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Digital Foundry: Assassin creed origins Xbox one x tech first look.


Pro won't be able to do what the Xbox One X can do due to hardware no matter what res.

5.5GB vs 9.5GB allow superior draw distance, textures, poly models, tesselation, etc

211GB/S vs 326GB/S allows better AF, shaders effects, etc

Pro will run base console settings while X will run pc high settings with 4k assets that memory will allow can't fit in 5.5gb of ran

You'd do terrific on N4G or something similar...


No it's memory as more objects you render need more space to hold thier data. Clearly you don't know much

There's a reason why gpu now have 8+go of vram to run on high settings

Distant assets uses lower texel density and low poly versions. Impact in memory is minimal.

First wave of actions to reduce CPU bottleneck is reduce distant view, reduce lods, reduce FOV and shadow maps resolution. Next one is framerate.

Those are the main problems in current AAA games in low tier CPU consoles.


I hope DF will not suck XBX ass too much because they got invited to unveil the specs officially. Curious about other games on other platforms.

AC as good as it looks is clearly still held back by lower end hardware, which is to be expected.


Yes jez the problem is the weakass cpu lol I cracked the mystery

Amazing isnt it, so many people kept posting to check expectations.

Still think Scorpio is great for the industry, we need console makers to push the boat out and 499 for premium offerings is something I support.

Now, bring out a 499 ps5 sony with a Ryzen CPU, god damn.

Distant assets uses lower texel density and low poly versions. Impact in memory is minimal.

First wave of actions to reduce CPU bottleneck is reduce distant view, reduce lods, reduce FOV and shadow maps resolution. Next one is framerate.

Those are the main problems in current AAA games in low tier CPU consoles.

it sucks, but still dont wnat to build a PC...


Not surprised to see all the shots fired in this thread lol, come on people, how many times did we discuss what was expected? games running 1080p on Xbox One would certainly run native 4K on Scorpio, whereas games at 900p like Ryse with much more ambitious engines would more than likely be running checkerboard. I like the fact that it's up to the developer where to put the extra resources, why ignore the fact that the footage looks gorgeous? They could've dropped some visual flair and made it native 4K, but do that just to shut up a few warriors who would just move to criticize something else? no thanks, give me the best possible visuals.

I expect the different between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro to be similar to the difference between PS4 and Xbox One, a pretty substantial one if not more so, and it was widely made into such a big deal, so it's kind of sad to see people start to water down what will likely be an even bigger difference. Get the popcorn ready folks!


Again you seem to be incapable of reading the information provided. To avoid repeating myself again this is what I said in this very thread in reference to my first post in that thread:

And no, I shouldn't have to explain my every single post regarding Forza to you. I have put almost 100 hours into each Forza game this generation and have purchased every single ultimate edition/expansion pack and piece of DLC.

So as such; I'm allowed to have an opinion, I'm allowed to feel burnt out if I feel there is only more of the same coming, I'm allowed to have a love/hate relationship with the game, I'm allowed to critique the games where I see fit. in addition, as somebody who owns a gaming PC as well as an Xbox One I am allowed to excersise the option to purchase the game on the PC since that option is also open to me (why you are attempting to frame that as some sort of negative thing I will never know).

What I won't allow is for you to roll out posts containing selective and false information framed in a way to make it seem like I'm Xbox's public enemy number one. If you deem all of the above to be "shitting on the game" (it's not by the way) then so be it, but I'm not going to sugar coat things just to ensure your feelings don't get hurt. If you can't handle constructive criticism against your favourite company and the games they produce then that is your problem, nobody else's, and to be frank, it's something that you should attempt to deal with internally instead of mud slinging.

I get it, you don't like being called out on your bullshit, but that's what it is. The truth hurts, but that's what it is. Suddenly when you are presented with your own posts, its cherry picking, when its your first post in a very recent thread, not something out of context from years ago. But feel free to continue back peddling, making excuses, moving goal posts, and name calling to cover up the BS posts.

I have no favorite company, and a multi national corporation doesnt need my help. What I do have a problem with is bullshit console warrior posters who shit up threads because their favorite piece of plastic with "Pro" written on top got its feelings hurt by the big bad phil spencer who clearly kicked your dog.


Can we expect to see DF comparisons between Pro and 1X during this E3 or are they not showing any overlapping games?
If its exactly the same game on the Pro and 1X then that's shocking, there's a whole world of difference between these two consoles other than just the CPU. Although many seem fixated by it
It's an AssCreed game so it's not that shocking. I believe Syndicate was identical on both platforms.



Come on. A 40% increase in you but the game looks exactly the same is down to cpu? We get it, you didn't like the cpu - you've made they clear for months now.

Fact is some multiplats will look the same, bar resolution. Destiny on Xbox one looked like the PS4 version despite its power difference. Plus it's early so things will improve.


There is no technical reason they should look exactly the same, but there could certainly be development reasons.



Destiny 2 will look the same too.
Yeah its a shame Assassin's Creed and Destiny are in the spotlight when it comes to differentiating between the systems, when parity is what should be expected with these devs.

Not to say one should expect a massive difference between the two consoles, but these really aren't the games to be drawing comparisons.


Yes jez the problem is the weakass cpu lol I cracked the mystery
The resolution could probably be higher, and other GPU related workloads as well. But looking at how the previous AC games turned out this generation* it'll probably not be realised.

*With the exception of AC:IV and the Pro patch for Syndicate.


Pro won't be able to do what the Xbox One X can do due to hardware no matter what res.

5.5GB vs 9.5GB allow superior draw distance, textures, poly models, tesselation, etc

211GB/S vs 326GB/S allows better AF, shaders effects, etc

Pro will run base console settings while X will run pc high settings with 4k assets that memory will allow can't fit in 5.5gb of ran

No it's memory as more objects you render need more space to hold thier data. Clearly you don't know much

There's a reason why gpu now have 8+go of vram to run on high settings

Hahaha, dude, I work daily with this stuff.

Let me try to explain it to you. LODs are not used to reduce ram usage, they are used to reduce the draw calls and polycount of a scene. When the player moves closer and a higher LOD pops, that higher LOD hasn't been loaded into ram then, it was already loaded (otherwise you would have insane amounts of stuttering).

For example the trees in the distance in, say, Witcher 3, are lower LODs in PS4/XB1 not because of RAM, because they are, most likely, literally THE SAME trees that are 5 meters away from you so they are already in memory, but to reduce draw calls and polycounts, and draw calls are one of the biggest CPU loads and usual performance bottlenecks.
Another example would be, say, a car in Forza. At lower LODs it will have not only a lower polycount but a lower amount of meshes as well.
Same with culling, the stuff that is not rendered is not loaded off the ram, it's just not rendered.

Lack of VRAM can be seen when a game stutters heavily due to not being able to keep all required textures at the same time or low res textures are seen while they stream in.

Obviously yes, in extreme scenarios if you are showing tons of unique assets in the same scene (something that very rarely happens in AAA games anymore, lots of assets are reused) you might have to cut drawing distance due to ram, but you will likely run into CPU bottlenecks before the differences in ram matter, especially considering we're talking about Jaguar.

Shadows could have better draw distances and higher quality though, as they rely almost entirely on GPU. SSAO could also be more precise and/or higher res. This is all assuming the same resolution though.

But LODs, tesselation, etc are not bottlenecked by RAM.


There is no technical reason they should look exactly the same, but there could certainly be development reasons.

Ac unity was the original parity freak out. Whatever reason they had back then probably holds now.


Control yourselves, people. It's just parity again.


Come on. A 40% increase in you but the game looks exactly the same is down to cpu? We get it, you didn't like the cpu - you've made they clear for months now.

Too right, CPU affects the frame rate and pop in, AI and so much, and its so damn weak it pulls everything down so much for ambitious games (not driving or no AI multi)

40 % for GPU, 9.5 % for CPU - do you think games will run 40 % better or 9,5 % Better ?

How would the game run with a 250 % faster CPU (Ryzen) ?

This was predicted that will be the norm by many posters months and months ago. Heck was calling this last year in mid 2016....

Anyway, roll on to the next DF, all will become clearer eventually.

I like the scorpio as a precedent, it pushes the boat out on a pro version, well done MS I hope this continues, but we need a new CPU in consoles.


Gold Member
I get it, you don't like being called out on your bullshit, but that's what it is. The truth hurts, but that's what it is. Suddenly when you are presented with your own posts, its cherry picking, when its your first post in a very recent thread, not something out of context from years ago. But feel free to continue back peddling, making excuses, moving goal posts, and name calling to cover up the BS posts.

I have no favorite company, and a multi national corporation doesnt need my help. What I do have a problem with is bullshit console warrior posters who shit up threads because their favorite piece of plastic with "Pro" written on top got its feelings hurt by the big bad phil spencer who clearly kicked your dog.

It's pretty clear you have a personal vendetta against me. So look, if you don't like my posting style or my opinions or my avatar or whatever else rubs you up the wrong way place me on your ignore list and continue your dance with the butterflies and the bees where everything is wonderful and Microsoft can do no wrong. Your accusations are dumbfounded and not once in any post that I've seen from you have you displayed the ability to put together a strong truthful and evidence based argument for anything. If you deem this:

I should be excited for this but I'm not. Is there something wrong with or am I just burnt out on Forza. I think I might need to take a mini break from this franchise. Probably won't get the ultimate edition on launch like the sucker I usually am.

The game looks great but there are too many problems I have with this franchise that seem to go unaddressed iteration after iteration.

...to be "shitting on a game" then you really need to get a grip.

You came into this thread, not to contribute to the topic at hand but to target me personally. It's boring. Jog on.


Too right, CPU affects the frame rate and pop in, AI and so much, and its so damn weak it pulls everything down so much for ambitious games (not driving or no AI multi)

40 % for GPU, 9.5 % for CPU - do you think games will run 40 % better or 9,5 % Better ?

This was predicted that will be the norm by many posters months and months ago. Heck was calling this last year in mid 2016....

Anyway, roll on to the next DF, all will become clearer eventually.

I like the scorpio as a precedent, it pushes the boat out on a pro version, well done MS I hope this continues, but we need a new CPU in consoles.

It doesn't matter what the performance delta is or where as visually the games are identical - it's parity but you are too blinkered to see. Keep fighting that fight soldier.


It's pretty clear you have a personal vendetta against me. So look, if you don't like my posting style or my opinions or my avatar or whatever else rubs you up the wrong way place me on your ignore list and continue your dance with the butterflies and the bees where everything is wonderful and Microsoft can do no wrong. Your accusations are dumbfounded and not once in any post that I've seen from you have you displayed the ability to put together a strong truthful and evidence based argument for anything. If you deem this:

...to be "shitting on a game" then you really need to get a grip.

You came into this thread, not to contribute to the topic at hand but to target me personally. It's boring. Jog on.

Nope, was just addressing a post on the first page of the thread.....oh wait, I forgot, thats cherry picking. And with that...the end.


Gold Member
Nope, was just addressing a post on the first page of the thread.....oh wait, I forgot, thats cherry picking. And with that...the end.

You addressed ME not the content of the post. Clearly you can't distinguish between the two and therein lies the problem:

Find Xbox thread
[ctrl + F]
Shitting on MS to "keep it real"
Act surprised

Quality post, would read again.



Jez Corden? Jez says a lot of things... So does Ubisoft. Both have repeatedly been proven to be wrong, or worse, lying.

Also who and how did ask it? Might he have asked someone that doesn't have this specific knowledge? Perhaps the question was interpreted as if their are any content differences?

He also said:

My interpretation is Ubisoft meant to say they handle the graphics in the same manner. I have a hard time believing Pro can achieve 2160cb/30 for most of the time, and will throttle resolution a whole lot more than 1X.

Also, since True 4K™ means nothing, 1X could use 2160cb, while Pro use 1800cb. They would both still be True 4K™.


You addressed ME not the content of the post. Clearly you can't distinguish between the two and therein lies the problem.

Ah, you are not responsible for the content of your posts, no wonder they are clearly losing the plot. But please, by all means continue to move the issue around when lacking a coherent argument.

Look, we clearly dont agree. You have posted you want to stop and so have I. Lets agree to disagree and move on.


..but cry so much I wish I had some
Game is checkerboarded and dynamic resolution, on both consoles I am guessing since Ubisoft says both versions are the same. Maybe that in this case the Xbox One X version will keep a higher resolution than the PS4 Pro most of the time, just like BF1 for example where the PS4 had a higher dynamic resolution than Xbox One. This would surely make a difference in terms of sharpness between the 2 titles at least.


It doesn't matter what the performance delta is or where as visually the games are identical - it's parity but you are too blinkered to see. Keep fighting that fight soldier.

I am not blinkered by anything, got 2 360's, moved to 2 Ps4 pro, might move to 2 x scorpio BUT I now want 60 FPS gaming but no PC. Next decent CPU console I will be all over like a rash.

Its Jaguar. I am sure xb1x will look slightly better when DF zoom in, there will be better IQ for sure, but we cant put our faces on the 2 50 inch 4 K Tv's to damn see it.


Jez Corden? Jez says a lot of things... So does Ubisoft. Both have repeatedly been proven to be wrong, or worse, lying.

Also who and how did ask it? Might he have asked someone that doesn't have this specific knowledge? Perhaps the question was interpreted as if their are any content differences?

I believe Jez. There's always going to be games with parity like this. It was the same with PS4 and Xbone.


Sucks for XBX is true, though it wouldn't be the only game thtat would be the same, e.g. The Crew and FIFA games looked the same despite PS4 being more powerful.

Unfortunately for MS, they seem to be relying heavily on third party properties. If those third parties dont take advantage of extra power, it mostly goes to waste.

Shit... That's more or less exactly what I meant with my posting....

The X will be the strongest console on the market and I will buy it just because of that to play multiplatform titles there from November on, but I really hope that Developers uses the power to make enhanced games really look and run better there as on the pro.
I'm a little bit scared that when the console is out, we're still getting some games with a better pro mode on the PS4 as on the X.

I don't know, just a bad feeling that developers will use the power differently on both consoles and I don't want to see preferences that I maybe even like more on the weaker console.

Who knows, the gap between a PS4 and a Pro isn't "that" big on some cases, but maybe it's actually for the better sometimes.
Because if the gap is too big and I can definitely see it on the Xbox, maybe some developers will hold back with the enhanced mode because of a possible backlash.
When you have a normal One game with 900 or 720p, worse textures, worse fps, like a typical One game and you get the 6 terraflops master version with 4k, 60fps, dream textures and ultra PC setting optics, I can definitely see possible problems here.
If using that power is up to the developer, and even the biggest XBX launch titles aren't really showcasing that power, then we have to look towards future exclusives to set a new standard.

And that logic leads us right back to the lack of real exclusives on the platform.
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