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Cinemablend calls out gaming press, accuses them of living in a Doritocracy


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If these "small differences" never mattered why was DF name-checked so frequently over the years, as opposed to being ridiculed?


Why would the gaming press care about free games? Surely even if they have to buy the to review, they'd be written off as work expenses against any tax returns. So the actual cost to a gaming site would be almost nothing.

And why are they worrying about upsetting MS but not worrying about upsetting Sony?

I do think there is an element of them not being sensitive to prices, because they have access to everything at almost no cost. But that is true of other press and they manage to be cost aware


I don't expect every outlet to treat games as a consumer product. Maybe the hardware and UI buy not the games. If Battlefield runs worse but is fine then downplaying that while still pointing it out is reasonable.
You know, I don't recall any of these guys acting like this during the run up to the Wii U launch. It got bile spewed out over it non stop and rightfully so, but don't flip flop your shit when the shoe's on MS' foot.


I microwave steaks.
Who said anything about swaying purchasing decisions? People are simply asking for journalists to lay out the facts. And that's not happening when you see stuff like this


Everything about that sentence is pure bullshit.

This was before the confirmation, but yeah that quote was pretty ridiculous.

In response to your first question though, implying something is indeed "the definitive version" would just in reality play into sony's pockets because people are going to base their console purchasing decisions on such stuff (obviously no fault to Sony but it makes you look one sided). When in reality, resolution isn't the only thing that makes a game (It's a great part of the presentation sure). Though if they really wanted the definitive version, they would be playing on the PC.


While the article comes off a bit childish, I think in general he is correct. Any journalist who has any sort of integrity would have reported that the xbone is weaker and would've tried to downplay it. It's ultimately up to the consumer to figure out which system is best for them. By not telling them this or trying to downplay it, you aren't giving them enough information to make a good purchasing decision.

In some respects, I feel that journalists are in a tough spot. On one hand, they will get tons of flack (and rightfully so) if you appear to be bias or look liike your trying to pull some shady shit (like Doritos gate). On the other hand, your salary is based on adverts so you'll need advertisers to make any kind of money and since your a gaming site,it would sense for gaming related ads to be on your site which obviously compromises you as a journalist site. Its kind of a tough position to be in.


it doesn't "run better" on the PS4... it has a higher resolution... but run at 60 fps and both likely have the exact same draw distances... and even if they don't friends and controller > some pixels

You don't know that, I don't know about CoD but BF4 has some draw distance differences.


"They're downplaying how big of an investment $500 is."

but $400 isn't? Honestly I agree that the $100 isn't much. You're already in an price range where ita expensive. $100 isn't going to be a priority in pushing someone away. It might help some decide they want the PS4, but either way you're going to spend a lot more than $400/$500 when you add in one game and a subscription, at minimum. Honestly both the Xbox One and PS4 are luxury products. The people buying them aren't going to be turned off by the $100 difference alone.

Do I need to bring out my ridiculous 'dollars per gigaflop' calculation again? I think that had you paying double for the Xbox.

Of course ultimately $100 isn't much in the grand scheme of things. But $100 can be a lot if you've been saving up to reach $400 in the first place. And $100 more for less? That is a very simple bang for buck comparison that every gaming site should at least be inform people about, yet I don't think I've seen it anywhere.
I've lost respect for just about every gaming site except, strangely, Kotaku. (and Siliconera and Gematsu, but they're both more into the niche of Japanese games than console wars)
Yeah feels weird man.

I do feel for those fence sitters that have been misled with this. I've gone PS4 for a few reasons outside of the power gap so it was an easy choice, but for those that based their preorder on the coverage of the Xbox One from those sites, well I'd be livid now after seeing that Battlefield face off.

Why would the gaming press care about free games? Surely even if they have to buy the to review, they'd be written off as work expenses against any tax returns. So the actual cost to a gaming site would be almost nothing.

And why are they worrying about upsetting MS but not worrying about upsetting Sony?

I do think there is an element of them not being sensitive to prices, because they have access to everything at almost no cost. But that is true of other press and they manage to be cost aware
Being blacklisted by MS means no debug hardware. They want review copies because those are sent a week or two before general release. Buying their own means waiting for release day and missing all of the pre-release hits.
This was before the confirmation, but yeah that quote was pretty ridiculous.

In response to your first question though, implying something is indeed "the definitive version" would just in reality play into sony's pockets because people are going to base their console purchasing decisions on such stuff (obviously no fault to Sony but it makes you look one sided). When in reality, resolution isn't the only thing that makes a game (It's a great part of the presentation sure). Though if they really wanted the definitive version, they would be playing on the PC.

If games are better on Sony's hardware, then so be it. Why shouldn't gamers be informed of that? We saw it in reviews this gen where the press would mention if one ran at a higher resolution or if one ran at a more consistent framerate. It's beneficial to the gamer to know that. If the press had done that with Skyrim, instead of just assuming they were the same, then maybe so many people wouldn't ended up getting screwed over by a poor port. At least that did happen with Bayonetta. The reality is that the PS3 version was mediocre compared to the 360 version. It wasn't unplayable, but people reading the reviews absolutely deserved to know which was better so they could make an informed purchase. And isn't that what the press are supposed to help gamers do on some level?
Why would the gaming press care about free games? Surely even if they have to buy the to review, they'd be written off as work expenses against any tax returns. So the actual cost to a gaming site would be almost nothing.

And why are they worrying about upsetting MS but not worrying about upsetting Sony?

I do think there is an element of them not being sensitive to prices, because they have access to everything at almost no cost. But that is true of other press and they manage to be cost aware

that is where the disconnect between players and the gaming press shows up.

the gaming press does not care about costs. they get their games, their hobbies for free. players have to manage their budget and pick and choose the best ones out there. why would the gaming press totally discount the differences, when players pay the same $60 for each version? shouldn't they encourage players to get the better version out of the two same-priced games? especially in bf4, where the xbone version is not only running at a lower resolution, it is also missing global illumination and despite that it still manages to have the lower average framerate of the two versions (and that is without ambient occlusion implemented).


::jerkoff hand motion::

That logic makes no sense. "If Microsoft doesn't meet a certain sales quota, us games journalists are sure in trouble. Jeepers! Better put my integrity on the line to help them move a couple more units with a piece that says maybe the resolution isn't that big of a deal! That'll do it!"

This guy. I like this guy.


I feel something is getting lost here, what about the games? you know, fun, enjoyment? To many people, will the higher resolution make those who primarily play COD/BF4/Madden have more fun with the game or less is the question. I have no issue with sites pointing out the difference in power, it should be mentioned, but it is not the DEFINING factor in gaming, if it ever was, PC would be the end all, be all king, simple as that. So yes, it is a factor, but not the defining and dare I say most important.

Even Sony realizes this, the PS4 is not a powerhouse, it is more powerful than the Xbone but that doesn't make it some amazing piece of technology, but they've sold the narrative and made sure their fans sell that narrative as usual.

I want to know why more people, and more sites don't call both companies out for their supposed next gen gaming systems? instead we have apologist on websites and forums proclaiming the prowess of their system while downplaying TRUE innovations and leaps in technology. Bottom line PS4 is not innovative, or a giant leap over the PS3. Xbone is no giant leap either, but once more, the GAMES, the important part of GAMING seem to be better on Xbone.


Do I need to bring out my ridiculous 'dollars per gigaflop' calculation again? I think that had you paying double for the Xbox.

Of course ultimately $100 isn't much in the grand scheme of things. But $100 can be a lot if you've been saving up to reach $400 in the first place. And $100 more for less? That is a very simple bang for buck comparison that every gaming site should at least be inform people about, yet I don't think I've seen it anywhere.

Hey, quit using numbers and math to prove a point. Thanks to some people in this thread, I've learned that talking about graphics makes you hate gameplay and, by extension, video games overall. Just stop with all the graphics talk and focus on how fun Forza is please.
"They're downplaying how big of an investment $500 is."

but $400 isn't? Honestly I agree that the $100 isn't much. You're already in an price range where ita expensive. $100 isn't going to be a priority in pushing someone away. It might help some decide they want the PS4, but either way you're going to spend a lot more than $400/$500 when you add in one game and a subscription, at minimum. Honestly both the Xbox One and PS4 are luxury products. The people buying them aren't going to be turned off by the $100 difference alone.
Most people won't spend an extra hundred dollars to buy a 720p TV when they could get a 1020p one cheaper.

Third party games will make up the majority of PS4 and XBox One game titles and sales figures. But, if you love kinect games and mainly just play MS first party games, by all means an XBox One should be your console of choice.


I don't think the article is written that well, but it does indirectly point out the disturbing trend of how eerily similar "gaming journalism" is to PR these days.


In some respects, I feel that journalists are in a tough spot. On one hand, they will get tons of flack (and rightfully so) if you appear to be bias or look liike your trying to pull some shady shit (like Doritos gate). On the other hand, your salary is based on adverts so you'll need advertisers to make any kind of money and since your a gaming site,it would sense for gaming related ads to be on your site which obviously compromises you as a journalist site. Its kind of a tough position to be in.

Here's something interesting that those that write this kind of articles seem to ignore (or better, they conveniently omit, because it disproves their point, even if they can't not know),

Those ads? 99% of them are handled by third parties. Just to bring an example, on the site I write for we just had a PS Vita takeover campaign. You think Sony came to us directly and we talked to them about it because they like us?

Nah. A third party agency handling the ad contacted us. They can't care less about our content (besides the fact that it's game related), the stance we have (none) in the console war, or what we write about the resolution of this or that game or this or that console.

What they ask is "how many hits you get? How many unique visitors?" and so forth. The stance in favor of a console or against it doesn't figure at all into that picture. The people handling those ads barely know anything about gaming, let alone being able to distinguish a site's specific stance.

What brings sites money isn't taking a stance in favor of Microsoft or Sony or anyone else. It's getting as many hits as possible to view those ads. And you know what's the most effective way to do it? Writing flamebait articles like this one, for which people are falling because it favors the side they want to see favored.

The fun part is that by pandering to the resolutiongate rage, the sites that are being accused to be in this or that company's pocket would make MORE money, because lighting up fires ALWAYS gets more attention (and therefore hits, that proportionally transform into money) than putting them out.


You know, I don't recall any of these guys acting like this during the run up to the Wii U launch. It got bile spewed out over it non stop and rightfully so, but don't flip flop your shit when the shoe's on MS' foot.

I bet the bile will continue once the One and PS4 actually launch, too.

Oh well, consistency is incredibly hard to find. I'm going to wait it out and choose the one that ends up having better games.


Gold Member
In response to your first question though, implying something is indeed "the definitive version" would just in reality play into sony's pockets because people are going to base their console purchasing decisions on such stuff (obviously no fault to Sony but it makes you look one sided). When in reality, resolution isn't the only thing that makes a game (It's a great part of the presentation sure). Though if they really wanted the definitive version, they would be playing on the PC.

so, in your opinion, digital foundry's been doing nothing other than playing into ms' pockets for the most part over the last 7-8 years?. interesting concept :) ...


There's a difference someone who enjoys games and being someone who obsess with graphics and thinks that's the only aspect that's important in games.

You fall in the latter of those two groups. It would be like if I watched a movie and only cared for how it was filmed and presented. Sure, those two aspects are important, but obviously the actual content of the movie is of far more importance.
So... We are not allowed to discuss specifics? And you think you know me as a person who obsesses more about graphics... In a thread discussing the failures of the media to adequately convey differences for the consumer... So... Since you are here... You care more about what the media thinks by walking in this thread and posting than actual gameplay. Yep.

See. I nailed you, too. By merely posting in this thread shows you care more about what everyone else thinks than you do about your own opinion... Of course, this is using YOUR logic here.

In all honesty tho. Are we not allowed to discuss any of this? Did I hurt your feelings? We should probably tell the mods at GAF that discussing video games in any other category other than "gameplay" is not allowed. Kinda hard to discuss gameplay when the consoles aren't out yet, guy.

Get off your high horse, sport. Its a video game forum. Get some tissue, dry your eyes and deal with it.


I feel something is getting lost here, what about the games? you know, fun, enjoyment? To many people, will the higher resolution make those who primarily play COD/BF4/Madden have more fun with the game or less is the question. I have no issue with sites pointing out the difference in power, it should be mentioned, but it is not the DEFINING factor in gaming, if it ever was, PC would be the end all, be all king, simple as that. So yes, it is a factor, but not the defining and dare I say most important.

Even Sony realizes this, the PS4 is not a powerhouse, it is more powerful than the Xbone but that doesn't make it some amazing piece of technology, but they've sold the narrative and made sure their fans sell that narrative as usual.

I want to know why more people, and more sites don't call both companies out for their supposed next gen gaming systems? instead we have apologist on websites and forums proclaiming the prowess of their system while downplaying TRUE innovations and leaps in technology. Bottom line PS4 is not innovative, or a giant leap over the PS3. Xbone is no giant leap either, but once more, the GAMES, the important part of GAMING seem to be better on Xbone.

Higher resolution in BF4/CoD is simply one illustration of how PS4 is more powerful than Xbox one. A more powerful console has more potential for better games.


how does this discredit my point? just because other establishments are guilty of this does not absolve journalism of this behavior. and yes, while this behavior can be found else where, there is still an elements of transparency, especially in regards to how articles are written (i.e. keeping writing of the article neutral and factual while offering other quotes/sources to show opposing opinion) and openly declaring their bias.

It doesn't discredit your point about journalistic ethics, I was simply pointing out that while individual journalists may well be deeply committed to reporting not just as objectively as possible, but also reporting stories that no-one else will (Greenwald/Snowden is a superb example of this) 'the press' is a commercial entity, and its first loyalties are to owners and advertisers.
Article said:
The last I checked, if a benchmark for a GPU from Nvidia trumps AMD at stable frames at twice the resolution, it's not even a debate about longevity or efficiency, we simply acknowledge that AMD lost in the benchmarks and it's a weaker card. Period.

Pretty much how I felt when I read Arstechnica's article that resolution doesn't matter. Complete hypocrisy from a site who's very existence is benchmarking and ranking GPUs by resolution and framerate.


You don't know that, I don't know about CoD but BF4 has some draw distance differences.

I do know that it doesn't matter because there is no PS4/Xbone cross platform MP.... the whole argument only matters to people who will buy both consoles


I don't think the article is written that well, but it does indirectly point out the disturbing trend of how eerily similar "gaming journalism" is to PR these days.

And movie journalism and PR, given the 'don't boycott Enders Game' plea found on the front page.


I've been gaming for 30 years, I'm older than many of these journalists.

I've experienced the launch of many new console/computer generations, the reporting of this one has been disappointing to say the least. So much so I no longer visit XYX site, this is the place to look if you want an honest, open, appraisal of the gaming industry.
I feel something is getting lost here, what about the games? you know, fun, enjoyment?
I had a lot of them on my PS3 despite its shortcomings. The Naughty Dogs, the Sony Santa Monica, the Polyphony Digital and many others did a fine job extracting that fine juice from a more than though PS3. And you know what? Now they'll do their magic on the most powerful, easier to program and more affordable PS4.

Ain't that a great promise of fun and enjoyment? If you can't feel it, I can.

PS> Doritocracy is fantastic. Congrats Cinemablend.


I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Most of us grew up with a nes or a snes... and you know what they were both great despite the difference in colour or sound channels.

These consoles can both be great without having to have the same lines of resolution or cameras.

People get so upset over nothing. If you dont like something then dont buy it. Don't go on a personal jihad on the internet and make up conspiracy stories to make your lives more dramatic.
I feel something is getting lost here, what about the games? you know, fun, enjoyment? To many people, will the higher resolution make those who primarily play COD/BF4/Madden have more fun with the game or less is the question. I have no issue with sites pointing out the difference in power, it should be mentioned, but it is not the DEFINING factor in gaming, if it ever was, PC would be the end all, be all king, simple as that. So yes, it is a factor, but not the defining and dare I say most important.

Even Sony realizes this, the PS4 is not a powerhouse, it is more powerful than the Xbone but that doesn't make it some amazing piece of technology, but they've sold the narrative and made sure their fans sell that narrative as usual.

I want to know why more people, and more sites don't call both companies out for their supposed next gen gaming systems? instead we have apologist on websites and forums proclaiming the prowess of their system while downplaying TRUE innovations and leaps in technology. Bottom line PS4 is not innovative, or a giant leap over the PS3. Xbone is no giant leap either, but once more, the GAMES, the important part of GAMING seem to be better on Xbone.

another one of these. when will people realize that the overwhelmingly majority of the 100+ million potential audience of the consoles do not game on pcs? that cross-section of the pc+console owner in the venn diagram is infinitesimally smaller than the two circles of pc and console. in fact, there may be more people who have two consoles than a pc+console combo. this "they should get a pc" is just a worn-out, tired argument. how many will go buy a gaming pc instead of a console if they knew the pc version is the definitive version?

another one, is the "fun factor" which is again a tired argument. if all else being equal, while one version runs at a higher resolution and on average a higher framerate, is that version supposed to be downplayed and neglected? especially if it's coming from the cheaper console? the "fun factor" of the game is irrelevant because both versions will have the same gameplay. yes, both games are fun. yes, one version looks and runs better than the other, so let's just ignore that even though they're of the same cost to consumers because well the game is fun. screw that analogy. people want the best out of their purchases, especially if those purchases cost the same. no version is more fun than the other, and that is why people compare the other differences. that is the point.
Why would the gaming press care about free games? Surely even if they have to buy the to review, they'd be written off as work expenses against any tax returns. So the actual cost to a gaming site would be almost nothing.

And why are they worrying about upsetting MS but not worrying about upsetting Sony?

I do think there is an element of them not being sensitive to prices, because they have access to everything at almost no cost. But that is true of other press and they manage to be cost aware

The answers vary depending on the scale and revenue model of the site, but generally it comes down to ads and access

When Nintendo messes up, not much gets in the way of criticizing them on your site.
They famously are stingy with access and whatever ads they do run on gaming sites either pale in scale to MS and Sony's ad spend.

TLDR: It's VERY easy to bite the hand that doesn't feed you

As for them not being concerned about 'upsetting sony'.
MS and Sony are two rich competing friends who keep you busy with work and one of them messed up so badly they might not have as much work for you in the near future, you wouldn't attack the friend who didn't mess up, but you may do whatever you can to mitigate/downplay the damage, yes?


The game media has proved since a couple of months before E3 what a joke they are, they tried to downplay the DRM issue with Xbox One with privileged bloggers like Ben Kuchera, Arthur Gies and Adam Sessler basically telling everyone that shut up, then finally decided to report on it when CNN proved that it was safe to jump into the water, now their are doing the same thing again with defending this under cooked console with the bullshit excuse that they are being fair and balanced.

You know you are running a worthless piece of shit site when CNN is doing a better job reporting anything compared to the specialized press.


Well i will just add this to the long list of why I consider most of the gaming press little more then PR mouthpieces. Though I am starting to think in this case at least it has less to do with them being bought by Microsoft and more to do with them trying to keep things close. Pretty much what the cable news channels did with the 2012 presidential elections. It is easier to generate hits if you try to make it sound like both consoles are close then if you just said yeah the PS4 is more powerful hands down.

After all if you said that you couldn't release all these articles about the "latest news that might put the One over the PS4 in power" or "Game X is coming soon click here to see which version comes out on top"


I'm a bit conflicted within this whole debate, because there's no middle ground. While one side is backed by technological fact to an extent, both side's viewpoints are to such an extremity that I can't help but roll my eyes.

The Playstation 4 is clearly the more technologically advanced piece of machinery in terms of pure horsepower, and the graphics are going to reflect that fact. There's no denying that, and those who do are quite honestly blind/misguided (ie. Much of the gaming press at the moment).

On the flip side, we have those that heavily value this technological rift between the Xbox One and Playstation 4; as well as the price point, culture of the system and platform holders between the two consoles. I can dig that. But where this side often loses me is the obsession by many to push their opinions, values and tastes onto others. I don't mind paying $100 more for the XB1. I don't hate the Kinect. I don't hate the fact that non-gaming features are a highlight of the console. I like what I see from a software standpoint. The system being graphically inferior isn't a deal breaker for me. It's kind of tiring to constantly see my decision to purchase an XB1 pushed as being inherently wrong, as if there's a correct decision to what console(s) one purchases.


I feel something is getting lost here, what about the games? you know, fun, enjoyment? To many people, will the higher resolution make those who primarily play COD/BF4/Madden have more fun with the game or less is the question. I have no issue with sites pointing out the difference in power, it should be mentioned, but it is not the DEFINING factor in gaming, if it ever was, PC would be the end all, be all king, simple as that. So yes, it is a factor, but not the defining and dare I say most important.

Even Sony realizes this, the PS4 is not a powerhouse, it is more powerful than the Xbone but that doesn't make it some amazing piece of technology, but they've sold the narrative and made sure their fans sell that narrative as usual.

I want to know why more people, and more sites don't call both companies out for their supposed next gen gaming systems? instead we have apologist on websites and forums proclaiming the prowess of their system while downplaying TRUE innovations and leaps in technology. Bottom line PS4 is not innovative, or a giant leap over the PS3. Xbone is no giant leap either, but once more, the GAMES, the important part of GAMING seem to be better on Xbone.

... eh? This is such a short term viewpoint.

They've got a broader launch lineup, this is not the same thing. This will very clearly not be the case for long. Sony have the larger stable of first party studios, and they have a far more proven stable of first party studios. That's why they have put out God of War: Ascension, The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, Puppeteer and Gran Turismo 6 in a single year on the PS3, at the same time as developing many announced PS4 titles and still more unannounced ones. It would be flat out delusional to believe Microsoft can keep up with this. Then there is how much better Sony are doing on the downloadable/indie front.

Microsoft may have a 'AAA games' argument for a few months - it won't last.

No-one can absolutely predict what will happen, but right now Sony has a clean sweep in my eyes.

It's cheaper
It's more powerful*
It's easier to develop for*
They've got the first party
They've got the indies

*These two should more or less ensure that every multiplat is better on the PS4

Microsoft has a slightly better launch lineup, and Titanfall. If you were buying the console for 6 months, then maybe I could see it. If you're super into certain Microsoft franchises, then I can see it. If you're happy to spend on two consoles, then I can see it. In general, I'm sorry, I can't see it.


It doesn't discredit your point about journalistic ethics, I was simply pointing out that while individual journalists may well be deeply committed to reporting not just as objectively as possible, but also reporting stories that no-one else will (Greenwald/Snowden is a superb example of this) 'the press' is a commercial entity, and its first loyalties are to owners and advertisers.

Yeah true, but the concept of public interest should be at least present. I appreciate that majority of these places are commercial and they have to serve the owners and advertisers, but there's no effort made here, or to even maintain an illusion as you said before. A lot of commercial journalism is guilty or just generally terrible, but it shouldn't be accepted as the standard.


I'm just happy that this thread gave me dewmocracy and doritocracy.

Dewnoncements and doritonalysis are just fanning the snackspiracies.


I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Most of us grew up with a nes or a snes... and you know what they were both great despite the difference in colour or sound channels.

These consoles can both be great without having to have the same lines of resolution or cameras.

People get so upset over nothing. If you dont like something then dont buy it. Don't go on a personal jihad on the internet and make up conspiracy stories to make your lives more dramatic.
MS deserves it for all of the blatant misinformation and spin they have been giving. It breaks down to be more about what MS says than what the X1 actually offers. Discussing the technical merits of devices is nothing new and while I agree that 4-500 isn't much coin for me, it might be to someone else. Saying its no big deal is disingenuous. For people that can only afford one - technical breakdowns can matter just as much.


I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Most of us grew up with a nes or a snes... and you know what they were both great despite the difference in colour or sound channels.

These consoles can both be great without having to have the same lines of resolution or cameras.

People get so upset over nothing. If you dont like something then dont buy it. Don't go on a personal jihad on the internet and make up conspiracy stories to make your lives more dramatic.

Congrats. This is one of the most pretentious things I've seen on neogaf. It may not be a lot to you but it sure as fuck is to a lot of people. I'm not freaking out about how to pay for my console but I'm not going to just roll my eyes at people with less disposable income than myself.
I'm a bit conflicted within this whole debate, because there's no middle ground. While one side is backed by technological fact to an extent, both side's viewpoints are to such an extremity that I can't help but roll my eyes.

The Playstation 4 is clearly the more technologically advanced piece of machinery in terms of pure horsepower, and the graphics are going to reflect that fact. There's no denying that, and those who do are quite honestly blind/misguided (ie. Much of the gaming press at the moment).

On the flip side, we have those that heavily value this technological rift between the Xbox One and Playstation 4; as well as the price point, culture of the system and platform holders between the two consoles. I can dig that. But where this side often loses me is the obsession by many to push their opinions, values and tastes onto others. I don't mind paying $100 more for the XB1. I don't hate the Kinect. I don't hate the fact that non-gaming features are a highlight of the console. I like what I see from a software standpoint. The system being graphically inferior isn't a deal breaker for me. It's kind of tiring to constantly see my decision to purchase an XB1 pushed as being inherently wrong, as if there's a correct decision to what console(s) one purchases.
Great post, harSon. I wish more people looking forward to picking up an XBox One were as reasonable as you.


Neo Member
The same gaming press that completely trashed MS after E3 ?

Using your post as a springboard.

Does anyone else remember when gaming pundits speculated console prices before they were announced? Wasn't the $500.00 price point, that was often tossed around, strongly considered to be a big negative if either company hit that? That's what I seem to recall. The $500 price does come up from time to time, but it's more accepted now and no longer portrayed as the big negative it was made out to be when pundits needed something to talk about.
There are days I secretly wish these sorts of claims were true. That would make sides so much simpler to take, hyperbole easier to avoid.


Yes, and those people can vote with their wallets. Personally I'm sick of everything I'm rreading on here telling me how wrong I am for wanting a xbox one. Or how bafor their practices are when I really didnt mind their drm policies. It's one thing not to like something it's another to feel you need to take a company to task for something as dumb as not feeling like connect is worth another $100.

Just dont buy the thing.

This doesn't happen in other markets.
Nobody complains about the price difference between a ferrari and a ford. Sure one performs better, but the output is pretty much the same experience... it takes you where you want to go.

Last Gen was a once off in matched power. Ps2 was weaker than both the GC and Xbox and I dont remember these complaints.

Being angry at a ccompany you can choose to give your money to is stupid.


I don't mean to be the voice of reason here...

But $500 isn't a lot of money. Neither is $900 for both. Heck I just spent 700 in a rug yesterday.

Most of us grew up with a nes or a snes... and you know what they were both great despite the difference in colour or sound channels.

These consoles can both be great without having to have the same lines of resolution or cameras.

People get so upset over nothing. If you dont like something then dont buy it. Don't go on a personal jihad on the internet and make up conspiracy stories to make your lives more dramatic.

Not all of us randomly have that much money to throw around as disposable. Many buyers are college students who work to save up for these things, or are people who don't want to blow all of their disposable cash on a set of electronics that are similar.
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