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Breaking: President Trump plans to end (DACA) program tomorrow


I had to look up what that was.

All the rage aside, what does this accomplish for anyone? Who benefits? Seems odd to do something like this with nothing to gain.

Only people who benefit are those that believe that minorities are bad, that's literally it.

A dreamer has to pay taxes, they have to not be criminals, and they're more than likely going to secondary school.

If you're an employer or a school, this is bad news so it benefits no one important.

Although this is a good reminder that Trump and the GOP absolutely hate higher education and would prefer citizens to be as stupid as possible.


I had to look up what that was.

All the rage aside, what does this accomplish for anyone? Who benefits? Seems odd to do something like this with nothing to gain.

It panders to his xenophobic and undereducated base, who at this point are the only people showing him unconditional support. He is their idol, and he feeds off of their ugliness.


Gold Member
This is so maddening because this should be an easy PR win for him. These are, essentially, kids who came here, stayed in school and/or served in the military, don't have a history of getting in trouble, and are trying to work with the government to make right their immigration in the country that is essentially their home. How are DACA recipients not exactly what somebody who wants to establish order in our immigration practices should want? It's not their fault they got brought here, they're trying to follow the rules as best they can, what the hell.

Like, even if you hate all immigrants and want to stoke the hatred in your base, DACA seems like an obvious way to go "I can't be racist look how I supported these blameless kids! Now give me wall money so we can prevent more people from ending up in this situation!"

Put simply, it's because the GOP base has become deathly allergic to anything that could be considered "amnesty" and DACA, to them, smells like amnesty. Achooo! That's gotta go!, says them. Ironic, really, considering how they venerate Reagan, who was responsible for the largest amnesty program for illegal immigrants, and how they still revere Bush 43 who also toyed with the idea of amnesty (but ended up giving up the goal because of far right elements in the party, the elements that went on to become the Tea Partiers).
I always thought this piece of shit Tump was gonna keep this because it would be easy positive press for him but the racism is too strong.

I personally know a few young people here in L.A who are going to lose everything :(
Who does this benefit. Daca people pay taxes. This is a net loss what in the god damn fuck.

Benefits those already with wealth, aka Republicans. They're already sending their kids to the best schools, living in the best neighborhoods, etc.

They don't need taxes to help fund their education system or health care.
Quite a lot of states don't care about immigrant status for their school systems.

I did not know that, what weird systems America has in place.

So does that mean a couple could have came to America illegally in 1994, had a kid born in America in 2000 and that 17 year old kid is now going to get deported?

That totally sounds like a Trump move to make. What a cunt.


At this point this guy will probably try to disband congress, replace ALL the justices on the supreme court and abolish presidential term limit, and start to kill all "the opposition" media.

why the hell not.


I did not know that, what weird systems America has in place.

So does that mean a couple could have came to America illegally in 1994, had a kid born in America in 2000 and that 17 year old kid is now going to get deported?

That totally sounds like a Trump move to make. What a cunt.

No, because the kid was born here. But that won't stop that kid's parents for being deported and the kid being forced into foster care.

Now, if that kid came to America with his parents when they were 1? Good bye!


Can you explain what this actually means, how can you be an illegal immigrant and be in the education system?

I'm no expert on DACA nor illegal immigration, so maybe someone can explain better, but in a nutshell: in the 80s, Plyler v. Doe was decided that states cannot discriminate against illegal children attending public school because one, children rarely, if ever, have any choice in their migration to the the US, so imposing rules against them attending public schools and receiving an education would be cruel and unfair, and two, would that discrimination would result in, quote, "the creation and perpetuation of a subclass of illiterates within our boundaries, surely adding to the problems and costs of unemployment, welfare, and crime.".

Basically you have much much more to lose than to gain by imposing restrictions on illegal children's ability to receive a basic public education. Is there a cost? Sure. But you aren't going to feasibly, literally stop all illegal children from coming into the US, and the cost of these children growing up to be illiterate, uneducated, and as a result, likely criminal adults would be much greater. DACA in a way is a logical extension of the Plyler v. Doe case, which allows children who were brought here illegally (again, likely with no choice in the matter) to become quasi-contributing members of society. They aren't fully legal and this doesn't provide them a path to citizenship mind you, but it allows them to be educated, to work, pay taxes, and most importantly, not have to constantly live in fear that they are going to be deported back to a country they have basically never known.


the piano man
I had to look up what that was.

All the rage aside, what does this accomplish for anyone? Who benefits? Seems odd to do something like this with nothing to gain.

I think the term "Racial Purification" was thrown around during World War II.

I'd imagine trump thinks that's exactly what he's achieving with this move
I did not know that, what weird systems America has in place.

So does that mean a couple could have came to America illegally in 1994, had a kid born in America in 2000 and that 17 year old kid is now going to get deported?

That totally sounds like a Trump move to make. What a cunt.

If the child was born in the US, they are US citizens. This is for children born outside the US brought to the US by their parents when they were very young.

States educate illegal immigrants because they don't want to create a population of uneducated people trapped in poverty.


holy crap, whats going to happen those 800k people who grew up the US, knowing very little about their home country and probably dont even speak the language. This will legit ruin and at no fault of their own.
Yeah, its going to be very hard to get along with my mother in law this November. Fucking Trump supporters. I love her, but she voted for this fucking idiot, and praises him on Facebook. She so fucking lost in the Trump Kool-Aid. My cousin who has been here since he was a kid, graduated HS, was in the Police Academy Magnet in HS for all the 4 years, this shit is going to affect him.
I'm no expert on DACA nor illegal immigration, so maybe someone can explain better, but in a nutshell: in the 80s, Plyler v. Doe was decided that states cannot discriminate against illegal children attending public school because one, children rarely, if ever, have any choice in their migration to the the US, so imposing rules against them attending public schools and receiving an education would be cruel and unfair, and two, would that discrimination would result in, quote, "the creation and perpetuation of a subclass of illiterates within our boundaries, surely adding to the problems and costs of unemployment, welfare, and crime.".

Basically you have much much more to lose than to gain by imposing restrictions on illegal children's ability to receive a basic public education. Is there a cost? Sure. But you aren't going to feasibly, literally stop all illegal children from coming into the US, and the cost of these children growing up to illiterate, uneducated, and as a result, likely criminal adults would be much greater. DACA in a way is a logical extension of the Plyler v. Doe case, which allows children who were brought here illegally (again, likely with no choice in the matter) to become quasi-contributing members of society. They aren't fully legal and this doesn't provide them a path to citizenship mind you, but it allows them to be educated, to work, pay taxes, and most importantly, not have to constantly live in fear that they are going to be deported back to a country they have basically never known.

Explanation is right on the money.


You'd have to be on the Ann Coulter end of the spectrum to cheer this on. Not about criminals or people mooching off the system, but tax paying employees with clean backgrounds and raised here.

When you realize it was all about racism all along. Even the whole Trump going down Obamas list and revoking everything. That's all the GOP and conservatives are anymore. Yet people want to act like Liberals are the ones about identity politics.
DACA person here

Lmao I've been here since 1990 this is my home now I'm gonna get kicked out becuase I'm brown



Honest question, but when this fuckwad is out of office, does the next President just put all this stuff back?

Possibly. But it is a delicate issues. Because these types of issues are single issues with a lot of voters and politically sensitive. If a candidate ran on promising illegal immigrants a path to citizenship, it would be pounced on as amnesty by the other side. The wall and illegal immigration was one of Donald Trumps key stances. The next President or Democratic candidate can reinstate a policy like DACA if Trump stops it but we're talking 4+ years easily at this point before that.

I am someone that I would admit I have become quite hawkish on illegal immigration and unchecked migration, but DACA was such a rational, humane and level headed compromise. Children who came here as illegal immigrants without criminal records and who grew up here, go to school or work here deserve a path to citizenship or at least the ability to live free of threat of deportation. Makes no sense sending them to a country they do not know. I expect more migration into Canada as people flee these policies in the US. What did people expect though. For almost 3 decades all administrations had an out of sight mind approach to it. Obama took a good first step with DACA. Now Trump is the opposite with his severe push for the wall and coming down on sanctuary cities and removing DACA and increasing deportations.
Horrible, contemptible, evil human being. And a complete product of Fox News.

For those saying "hurry up, Mueller," Trump is only a symptom of the rot on the right. It doesn't go away when and if Trump goes.
Imagine spending your whole conscious life living here and then getting tossed into a place where you know no one, have no job, no major possessions, no family, can't speak the language.

This is evil as fuck, but par the course for republicans. Not to mention throwing out a huge productive work force of young people. I will never trust a republican again as long as I live.


Fuming dude, have quite a few friends who will absolutely be affected by this. Worse yet is hearing them worry about it since election and their fears coming to fruition.

Got people who literally can't speak a lick of Spanish since their parents encouraged them against speaking it to better assimilate. Shit's just the worst of the worst. Imagine some dude you went to kindergarden with getting booted out of the country out of the blue.
No, because the kid was born here. But that won't stop that kid's parents for being deported and the kid being forced into foster care.

Now, if that kid came to America with his parents when they were 1? Good bye!

I'm no expert on DACA nor illegal immigration, so maybe someone can explain better, but in a nutshell: in the 80s, Plyler v. Doe was decided that states cannot discriminate against illegal children attending public school because one, children rarely, if ever, have any choice in their migration to the the US, so imposing rules against them attending public schools and receiving an education would be cruel and unfair, and two, would that discrimination would result in, quote, "the creation and perpetuation of a subclass of illiterates within our boundaries, surely adding to the problems and costs of unemployment, welfare, and crime.".

Basically you have much much more to lose than to gain by imposing restrictions on illegal children's ability to receive a basic public education. Is there a cost? Sure. But you aren't going to feasibly, literally stop all illegal children from coming into the US, and the cost of these children growing up to illiterate, uneducated, and as a result, likely criminal adults would be much greater. DACA in a way is a logical extension of the Plyler v. Doe case, which allows children who were brought here illegally (again, likely with no choice in the matter) to become quasi-contributing members of society. They aren't fully legal and this doesn't provide them a path to citizenship mind you, but it allows them to be educated, to work, pay taxes, and most importantly, not have to constantly live in fear that they are going to be deported back to a country they have basically never known.

If the child was born in the US, they are US citizens. This is for children born outside the US brought to the US by their parents when they were very young.

States educate illegal immigrants because they don't want to create a population of uneducated people trapped in poverty.

Thanks for the replies, you learn something new everyday. What a terrible place Trump is turning your country into :(


Another win for republicans. Here is a president who isnt afraid to do the wrong thing just to please his base.

Obama and future Democrat Presidents need to learn from him and instead of half measures like DACA and Obamacare, go full liberal and do the RIGHT thing to please their base.... make laws that are next to impossible to repeal without a 2/3rds majority in senate. Obama had 8 years to pass a law making dreamers citizens.. for two of them he had 59 votes in the senate, he fucked up.

You have absolutely no idea how your own government works. Please, before commenting like this, go read up on what happened between 2008 and 2010, and also about the filibuster rule and unprecedented republican opposition.
I worked in a law clinic that specialized in DACA eligibility. Fuck you Trump.

I'm friends with a number of immigration lawyers and the question that keeps coming up is how much strain can be put on the system before it finally collapses? There is a close to 500,000 case backlog for immigration judges to hear. Those judge positions are high in attrition rate due to general burn out due to heavy case loads. Between vetting and properly finding candidates, the lead time to get a judge on the bench is two years! There simply aren't enough judges to hear these cases.

The Obama admin exercised a good amount of prosecutorial discretion to people who had no major criminal records and were given stays of deportation and low to no priority for removal to help alleviate that back log.

With this administration, they have gone back and reopened many of those cases that were given prosecutorial discretion with a mind towards pumping their deportation numbers. Alongside the existing 500k case backlog I might add. Now you add DACA being rescinded and its likely that many of these people don't have a final order of removal and will likely at least have one day in court with an immigration judge.

There simply aren't enough resources to enact the type of insane policies Trump and his immigrant hating stooges want to enact. It's a massive strain on an already broken system and most immigration attorneys I know will tell you that Obama brought a semblance of sanity to an insane system. Right now, I don't know how any of this plays out given the reality spelled out above.

EDIT: Announcement is apparently coming today.


Gold Member
If the child was born in the US, they are US citizens. This is for children born outside the US brought to the US by their parents when they were very young.

I think it's worth pointing out for the discussion that a lot of the same assholes who want DACA to go away also want to strip out the 14th amendment's birthright citizenship clause through new legislation with stricter language. They not only want to send back children who came here illegally at a young age, they want to make children born to illegal immigrants in the United States equally illegal.
This is so maddening because this should be an easy PR win for him. These are, essentially, kids who came here, stayed in school and/or served in the military, don't have a history of getting in trouble, and are trying to work with the government to make right their immigration in the country that is essentially their home. How are DACA recipients not exactly what somebody who wants to establish order in our immigration practices should want? It's not their fault they got brought here, they're trying to follow the rules as best they can, what the hell.

Like, even if you hate all immigrants and want to stoke the hatred in your base, DACA seems like an obvious way to go "I can't be racist look how I supported these blameless kids! Now give me wall money so we can prevent more people from ending up in this situation!"
It just emphasizes that when Trump says "sending their worst," he actually means everyone that is an immigrant. It was a full blown whistle and too many people love it, are ok with it, or wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.


My point is that as an institution it only benefits all sides. I've literally never heard of anyone griping about daca outside of Trump's campaign and now. It's profoundly stupid that anyone could support the elimination of this program and I have a hard time seeing how this would be a win for anyone. Even Trump.

Even the most virulent racist should realize that daca wont make anyone leave or prevent illegal immigrants from settling here... it can only lead to less taxes being paid while stripping away a means of keeping tabs of the very people they hate.

I dont understand. It's such a needlessly spiteful thing to do. It fucks over so many people I know and for what. Ratings? JFC

Seriously these people are a legitimate work force it will effect businesses in very unpredictable ways. Who would celebrate this.


I'm friends with a number of immigration lawyers and the question that keeps coming up is how much strain can be put on the system before it finally collapses? There is a close to 500,000 case backlog for immigration judges to hear. Those judge positions are high in attrition rate due to general burn out due to heavy case loads. Between vetting and properly finding candidates, the lead time to get a judge on the bench is two years! There simply aren't enough judges to hear these cases.

The Obama admin exercised a good amount of prosecutorial discretion to people who had no major criminal records and were given stays of deportation and low to no priority for removal to help alleviate that back log.

With this administration, they have gone back and reopened many of those cases that were given prosecutorial discretion with a mind towards pumping their deportation numbers. Alongside the existing 500k case backlog I might add. Now you add DACA being rescinded and its likely that many of these people don't have a final order of removal and will likely at least have one day in court with an immigration judge.

There simply aren't enough resources to enact the type of insane policies Trump and his immigrant hating stooges want to enact. It's a massive strain on an already broken system and most immigration attorneys I know will tell you that Obama brought a semblance of sanity to an insane system. Right now, I don't know how any of this plays out given the reality spelled out above.

EDIT: Announcement is apparently coming today.

In a way, this is good to hear. Hopefully people can wait it out while the GOP get fucked.

Maybe they'll just go on the color of your skin.


Of all the women that Trump disrespects, I think our lady on Liberty Island is the one he resents most of all.


Neo Member
I'm sorry, it still to this day boggles my mind that enough people didn't get out to vote to prevent this guy from taking office.

I feel so bad for the Americans that are stuck with this guy. He is completely ruining the country. It's beyond mind boggling.

Between the immigration laws, the wall, health care, North Korea, trans people in the army, the Paris Accord, etc, etc. It's almost like he is purposely doing the opposite of what any rational, thoughtful human being would do. The US is truly becoming a scary place. And a place that people no longer want to go to. Very sad.

I really feel bad for you American GAFers. I'm hoping he will be impeached or step down before he can do further damage.

The US has never seen anything like this before.


800,000 people are under the DACA umbrella, btw.

So you know, just casually let a program that will end up in the deportation of 800,000 Americans lapse.
Thats 800,000 less people voting democrat next presidential election. It actually pretty smart at helping solidify their chances (Also insanely evil, but I doubt they care).


Trump does the opposite of whatever he says.

"I''ll protect Dreamers." Nope.
"I'll be great for LGBT people" *surrounds himself with anti LGBT people*
"I'll drain the swamp." NOPE.
If some of yall are able to, and still don't,

1) protest, and
2) vote

after all this, I don't know if anything would ever be able to convince you to.


This makes me fucking sick. Fuck this piece of shit, damn it. I know people that this effects and thinking of them and countless others being screwed over because of this fuck pains me. Wherever the protests are I'm there.
In a way, this is good to hear. Hopefully people can wait it out while the GOP get fucked.

Maybe they'll just go on the color of your skin.

Or they'll just pick people up and throw them into holding centers with shitty standards and low quality of life for years while they wait for a court date. It's already happening.
Thats 800,000 less people voting democrat next presidential election. It actually pretty smart at helping solidify their chances (Also insanely evil, but I doubt they care).

Don't be so sure.
Not all dreamers are dems.

EDIT: Oops. Read the below post. I didn't know that.
Thats 800,000 less people voting democrat next presidential election. It actually pretty smart at helping solidify their chances (Also insanely evil, but I doubt they care).

DACA recipients cannot vote.

It's more like 800,000 less people contributing to the economy. Hell, I might just stay and do work under the table and avoid all forms of authority. I guess they don't want my tax money FUCK THEM
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