic, remember next time a white cop pulls you over that if you're apprehensive for even a moment due to all the horrible things you've seen and read about white cops, that you are, in effect, a racist yourself. Or is that somehow different?

No one should let their experiences with or what they've heard about certain members of another race color their perception of that entire race, but it's something we all do anyway, even at a subconscious level.

edit: wrong thread


Incredibly Naive
It's misdirected anger. DPD had been making strides towards de-escelation for years to great results and the protest was a community effort they took part in planning. Completely misdirected.

Trust me I understand that, and it sucks that this is how it's shown, but this is what happens when the well is poisoned. I truly believe a lot of police officers are there for good. The argument that they work for a corrupt organization is unfair, because most people work for corrupt organizations. That being said, while strides have been made, we still see this happening far too often. The entire thing needs to be deconstructed and start over. Ita years and years of work, and in the meantime those rotten apples will continue to put innocent lives at severe risk, both the people they target, and the people the work side by side with.


Okay, so with that logic, remember next time a white cop pulls you over that if you're apprehensive for even a moment due to all the horrible things you've seen and read about white cops, that you are, in effect, a racist yourself. Or is that somehow different?

No one should let their experiences with or what they've heard about certain members of another race color their perception of that entire race, but it's something we all do anyway, even at a subconscious level.

People choose to be police, people don't choose to be born black. All police are, by their nature, armed. All black people are not, by their nature, armed. Do better analogies in the future.


Okay, so with that logic, remember next time a white cop pulls you over that if you're apprehensive for even a moment due to all the horrible things you've seen and read about white cops, that you are, in effect, a racist yourself. Or is that somehow different?

No one should let their experiences with or what they've heard about certain members of another race color their perception of that entire race, but it's something we all do anyway, even at a subconscious level.
So me being fearful for me life because a cop can get froggy is the same as someone being racist and being apprehensive around a certain race? Nah

Plus, nigga I don't like cops. Not white cops, not black cops, cops. Period. I treat them with respect, but I don't like em. Can't trust em to not get jumpy and try to shoot me because I'm a young black male who twitched.


Nobody should believe that. 52% of homicides are committed by black people. The population numbers don't add up.

While I think the number is wrong, how do you figure that they're statistically impossible? Asians make up, what, ~4% of the population? That doesn't mean that they will commit 4% of homicides. They could easily commit 0%, 8%, or 15%.
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