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Closer look at the Xbox One from a user who got the console early


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!

Huh, wonder if this is an early indicator of how fun these games are... people seem to like Killer Instinct.... Ryse not so much...

Being a sales ager, now I'm realising this could also be a tool for estimating sales of titles on One XD


Sounds similar to a mobile OS really.

... except a gaming console/handheld OS should still place the game as top priority, at least only one at a time and "this will need to close" warnings if you're about to do something that'd require the game to close.
Hmm, I hope thats not the case.

OTOH it could've kept a save state and went "well we'll just load up the game again and go back to that."
But that wouldn't work with MP modes of games, right? Connection/log-in to the specific service of the game and whatnot.
Please tell me you can change the colors on the interface. Really don't like the garish and clashing Windows 8 Metro palette.



Huh, wonder if this is an early indicator of how fun these games are... people seem to like Killer Instinct.... Ryse not so much...
Woah that's actually pretty neat, having the number of people playing listed. Might push me to go play any game that's not in the top few if I know there's decent amount of players in it.


Called out for saying that he doesn't know the current state of affairs but 2 months ago snap was broken and the UI was not working properly?

Maybe CBOAT can't be called out but some were saying that the OS would certainly not be fixed for launch.


Bunch of interesting news in this post. Can't wait to test the console myself !

Let's hope he will be unbanned when the console officialy launches.
The last two days of media release for the XB1 has been better marketing than anything since the reveal. My interest has definitely risen. One thing you can be sure of: Microsoft will definitely deliver on the dashboard/OS/services integration.

Huh, wonder if this is an early indicator of how fun these games are... people seem to like Killer Instinct.... Ryse not so much...

I would say it's more indicative of which games people have access to. I mean the console hasn't even officially launched, so the few that are in the wild probably don't have access to everything. Of course CoD is available at retail but the people that have the console already probably aren't mainstream CoD fans for the most part.

A week or two after launch the trending games section will be much more telling as to which games are more popular. Killer Instinct is free to play, so you will have to give it a week or two for people experimenting with it to either get bored with the one character they can use and quit, or to buy the rest of the characters and keep playing, so I think trending games will mean much more around the first of Dec or so.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Please tell me you can change the colors on the interface. Really don't like the garish and clashing Windows 8 Metro palette.

You can change the color of the tiles. I hope and expect that you can also set a background, much the same way as with Windows 8.


Glad to see he's not had many issues. UI looks clean but a bit busy for me.

so the system worked without any problems with live or snap ? no crashes or anything ?

smh at these "insiders" spreading FUD for weeks

I often take trends from one data point.


You can change the color of the tiles. I hope and expect that you can also set a background, much the same way as with Windows 8.

You can choose the background color, as long as it's black. ;) (seriously, I don't think you can)


leaving aside all the cool snap/switching with voice, the home screen seems fairly similar to the PS4, with a trail of most recently used apps/games to easily launch, just arranged in a block rather than a line


that's bs part of insiders, what's the point to come and shit on whatever that won't make a difference to the consumer at the end?

There's a difference between "shitting" on something and telling the truth.
They came and told us about some problems which was backed up by some dev or some journalist (can't renember who exactly it was).However Cboat said, these problems might be gone until launch.

He never said anything about "don't buy this console", it was just to raise the awareness so people would be prepared, if these features wouldn't work.

So it looks like everything was worked out and the OS seems to work just fine, which is good.
However, just imagine that this features would have been broken at launch, the uproad would be bigger without the actual warning.


Sooooooo fucking excited !!!! That dash has sent me into overdrive!!!! Its a killer app for me, leading the way once again.

And LOL @ CBOAT, expecting him to get called out if it works normally, and so will other insiders for thier BS

And LOL!!!

CBOAT said that UI will probably be fixed until launch.

Bullseye! Move along!
Loving the new dash. Everything is so sexy. Love the trending games area. I always hated that major's update was on his blog and not on the dash. Multi tasking is next level. I will plug my PS4 into my XB1 day one.

A little OT but I actually buy into MS's ecosystem so I am psyched MS is finally getting their OS's to converge. Now we just need a shard store. When I buy an app on my ipad I can use it on my iphone same goes for android. Ms needs to fix that shit. Halo: SA purchase needs to work on desktop, tablet, phone and XB1 or X360. Instead to do that it's 4 purchases!!!!

Sony even got this down without having the benefit of a common OS like IOS and Android.


Some cool things (well not much new stuff, but cool to see it on a retail-box).
But I hate something like this:

They waste so much space that you can only see 6 achievements on the screen and have to scroll way too much.

Yeah, that's just weird. It's not even good looking, at all. The Metro in general still looks like shit.

I like the top games thing though.


Really? That kinda stinks. I thought it was a total replacement and id never have to see my cable box UI again.

as long as they rely on IR blasters, they can never fully integrate with your DVR. Anything that requires you to use up/down/left/right etc for navigating menus would be impossible to reliably control with an IR blaster. You'd need to integrate LAN control which some DVRs do support.

Fingers crossed MS support that in the future, but I've not heard them even hint at it. Being able to search across live TV and netflix is nice, but it needs to search my recorded shows too

If they added that, and something like plex, so you could search in one place across live TV, catchup TV apps, Netflix etc, recorded DVR shows and your network content - *that* would be my ultimate living room box.
He never said anything about "don't buy this console", it was just to raise the awareness so people would be prepared, if these features wouldn't work.

I don't want to bring a war to this thread, but he said something like that in his last pm:


if poepl hve stil cfonsireding xbon afte allWE no abut it, then onth!ng i say wil chadng theirn mindsz.

i gie what ican cosndirn my position. lot more shit i never talk baout cuz no prof and to epxlosive.
Does anyone know if a snapped app (like the music app) can be hidden so gameplay takes up the whole screen? I don't fancy playing a game using only two thirds of the screen.

Same goes for streaming on Twitch - I hope you can still have full screen play
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