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Battlefield 4 - Xbox One Impressions + Bonus XB1 Controller Impressions & Vid


It's insanity that they spent $100 million on it.

I think that's a slightly misleading figure, insofar as it seems to imply that MS spent that amount developing the impulse triggers and modified elements of the next-Gen iteration.

I read somewhere that they did a bunch of development of crazy controller tech, including introducing smells into the controller. Most likely they spent a large portion of that money experimenting with wild ideas about what might be The Next Big Thing in controller tech over the past eight years, eventually deciding that none of them were really viable (aside from the impulse triggers) and just decided upon a lightly modified version of the 360 controller.
Is there a big camp that thinks the Xbox One controller is a backslide versus the 360 controller? That is worrying if there is... I was pretty excited about at least getting an Xbox One controller for the PC at some point...
Here are all the XB1 controller impressions I could find from the gamescom thread:

Overall size, sticks and buttons.

Xbox controller has amazing triggers though.
But for some reason I think they made it a little smaller. Sticks are also smaller and shorter.

I was a little bit disappointed from the Xbox One controller and loved the Dualshock 4 controller from the first touch. That comes from a so called Xbox Fanboy. I preordered both console's and will keep it that way but the Ds4 feels ace. The Xbox One Controller has bad lb rb buttons and the analog sticks are to loose like the DS3 ones. But I liked the Ryse Coop Gameplay it looked ace and was fun. The first game on the Xbox One was Lococycle :).

This seems to be thing though across many gamers. All four of us liked the DS4 better even though we think the 360 controller is pretty much perfect apart from the dpad. It's like I'm living in bizarro land where the DS4 is good and the one controller is so-so.

Now the X1 controller...
The sticks are too loose and react to the smallest amount of movement. That by itself is not really a bad thing if they had done it right because I think they went a little overboard with it. Basically pick up your PS3 controller and that is how the sticks feel on the One now. Ugh.
The rumble in the trigger? Neat concept, completely useless in reality. First thing I will turn of when I get the thing. The triggers itself are very nice though. I was a bit worried since they made them bigger but they feel very natural.
LB and RB. They are shit. Harder to reach and since they made them clicky you have to press them down with the force of a hammer.
The Dpad seems definitely improved so I guess there is that. But IMO that should have been the only change. You would have the perfect controller if you put the X1 dpad in the 360 controller.

Xbox One's controller is also a nice improvement. I don't have to mention that the D-Pad is the one thing that improved the most. The rumble feedback in the triggers is also quite cool, especially in Forza 5, and more subtle than you'd think.

XboxOne controller - first thing i noticed were the smaller analog sticks. I don't know how i feel about this. Also LB and RB are imho harder to reach. I did not like this at all. The rest was fine and the dpad really clicks when pressing it - it was so much more responsive. so yeah, mixed feelings.

XBox 1
controller is somehow smaller, think they moved the bumpers back. got to get used to it.
rumble triggers are amazing, especially at forza. love the rumble feedback while your brakes lock.
dpad is stiffer and clicking now, but dont know how it responds ingame.
and i love the new analog sticks. stiffer and the material is awesome. convex shaping.


Microsoft has a uphill battle compared to Sony with their controller. The 360 controller was universally praised where the DS3 was mixed bag for many. I am guessing the impressions of the XB1 will be more negative compared to the DS4 because of the predecessors people will be comparing them to.


I've seen a few media outlets hands on impressions not really liking the cheap clickiness feeling of the bumpers as well as the close proximity of the bumpers and triggers.

A friend of mine who went to the Eurogamer Expo had exactly the same complaints about the Xbox One's controller. He's a huge fan of the 360 and the 360 pad as well which I found strange. His biggest complaints about the new pad were also the bumpers and triggers.


I believe this isn't going to look half as good on xbone as people think... for that matter, I imagine PS4 fans might be disappointed as well, though it will probably run better


that input lag looks like a textbook example of a TV that isn't set to 'game mode' (which makes a night and day difference for anyone who's seen it).

the fact that this is the only instance where we've seen this and not in other video reviews strongly point to the kiosk setup being wrong, not the X1 or the X1 version of BF4 itself.
Wait I thought most people said the controller is great?

Is there a big camp that thinks the Xbox One controller is a backslide versus the 360 controller? That is worrying if there is... I was pretty excited about at least getting an Xbox One controller for the PC at some point...

Well, I personally think it is worse. And I'm not the only person I know who thinks so as well, whereas DS4 feedback has always been positive, in varying amounts.

Just my 2 cents as someone who has extensively tried both.
The game looks slightly better than Xbox 360 version of BF3 (I would say 50% better, no where near those videos of Paracel Storm gamescom build). Though textures are a lot better than on X360, some god rays, lots of foliage on the map.

What the fuck? Damn pc build. Why do developers keep doing this.


I haven't played BF4, so I can't comment on that, but I have used both a PS4 and Xbox One controller, and I think there's some hyperbole there. But then opinions are assholes; everyone's got one!

To be honest, in my view, I felt both the PS4 and Xbox One pad were better than the 360 pad, which is generally considered the best pad of the current gen. But even if you're a DS3 fan, I think both controllers are better than that too. There is definitely a marked improvement on the older generation.

Sticks on the Xbox One controller felt a little looser than on 360, so maybe that's where the dislike stems from. I could go with that, but personally I thought it was okay. Then again, I am not a competitive FPS player, so I don't know if it hits the standards that players at that level expect. Personally, I just feel that for the single player and co-op games I like to play, it was fine. However, I do agree that the bumpers on the Xbox One pad are not good; the only part of the controller that is a downgrade on the 360 pad. Depending on the games you play, I think it could be a dealbreaker on that controller. For me, no.

But if you want a general PS4 vs Xbox One pad comparison, the PS4 pad wins. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the DS4 whatsoever. The symmetrical sticks, I feel, are no longer an issue given the size of the controller. Face buttons are less mushy due to the lack of pressure sensitive buttons, and the same goes for the d-pad (which while not as clicky as the Vita's d-pad, feels firm rather than slightly mushy like it was on the DS3). L1 and R1 are fine, as you'd expect, while the triggers are a significant improvement over the ones on the DS3. Sticks had more heft to them compared to the DS3, which felt loose and rather flimsy. That's the best way to describe it. I just generally preferred playing with it compared to any other dual stick controller I've ever used.

TL;DR: I find it hard to hate on either, but PS4 has the better controller this time around.


I tried the controller at Microsoft store in Boston. The controller felt a bit small but overall exactly same as 360 in hand. The triggers are a definite improvement and I actually like the new bumper/trigger placement.
Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I've heard so many people say that the Xbox One controller is fantastic. Seems that opinion is pretty divided.

This is first time i have heard anything negative about it. you always have to take all opinions close to launch with a grain of salt.
How did they go from the "best controller in all the land" to this? Didn't they spend 100 million big ones to make a loved controller even better?

Yeah, because one person automatically make it a horrible controller. I played with the DS4 at Euro and I still find it a piece of shit but that doesn't mean my opinion of it suddenly debunk everyone who loves it.


In my limited time with the Xbox One controller, the biggest flaw with it for me was the LB and RB buttons. They just seem to be closer to the center and required more reach with your index finger.


It's a mixed bag. Some people think it's great, others aren't so happy about the changes.

The most consistent complaint concerning the Xbone controller I've been reading is over the bumpers/triggers, and the video in the OP seems to nicely highlight why that might be. The rest of his gripes sound like things that might just be a matter of getting used to, though of course that remains to be seen.

Really, the most bewildering thing about it is that it's all coming off the back of the 360 controller, which was generally agreed to be perfection in console controllers aside from the god-awful D-pad. They could've just dealt with that and called it a day, satisfied with a controller that would be guaranteed to be hailed. Maybe they could go above and beyond the call by making the battery pack flush with the back on the controller and fixing whatever issue a few folks have with the bumpers (personally I quite like them, but then I like dualshock controllers as well so apparently I'm just crazy), but that'd just be bonus points. That they spent so much money to make changes that are really questionable in their necessity is what makes the whole situation confusing in why it's even come about in the first place.
With three weeks to go this game looks like trash on the 360 and plays as bad because you can't see anyone in the sea of brown and brown fog.
I saw your Dualshock 4 vs Xbox One pad video. Can you give me some more impressions on how the Dualshock 4 feels in the hands. Does it feel small like the Dualshock 3 or does it feel more full and fitting like the Xbox 360 controller?


This is first time i have heard anything negative about it. you always have to take all opinions close to launch with a grain of salt.

You haven't been paying attention then. Hell, even several journalists made the same complaints, and that was well before gamers and laymen got their hands on it.

I'm sure it'll be an awesome controller, but I doubt it'll be as good as the 360's. We'll see I guess.

The funny thing is Microsoft added things that 360 gamers disliked about the DS3, that is looser and slightly taller sticks, plus spongier triggers that are now wider and closer to the bumpers.
Controller changes take a little time to het used to for me unless the previous was really bad. I'm sure the ds4 will be a breath of fresh air compared to ds3. The xb1 might take a little getting used too because I am so fond of the 369 controller. I actually did not like the 360 controller initially because I was so used to the Xbox controller and it felt different but that changed a couple weeks later. I think a lot of the critisisms are just things to get used too after a while. I could be wrong but nothing changed so much to warrant some of the comments but then again I am ignorant and have never touched the Xb1 controller.


Its literally going gold this month....They'll be working hard on it, but remember it takes 4 weeks to sign, press and distribute a AAA game.

About the Dev kits, that's not an issue, games will still be shown on dev kits next E3 on both PS4 and XB1, It's just the way it works.

About the controller? I've heard it's a step back form the x360 controller, but it's still a very good controller. though I've only heard that form friends, Haven't had hands on myself yet.

day one patches and all that... Can't wait to get this game on the PS4 and forget the horrible PS3 beta ever existed.


No way, the controller is actually shittier than the Xbox 360? That's the one thing that had me going for their console along with TitanFall.

Fuck Microsoft, why ruin a good thing. The Xbox 360 controller was a godsend. Just use the same exact shape, use better material for the sticks and buttons and just make a better dpad.
I remember that one thread where a site posted that the DS4 was crap and everybody defended it by saying everybody else thinks it's great. None of that going on with the X1 controller even though it's the exact same situation.


The game looks slightly better than Xbox 360 version of BF3...

...textures are a lot better than on X360, some god rays, lots of foliage on the map.

So this looks slightly better than a 360 game AND a lot better than a 360 game.

Wait, what?

Ummmm...alrighty then.


No way, the controller is actually shittier than the Xbox 360? That's the one thing that had me going for their console along with TitanFall.

Fuck Microsoft, why ruin a good thing. The Xbox 360 controller was a godsend. Just use the same exact shape, use better material for the sticks and buttons and just make a better dpad.

Titanfall is only a timed exclusive. I personally don't mind waiting for Titanfall, since I'll have Destiny coming out in the Spring.

Anyway, the analog sticks not having add much range is worrying. I personally use FPS Freak's analog stick extenders, so I was hoping the might negate my need for that by making longer sticks.


I saw your Dualshock 4 vs Xbox One pad video. Can you give me some more impressions on how the Dualshock 4 feels in the hands. Does it feel small like the Dualshock 3 or does it feel more full and fitting like the Xbox 360 controller?

Totally different actually. It's sitting well in your hands like - ironically - very improved DS3. Not that somehow bulky but very solid feeling of X360, but just smoothly. Even the symmetrical sticks (I hated them all the time straight from 1998) are not felt that bad - you just don't pay attention to that fact anymore.


I hope the Xbone pad doesn't become the standard on PC. I already knew I wasn't going to like it because of the small size, but now it's just starting to sound like pure ass.


I remember that one thread where a site posted that the DS4 was crap and everybody defended it by saying everybody else thinks it's great. None of that going on with the X1 controller even though it's the exact same situation.

Uhh no... persecution complex much?

First, lots of people already said the triggers/analog sticks on the X1 controller are worse than on the 360 controller (see dragonbane's post).

Second, there are actually lots of these reactions you just described in this thread.
Titanfall is only a timed exclusive. I personally don't mind waiting for Titanfall, since I'll have Destiny coming out in the Spring.

Anyway, the analog sticks not having add much range is worrying. I personally use FPS Freak's analog stick extenders, so I was hoping the might negate my need for that by making longer sticks.

I thought it's just the beta in spring?
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