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Crackdown 3 (XB/PC, Sumo Digital) E3 Trailer out Nov 7th


everyone calling it a 360 arcade looking game earlier sure have egg on their face, huh?
it looks nice. not mind blowing but definitely nice


Can you still target specific limbs, heads, tires, gas tanks, etc? Thought I spotted the ability to do that in the various videos, but it hasn't been highlighted yet.

Also, please tell me the agency vehicles are present AND that they transform. Not sure why they haven't shown those yet - it's only a friggin critical component of the experience.


I think it looks great, I love the clean look everything has (especially the main character). Worlds don't always benefit from a clutter of details, especially when you're going for a cartoonish look.


I think the problem with their montage trailer is that it just made everything look flat and generic. It looks better in actual gameplay because you can appreciate the full 3D world.


Game still looks like a 360 title, but it looks fun in the newer gameplay videos.

The conference trailer did a bad job at showing off the game.


just getting a little worried. For campaign all they have shown is single player. Is it or is it not co-op campaign playable. I have watched the live interview with the devs and no one has specifically spoken on or shown any different. This concerns me.


just getting a little worried. For campaign all they have shown is single player. Is it or is it not co-op campaign playable. I have watched the live interview with the devs and no one has has specifically spoken on or shown any different. This concerns me.

4 player coop campaign.
They just have a highscore kinda of build now for E3.


A Good Citizen
this looks like everything I've wanted from a crackdown sequel now that there is real footage

Trailer was badly conceived. Should've had a stage play demo, esp given how it's the big XONEX launch title. Excited to get this, tho I hope the vanilla One version isn't too mangled because I can't afford an X at launch :(


Do the cars transform? This is very important!

Yes. From Sumo Digital's page :
Enter Crackdown 3’s sandbox of mayhem and destruction and become a Super-Powered Agent dedicated to Justice by any means necessary. Explore the heights of a dangerous futuristic city, cut through gang-infested streets in a transforming vehicle, and wield amazing abilities to dismantle a ruthless criminal empire.


I agree... I was hoping for stylized beauty like SunsetOverdrive provided- which is gorgeous at 900p.

I just can't see this as impressive visually. It looks like 4K but in low settings...

I would have gladly taken a checkerboard approach with better lighting, reflections, better less aggressive LODs, and more detailed models and better particle effects

Unless objects are 2ft away they look flat. (And no it's not due to the cell shading). What good is 4K if it's just giving you a sharp view of mediocrity?

Anyway, the game looks like great fun to play. I wish try had shown gameplay instead of that trailer.

Precisely my thoughts


From what video is this?


The SP/4p co-op never had destruction. They stated that numerous times throughout its initial reveal/demos.

Not quite true. They actually implied in earlier demos that you could take down crime lords living on top of a building, by blowing it up, instead of scaling it.
Precisely my thoughts

I really hope they are not mandating that for their first party games. Native 4K is nice i guess, but if that difference between Native 4K and checkerboard is already so hard to notice, why not go for that? Then again who's to say they don't have room to spare in Crackdown 3 at native 4K? I mean they had like 30% left for other improvements for Forza 7 didn't they?


The city reminds me of that platinum TMNT game, just really basic and blocky. It almost seems like a game caught between generations. Like it started development on 360 and has been ported across to xbone. I expected more tbh. It doesn't look as awful as the trailer made it seem, but it doesn't look good either and has still dampened my excitement :(

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt though, but definitely going to wait for reviews/impressions.

R aka Bon

This game looked much better from what I saw at the Xbox e3 daily show today than the trailer from the press conference, it actually has my attention now.. :)
I agree, although I wasn't aware of the complaints from the media regarding the original's mechanics.

Needing to level up in order to make some ledges, or finding a new path in order to climb some buildings was what made the first game so intriguing. Similar to this site, you get drawn in for the gang battles but you stick around for the orb tracking/climbing/leveling. Also, there better be an achievement for climbing the tallest building again (and hopefully a pool below to dive in).


As for the new footage? Its exactly what I wanted, I was actually twitching watching the footage just thinking about where they've placed those bloody orbs :)
The city reminds me of that platinum TMNT game, just really basic and blocky. It almost seems like a game caught between generations. Like it started development on 360 and has been ported across to xbone. I expected more tbh. It doesn't look as awful as the trailer made it seem, but it doesn't look good either and has still dampened my excitement :(

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt though, but definitely going to wait for reviews/impressions.

From what I gathered from some of the streams is that this is a poor part of the city. There is a casino section which has a race track and shit.


From what I gathered from some of the streams is that this is a poor part of the city. There is a casino section which has a race track and shit.

I guess i'll wait until we see that sort of stuff then between now and launch.

Btw, i hope they got rid of those building with overhanging ledges above windows. I remember the first 2 games trying to jump up some buildings only to repeatedly bang your head lol.



Looking better but im still having a hard time with those animations. I understand the 1st game had this, it was annoying even then but i reluctantly tried to ignore it, it did bring the game down imo . 3rd game now, that twichy moonwalk-skating destroys the feeling of heaviness and power.

The boost jump, theres no momentum to it, you just move forward faster, theres no feeling of propulsion or transition in weight, its recycling the jump animation! Compared to something like Athem, which illustrates power & agility perfectly.


Im not expecting this level of detail, but please put some effort in Sumo, it looks half arsed.
Oh come on, what is wrong with you people. You're talking absolute shit. Look at those GIFs!!

I swear some people just like to shit up threads with nonsense.

Lol, the hyperbole is too much but it's not fully nonsense. People are used to open-world games having great graphics and animations nowadays and Crackdown 3 just doesn't compare, not even to the previous eh open-world graphics title-holder Agents of Mayhem. And they don't have the indie excuse, Microsoft has deep pockets and could have and should have had this game looking amazeballs. Especially on their new console where it almost looked like they had tourettes the way they kept repeating "most powerful console EVER".
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