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Sony lists E3 games, explains God of War changes due to Europe

I love God Of War, and hack and slash style games in general (hell, its in my name!). But im intrigued about the changes. Really looking forward to hearing/seeing more.

Also, i feel like im in a minority when it comes to Days Gone. Excited about this one, and it seems like forever since we last heard anything.


I wasn't aware that I was to blame for the large focus on narrative driven or open world games.


To me, makes no sense to say Hack n Slash don't do well on Europe when Bayonetta was the most requiered character on Smash from Europe...

Maybe it's the way God of War did Hack n Slash what made underperform the game...

Lol. Let's ignore the actual Bayonetta 1-2 / DMC 1-4 / GOW 1-3 sales in Europe.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
Ma. That first party lineup seems like a list of really well made games that I have no interest in playing. :(

What do you like to play? I mean the fpl is pretty similar every year.
Even though it's​ not my thing Sony in the last few years always has a block of their conference set aside for indies if that's what you're hinting at.


If RDR2 Trailer appears ....


Lol I'm european and I loved GOW 2&3. I feel like marketing for those games werent so big here though. But yeah i dont know many other people that play GOW.
I dont think hack n slash was the problem. People here are just less dudebro-ey and didnt care for the fountains of blood and using ripped faces as lanterns

To me, makes no sense to say Hack n Slash don't do well on Europe when Bayonetta was the most requiered character on Smash from Europe...

Maybe it's the way God of War did Hack n Slash what made underperform the game...

Kinda agree, God of War was always a pretty dudebro Mortal Kombat-esque take on greek mythology that I could see not totally lining up with european sensibilities.

That said marketing probably aslo played at least as big a role on how welll those games did.

Also, it's character action games dammit, no-one uses hack-n-slash any more.
Well, except when describing Musou games maybe


It will probably be the best selling Sony PS4 game of the generation
until TLOU2
. They already have the american (and south american) audience with the GOW name alone and now they are expanding its reach for the rest of the world with these changes...
Heavy Rain has sold 4.5m. Sony should put more marketing behind Detroit: Become Human.

Hopefully when the time comes and the game is prepped for release, they'll throw some marketing weight behind it. I'd like to see story-orientated, non-open world games flourish in today's market. Would send a positive message I think.


Seems it's for the best to me. It's still very much action based and brutal. Just more narrative driven.

The the game needed a change imo. The story has never been the strong point and the last GoW game didn't do so hot. This game is going to get a lot more interest.



Don't forget Dreams.

It has skipped the last 2 conferences and we haven't heard anything about the game for a long while.

Dreams wasn't on the conference stage but it was at PSX and even recent events. They also show screens of things they've made on twitter quite often. Dreams is fine.
I am excited for Spider-Man, the swinging, the speed, and hopefully good combat, this may be the next Arkham title.

As for God of War, I loved it for what it was, I loved the brutal Kratos who only killed, and Ascension was awful cause Kratos was a weak willed character, but hey guess Europe is important, So can't say any more than,
Worst continent confirmed. Go home and play your singstar.
At what prices though? The game has casual appeal, and that enabled it to sell continuously when lower prices came.

Does it matter? Obviously there is a bigger audience than people think for these kinda games. Sad Supermassiive Games decided to not do Until Dawn 2.
I normally don't like hack and slash games and I've only played God of War 3 as far as the series goes. I did find it enjoyable, what it lacked in story it made up for in spectacle.
I normally don't like hack and slash games and I've only played God of War 3 as far as the series goes. I did find it enjoyable, what it lacked in story it made up for in spectacle.

Yeah, the first one is the only one to have a really good story, nothing special but with begining, middle, and end, and presentation was almost novel at the time.

The new one looks to be on a different league but it's to soon to state that.
"And Singstar."
is Layden teasing a new game in this venerable franchise?! I hope so

Well apparently in November they signed a new partnership whilst removing a lot of the catalogue. BUT they never expanded on what the new partnership would bring, (nothing in the last seven months) I'm guessing we find out at E3


Personally I went from little interest in God of War to no interest. Oh well, I don't really care, even though it means the loss of the biggest franchise of the spectacle fighter genre.

Layden says the Japanese publishers are also coming back, listing off recent games like Resident Evil 7, Nioh, Nier: Automata, Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV as examples. "That's super important for us," he says. "I think a lot of Japanese developers lost their way chasing the mobile games yen, if you will, but they're coming back to console in a major way. And speaking of, we'll have some big announcements at E3 in that precise vein."

Devil May Cry 5 baybe yeah!

Also work with third parties to bring back Shadow Hearts and Suikoden, pleeeeeeease. And save Matrix Software from their otaku game purgatory by hiring them to make Alundra 3.

Oh, I thought this was known.

Things like Devil May Cry also don't do so hot there.

Boo-urns. I thought it must have sold at least on par with Japan in Europe. Do we have any PS2 games sales numbers for North America?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
God of War as an open world game ?

Here's hoping the open world is more 'focused' like Horizon's was and not a huge dump of land like Fallout 4.


The article mentions that God of War is open world. Is that just the author speculating/assuming? Because I thought it was a linear game?


I don´t think Singstar would sell nearly as well today. I think it would work better for them to expand Forward Works and launch singstar on mobile.
Wouldn´t be an idea that would expand PS userbase though.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The article mentions that God of War is open world. Is that just the author speculating/assuming? Because I thought it was a linear game?

Seemed like a semi-open world game based on last year's trailer, Kratos was earning knowledge points and 'discovering' places. There also seemed to be paths Kratos didn't take.

We can guess the e3 segment was from the linear-opening part of the game and it's there to get you accustomed to the controls and mechanics.



I was never huge on GoW but this game could be interesting. At least it looks like a better reboot than DmC (which I hope gets a DMC5 to get real Dante back.)

DmC at least stayed in the same genre. Anyhoo, I'd say God of War 4 is more of a soft-reboot akin to RE7.
People in my theater are going to have to deal with me screeching at the top of my lungs when Spider-Man is shown off. Everything else at the conference is just gravy.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Thats interesting that they saw how I performed in Europe and decided to make changes to the series based on that.

Hope it works everywhere else.
To me, makes no sense to say Hack n Slash don't do well on Europe when Bayonetta was the most requiered character on Smash from Europe...

Maybe it's the way God of War did Hack n Slash what made underperform the game...

Or maybe Europe really likes Bayonetta's visuals and not the gameplay...( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)


If the extent of the combat in GoW is what we saw last year with a few changes then I'm definitely skipping it.


Gold Member
Most excited to see more of SM. Real physics-based swinging or no sale. They MUST have heard the cries for something to finally match or even surpass what SM2 did all those years ago.
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