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Digital Foundry hands-on Quantum Break (XB1)


Game looks great. Getting a free PC copy so these arguments about resolution seems so manufactured and hollow now. I guess DF knows what will get clicks though. More crossplatform games MS. I'm loving it.
UWP concerns?

Concerns? It's a videogame. It's hardly like there are serious issues with playing on one or the other that will have a lasting detrimental effect. They are both MS platforms.

As far as BananaFactory's point about rather playing on console when the difference isn't huge, I'm not having it. We know what the Xbone is capable of and there is always going to be a decent gap between a mid-range PC and the Xbox. We've seen it already with other games. You can even still get your achievements via the Xbox app.



I don't care at what resolution it runs.

The real problem is why are there no bullet casings falling to the ground? After the max payne games how can Remedy omit such an important detail

theyre time bullets... the casing wont exist for a few years.
Game looks great. Getting a free PC copy so these arguments about resolution seems so manufactured and hollow now. I guess DF knows what will get clicks though. More crossplatform games MS. I'm loving it.
I don't think this is df trying to get clicks. No conspiracy here. If it's 720p it's 720p

big fake

Would this be one of the first 1st-party games of this gen to run at 720p/30fps? Do we have any references to type of performance offered this gen?
Fuck me, one year later and we're still seeing half of a thread arguing semantics about The Order's resolution... and this isn't even an Order thread!

The posts implying Quantum Break's engine might be "bloated"... come the fucking on. Have you seen what the game's actually doing?

I'm more concerned about the game itself than its XB1 resolution (which to be fair doesn't affect me in the slightest) or imaginary engine bloat. Animations look off, AI still looks dumb, and the powers look like superfluous tools outside the puzzle/traversal sections because the game just looks so damn easy, like you're using them because they're there and they're supposed to be the point of the game, but you don't seem to need them. We've seen videos of people playing it on hard like they've never touched a gamepad before and Jack just seems to soak up tons of bullets before we reach strawberry vision.

Level design also looks bland. We've mostly seen one-level, rectangular arenas with standard TPS cover and the odd pillar here and there. I realize that the amount of fighting done indoors, in buldings with realistic architecture, is likely the main culprit, but still... It just looks okay to play, but not great.
I asked a question about level design a page or so back but no one answered. It is understandable given the purpose of this thread but I think the level design is my biggest concern. I'm not suggesting it is bad or anything but there is nothing there that makes me want to jump in and try different things in the area.

Granted, this is all based on the earliest portions of the game. There is potential for it to get better as the game goes along.


This is absolutely hilarious. A 720p sub 30fps game in 2016. Relatively low interest in this game, but if it reviews well I'd consider it for win10



I don't care at what resolution it runs.

The real problem is why are there no bullet casings falling to the ground? After the max payne games how can Remedy omit such an important detail
What? There are no ejected shell casings? This seriously bothers me.


720p? I'm not sure, but that doesn't seem to be right. Could it be possible something went wrong during the analysis or final delivery of the product? Because I honestly didn't expect that at all and it just seems weird to have such a resolution. Still interested in the game regardless though.

I remember seeing this happening and the meltdown was bizarre. Still gave me a giggle.


I'm not sure. He talks about target output 1080p, NOT native resolution.


NXGamer article says

Geometry is handled separately and more inline with HBAO techniques with it all calculated at 720p (as many portions of a games render are made up of various resolutions) to help reduce its cost down to less than 1.4ms on the XboxOne GPU, this is also where some got confused with the game rendering at 720p which it does not, at this point 1080p is the games target output

But sounds like they are using Siggraph 2015 PDF instead of play the game.
Gsync is fucked up without Exclusive Fullscreen. I don't know how long you've been shooting down that "misconception," but unless UWP has been updated to support Exclusive Fullscreen, and the devs have already updated their games to take advantage of it, adaptive vsync is still very much borked on UWA.

This is wrong. Gsync was updated to support borderless windowed fullscreen months ago, and it works perfectly with UWP games. The only issue (aside from cutscenes on Gears) is that in some games you cannot disable vsync in game, but all that does is increase the input lag a little (but never more than traditional vsync increased input lag).

I have a gsync monitor. I have Rise of the Tomb Raider UWP. I have done blind tests where someone else turned it on and off and I can easily discern the difference.

Saying it doesn't work or that it's 'fucked up' is nothing more than FUD.


The game honestly looks surprisingly good for 720p. I'm really not surprised at the resolution. The heavy effects usage must be pretty damn demanding. And the effects do look amazing in this game. Still, I'm glad there's a PC release lol.


Game looks great. Getting a free PC copy so these arguments about resolution seems so manufactured and hollow now. I guess DF knows what will get clicks though. More crossplatform games MS. I'm loving it.

Because you are getting a free copy 720p is not a problem?
Honestly I dont get the link between those 2 things lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
So 720p (DF) or 1080p (NX gamer) ?
It sure isn't 1080p.

Personally, I think there is some sort of reconstruction technique happening here similar to Rainbow Six Siege (based on what little I've seen of the game). I'm eager to spend time with it in the future to get a better idea.

It looks clean when the camera is motionless but chunks up when moving. R6S did the same. Reminds me of a field rendered PS2 game in some ways.


Because you are getting a free copy 720p is not a problem?
Honestly I dont get the link between those 2 things lol

The gameplay is the same at 720p or 1080p. If I want to play it at the highest visual fidelity I would just play the PC version which I would be getting for free by pre ordering the XB1 version. Thats why this resoltion stuff is hollow to me. I'm sure if ND released a PC version of UC4 it would look better than the PS4 version. Yet the gameplay would be the same.


So 720p (DF) or 1080p (NX gamer) ?

Maybe NX pixel counted the HUD instead of other assets?

The gameplay is the same at 720p or 1080p. If I want to play it at the highest visual fidelity I would just play the PC version which I would be getting for free by pre ordering the XB1 version. Thats why this resoltion stuff is hollow to me. I'm sure if ND released a PC version of UC4 it would look better than the PS4 version. Yet the gameplay would be the same.

Gameplay is not actually the same at lower resolutions as it is in higher resolutions. The graphics are the visual indicator to all our inputs, so if because of a higher resolution you can see more details, enemies at a greater distance, items etc, clearer and more obviously, then by virtue your gameplay is affected. The balance is between performance, graphical effects and visual clarity. Experiences will also differ depending on other variables such as your TV size, resolution, viewing distance etc.
Disappointing that folks are fine with 720p30. If resolution and framerate arent important why not just have the game render at 640x480 with an immense number of effects.

Thankfully the game is also available on pc so we can actually run it at native resolution without any scaling artifacts.

Because there are different levels of giving a fuck. Get it on PC if you do, xbox if you prefer.

I know this is not the place to say it, but I hate hate hate this pixel counting.
The gameplay is the same at 720p or 1080p. If I want to play it at the highest visual fidelity I would just play the PC version which I would be getting for free by pre ordering the XB1 version. Thats why this resoltion stuff is hollow to me. I'm sure if ND released a PC version of UC4 it would look better than the PS4 version. Yet the gameplay would be the same.

Still fail to see your point. Do you have one? Throwing UC4 in this looks like even more mindless rambling. A game being multiplatform does not stop technical discussion. The most heated DF topics usually involve multiplatform games available on PC.


I have people on youtube telling me thats its going to be 1080p because its either been updated already or going to be patched.

The game went gold a full month ago! if it went gold at this kind of performance than its not going to be majorly enhanced like that.

They give examples like Ghosts and Black Flag but thats just stupid. Were over 2 years into the life of the xbox one, they arent going to make an advancement like that because the game was developed with final hardware available to them for a long time.

What ever happened to games that looked good for that sake of looking good and not because of their resolution?

you don't think resolution is a part of that?

sure QB looks great even if its running at 720p but its a simple fact that it would look better at 1080p. the reason people are so surprised is that we don't expect games these days to be coming out with a 720p resolution.


This game has always looked blurry/muddy every time I have seen media of it. This 720p in 2016 malarkey doesn't surprise me at all.


Another eurogamer effort to downplay xbox one...

Since ever we know about effects at 720p in this game.

And if DF need to wait a response from Remedy, well, they are not that techincal experts...


Fuck me, one year later and we're still seeing half of a thread arguing semantics about The Order's resolution... and this isn't even an Order thread!

The posts implying Quantum Break's engine might be "bloated"... come the fucking on. Have you seen what the game's actually doing?

I'm more concerned about the game itself than its XB1 resolution (which to be fair doesn't affect me in the slightest) or imaginary engine bloat. Animations look off, AI still looks dumb, and the powers look like superfluous tools outside the puzzle/traversal sections because the game just looks so damn easy, like you're using them because they're there and they're supposed to be the point of the game, but you don't seem to need them. We've seen videos of people playing it on hard like they've never touched a gamepad before and Jack just seems to soak up tons of bullets before we reach strawberry vision.

Level design also looks bland. We've mostly seen one-level, rectangular arenas with standard TPS cover and the odd pillar here and there. I realize that the amount of fighting done indoors, in buldings with realistic architecture, is likely the main culprit, but still... It just looks okay to play, but not great.

This thread being about technical aspects of Quantum Break your point might be less relevant than the The Order comparisons, but I do agree with you.

The idea of fighting in frozen moments of time seems underutilized in everything I've seen. Generic cover and combat arenas that look pretty but aren't mind-blowing. Where's my fight that takes place in a building frozen mid-collapse, or atop frozen moving vehicles on a highway? I dunno, just combat arenas that might propel what looks like okay combat mechanics into new territory. Any game can let you shoot up a cafeteria.
I don't mind 720p too much. I mean it's dissapointing, but what bothers me is if it's 720p WITH FRAMERATE DROPS.

It'll be interesting to get hands on experience with this to see what it's actually like. It may sound worse than it is. I greatly enjoy 720p games on Wii U.
Good news for PC people if Remedy prioritized effects over resolution.

Ya kinda funny when you think about it. I'm getting it on PC so I'm glad the devs chose to push Xbone beyond its means since it will result in a better looking PC game. Yet the Xbox fans get shafted.
Maybe NX pixel counted the HUD instead of other assets?

Gameplay is not actually the same at lower resolutions as it is in higher resolutions. The graphics are the visual indicator to all our inputs, so if because of a higher resolution you can see more details, enemies at a greater distance, items etc, clearer and more obviously, then by virtue your gameplay is affected. The balance is between performance, graphical effects and visual clarity. Experiences will also differ depending on other variables such as your TV size, resolution, viewing distance etc.

I am sorry but I call absolute bullshit on this. I am playing division on pc. I can run it on ultra settings at 1080p no problem. If I raise it to 1440p I have to drop some settings but the game looks crisper (to stay above 60fps) the gameplay though is absolutely flipping identical.
This thread being about technical aspects of Quantum Break your point might be less relevant than the The Order comparisons, but I do agree with you.

The idea of fighting in frozen moments of time seems underutilized in everything I've seen. Generic cover and combat arenas that look pretty but aren't mind-blowing. Where's my fight that takes place in a building frozen mid-collapse, or atop frozen moving vehicles on a highway? I dunno, just combat arenas that might propel what looks like okay combat mechanics into new territory. Any game can let you shoot up a cafeteria.
This is what I am looking for too. I was imagining some moments in my head just like that. Some environmental stages that will mix up the basic cover shooter aspect. It would get really interesting with areas like that mixed with the enemies who can alter time.


I am sorry but I call absolute bullshit on this. I am playing division on pc. I can run it on ultra settings at 1080p no problem. If I raise it to 1440p I have to drop some settings but the game looks crisper (to stay above 60fps) the gameplay though is absolutely flipping identical.

Resolution affects how you see distant objects/enemies.

EDIT: Not saying 720p is bad, my point is that resolution affects gameplay.
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