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Breaking: President Trump plans to end (DACA) program tomorrow


I would have been someone under DACA if my circumstance wasn't fixed.

I came to this country when I was 3 from Pakistan.

I know absolutely nothing about Pakistan. I only speak English.

There are probably people like me who haven't been so lucky.

This man is no president, he is a monster.

Please everyone please protest for your brothers and sisters who are now powerless to this crook.


“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


My family came under a Visa and let it expire does that count? or must the legal entry need to have happened during while we were on DACA?

If your family entered legally under a visa and let it expire, you'd have a legal entry on your record. So if adjusting through marriage, you'd be able to overcome the unlawful presence and have it waived.


Has there been any attempt to hold the parents and citizenship governments of DACA people accountable for this situation? I understand that DACA people themselves had no choice, but I also don't think it's the American government's responsibility to treat someone who entered the country illegally as if they were a citizen.
They aren't treated as if they're citizens.


If your family entered legally under a visa and let it expire, you'd have a legal entry on your record. So if adjusting through marriage, you'd be able to overcome the unlawful presence and have it waived.
Well that's great news, thank you.


What Are The Requirements For DACA?
You have NOT been convicted of a felony, certain significant misdemeanors (including a single DUI), or three or more misdemeanors of any kind. Consult with an attorney about ANY contact you have had with law enforcement or immigration authorities.

How can they justify this as getting rid of the "bad people". This is plain racism, "fuck you I got mine".


There is no way that happens. Period. He will be out.

ya never know what happens.

Michael Moore correctly predicted that Trump would beat Hillary due to the crumbling of her so called 'blue wall' states. the other day Moore predicted Trump will win re-election in 2020 due to those states not looking like they will be changing their ways anytime soon.

myself, i was thinking that Trump might step aside and let Mike Pence run in 2020. i can't imagine that Trump wants to spend too many of his twilight years as President. i figure he'd rather be playing golf, etc. ...who knows, tho.


Unconfirmed Member
I cannot for the life of me understand this mindset.

There is no way that happens. Period. He will be out.

I think it's at least worth being open to as a possibility. A lot can change between now and 2020.

Mueller is coming. Oh and the NY AG

I certainly wouldn't put all my hopes on Mueller. Trump basically mimicked the Nixon Tapes but on national television and there's still no traction for impeachment at all.

Green Yoshi

There is no way that happens. Period. He will be out.

I hope he won't be replaced by another Republican. In last year's primaries most of them were even more radical than Trump and I don't think that Kasich can beat Cruz in the primaries.

With moderate Democrats like Clinton it will be tough to beat Trump. Especially if there will be a Sanders 2.0 whose supporters will feel betrayed.
Disgusting and not surprising when a huge Latino population is preoccupied here in Houston. Unfortunately if you live by an executive order you die by an executive order and here we are, hundred of thousands if not more are going to suffer.


If your family entered legally under a visa and let it expire, you'd have a legal entry on your record. So if adjusting through marriage, you'd be able to overcome the unlawful presence and have it waived.

This exactly the situation a buddy of mine was in. Legal entry but status lapsed but got DACA, married his girlfriend, now wife and so he's a permanent resident now.


To Trump, his supporters and the current GOP there is no such thing as "good ones". Unfortunately some still believe otherwise, even after this.

I don't think "best of us" was meant to reference the immigrant population, so much as DACA represents what used to be something America prided itself on--We're a nation ultimately composed largely of immigrants (which has its own shameful backstory), and we welcome people who want to come here for a better life. It's become complicated and ugly and American patriotism and exceptionalism goes too far, but at least when I was growing up they literally taught kids in school that being the Great Melting Pot was part of what made America "Great".

So DACA is "the best of us", because it incorporates what was supposed to be a strength of America itself. Yes, we have laws around immigration. Yes, we have to have some kind of system for handling people willfully violating those laws. But DACA was a step towards ensuring that we didn't penalize the most vulnerable for something they didn't control. We don't punish kids who grew up here want to belong the supposedly prosperous nation they consider home. It doesn't matter how they got here, this is their home and we shouldn't be kicking them out.

Crying Eagle.jpg and America, Fuck Yeah! have always been rightfully mocked, but DACA was an extension of something kids thirty years ago were literally taught was what made America great. The focus will rightly remain on the actual human cost here, but the actual idea behind ending the program runs counter to what we used to pride ourselves on.


I think it's at least worth being open to as a possibility. A lot can change between now and 2020.

I certainly wouldn't put all my hopes on Mueller. Trump basically mimicked the Nixon Tapes but on national television and there's still no traction for impeachment at all.

Doesn’t matter. If evidence comes out they will have to impeach. Or they destroy any chance at staying in power.
I would have been someone under DACA if my circumstance wasn't fixed.

I came to this country when I was 3 from Pakistan.

I know absolutely nothing about Pakistan. I only speak English.

There are probably people like me who haven't been so lucky.

This man is no president, he is a monster.

Please everyone please protest for your brothers and sisters who are now powerless to this crook.

If there's one near me, I'll participate for you and your love ones. Not only will I participate because of my Mexican heritage but it's for the rest of the immigrants. Trump forgets there's other nationalities besides Mexicans that are under DACA. I'll never forget this monster for this.
I know a lot of people under DACA, plenty of capable people with futures, what an asshole.

Those "morals and standards" 3rd party voters and non-voters shouldn't even feel bad about this, they were okay with it after all.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I hope he won't be replaced by another Republican. In last year's primaries most of them were even more radical than Trump and I don't think that Kasich can beat Cruz in the primaries.

With moderate Democrats like Clinton it will be tough to beat Trump. Especially if there will be a Sanders 2.0 whose supporters will feel betrayed.

If he is removed from office, hope Pence goes with him. While Paul Ryan is a Republican he isn't a horrible person, at least at Trump and Pences level. Ryan would have more success with repealing healthcare, but he isnt goung to build a wall, side with Nazis, this topic, commit treason, impede hurricane relief and all the other shit Trump is doing.


Are they going to pick up 800 thousand people and deport them, what the hell. I can't see that being allowed to happen easily, major pushback, damn well should be and hopefully.
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