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Shots fired at Police during Dallas Police anti-violence protest (5 officers killed)

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Anyone have a link to the shooter flanking police? I have yet to see this guy and want to see how armed he was.

He had an SKS. That's it.
Okay, so with that logic, remember next time a white cop pulls you over that if you're apprehensive for even a moment due to all the horrible things you've seen and read about white cops, that you are, in effect, a racist yourself. Or is that somehow different?

No one should let their experiences with or what they've heard about certain members of another race color their perception of that entire race, but it's something we all do anyway, even at a subconscious level.

Being apprehensive against police violence isn't racism, because the police are not a race. They're a government entity that has the literal power of life and death without legal repercussions for their actions against the vast majority of people "they are supposed to protect". Black cops are shit to black people too.

This is a false equivalency.


Lol, I don't see how am I a racist when speaking true personal experiences.

If I am a police officer I would be extra careful when the suspect is black too.


Going to reiterate what I said yesterday because this has just been on my mind all damn day. Today just felt surreal at work almost like a dream.

I do NOT condone what happened last night and my hearts goes out the officers and their families. But quite frankly I'm shocked nothing like this happened sooner. For decades and generations people have pointed out the executions and mistreatment of minorities among corrupt police officers. People either didn't care, racist or just was ok with the status quo.

Recently We've gained the ability to record and share these tragic events for the world to see. It's enabled people to mobilize and speak out. Yet time and again we come to the same intersections and nothing is done. No one is held accountable. Then you have prosecutors and even the media doing everything in their power to portray the deceased as a devil child with superhuman abilities.

Now you have politicians and literally a Presidential candidate that fan these flames. Lawmakers have had plenty of opportunities to address this issue. Yet they preach this is some ploy to attack police and time and again nothing is done.

Then a few days ago we get the latest killings and then last night the bomb exploded. I say this with tears in my eyes right now but last night was the culmination of decades of mistreatment, no justice. Decades of "he was no angel". It was decades of political cowardice. They could have done something about this yet they didn't. We need gun control, We need law enforcement reform/restructuring.

Again I do no condone what happened. It isn't right and should have never happened. But people shouldn't have had to march for justice on these issues in the first place.

I've said this countless times to my mother and friends. If nothing is done regards to actually treating these officers who commit these murders to actual justice. Something is going to happen. Someone is going to take it upon themselves and do something stupid and retaliate. Unfortunately that happened last night.

Again I'm just shocked it didn't happen sooner. At some point someone will reach a breaking point. If time and time again a black person is killed at the hands of police unjustly and we march for justice and peace yet nothing is done. How can anyone be shocked by what happened last night?

It's wrong what happened it should have never happened but I think Tupac said it best here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XMJMphPT4

Sorry for the long post guys and sorry if it's kinda all over the place. I just kinda had to get this out. I just feel this is a crucial moment for out nation right now and America has to take a good long hard look at herself and ask "how did we get here?"


Being apprehensive against police violence isn't racism, because the police are not a race. They're a government entity that has the literal power of life and death without legal repercussions for their actions against the vast majority of people "they are supposed to protect". Black cops are shit to black people too.

This is a false equivalency.
Nah, let the nigga keep goin. I wanna know how deep this rabbit hole of dumbassery goes


Exactly. There isn't an excuse that would justify shooting five people dead

"Justify" have different meanings. To explain the causal connection between two events is to justify it, but it has absolutely nothing to do with morally or legally justify it.

I might be wrong, but I think that the analysis that people targetting cops because they see the police force as an inherently unjust oppressive institution is a good justification, in the sense that it is a good way to explain one of the causes of the event.

It is a horrible moral justification, a horrible legal justification, a horrible political and pragmatic justification, because, as it pointed out in the thread a lot of time, this will probablty only make the life of black people even worse as the police gets even more militarized. But it as a good sociological/causal justification.

You can call bullshit on the theory that this is what is happening, but you can't run away from the analysis because acknowledging reality is, somehow, supporting it. If this is the reality and you want to criticize this mindset, the first step would be to acknowledge that this is what is going on, otherwise it will just keep happening because it becomes one of those things we refure to even talk about, let alone do anything about it.


good credit (by proxy)
I don't buy this 'lone shooter' bullshit. What happened to the other 3 people that DPD said were in custody last night? What happened to the reports of shots being triangulated from different high level positions?

Something just seems off here. Are facts still coming in on this?
It is pretty weird that it changed from multiple to one person.


Going to reiterate what I said yesterday because this has just been on my mind all damn day. Today just felt surreal at work almost like a dream.

I do NOT condone what happened last night and my hearts goes out the officers and their families.

You should've ended this post right here.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Man, this whole thing is so terrible on many levels. Dallas of all places, where the police actually seemed friendly and understanding towards the BLM movement. I hope the BLM leaders in Dallas do show support and come out condemning the shooter, because some of the rhetoric emerging over this already is going to hurt them. Similarly, I hope the police across the country stops and thinks about the actions that led to this, rather than extend their violent "us vs. them" knee jerk reaction.
Nah, let the nigga keep goin. I wanna know how deep this rabbit hole of dumbassery goes

Do you use insults every time you encounter someone you feel doesn't know any better? Does resorting to hate make you feel better?


Are you being serious right now?

How is this a serious response? The issue of the day is racist cops shooting black people. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the vast majority of these racist cops are white.


It is pretty weird that it changed from multiple to one person.
Most shooting stories start with initial reports of multiple gunmen and it usually ends up as one.

Not really weird in this situation who thinks, 1 guy could shoot 11 people and kill 5 police officers.


Man, this whole thing is so terrible on many levels. Dallas of all places, where the police actually seemed friendly and understanding towards the BLM movement. I hope the BLM leaders in Dallas do show support and come out condemning the shooter, because some of the rhetoric emerging over this already is going to hurt them.

I'm pretty sure all BLM leadership have thoroughly condemned the shootings.


I don't buy this 'lone shooter' bullshit. What happened to the other 3 people that DPD said were in custody last night? What happened to the reports of shots being triangulated from different high level positions?

Something just seems off here. Are facts still coming in on this?

That's only what the shooter claimed. He also claimed he has IED's hidden all around town.

It's best to not take his word at face value, and the police are operating under the assumption that it's possible for there to be accomplices, including those already taken in and those out in the wild.


Just watched the video of the shooter flanking. He definitely knew wtf he was doing. It even appears he threw a smoke grenade as he ran away from that location.

I hope this doesn't encourage violence against police. It's only going to make matters worse and everyone will be blown up by robot bombs.


Dickhead wants sheeple to wake up and realize that BLM are the REAL terrorists, that blacks have it great in america and should shut up and stop killing each other, and that everyone needs to leave the 4th of july alone because America is #1.

This. Moron didn't say anything that I haven't heard idiots like him in South Carolina already say.
Just watched the video of the shooter flanking. He definitely knew wtf he was doing. It even appears he threw a smoke grenade as he ran away from that location.

I hope this doesn't encourage violence against police. It's only going to make matters worse and everyone will be blown up by robot bombs.
Poisoned pizza.


Man, this whole thing is so terrible on many levels. Dallas of all places, where the police actually seemed friendly and understanding towards the BLM movement. I hope the BLM leaders in Dallas do show support and come out condemning the shooter, because some of the rhetoric emerging over this already is going to hurt them.
Organizers of the rally have already come out on TV to condemn the attacks and express their support for dpd


Incredibly Naive
It don't matter what race the cop is, they still do fuck shit to black folk. Plain. And. Simple. I'm amazed you haven't seen that

Racism is a MASSIVE issue in law enforcement, but you raise an excellent point, which IMO is the root cause of the major issues. It's the way they are trained and recruited. They hire bullies. Too many people join the force with this perception that they ARE the law. Too many times I've seen officers throwing their weight around because they feel they DESERVE your respect, they demand it. Like the video of the officer ramming the bike, then kicking him to the ground. These issues are amplified when the victim is black, because the prejudice and profiling comes into play.
Going to reiterate what I said yesterday because this has just been on my mind all damn day. Today just felt surreal at work almost like a dream.

I do NOT condone what happened last night and my hearts goes out the officers and their families. But quite frankly I'm shocked nothing like this happened sooner. For decades and generations people have pointed out the executions and mistreatment of minorities among corrupt police officers. People either didn't care, racist or just was ok with the status quo.

Recently We've gained the ability to record and share these tragic events for the world to see. It's enabled people to mobilize and speak out. Yet time and again we come to the same intersections and nothing is done. No one is held accountable. Then you have prosecutors and even the media doing everything in their power to portray the deceased as a devil child with superhuman abilities.

Now you have politicians and literally a Presidential candidate that fan these flames. Lawmakers have had plenty of opportunities to address this issue. Yet they preach this is some ploy to attack police and time and again nothing is done.

Then a few days ago we get the latest killings and then last night the bomb exploded. I say this with tears in my eyes right now but last night was the culmination of decades of mistreatment, no justice. Decades of "he was no angel". It was decades of political cowardice. They could have done something about this yet they didn't. We need gun control, We need law enforcement reform/restructuring.

Again I do no condone what happened. It isn't right and should have never happened. But people shouldn't have had to march for justice on these issues in the first place.

I've said this countless times to my mother and friends. If nothing is done regards to actually treating these officers who commit these murders to actual justice. Something is going to happen. Someone is going to take it upon themselves and do something stupid and retaliate. Unfortunately that happened last night.

Again I'm just shocked it didn't happen sooner. At some point someone will reach a breaking point. If time and time again a black person is killed at the hands of police unjustly and we march for justice and peace yet nothing is done. How can anyone be shocked by what happened last night?

It's wrong what happened it should have never happened but I think Tupac said it best here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0XMJMphPT4

Sorry for the long post guys and sorry if it's kinda all over the place. I just kinda had to get this out. I just feel this is a crucial moment for out nation right now and America has to take a good long hard look at herself and ask "how did we get here?"

It's already us vs them. And it will continue to get worse


Not calling you a racist but you do see the folly in coming to a discussion about the oppression of people of colour with anecdotal evidence right?

Yes call him a racist. He literally said the race of a person would make him treat them as more dangerous. Bullshit coddling is what allows it to flourish. What does it say about you if look at that and think "not racist"?

Two Words

Okay, so with that logic, remember next time a white cop pulls you over that if you're apprehensive for even a moment due to all the horrible things you've seen and read about white cops, that you are, in effect, a racist yourself. Or is that somehow different?

No one should let their experiences with or what they've heard about certain members of another race color their perception of that entire race, but it's something we all do anyway, even at a subconscious level.
Cops aren't a race. I'm apprehensive around armed people in general, and especially those with the legal right to shoot me.


in the meantime those rotten apples will continue to put innocent lives at severe risk, both the people they target, and the people the work side by side with.
Sorry but i'm not giving any legitimacy to this guy for killing and maiming multiple innocents at a peaceful protest. Rotten cops did not turn Micah Xavier Johnson into a deranged nut, it was a chain reaction of their shit conduct and a history of police brutality, but they are not ultimately responsible for the killings that took place last night. He is solely to blame for that.


Racism is a MASSIVE issue in law enforcement, but you raise an excellent point, which IMO is the root cause of the major issues. It's the way they are trained and recruited. They hire bullies. Too many people join the force with this perception that they ARE the law. Too many times I've seen officers throwing their weight around because they feel they DESERVE your respect, they demand it. Like the video of the officer ramming the bike, then kicking him to the ground. These issues are amplified when the victim is black, because the prejudice and profiling comes into play.
Related: http://www.vox.com/2016/7/8/12128858/police-racism-officers-admit
Guys i am from the UK, and i just read Marco Rubio's statement. How did the GOP end up with trump? Honestly?

There are a good enough percentage of flat out racists in the GOP base (30-35%) that propelled him through the primary season in a crowded field where that percentage could start winning states and gaining momentum.

The rest of the GOP reacted too slowly and when it was too late to change anything.

Edit: Oh and GOP Primary != Brexit

Velcro Fly

Guys i am from the UK, and i just read Marco Rubio's statement. How did the GOP end up with trump? Honestly?

enough white racists want someone to "tell it like it is" also pretty much every other candidate was completely awful while trump was largely an unknown beyond the racist stuff


Why? Because I'm addressing a root issue of a problem and not being shocked something like last night happened no matter how tragic it was and it's have a ripple effect in other communities right now?

Your post implies that the police had this coming. No one deserves this. The Dallas police where moving to be more inclusive. The shooter was a racist cop hater as far as we can tell and attacked and murdered police officers for no reason other than his bigoted and generalized beliefs. This guy could possibly undo progress.
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