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DigitalFoundry: X1 memory performance improved for production console/ESRAM 192 GB/s)

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Another interesting quote:

n terms of what this all means with regards multi-platform titles launching on both next-gen consoles, our information suggests that developers may be playing things rather conservatively for launch titles while dev tools are still being worked on. This is apparently more of an issue with Xbox One, where Microsoft developers are still in the process of bringing home very significant increases in performance from one release of the XDK development environment to the next. Our principal source suggests that performance targets are being set by game-makers and that the drivers should catch up with those targets sooner rather than later. Bearing in mind the stuttering performance we saw from some Xbox One titles at E3 such as Crytek's Ryse (amongst others), this is clearly good news.
Why? He never said, that the downclock rumor was true.

No he didn't.

But another poster I thought was banned in that thread for insisting that the downclock rumor wasn't true? He bet his account on it I thought and was banned. So...I don't know anymore lol.
Good news.

The graphics will be very comparable.for the first few years. I don't expect to see any big differences in graphics for third party games, but some mid gen exclusives should show off the ps4's 50% more power over the xbone's GPU.

I expect resolution differences to be the main difference to keep xbone on par.in 3rd party games.


Aren't the 192 GB/s and 176 GB/s numbers representative of the total data that can pass through the memory per second? That number is calculated with capacity in mind right? I'm pretty sure, so it means that the MS memory solution can pass more data through it than the Sony solution? I certainly know it doesn't mean that each bit can move 192 GB/s through it.


hide your water-based mammals
Another interesting quote:

This is the issue with any next gen platform. Even Mark Cerny mentioned things being worked on for year 3 and 4 in his talk at Gamelab.

It's basically saying that games will continue to look better when devs get more time with the HW. Look at launch vs late cycle games.


Another interesting quote:

Not that surprising, but nice to hear. Remember that DirectX 11.2 only got released very recently and it's supported on the XB1 so it's obvious that they're iterating fairly rapidly.

Aren't the 192 GB/s and 176 GB/s numbers representative of the total data that can pass through the memory per second? That number is calculated with capacity in mind right? I'm pretty sure, so it means that the MS memory solution can pass more data through it than the Sony solution? I certainly know it doesn't mean that each bit can move 192 GB/s through it.

176GB/s figure before was for combined peak eSRAM and peak DDR3 bandwidth. The new 192GB/s is for peak eSRAM only, an increase from 102GB/s.

DDR3 peak: 68GB/s
eSRAM peak: 102GB/s
Combined peak: 176GB/s

DDR3 peak: 68GB/s
eSRAM peak: 192GB/s
eSRAM realistic: 133GB/s
Combined peak (unrealistic): 260GB/s
Still a needlessly complicated setup. They are trying to fix a problem created by themselves in the first place. The PS4's setup is simpler and more efficient and I'm sure developers will feel that when working on both systems.
Another interesting quote:

Yeah, I don't get this one still. Everyone says the PS4 tools are ahead of the X1 but then why did E3 not really show that? So...what's going on there? The games shown overall seemed like parity to me, and a few titles on the X1 were actually dang impressive.
My understanding, which I will admit is pretty weak, is that Cerny and his team weren't as enamored with the concept of throughput as they were with unified memory. In the talk yesterday he discussed one option on the board to have 900gb of throughput using a small, super fast cache. But in the end decided on the current architecture of 8gbs of unified ram which was less overall throughput but opened up developers to use it for however they want.

This quote from the OP's link speaks to that.

But in a world where Killzone: Shadow Fall is utilising 800MB for render targets alone, how difficult will it be for developers to work with just 32MB of fast memory for similar functions?

I do agree with the notion that we aren't going to see much difference between the systems early on. I think the current gen is going to hold things back for a while, unfortunately.

Durante, am I off the rails here or is this where they think their design is superior?


Why people think that memory bandwidth is gonna make your games leaps and bounds better? At 1080p there's no real benefit on it, maybe some games could squish 2 or 5 more fps but that's it.


How does this compare to the PS4's bandwidth? Not the 176GB/s figure, but actual real world performance. If so it's good news because if they both have similar baselines, no console gets shafted purposely.
The best new in that article is that xbone dev kits are still getting significant performance improvements upon each release and the developers think they will match their targets without much problem.

Boss Man

Good article.

Surprising that they underestimated the ESRAM that way. Although it's still only 32MB (which I assume matters). I'd love to hear a mature explanation of how all of this factors in though.

As the performance levels of both next-gen consoles are something of a moving target at the moment, differences in multi-platform games may not become evident until developers are working with more mature tools and libraries.
At that point it's possible that we may see ambitious titles operating at a lower resolution on Xbox One compared to the PlayStation 4.
So it looks like DF is predicting the difference to present itself as a resolution difference. Is there a particular reason for that, and does it have more to do with the GPU or RAM? I'd assume that's the GPU difference.
No one did add both bandwidths... read the article.

My bad. I'm a little high right now.

Well then now MS just needs to free up more RAM, and things will get even closer. I'm still very doubtful of the play MS is doing with the ESRAM, but games will do the talking. I wish a some engineer would be in here talking us about the minus and pluses of ESRAM vs unified.


all of my posts are my avatar
I think this quote speaks for the most part. Optimizing games for the Xbone will be a much harder task then PS4 due to the ESRAM implementation. In other words, PS4 will be much easier to develop for compared to Xbone.

Funny that none of this seemed to show in @ E3 where MS pretty much cleaned up on the awards thanks to TitanFall and Forza.
I think the Microsoft solution is only good if the can get the price down quick. Aside from that the devs will have an easier time with ps4 though ever dev that has worked on the 360 should feel right at home on the xb1


The best new in that article is that xbone dev kits are still getting significant performance improvements upon each release and the developers think they will match their targets without much problem.
That's true of everything though, tools and kits improve very quickly at a launch of a new console.
My bad. I'm a little high right now.

Well then now MS just needs to free up more RAM, and things will get even closer. I'm still very doubtful of the play MS is doing with the ESRAM, but games will do the talking.

They didn't add the bandwidth, but is the same situation as before...the 192/GB is for the 32mb of Esram. Comparing the bandwidths directly still seems disingeneous to me given the differing architectures...


smh at some of the arm chair hardware engineering posts in here.

Good article.

Interesting that they underestimated the ESRAM that way. Although it's still only 32MB (which I assume matters). I'd love to hear a mature explanation of how all of this factors in though.

So it looks like DF is predicting the difference to present itself as a resolution difference. Is there a particular reason for that, and does it have more to do with the GPU or RAM? I'd assume that's the GPU difference.

Despite theoretical bumps in BW to eSRAM which =/= 192gb/s BW to main memory, the GPU on the PS4 is still a higher spec piece of silicon. 32 ROPS, 18 CU, and direct access to main memory with cache coherency between CPU/GPU.
True that it is only a theoretical number and it comes from Microsoft but it is still a pretty big leap. The console will still have lower average bandwidth between the two pools than PS4 but this will help a lot.

No, just that the eSRAM pool could have more bandwidth but there is a lot less of it than the GDDR5 in PS4. PS4 still has the better GPU and more fast RAM available to games.

you still have to get the information off blu ray/HDD before it ever gets into RAM. the weak point in both these machines are the optical and hard disk drives!

We need SSD's now!


Makes sense, the original bandwidth figures seemed extremely low, like "why even bother with embedded memory" slow. The good news is that neither console will be bandwidth limited which means developers won't have to downgrade textures or transparency quality.

Boss Man

Funny that none of this seemed to show in @ E3 where MS pretty much cleaned up on the awards thanks to TitanFall and Forza.
I wouldn't expect those awards to be for graphics.

TitanFall doesn't even really look good. In fact, I'd be willing to be that it will look noticeably better on PS4. Especially since it's coming later.

Forza looks great as always, but there wasn't anything that stood out about it graphically in terms of being next-gen.

Not to mention I don't know if there was even an 'approximate' XB1 machine on the floor. Weren't they using Windows 7 PCs with higher spec Nvidia cards?
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