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Mass Effect: Andromeda - Cinematic trailer


Didn't know Nolan North was doing the MC. I guess people still want Drake in every game.

I feel like it should be stickied that Nolan North is not the male MC. It's Tom Taylorson.
Hope the villain is more then just a alien big bad.

I dislike the hairdo of the blond woman.

Male Ryder looks a bit boring, but you can customize him so who cares.

Rest of the team looks cool.

Still very excited.
I want to be excited for this, but for some reason I'm just... not. This seems good on a technical level, but there seems to be some of that ME magic missing.


I just love how people just shit on this game just to have something to either complain about or shit on lol. I think it looks fantastic can't wait to play it on my pro and ks8000!!!

I guess it's easy to wave away simple criticisms like this. Mass Effect 2 is one of my favourite games ever but I'm down on this because I'm bored and need something to shit on.

Posts like these are just as annoying as the messages Kai Leng kept sending you in 3.


Also the character variation is seriously lacking, i dont know if thats becuase of the low number of squadmates, but wow, really boring start. If they are not charismatic this game will fail on its face.

How is it lacking? You have a short-haired blonde, you have the bulky black crewmate, an old dude(your father), brother & sister that are fully customizable by skin colour and sexual orientation, and differnt aliens.


Why does the Archon have to have the Harbinger voice? You're making an alien villain. Out of all the choices like nasally, calm, soft, screeching, why does the new villain's voice also have to be of the mega-intimidating Harbinger variety?
Why would you say "I don't need an army, I have a Krogan"? A Krogan can die from one sniper shot to the face, Hulk just gets stronger the more you hit him.
Why are the one-liners on par with Horizon's trailers? Why is male Ryder Nathan Drake? Why does the team look so uninspired, Bioware?

why are the animations still awful?

5 years in le making


Hope the villain is more then just a alien big bad.

I dislike the hairdo of the blond woman.

Male Ryder looks a bit boring, but you can customize him so who cares.

Rest of the team looks cool.

Still very excited.

Well, from most impressions, we're the "alien invaders" to his world. We just pop up, start talking over "garden worlds", settling the areas without care or concern, and then realize "oh crap, there were people already here."

So, er, he might not be as "evil" as we think.

I'm curious if this will indeed be the case.


Could be a poorly cut trailer, but man, that doesn't look good at all. There's not a single thing in that trailer that has me optimistic or excited.

The villain being another "all powerful being encrusted in darkness" is fucking laughable.
I liked the trailer, and I hate to be "That Guy" but man Bioware animations are really behind the times. Like they aren't on par with what the current standard is in most AAA games. I get its a lot of work and expensive but they need to seriously redo their animation work at some point.

That said its not the end of the world, I just recently played through DAI with the DLC again and it didn't ruin the experience or anything. It does stick out like a sore thumb though


The trailer was underwhelming. Surprisingly visuals are not really better then DA:I and maybe not much better then say ME:3, especially on character facial animation and overall look.

The overall vibe was "cheesy" for the lack of better term. There was no "hook" so to speak. I dunno, just not getting excited about this game and considering other games that are out or coming out then this one can wait.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
How is it lacking? You have a short-haired blonde, you have the bulky black crewmate, an old dude(your father), brother & sister that are fully customizable by skin colour and sexual orientation, and differnt aliens.

I think people wanted an alien smorgasbord but that was never going to happen with a far more human-centric story: personally, I bloody love the new crew: Drak and Vectra seem rad AF too.

That monocle alien is apparently the other teammate, he looks fab as well...the hype is building properly now, just need a really good gameplay trailer pt 3 and we're rocking.


It looks really really bad. As in visually.

The first trilogy had all this interesting lighting and texture work. Obviously there were technical limitations but there was a clear visual style and it was well-communicated.

This new game looks like a bunch of plastic action figures wearing plastic clothes on a plastic spaceship.

I don't understand how they fucked it up so badly.


Gold Member
I don't know. Looks too shootery, bro fist, Michael Bay in space stuff. I want the sense of discovery and exploration, not another "let's kick ass and take names" sort of vibe.

This didn't do much for me. I'm in it for the RPG and the exploration.

It was better than the last trailer, anyhow, with that dopey FemRyder animation.


It would have been way cooler if the Archon spoke in a different language to you. Getting hailed by some menacing alien who's speaking to you in a language you don't understand then your character seeing all the smaller attack ships heading for them would've been a nice "oh shit" moment.


I'm tentatively excited about this game simply because the basic narrative setup would seem to indicate a move towards ME1-style storytelling: exploration and contact with strange and mysterious cultures, with humans as the new kids on the block.

ME2 and 3 moved much more towards standard sci-fi action-adventure storytelling about swaggering military badasses in lieu of the semi-hard (firm?) sci-fi of the first game.

I'm basing this more on the "training room" videos than on the trailer, which is a standard incoherent mishmash of explosions, portentous dialogue, and sex, and to my eye tells us essentially nothing about the game.

I'm a little confused, in fact, at the many posters who seem to view it as some sort of window into the nature of the game, whether positive or negative - as with movies, these sorts of trailers are frequently good for bad games or bad for good ones (although I will say that people still look weird and a little waxy in the Frostbite engine for some reason).
It all looks 'okay'. Just not amazing or particularly different.

The new big-bad seems a little too much like Sovereign, right down to the voice.

I think it's going to be put on my ever growing RPG backlog, with Witcher 3 expansions, Tyranny, Pillars, Torment and Shadowrun. Probably going to wait for a good deal before I buy it.
I'm hoping for a bait-and-switch, where at the end Archon reveals that he's actually a good guy fighting off invaders.

Or he tricks them thinking that he is protecting something on the world but in return we think that its our destiny to land there... which ends up being the ultimate trap. he needs us there as his spaceship eats everyone and can only do that if they are in the 'correct' location. aka on the planet! O_O
Oh hey, cool. A new Mass Effect trailer! Let's watch!

*hype trailer*

That was pretty cool, I'm excited for this game. I wonder what GAF thinks?

*bitching and nitpicking*

I don't know what I expected. This game looks rad as fuck you guys.
Nah. Every single thing I've seen has screamed mediocrity at best, this included. I can see the writing on the wall. (or completely incompetence by marketing, but I doubt it)


That blonde girl is probably one of the most boring designs In Mass Effect. Is like Ashley and James had a fucking daughter.

Also the character variation is seriously lacking, i dont know if thats becuase of the low number of squadmates, but wow, really boring start. If they are not charismatic this game will fail on its face.

I know this are 3 games, but holy shit:

God EDI's design was soooooooo bad
I loved the first three games, but I'm having trouble finding even an ounce of excitement for this. Maybe it's because I thought DA:I was the most bland and soulless RPG of this gen, maybe it's because it's sandwiched right between Zelda and P5, but I probably will wait on this one for a few months unless reviews are extremely glowing.
Looks incredibly dull.

This franchise died after the first game pretty much. Thankfully, that's one of the best games ever made and works as a standalone experience.


Two of your starting squad mates will be Liam and Cora, who both signed up to be part of the Pathfinder team on the Ark Hyperion. Liam has already made a name for himself in the Milky Way as a security specialist, with expertise in crisis response, while Cora has had the unique experience of training with the asari matriarchs. Along with Alec, Scott, and Sara Ryder, they form the core of the Pathfinder team, and will be vital companions as you touch down on the Nexus for the first time.

Unlike Liam and Cora, your other squad mates, like Vetra, Peebee, and Drack, have traveled to Andromeda long before your arrival. Vetra, who is already onboard the Nexus, has found that family ties are more important than venturing deeper into the galaxy. Neither Peebee nor Drack were part of the initial Pathfinder team, and while you'll find Peebee to be a free spirit with a penchant for alien civilizations, you'll come to know Drack as an aged and grizzled veteran, even by krogan standards.

Of course, you'll encounter a number of other companions as you traverse Andromeda in search of humanity's new home, and will put your trust in others like Kallo Jath, your salarian pilot. Among other accomplishments, Kallo was one of the engineers who built the Tempest in its Milky Way construction, and knows the ship inside and out.

5 + X companions. Kallo Jath is new Joker.

Edit: Vetra is Turian, right? 6th is TotallyNotTwi'lek one. More?


So....what do we know about this?

I don't remember the games giving IM a name.

In a game that's supposed to be a fresh start I suppose it would be kinda weird for them to not only be referencing old canon, but old supplemental canon.
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