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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Why does ANYBODY buy the "virtue signalling" argument, anyway? It's straight up just a way to insult someone for being correct. clearly you have no actual objection to their point if you just have to say "WOW YOU'RE SO PROUD OF BEING CORRECT AREN'T YOU, CORRECT-BOY"

Don't forget the "Global Elites" the codified term for Jews.

I can't believe Trump never got called out for that shit during his campaign. All his "globalism" shit, it was always coded jew talk. His supporters knew exactly what he meant.

I love gaming historian and classic game room. Those guys seem really chill and really informative.

Yeah, there's def good ones; harder to make gifs of people being reasonable, passionate and well researched Iguess though, so it limits your reach in a way.


FWIW I think Dunkey is a friend of Jon's

To be fair, I have to imagine Dunkey has never expressed much interest in being politically astute and overall owns his somewhat oblivious persona. He's just a really simple guy who plays games and wants to make people laugh.

The only times he has ever done hot takes has been on shitty companies and disingenuous YouTubers. He's not averse to calling some of his friends out on very rare occasion - Sky Williams is one of his best friends and he's often joked and poked fun at his disposition in passing - but it's usually for different reasons altogether.
To recap (and I'm sure this is not all of what JonTron said), JonTron said, in what he thought was perfectly fine for a debate:

- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics

And Destiny didn't even fucking ask the most obvious fuckin' question: "If you're so concerned about immigrants, why do you keep bringing up blacks?"

- Irish settlers to North America were not prejudiced against; that was a myth
- Discrimination does not exist in modern-day America (meanwhile he discriminates in this video)
- Pure America is white European settlers (barely any consideration given to Native Americans)
- All of Europe is the same
- Social demographics and upbringing don't play any part in crime rates
- Japan is the gold standard for a racially pure country. Yes, that Japan


Let's meander away from the ridiculous devil's advocacy derail, and back to something more approaching the stated topic.



Prediction: JonTron is going to act like he was "tricked" into looking like a terrible racist when in reality he has been slowly digging this hole for about 2 years or so.
After watching more of the twitch archive video I had to stop. Jon kept on really digging himself a hole. His arguments were really flimsy and not thought out at all. I love how the guy that Jon was talking to had a better memory on all that was said in the conversation and was able to counter Jon on what he says or did not say earlier in the conversation.
Also people comparing the US to countries that are primarily monoethnic have you guys even gone to those countries and seen if they actually celebrate their monoethnicity or if that's just how it is due to the history of the nation and a combination of people from other ethnicities not really particularly wanting to emigrate there?

I'm from Taiwan and know and have seen lots of people who are married to people of all kinds of nationalities. Not once have I seen people cheer on the elimination of people who are not the majority in the country.


In other questions... how do you guys feel about Mark Zuckerberg's hostile conglomerate takeover of land on Hawaii despite the natives being completely thrown and hacked to the side?


It's awesome how these nazi weebs like JonTron always point at Japan and say "see? they're not diverse! tell them something!". There's currently a big social campaign here in Japan against hate speech (that thing these idiots love to protect) and this year Japan is making it easier for people to immigrate and become permanent residents. Not that they would know, this doesn't appear in the shitty low tier disposable media they consume.


As a white American man, I'm not sure what "white American culture" is aside from Mayonnaise and Baseball so I'm looking forward to the supremacists explaining why we're so supreme.

And lol @ the Japan thing. White people showed up here and forcefully made shit more white. Nobody is advocating for any sort of foreign intervention to make "Japan less Japanese" because lol that's insane. If conservatism is essentially resistance to change, then this #stopwhitegenocide shit is just conservatism distilled to its purest form. Hey, snowflakes... Natural cultural change and goddamn genocide are two very different things. You're not a victim, you're just a fucking loser.

Also, how is the existence of minority groups killing your culture while there's thrives and takes over? What the fuck is so wrong with us and our "culture" that we/it can't survive a little bit of company?

That's what's so crazy to me. People are forgetting history, with edo Japan being really progressive when it came to stuff like sexuality until the Dutch and the Americans came along.
That wakeup call is going to be a bitch


To recap (and I'm sure this is not all of what JonTron said), JonTron said, in what he thought was perfectly fine for a debate:

- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics

And Destiny didn't even fucking ask the most obvious fuckin' question: "If you're so concerned about immigrants, why do you keep bringing up blacks?"

Oh my god...

Is this all true? What the fuck was he thinking saying all of this shit?


Not at all culture is a fluid thing developed from evolving social norms. I'm not defending his opinion, i'm defending his right to state it. Immigration in general is a tough subject to handle and i don't have the knowledge and understanding to make any decisions based on such things. If you would like to share your opinion on cultural diversity and immigration please feel free to share.

You can state your opinion all you want. The government by law should not punish you for it (though trump is trying to find ways around that for the media) but that doesn't mean you won't get consequences from people who do not like your opinion. They are just as free to state they dislike it and even state they won't support companies who support you. Are you going to force them to support those companies? What about their right to state their opinion and choose who they patronize?
It's awesome how these nazi weebs like JonTron always point at Japan and say "see? they're not diverse! tell them something!". There's currently a big social campaign here in Japan against hate speech (that thing these idiots love to protect) and this year Japan is making it easier for people to immigrate and become permanent residents. Not that they would know, this doesn't appear in the shitty low tier disposable media they consume.

Yeah I would like to know how many of these people have ever even traveled to a country that is not predominately white or even bothered to learn anything about them. I highly doubt it.


In other questions... how do you guys feel about Mark Zuckerberg's hostile conglomerate takeover of land on Hawaii despite the natives being completely thrown and hacked to the side?

There was a thread on that in OT. If you're looking for a bunch of people calling Zuckerberg a scumbag, you should look that up.


Freedom of speech means that racists, bigots, and any other horrible people can share their views and opinions.

But that same freedom allows others to criticise those utterances. And if you are going to espouse that kind of thought and speech, you damn well better be prepared to face any consequences - be they financial, social, etc.

I think many of us are surprised these views are coming from both a child of Iranian immigrants, as well as a New Yorker. And as someone who "enjoys" controversy, I am sure Jon knew what the backlash may be.


Why does ANYBODY buy the "virtue signalling" argument, anyway? It's straight up just a way to insult someone for being correct. clearly you have no actual objection to their point if you just have to say "WOW YOU'RE SO PROUD OF BEING CORRECT AREN'T YOU, CORRECT-BOY"

Haha, fantastic point. If anyone ever says that to me Imma be like "oh so you agree with me"


Oh my god...

Is this all true? What the fuck was he thinking saying all of this shit?

All true.

The stream is worth a listen. Totally surreal. He doesn't engage with anything Destiny says and just moves on to increasingly baseless and problematic statements. Literally more than half the time Destiny makes a point he laughs and changes the topic, moments later spouting something grim based on thin air.


Also people comparing the US to countries that are primarily monoethnic have you guys even gone to those countries and seen if they actually celebrate their monoethnicity or if that's just how it is due to the history of the nation and a combination of people from other ethnicities not really particularly wanting to emigrate there?

I'm from Taiwan and know and have seen lots of people who are married to people of all kinds of nationalities. Not once have I seen people cheer on the elimination of people who are not the majority in the country.

There's definitely nations with histories of racism. Starting to get a bit off topic, but nationalism/isolationism/racism is a very well known problem in Japan which they're still getting over. Looking back just ~60 years honestly MOST nations were really damn racist. And guess what, a lot of people from back then, or their kids, are still alive today. Racism will never be "over" as long as that's true, at the very least.

But of course, not everyone in a nation with a history of racism is racist either. But Jon's trying to say the US is in some unique situation which is just wrong from all kinds of directions. We're not white, not only white countries embrace multi-culturalism (going back to the Japanese example--have you seen how much they love American stuff lately? Baseball, comic characters, pop culture, English). Hell, America is where it is today because other nations are 'multi-cultural' enough to import our products and culture.

Prediction: JonTron is going to act like he was "tricked" into looking like a terrible racist when in reality he has been slowly digging this hole for about 2 years or so.

I don't see that happening. He's double, triple and quintupled down. He'll say it's blown out of proportion by LIBERAL ELITES sure, but I doubt he'll ever be like "racism is bad we're all brothers I was just mis-read"

Is there a specific timestamp for the "meltdown" or is it the whole thing?

There are specific meltdown points that are worse than others, but it is all bad and I cannot bear to watch it in it's entirety myself.


Freedom of speech means that racists, bigots, and any other horrible people can share their views and opinions.

But that same freedom allows others to criticise those utterances. And if you are going to espouse that kind of thought and speech, you damn well better be prepared to face any consequences - be they financial, social, etc.

I think many of us are surprised these views are coming from both a child of Iranian immigrants, as well as a New Yorker.
Couldn't agree more.
In other questions... how do you guys feel about Mark Zuckerberg's hostile conglomerate takeover of land on Hawaii despite the natives being completely thrown and hacked to the side?
i don't know now let's turn to the Breath of the Wild thread for their thoughts about the Syrian refugee crisis


Man, it seems like a large part of the "hardcore" gaming community somehow is related to the whole bullshit with "feminism hate, sjw hate, refugees out + other racist shit" and wholly embraces figures like PDP, JonTron etc. who fuel the hate.

I don't know, when did it go wrong? I thought most of the youth were super liberal and tolerant (when i was younger) but it seems like the current ~14 generation has a really large part of vocal shits. Especially gamers, at least that's how I remember, where totally the guys who tried to learn as much interesting stuff as possible on the (then-newish) internet and be open-minded.

You look at places like 9gag, reddit, imgur etc. and it's really sad to see how much of the "fun" is bashing people that are either disadvantaged or fighting for the disadvantaged.

Is that only my feeling or did the general ideology really shift that much in the last 10 or so years?


Was at least. I doubt he'll respond to this I also doubt he will associate with him after this. Dunkey is really good friends with Sky Williams who apparently denounced Jon on stream already.

I dunno if that'd have any bearing. Sky said he doesn't want to hate Jon but he's visibly saddened and disappointed with what he said. And of course, a bunch of people are calling Sky out for it as well, claiming Destiny "twisted Jon's words" and that Sky is "weak" for caving in to people who've talked him down previously. He's the very definition of someone who doesn't feel very comfortable talking about this stuff and I think his appearance on Sargon's stream a while back kind of got to him.


Oh my god...

Is this all true? What the fuck was he thinking saying all of this shit?

And these are arguments that fester on boards like 4chan. All these people in the same bubble spouting shit without fact or reason and then taking that into the real world.

The thing is. People like Jon and Milo aren't smart in this respect. They are so into their own worldview that they let it seep out publicly. Milo with his pedophile comments and Jon with this.

They feel so comfortable saying this shit because they have a segment of people cheering them on and treating them like th voice of a movement.
You realise I could make exactly the same argument about 'white' Americans and level the playing field and you'd have still dodged the question.

And you're now demonstrating (probably inadvertently) why the idea of America being a "white" country is a myth. We are an amalgamation of people from all over the world. Starting with the native people (who were screwed, no doubt about that) and Europeans from different countries.


I dunno if that'd have any bearing. Sky said he doesn't want to hate Jon but he's visibly saddened and disappointed with what he said. And of course, a bunch of people are calling Sky out for it as well, claiming Destiny "twisted Jon's words" and that Sky is "weak" for caving in to people who've talked him down previously. He's the very definition of someone who doesn't feel very comfortable talking about this stuff and I think his appearance on Sargon's stream a while back kind of got to him.

Why in the FUCK would anyone go on sargon's stream.
Man, it seems like a large part of the "hardcore" gaming community somehow is related to the whole bullshit with "feminism hate, sjw hate, refugees out + other racist shit" and wholly embraces figures like PDP, JonTron etc. who fuel the hate.

I don't know, when did it go wrong? I thought most of the youth were super liberal and tolerant (when i was younger) but it seems like the current ~14 generation has a really large part of vocal shits. Especially gamers, at least that's how I remember.

You look at places like 9gag, reddit, imgur etc. and it's really sad to see how much of the "fun" is bashing people that are either disadvantaged or fighting for the disadvantaged.

Is that only my feeling or did the general ideology really shift that much in the last 10 or so years?

Gaming has been a white male dominated indusrty since its inception. Now that there is a push for more diversity as the medium is expanding you get blow back. It's normal. The only sad thing is all those people would never say half the shit they think to your face because "PC Culture" as opposed to "no we just dont tolerate bigotry asshole"


In other questions... how do you guys feel about Mark Zuckerberg's hostile conglomerate takeover of land on Hawaii despite the natives being completely thrown and hacked to the side?
I don't know what that has to do with this, but yes Mark Zuckerberg is an immense piece of shit for that.


Yup I'm Irish and have read quite a bit about anti-Irish prejudice over the years so to hear JonTron claim anti-Irish Nativist prejudice wasn't a thing was tragi-comic. In light of everything else he went on to say and advocate it was a small thing but it totally feeds into the 'model minority' issue. JFK had to give a speech in 1960 explaining that being Catholic didn't mean that the Pope would be his boss ffs (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=16920600). Yet because official Irish America (such as Rep Peter King, whoever organises St Paddy's Day parades over there) has been so loudly advocating hateful BS just like the 'native' white supremacists for so long idiots like JonTorn think we were always welcomed as 'fellow whites'.
This shit annoys me. It wasn't long ago that signs said "No blacks, no dogs, no irish". Shit doesn't make any logical sense, and it really is "fuck you, got mine".
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