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Tearaway sold 14k and it's made me depressed. See why it killed my cynicism inside.


This memcard bullshit is the reason I don't even consider a Vita. The Vita seems like a scam to sell expensive memcards, and I refuse to take part of it.
You can get by without buying a memory card. I still haven't, and I got the early release bundle with a 4GB.

It's tedious, but workable.

Unless of course you wanted to go all digital, then yeah... that'd be unbearable.

How much of a true representation of the game is the demo? I know demos can be a really problematic way to judge a game, so I'm keeping my mind open.

I found the demo to be terribly boring, and it's relegated the game in my mind to a $20 bargain bin purchase. I hope I got the wrong impression?
Gameplay gets perfect by the end. It's a perfect balance of everything leading up to that point. Not sure what the demo shows, but if it's early stuff... then it's not a good representation of the game as a whole. Especially the first level.

Paid $45 for mine, brand new (thank you Best Buy). And isn't retail price $80 now?

Supposedly the team was only about 8-10 people, though the game was in development for more than a year.
I think it only started with 8-10, and ended with 15.


I bought this game digitally for my Vita a few days ago. I haven't had the chance to play yet as my girlfriend, who is not a gamer, is addicted to it.

Love what I've seen of it though and excited to play it. Sales numbers are depressing :(


The gaming industry of 2013 in a nutshell:

Tearaway - 14,000
Super Mario 3D World - 215,000 (digital & physical combined)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (shoot guys with swearing pre-teens and they die and then you die and then they die some more and it's the same game you've played 4-5 times before with recycled cutscenes and now dogs in 720p) - 6.5 million

Or exclusives on failing platforms versus cross-gen. Although it would be interesting to see COD numbers for the Vita and WiiU


Well I thought about buying the game but;
It tried way too hard in the presentation department
I don't like forced hardware feature controls
I didn't want to buy it at full price because my gut told it would bomb
Could've been just another pseudo-indie-hipster-platformer thing


How much of a true representation of the game is the demo? I know demos can be a really problematic way to judge a game, so I'm keeping my mind open.

I found the demo to be terribly boring, and it's relegated the game in my mind to a $20 bargain bin purchase. I hope I got the wrong impression?

I don't know where the demo takes place. What does the demo allow you to play?


Like Super Mario 3D World, it's trapped on a failed platform. It's a pity.

I love Media Molecule. Truly. I am forever upset that I can't afford a Vita right now to play this gem. It truly is depressing but it doesn't surprise me. I can't wait to try it out someday :(

I don't think even that explains the sales. I think it would sadly bomb on any platform.
The gaming industry of 2013 in a nutshell:

Tearaway - 14,000
Super Mario 3D World - 215,000 (digital & physical combined)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (shoot guys with swearing pre-teens and they die and then you die and then they die some more and it's the same game you've played 4-5 times before with recycled cutscenes and now dogs in 720p) - 6.5 million

So it's finally like Hollywood.


I don't think even that explains the sales. I think it would sadly bomb on any platform.

Well Tearaway was put on a fast track to bomb, sandwiched between every hyped up next-gen platform, on a dead system, with virtually no marketing of any kind. During the Holiday season when a billion well marketed titles are touching down.

Tearaway should have come out in the Summer, and it might have sold a little better. Still would have bombed (Vita), but a LITTLE better perhaps..


One of the best games of the year imo. I've been trying to spread the word about it the best I can because this game deserves sales more than some of the garbage that tops the charts.

Ironic how everyone was saying how Vita needs new IPs to be successful instead of ports, so MM makes the best game on the system that wouldn't work on anything else and people fucking ignore it. Really sad... But part of it is Sony's fault for not marketing it for shit.


This is why I focus on the love of what is, right now. Not what could have been but probably won't in the future. You're one of the lucky 14,000, Amir0x. Enjoy it.


That's 14k more than I expected, considering the release date.

It's clearly a special game and for me a worthy system seller, but Sony did what they do with everything Vita and just pushed it around with no effort.

I should had learned being an early PSP adopter but I didn't.


I never wanted to be one of those people that says "X deserves to sell better," but goddamn... Tearaway is such a special game that noone will play. It deserves better.

It's worth buying a goddamned Vita for. Get a bundle with the 4GB memory card and get Tearaway already. No excuses about memory cards. Yes, memory card prices are shit, but buying a bundle with the smallest card packed in is worth it to experience this game.


The gaming industry of 2013 in a nutshell:

Tearaway - 14,000
Super Mario 3D World - 215,000 (digital & physical combined)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (shoot guys with swearing pre-teens and they die and then you die and then they die some more and it's the same game you've played 4-5 times before with recycled cutscenes and now dogs in 720p) - 6.5 million

Well, if TLofU was multiplatform, it probably would have been the best selling game of the year and it's easily better than any of those games. So it's not all bad.
Pulling numbers out for your ass. The game sold less than 3800 first week in Japan, and charted like #38 in the UK chart. I find it very hard to believe it's over 100k.


Not like I care, but I did download the demo because of this thread. However I already bought Muramasa and Killzone Mercenary from BF sales to go with my BF Vita, plus I have my PS+ Instant Backlog. I'm good for a long time, Tearaway can wait.


People who act like the 32GB card is a legally required accessory remind me of the people who really really want a Wii U... as soon as it drops down to $99. Oh well, I'm not the one missing out.


i started playing this immediately after finishing 3d world and that was a bad bad bad idea. i needed to give them more time.

i really like what i played, but i have one issue with combat and how it affects the game's pacing. so far it's the only issue i have with the game. otherwise the level design has been pretty good and the things it introduces have been fun improvements on the platformer genre.

also it's great seeing a developer embracing alternative control methods. if only more companies explored this space, i think we would have far more interesting games.

i plan on finishing it this weekend after a three week hiatus.

oh and i bought a vita just to play this game and i've only played a little bit of it and it has some problems, but it was totally worth it. seriously.


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Well Tearaway was put on a fast track to bomb, sandwiched between every hyped up next-gen platform, on a dead system, with virtually no marketing of any kind. During the Holiday season when a billion well marketed titles are touching down.

Tearaway should have come out in the Summer, and it might have sold a little better. Still would have bombed (Vita), but a LITTLE better perhaps..

I've never even heard of it before this thread but I'm not a Vita user. But I've got a Vita for one of my kids for Chrimbo so I'll check it out.
I'm not sure I like the art style either but I'm prepared to do some research for this title.


I feel ya dude. Killer OP.

Thing is, it was always going to be this way. Just be glad that you got to play it, I know I am.

Pulling numbers out for your ass. The game sold less than 3800 first week in Japan, and charted like #38 in the UK chart. I find it very hard to believe it's over 100k.
Pretty sure it hit 18 on week 1, dropped to 38 on week 2 and then rose to the early 30s on week 3.


I don't know where the demo takes place. What does the demo allow you to play?

Area where you get a camera, area where you use back touch on drums for platforming and you eventually get the ability to jump.

I assumed it was just the beginning level of the game.


Also, sales of a game's first month are super important. Support Mm and tell Sony that this is a franchise worth developing into further.


Gold Member

the 14 is only retail though in US... so odds are it sold upwards of 50k or so.

plus it only released in JPN dec 5.

I'm not saying those are excuses for bigger numbers, but 14k isn't the ww total


some guys here think they are some hardcore gamers and jump on the hype train and buy the next tps or the next fps and after they get disappointed they come here and start shiting on the game , while in reality they are a one trick pony who spent the last 2 gens playing 1 or 2 genres till he got burnt out of the whole hobby .
that's why Nintendo keep recycling the old games over and over again and that's why they wont take risks , all of the 3ds big hits are an exact copy (in terms of mechanics) to the old stuff or at least very similar .

and stop shiting on the vita , its the best handheld ever created and has some great games.
How much of a true representation of the game is the demo? I know demos can be a really problematic way to judge a game, so I'm keeping my mind open.

I found the demo to be terribly boring, and it's relegated the game in my mind to a $20 bargain bin purchase. I hope I got the wrong impression?

The game really is such a great experience. It draws you in with it's wonderful worldbuilding and a lot of the mechanics, although gimmicky, really make the world come alive. I don't think 20 minutes does this game justice.


Area where you get a camera, area where you use back touch on drums for platforming and you eventually get the ability to jump.

I assumed it was just the beginning level of the game.

Yeah, that's the very start of the game. The whole section before you get your jumping ability proper is the weakest part of the game, although I was still infected by the charm by that point with the drums.

After that, it just starts tossing ideas at you. The thing I realized is that it's not trying to compete with hardcore platformers, it's a completely different experience altogether. Its actual central mechanic is probably the in-game camera itself, and the jumping just allows it to combine it with compelling platforming segments. If you think of it as a light platforming game with heavy camera and creativity elements, it's what it is.

Comparing it to other hardcore platformers is going to do a disservice to the game, I feel. I spent easily double the time snapping photos than I did doing platforming.


I'm part of the problem. Very interested in Tearaway but I simply don't see the point in buying Vita games at launch when they all inevitably bomb. If you waited just three weeks after release you could've had this game for half price. And if you're willing to wait a couple months more it'll probably be a freebie on PS+.

I don't feel too bad about "not supporting" the game at full price since it's not like any Vita game has franchise potential in the first place - the system is dead and nobody is going to waste resources on it. Sony most likely made the decision months ago to put this team on PS4 projects after the game was completed.

Just makes more sense to wait IMO. I'll probably pick it up during the $20 Gamestop sale in a few days.


Well Tearaway was put on a fast track to bomb, sandwiched between every hyped up next-gen platform, on a dead system, with virtually no marketing of any kind. During the Holiday season when a billion well marketed titles are touching down.

Tearaway should have come out in the Summer, and it might have sold a little better. Still would have bombed (Vita), but a LITTLE better perhaps..

tearaway should have been a launch title for a 3ds-powered vita with the same control features (camera, touch screen, rear touch pad, etc). it would have sold the system better than uncharted with the proper marketing (kids) and the right pricepoint ($100). there's no market for a high end dedicated handheld, but they might have made some inroads had this come out earlier. tearaway is the perfect realization of the potential of the vita.


I don't know where the demo takes place. What does the demo allow you to play?

The demo starts at the beginning and ends a couple minutes after you get the ability to jump. It's funny though because the demo is what made me need the game. I was loving it's simple charm.
It sucks when amazing games like Rayman Legends, Dragons Crown, SMB3D World, and this sells badly.

Pretty sad indeed.

If Super Mario 3D World can't even sell well, than the gaming industry is pretty much dying to me, to me personally.


I own a Vita and I didn't buy it but I did try the demo. Sorry, I just don't like it. Can't believe people were hyping it up as a Super Mario 64.


It sucks when amazing games like Rayman Legends, Dragons Crown, SMB3D World, and this sells badly.

Pretty sad indeed.

If Super Mario 3D World can't even sell well, than the gaming industry is pretty much dying to me, to me personally.

don't weep for dragon's crown. it was a worldwide success.
Count me among those of the newly (re) joined Playstation crowd who is going to wait for stuff like this to be free on PS+. I've been trained by everything that's gone free to wait for it to go on + unless it's something good I absolutely have to have. It's a very different mindset from my 360 days.


I plan to get it when I buy a Vita, but I'm hesitant to buy it now because it might be a PS+ deal by the time I have Vita.

Such is the flaw with PS+, and Sony dropping prices so quick. I just got Ni No Kuni for $10 and it hasn't even been out a year.

PS+ is training gamers to NOT buy games near launch. I don't think Sony thought it all the way through.


I want to buy this game but no store over brought it or if they did they brought an extremely limited number of copies that sold out before I could buy it. And I have no intention of buying it digital.

PS+ is training gamers to NOT buy games near launch. I don't think Sony thought it all the way through.

Yeah, it really hurt their niche games.


I own a Vita and I didn't buy it but I did try the demo. Sorry, I just don't like it. Can't believe people were hyping it up as a Super Mario 64.

And that's the problem with comparing it to SM64, it gives people the wrong impression. if you read my review, it details precisely why that comparison did a disservice to Tearaway.

Tearaway is a light platformer with heavy camera and creativity elements, it is an entirely unique experience in gaming altogether. It should not be compared to anything else.

Which is not to say it's still not perfectly fine to dislike what it ACTUALLY is, but just going into it thinking it's Super Mario 64 x2 is a silly idea. The two games couldn't be further apart.
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