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neoGAF, a plea for help: please read

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I've never actually donated to something like this, but this felt like a good reason to change that.

Unemployment sucks so I gave what I could. Hope it helps and I sincerely wish you guys all the best.
Honestly, I'm not normally the type to donate to causes. I'm generally distrustful and guarded.

However, kinda knowing you over awhile, (don't let the low post count fool you, I've lurked for many, many years before I even tried to sign up), it hit me how difficult it must be to have to reach out like that.

If it's a scam, ok, you got me. I don't really feel it is, though. And it'd be nice to positively effect someone's life for a change, even if it's a stranger.

Hell, especially if it's a stranger.

So it's not much, but I joined the donation push. I hope everyone's combined efforts eases the pain of worry and desperation for your family. Enjoy her smile and love.

Good luck.


Will donate as soon as Paypal fund is up. Gaf is amazing. But I hope more people see this. I mean, if everyone viewing the forum at the moment donated just $5 each, you'd have the $15k and then some.

Will be keeping her in my prayers. I can only imagine the how awful this must be.


I was going to buy a new pair of headphones, but I think you probably can put the money into better use. I love my mom too. Good luck.


Aftershock LA
I can't donate anything this upcoming pay period, but I should be able to do something with my check on the 15th of next month (damn two paychecks a month!).

I haven't always agreed with you, Amirox, but dammit, I'll help as soon as I can. It may not mean much, but in the meantime, I'll be praying for you and your family to have the strength to endure this difficult time.

I'm subscribing to the thread, so I won't lose it when I can finally donate.

Part-time student and part-time worker here. My dad is on leave of absence for about a year while he battles pancreatic cancer. Fortunately, he has crazy medical insurance that covers pretty much all costs. However, household expenses still have to be taken care of.

That burden falls on me, even as I start graduate school in the fall. There's no way I can't go; my dad moved to this country to see me succeed, and I got accepted into one of his dream schools.

I'm giving Amirox 5 dollars.

I can't afford it, not really. I'll be missing a meal some time next week.

But I have an inkling of what he's going through. Diseases like that affect the family, not just the patient. What's wonderful is that Amirox has clearly let his mother know that she's more than just a patient, or a victim; she's his mother and all that that entails. It's an empowering feeling for someone in her situation.

Amirox, be a rock for your family.


Just did my part and donated!!

I seriously hope you make your goal!!

I know what he is going through, as I lost my bad to cancer last fall and it was the hardest thing I had to go through! Everyone, please spare something if you can, even a $1 can help in the long run.
I made my donation. My love for my mom is boundless. It's unbearable for me to even imagine your pain. I pray and wish for your family the very best.
After reading your post, seeing the picture of your mother with that smile with everything is going on really got to me. I'm not the type of person to feel these kinds of emotion as I tend to be the insensitive asshole, but god, this really got to me. I could sympathize with you and seeing your mother just makes me think of my own.

I'll be making the best donation I can at the end of this upcoming week knowing I'm doing the best I can for you, your family, and knowing that your mothers pain will be eased.

I really can't get over how much this has resonated with me. I've shed tears for your mother.

Good luck and the best of hope
Your mom sounds like a champ. Positive thinking does wonders for fighting illness.

I can't afford a whole lot, but I will definitely help out. I hope that collectively, we will all be able to put a nice big dent in her medical expenses =)

All the best.

Edit: and done! just donated. Might give more later if I can. =)

Come on gaf let's do this! Almost halfway to the goal.


Donated what I could being unemployed.

I spent a lot of money and time on my old cat that had kidney failure. I don't even want to imagine what it takes for you and your dad to help your mom. Hope things go well with her treatment.


I may be unemployed and hard-up for cash, but missing a few meals is not nearly as terrible as missing a couple kidneys.
I'll save up as much as I can spare and donate in a week or so; I hope you reach your goal Amirox.
Will donate as soon as Paypal goes up. Lovely to see everyone contributing, it really helps foster the idea that we are a community.

Never change GAF <3

Dead Man

Lost my mum years ago to cancer, I give you my condolences, and a very small amount of money. Promoted the donation page on facebook too. Hope it helps.


Thank you, just read the topic in question. That's really amazing of you. And re: those who don't like me personally but still donated, that's really big of you guys. I'm happy you didn't let our personal squabbles effect my mother, who really is an amazing person. I hope to introduce you guys to her in a video shortly, she is just sleeping at the moment but when she gets up and feels ready she is going to make some comments to explain what this all means to her :)

Yeah, unfortunately it's not an option. Because of the nature of my mom's illnesses, they won't put her on a waiting list because they feel her new kidney would end up failing in short order again. This dialysis @ home is the best chance she has at some quality of life. During the dialysis @ home training week, she finally had energy again... some real ability to do things. It was amazing just to see her like that. We want to achieve this for her as well as help her afford her vast medical expenses to relieve some stress, if it's the only thing we end up doing.

What are the ongoing costs to keep this treatment at home happening Amirox? Edit: found the answer on thread. Geez that's expensive


Confirmed Asshole
I have less money on my online credit card thing than I want to donate, so I'm gonna wait until the PayPal thing happens.


Jeez man, you are gonna cost me Diablo 3 . Meh, it is for a good cause, isn't it?

Set up that paypal man, my Diablo 3 money is going there.


Really sorry to hear about this man. I've donated what I could spare, wish I could have given a little bit more. I've passed it along too.
The generosity in money & promoting this cause by GAF is truly inspiring. I've been sitting here sobbing all morning.

Looking at the donations page, those who feel they've only contributed a little have still managed over $200 between them, so every little bit really does add up. I sincerely hope you reach your goal, but at 50% already, I have faith in the goodwill of all the kind people out there that you will. Best wishes to your whole family.
I don't have much money because rent is coming up and bills just got paid, but I gave what I could without going in the red for the month. Wish I could give more. :(


The generosity in money & promoting this cause by GAF is truly inspiring. I've been sitting here sobbing all morning.

Looking at the donations page, those who feel they've only contributed a little have still managed over $200 between them, so every little bit really does add up. I sincerely hope you reach your goal, but at 50% already, I have faith in the goodwill of all the kind people out there that you will. Best wishes to your whole family.

Yea, there are so many people who are struggling in their own right that have given all they can afford, and that is worthy of just as much praise as any other donation. It's the thought that counts, literally. And even if you can't afford a penny, the people who have made website posts and pushed it on facebook and other sites have got us many more donations so far. We're almost 50% of our goal and I just started this big drive!

Everyone's generosity has just blown us away, to the point where I'm almost speechless. I knew GAF was amazing, but this is so far beyond any possible expectation...


Yea, there are so many people who are struggling in their own right that have given all they can afford, and that is worthy of just as much praise as any other donation. It's the thought that counts, literally. And even if you can't afford a penny, the people who have made website posts and pushed it on facebook and other sites have got us many more donations so far. We're almost 50% of our goal and I just started this big drive!

Everyone's generosity has just blown us away, to the point where I'm almost speechless. I knew GAF was amazing, but this is so far beyond any possible expectation...

GAF has given many of us alot over the years ... situations like this are one way that we can give back to the community. I know you'll hit your goal. GAF will make it happen.


Hey Ami, can't donate anything right now until I get my first 'real' paycheck on the 25th of this month. I won't have much for now but I will surely chip in. Best wishes to your mom and I bet things will work out in the end, so no worries! :)

Edit: I'm in Japan and with a Japanese bank account. I guess I'll also have to wait until Paypal works fine?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Done. I feel bad it's not more. I can't imagine what it's been like for your mother, you, and your family, mentally and physically.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Done. Good luck. This sucks, but it's nice to see so many generous people. Especially ballers like the owner of this site.
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