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Destiny House of Wolves will Have no New Raid


I'm lucky i spent only 67.00 on this when PSN had it's sale a few months back with the dlc. I feel bad for people who paid so much and have been playing since launch. I burned through all the content in about month a half with my friends. All I do is farm raids every week to farm weapons.


An arena mode set in a prison could be fun....

BUT there should also be a raid....not one or the other.

The raid better not be slipped into the next DLC and be just delayed by a month or so...


Disappointing. Like straight up unbelievable. Raids is the best part of Destiny and to not even in the least include a new 6 player co-op activity in the dlc either? Just a dammed shame.

Really makes like all the discussions I had with my fire-team about what the next raid might entail, feel like a bunch of blind fools.


Well, they said it will be coming later. So it's either in the Comet in which case they are price gouging us, or it's something delayed. I choose to interpret it as the implication that it will be a free addition at a later date. So yes.

Comet is in the fall, which aligns to when the new raid drops. You should probably temper your hopes and dreams now.

Still stand where I did earlier today, when this was a suspected but not confirmed turn of events: a proper survival / arena mode is more appealing to me than another raid. Key word is proper: it needs variety in progression, a good meaty environment (or set of them), modifiers that rotate, etc. If it's a liner progression of rounds with no variation Prison of Elders will disappoint even those like myself who would welcome it. I'm optimistic, but we'll know soon enough.
if its a horde mode, its better than a raid
still, ill never pay for DLC on this game heh


IF ........... IF ............. IF ITS A HORDE MODE?

The whole shitty game is just one big horde mode. Everything in this game, outside of the competitive multiplayer is a incessant horde mode.
I still can't believe Bungie is actually doing this.

Like... who gives two fucks about the story missions? Why would Bungie waste so much time on stuff like that instead of making a Raid. I mean, we went from 1 raid per expansion which already wasn't filled with content to no raids.

Wow. I'm actually impressed by how little value there is in this expansion and how stupid it is by Bungie. Actually impressed.


Comet is in the fall, which aligns to when the new raid drops. You should probably temper your hopes and dreams now.

Still stand where I did earlier today, when this was a suspected but not confirmed turn of events: a proper survival / arena mode is more appealing to me than another raid, at this right now. Key word is proper: it needs variety in progression, a good meaty environment (or set of them), modifiers that rotate, etc. If it's a liner progression of rounds with no variation Prison of Elders will disappoint even those like myself who would welcome it. I'm optimistic, but we'll know soon enough.

Bungie could barely create PvP modes that feel different from each other or story encounters that feel different from other encounters. I don't trust them enough to make it interesting.


The arena just sounds like they'll rehash some of the enemy waves from campaign missions with some sprinkles on top.

arena mode will be no different than defending confluxes in VoG (is my guess). I highly doubt it will be a fleshed out mode. 3 players lol, Bungie being Bungie. The game had it's moments, but I feel scammed..

Remember those huge public events? Raids being the toughest end-game content?
It's sad that both can be soled for the most part.. Bungie talked a big game and we ate it up.



I really enjoyed the experiences I had in the Vault of Glass and Crota's End (normal mode). It was one of the main reasons I played the game, and it was a way for my great GAF friends to enjoy ourselves for an hour or two, so it's no surprise that I'm pretty damn disappointed that there's no raid in the House of Wolves.

I'm struggling to picture how the arena will impress me, as I haven't been too impressed with Bungie's decisions ever since the launch of the game. I'd love to reserve judgement, but judging by Destiny's upgrades and content in the past it's soooo hard for me to.

Limiting the arena to three players is unfortunate as well. The expansions have very little content as it is, so anything that promotes replay value is welcomed but I just have a hard time picturing what it will do. Realistically I envision a long strike, maybe with some light raid-like mechanics sprinkled in and random modifiers, just don't make me press square to deploy the ghost! That's just not enough to hold my interest, personally. If that's what it turns out to be, I would have preferred a raid. I can totally understand wanting to delay the raid if it's going to be another Crota's End though, the experience just wasn't up to par with VoG.

I really, really enjoyed the raids in this damn game with friends and news like this makes it all more disappointing to me. Here's to the arena, I guess...


Well... After The Dark Below I was only going to buy if it looked great value for money. So far, its not looking that way. Destiny is a game I wanted to like but most of the fun came solely from playing with friends. Its reached the point where friends are long bored and we stopped playing a few months back. I don't think I'll be getting this new DLC, likely the same with my friends too.



IF ........... IF ............. IF ITS A HORDE MODE?

The whole shitty game is just one big horde mode. Everything in this game, outside of the competitive multiplayer is a incessant horde mode.

Don't worry, with a name like that, it won't be a horde mode. It'll be a boss rush.



Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Pffffffffffffffffft hahahahaha.
Sorry but no thanks Bungie. What a wretched decision. The Raids are the best part of each expansion even if I only played the CE like 4 times. They're pretty much worth $20 all their own. I'll be skipping this DLC and by extension extending my Destiny break until the fall. Especially since how they treat non DLC buyers, that being the reason I stopped playing daily. Double that up with only one new strike (correct me if I'm wrong) there's seemjngly a serious dearth of new PvE content. I've or in a few hundred hours so I've gotten my money's worth over and over again by now.


Add me to the Digital Guardian Regret Club. I gave up on the game for good back before Christmas after repeated attempts to try and get back into it. I finally chalked it all up as a loss and moved on.

Way to treat your die-hard fanbase, Bungie.


Unconfirmed Member
Comet is in the fall, which aligns to when the new raid drops. You should probably temper your hopes and dreams now.

Still stand where I did earlier today, when this was a suspected but not confirmed turn of events: a proper survival / arena mode is more appealing to me than another raid. Key word is proper: it needs variety in progression, a good meaty environment (or set of them), modifiers that rotate, etc. If it's a liner progression of rounds with no variation Prison of Elders will disappoint even those like myself who would welcome it. I'm optimistic, but we'll know soon enough.
Yup, I totally agree. I really hope they do this justice. It could be amazing.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Add me to the Digital Guardian Regret Club. I gave up on the game for good back before Christmas after repeated attempts to try and get back into it. I finally chalked it all up as a loss and moved on.

Way to treat your die-hard fanbase, Bungie.



Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... And I bought collector's edition. Stupid stupid stupid....


This game gave me a LOT of hours, but it is NOT what Bungie intended or at least not playing out I had hoped.

I basically wanted a shooter MMO. This is not that game.

The next game up that is poised to be it is The Division. I have a much better feeling on that living up to what Destiny was setting out to do or at least boasting it would be.
My god.

I'll be honest, I really loved playing this game, but the content just wasn't there to make me keep playing it.

Now that I know that Bungie clearly doesn't think there's an issue here, I'm pretty glad I didn't even buy the first DLC. Shooting things in Destiny was so much fun...I just wish there was a little more variety.
My thoughts exactly. I don't understand the hate it gets though. I loved it when I want into it. Now just looking for a reason to get back into it. This doesn't look like it though tbh...

This game gave me a LOT of hours, but it is NOT what Bungie intended or at least not playing out I had hoped.

I basically wanted a shooter MMO. This is not that game.

The next game up that is poised to be it is The Division. I have a much better feeling on that living up to what Destiny was setting out to do or at least boasting it would be.

Tritto! This will be the ABSOLUTE LAST TIME I buy a Season Pass upfront.

Can't believe how stupid I was!

Who would've thought that Bungie would FAIL this hard?


Bungie could barely create PvP modes that feel different from each other or story encounters that feel different from other encounters. I don't trust them enough to make it interesting.

They also made Firefight in ODST and Reach, both of which were awesome in their own ways. My hope is this angles more toward those and less toward what we get in raids and story missions; it would be odd to create a new mode only to repeat what is in the other two. I'm optimistic, but I think healthy skepticism is reasonable given the approach to those fights in the base game.

I think Destiny's gameplay and classes could shine in this kind of mode, if done well.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Comet is in the fall, which aligns to when the new raid drops. You should probably temper your hopes and dreams now.

Still stand where I did earlier today, when this was a suspected but not confirmed turn of events: a proper survival / arena mode is more appealing to me than another raid. Key word is proper: it needs variety in progression, a good meaty environment (or set of them), modifiers that rotate, etc. If it's a liner progression of rounds with no variation Prison of Elders will disappoint even those like myself who would welcome it. I'm optimistic, but we'll know soon enough.

well said. i'll definitely take a good firefight mode over a raid any day


Yup, I totally agree. I really hope they do this justice. It could be amazing.

Comet will be a tough sell. I guessing it will cost in the neighbourhood of $34/$39.99?
I for one am not eager to throw my money at more dlc for this game. We have have two subpar offerings so far. I doubt they turn the tide with the third.


So glad I didn't buy the season pass. Bought the dark below on its own. Enjoyed the raids, the best destiny offered. Stopped playing it over a month ago friends likewise other games have come out and this won't bring people back. Has any other game promised so much at the start and delivered so little.


At this point, Bungie should just cancel Comet and throw everything at Destiny 2. Maybe by then they'll know what they're doing.


Ugh I hate this arbitrary 3 player limit that they're putting on co-op

It's stupid. Someone always misses out.
I think Bungie will figure it out with DS2 I guess and Destiny is just here to get more funding. I mean, the base gameplay mechanics is there, there's no way to go but up. Just hope they do it quickly before everyone loses interest.

Makes me wish Sid and his team would have worked out the issues to there IP and Destiny actually had a competitor on the market.


Unrelated to this news because I am genuinely excited for what the arena could be, but I gotta say that this will be the last time I buy a season pass prior to knowing what will be included within. The E3 pressers and all the previews leading up to it really captured my imagination. I thought we'd get entire new planets, or at least new areas of current planets. I already paid for House of Wolves so I'm going to stick around for it, but Comet is going to have to be really bleeping incredible for me to spend anymore money on Destiny.


I feel like people are overreacting without knowing about the new game mode. Shouldn't we find out about what the new content will be before calling bungie "disgusting" and "atrocious"?

it may be an overreaction, but it's Bungie's fault for handling it this way.

"Hey guys, there's no raid!"

"It's actually this cool thing!*"

*thing is probably just a horde mode

The headline everyone will be hearing for the next month is "no new raid." I can not comprehend this decision and how they are handling it.


Junior Member
The real question is:

Will Destiny have the highest record breaking OTs in the history of OTs on GAF?

On one hand, a lot of the posts are people asking help for raids. This requires 6 people to play.

On the other hand, people still ask help for weeklies, nightfalls, and vanguard strikes. That only requires 3 people to play.

There are issues towards Bungie about raids lacking match making.

There are also issues towards Bungie for recently implementing match making to the weekly strikes.

Bungie can't please everyone.

People are still butthurt at the lack of promises yet their product is still reaching top 20 every month cause of word of mouth.

Tldr; the answer is yes.


Well, I knew they were going to have to find some way to make the 3rd DLC enticing since that'll be the first one they have to sell to the user base post-launch. Somehow I'm not surprised this is the route they chose.
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