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The order 1886: 40 minutes gameplay presentation for the press tomorrow !

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40 minutes is not uncommon. For example last year the Beyond presentation behind closed doors was about this length. They just played an entire chapter. Since this happened in March while the game released in October I'm pretty convinced The Order will hit between September-November 2014 for sure.


I am wondering that is going to the the "thing" or "shtick" about this game.

For example, Gears introduced the cover based shooting mechanic. RE4 introduced the over the shoulder 3rd person mechanic. I am wondering if this game will bring something new to the table or is it going to be one of those games that just refines the shit out of everything and introduces nothing new.

My guess is, soft body physics used as a gameplay mechanic. Would be awesome to see some crazy destructibility as well.

Outlast release
Firmware update
1886 presentation

tomorrow is like playstation's superbowl

It doesn't sound that boring :/


Maybe they're thinking a media blitz near Titanfall's launch will lower it's hype and raise the Orders'. Not likely what they're thinking, but it's fun to speculate.

They might have also delayed reveals to prevent the Watch Dogs effect. Blow your wad too soon and people lose interest over time.

This seems like the most credible reasons.

Its pure marketing strategy IMO.

Topple Titanfall and keep hype from gushing over maximum and Sony is poised to control most of the advertising this year. They have the products unless MS has secret projects.... ( They do...)
40 minutes is not uncommon. For example last year the Beyond presentation behind closed doors was about this length. They just played an entire chapter. Since this happened in March while the game released in October I'm pretty sure The Order will hit between September-November 2014.
Which falls in line with the Fall 2014 release date.

But Beyond had plenty of gameplay showcased at the likes of E3 and Gamescom.


That is because watchdogs got delayed. 1 video at E3 put TLoU on the MAP and helped cement it as one of Sony's biggest new IPs. 1 good video right now could put the game on the map for a crowded holiday season. Waiting until the big guns steal the hype is not a good idea.

It's already on the map. Due to an E3 video.

Sounds like we'll get some gameplay footage this month and a full blow-out at E3. Not all that different than TLoU's rollout.


The Mighty No. 9 alpha screen release response shows exactly why unfinished games are shown behind closed doors


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
So it's 100% definitely coming this year then? they wouldn't do such a large preview for a 2015 title


Which falls in line with the Fall 2014 release date.

But Beyond had plenty of gameplay showcased at the likes of E3 and Gamescom.

Quantic is very reliable studio, they knew for a long time when the game will be finished. After U3, Sony is supposedly thinking about shortening PR campaigns, starting them in earnest only when they are 100% sure that there will be no delays. Plus, PS4 is selling like mad.
I am wondering that is going to the the "thing" or "shtick" about this game.

For example, Gears introduced the cover based shooting mechanic. RE4 introduced the over the shoulder 3rd person mechanic. I am wondering if this game will bring something new to the table or is it going to be one of those games that just refines the shit out of everything and introduces nothing new.

Look at Uncharted series. Not exactly a negative, should this be the case, but I'm hoping they deliver on the soft body physics.
Nobody cares about the opinion of a journalist, people want to see the game.

A lot of people do though.

Not really Sony has really screwed up the Marketing on almost every exclusive in the PS3 days outside of uncharted and TLoU. Guess what they showed gamers lots of early footage of those games to build up hype extremely early. This being ultra secretive about the game does nothing for Sony. They just don't get it they should be building up the hype now getting it on peoples wish lists in a crowded holiday season. Not show it last second then wonder why it did not sell worth a shit.

It's only February 3rd. They have plenty of time to show it off and build hype before Fall/holiday season when this is likely getting released

yeah im sure the reviews/impressions would be negative if the devs would release the gameplay to the public instead of showing it to devs in a controlled environment...

that's not what I said. This is how the gaming industry works, like it or not. Journalists always see the game first and their impressions/feedback shape what the devs decide to show off to the public.
Alright, so why is Sony so scared of showing the game? I have to say their handling of most PS4 stuff has been abysmal since the system launched. They're too comfortable with everything selling on pure internet hype.

Because the don't need i. PS4 is selling every single unit they can make right now. They don't need to spur sales by creating hype. Once supply catches up with supply, they'll start the hype train to keep things moving
Reminiscent of the GoW Ascension reveal. It might be a while before we see actual gameplay and not regurgitated press impressions.

It makes no sense though. The game always sounds cooler in your head when someone else is talking about it, leading to disappointment when you finally see it for yourself. And we loathe the gaming press for trying to control whether we should like something.

Cut out the middle man and let us make our own choices, Sony. Delegating to the press just makes it look like you have something to hide.
Which falls in line with the Fall 2014 release date.

But Beyond had plenty of gameplay showcased at the likes of E3 and Gamescom.
Beyond is actually pretty similar to The Order in terms of Sony's marketing, so I think we can draw some comparisons. Beyond was announced at E3 2012 with a trailer. The press watched a behind closed doors presentation. No gameplay or demos for the public, only leaks. Then the game completely disappeared from the radar until March of the next year where a new trailer was released and the press was invited for a 40 minute gameplay presentation and 10 minutes hands on time. After the embargo lifted previews went up with b-roll footage of the game. Between April and June the gameplay videos got released to the public and the game was finally playable at E3 and then gamescom. Release in October.

The Order was revealed at E3 2013 with a trailer. Press saw a behind closed doors presentation. Nothing for the public. Game disappeared from the radar until February of the next year where the press was invited for a 40 minute gameplay presentation blablabla.

I think you see where this might be going. So a September release and playable demos at E3 and gamescom are looking likely here.


Cut out the middle man and let us make our own choices, Sony. Delegating to the press just makes it look like you have something to hide.

You can still make your own choices. Nobody is taking that away.

I know everyone here hates game journalists but holy shit use your heads for a second. The Order is being made by a relatively unproven developer. The exposure they can get through hundreds of media outlets is far greater than what they can get through Sony alone.

Also this is how the industry works. Might as well complain about the sky being blue or bad third party support for Nintendo consoles.


This game will be 100% playable by public on E3/Pax/Gamescom. Most likely the same sequence that press will see today.


It's good that Sony's marketing team has a hold on what is and isn't released to the public, but I think the hold they have on it is a bit too tight.

Edit: It seems like the marketing teams want these games to be damn near perfect when they are shown off to the public. I think this is what is causing the delays in getting new shots and info, but it's just speculation.

Yeah, they're definitely being too quiet. They announced a lot of 2nd/3rd party exclusives but haven't mentioned them at all. I would love to hear more about Lily Bergamo since it's a 3d action game (very few people even heard of the game or knew it was a 3d action game). It would be cool if they announced what 1 or 2 of their 1st party studios are doing to get people hyped up until E3 comes around. Sony Bend is finally making their return to console games, SSM new IP has been ready to be shown for awhile now, TLG could be close to being finished(lol), MM has been super quiet for the last 3 years, etc.

They better start talking soon because after March is over, a lot of people are going to wonder what's the release schedule looking like.
I'm a bit skeptical of this game, I hope it's a bit more than just a generic tps. We will see soon I guess.

generic tps would be set in modern times and you would be shooting random brown guys. this game looks cool, the style is cool, the era is cool. When you say generic tps, I think of spec ops the line


Beyond is actually pretty similar to The Order in terms of Sony's marketing, so I think we can draw some comparisons. Beyond was announced at E3 2012 with a trailer. The press watched a behind closed doors presentation. No gameplay or demos for the public, only leaks. Then the game completely disappeared from the radar until March of the next year where a new trailer was released and the press was invited for a 40 minute gameplay presentation and 10 minutes hands on time. After the embargo lifted previews went up with b-roll footage of the game. Between April and June the gameplay videos got released to the public and the game was finally playable at E3 and then gamescom. Release in October.

The Order was revealed at E3 2013 with a trailer. Press saw a behind closed doors presentation. Nothing for the public. Game disappeared from the radar until February of the next year where the press was invited for a 40 minute gameplay presentation blablabla.

I think you see where this might be going. So a September release is looking likely here.

Good observation.


love on your sleeve
That's a real good question and I want to know the answer as well. All of their devs have gotten a muzzle placed on them and can only talk about the same things in interviews. They really need to let their teams talk.

I'm sure Evo, RAD, and probably even Sucker Punch want to show more than they've been able to. My best guess is the Sony wants to avoid situations like KZ and DC at E3 where they looked like crap compared to where they are now.

But these games aren't early in development. DriveClub was looking polished as hell based on the few glimpses we've seen and The Order looks mindblowing based on what GameInformer and thugway have said.

Generally I think whining about a lack of pre-release media is kind of funny but even I'm kind of weirded out about the way Sony is handling things.


We need teh leak...We need teh leak...We need teh leak...

Gears of War 1 : Xbox 360 , The Order 1886 : PS4


Cut out the middle man and let us make our own choices, Sony. Delegating to the press just makes it look like you have something to hide.

I think they know the timing is right to show or preview something now, but it's just not polished enough for the public to view. Probably a bunch of placeholder stuff, long loading, etc.


Dreams in Digital
I'm a bit skeptical of this game, I hope it's a bit more than just a generic tps. We will see soon I guess.

How are you possibly going to tell? Some people still think TLOU is a generic third person shooter zombie game. It's the story and acting that will set this game apart from others because I'm confident that Ready At Dawn have made a great game that plays well.


Getting anxious for news on this game. Sony's been too quiet on the PS4 front, inFamous comes out soon and I think we still haven't seen enough of that game.


That is because watchdogs got delayed. 1 video at E3 put TLoU on the MAP and helped cement it as one of Sony's biggest new IPs. 1 good video right now could put the game on the map for a crowded holiday season. Waiting until the big guns steal the hype is not a good idea.

I don't mean 1 month in advanced. What I mean is Sony knows what it's internal time frame is, and they know optimal time frames to start getting the interest out there. If it's still over 8 months out, then I'm not surprised we are just now getting a sizable presentation.

Here is were media gets involved, they get their exclusive articles. Once that ball is rolling we will start hearing more leading up to release. All of this sort of goes without saying.
I don't mean 1 month in advanced. What I mean is Sony knows what it's internal time frame is, and they know optimal time frames to start getting the interest out there. If it's still over 8 months out, then I'm not surprised we are just now getting a sizable presentation.

Here is were media gets involved, they get their exclusive articles. Once that ball is rolling we will start hearing more leading up to release. All of this sort of goes without saying.

Exactly. Plus, I gave a feeling it wouldn't really matter right now. Most of the media is almost entirely focused on Titanfall and they have to do MS' marketing. Anything they announce too soon will just get lost in the shuffle.
Outlast release
Firmware update
1886 presentation

tomorrow is like playstation's superbowl

i think the update is hitting tonight.



Not Banned from OT
I don't mean 1 month in advanced. What I mean is Sony knows what it's internal time frame is, and they know optimal time frames to start getting the interest out there. If it's still over 8 months out, then I'm not surprised we are just now getting a sizable presentation.

Here is were media gets involved, they get their exclusive articles. Once that ball is rolling we will start hearing more leading up to release. All of this sort of goes without saying.

I understand what you are saying but Sony is treating the game like it is an established big time IP to be honest. The pushed should of started already to fight off all the other fall games to be honest. I just think it is very odd how they are handling the game is all. Something like this should of happened a while ago. So gamers could of gotten some videos of game play by now. I just worry by the time we get videos it will be lost in the noise of Titan fall, infamous and metal gear. Then after that is E3 and the big guns and the game gets lost. Lets be honest this happened to Sony a ton last generation great new IPs that did not sell nearly as well as they should have because of marketing screw ups.

Also after the BF4 fall out gamers don't exactly have high opinion of gaming press these days. I won't take any preview to serious just be pure PR just give me videos.
Can't wait to see all the disappointed reactions when it's shown to be just another shooter.

edit: For the press only? Hopefully someone leaks it. Why are these guys so scared of showing gameplay?

OT: your tag is so damn fitting lol.

On topic: i really hope someone bring a HD cam to the demo, no shitty iphone footage please!
Can't wait to see all the disappointed reactions when it's shown to be just another shooter.

Why would you look forward to other people's disappointment?

Besides, we know it's a 'standard' cover-centric third person shooter. Anyone under a different impression is setting themselves up for disappointment.


I understand what you are saying but Sony is treating the game like it is an established big time IP to be honest. The pushed should of started already to fight off all the other fall games to be honest. I just think it is very odd how they are handling the game is all. Something like this should of happened a while ago. So gamers could of gotten some videos of game play by now. I just worry by the time we get videos it will be lost in the noise of Titan fall, infamous and metal gear. Then after that is E3 and the big guns and the game gets lost. Lets be honest this happened to Sony a ton last generation great new IPs that did not sell nearly as well as they should have because of marketing screw ups.

Also after the BF4 fall out gamers don't exactly have high opinion of gaming press these days. I won't take any preview to serious just be pure PR just give me videos.

Look, it's not secret Sony has a tight marketing budget. I don't know what your getting at about Sony treating it like a first party. I see no hubris on their part with an assumption that it holds that sort of name recognition. Is that what your trying to imply towards their alleged behavior?

You have to realize that only a handful of next-gen consoles are in the wild. It makes most sense to couple marketing campaigns for 1st party titles with efforts to create a surge of console sales. Honestly I think this is all playing out as I would expect. You act as if they have already missed the boat to market the game.


We the consumers give our money to these companies and the press always gets to see the games first. Just not fair man :/

Press viewings are a good soundboard for the devs. The internet would go nuts if they showed a unedited demo and it bugged out a couple of times. They show it to the press, find out which parts will play best with consumers and then roll those parts out.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I am wondering that is going to the the "thing" or "shtick" about this game.

For example, Gears introduced the cover based shooting mechanic. RE4 introduced the over the shoulder 3rd person mechanic. I am wondering if this game will bring something new to the table or is it going to be one of those games that just refines the shit out of everything and introduces nothing new.
Gears is the very definition of refining the mechanic. It was definitely not a game to introduce cover shooting, but it did it best at the time.

I expect this game to be heavily influenced by TLOU but with far more shooting with outlandish weapons and destructibility.


Alright, so why is Sony so scared of showing the game? I have to say their handling of most PS4 stuff has been abysmal since the system launched. They're too comfortable with everything selling on pure internet hype.

They waited until it was ready, they're not scared of showing anything. And if you seriously think the PS4 is selling purely on internet hype then I don't think you realize how unimportant internet message boards are in the grand scheme of things. The WiiU had a lot of internet hype too, but that doesn't necessarily translate to mainstream success.

Sony will show off games when they're ready to be showed off. I think they know what they're doing.


Why would you look forward to other people's disappointment?

Besides, we know it's a 'standard' cover-centric third person shooter. Anyone under a different impression is setting themselves up for disappointment.

And thats a shame. Such an awesome setting wasted on corridor tps shooter ;\
I really hope that both Sony and Microsoft will release some less safe games in this generation.
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