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Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

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If it was more powerful than the battery life will be bad and people complain.

If the battery life is long but the specs are lower than the Shield TV than people will complain.

Nintendo can never win.

The problem is that Nintendo is trying to cater to the mobile crowd and the console crowd at the same time and may fail to get both.
You guys really happy with first party support? Another boring Monolith game, another dull textile 2D platformer? Let's face it, Nintendo first party output was worst on Wii U and that's going to get any better. All those Wii U remasters are suggesting this.

For me it is a secondary system to get dusted off when a new first party comes out, or when I need to travel.

I'd take Wii U plus 3DS level of first party output and be totally happy. :)


If it was more powerful than the battery life will be bad and people complain.

If the battery life is long but the specs are lower than the Shield TV than people will complain.

Nintendo can never win.

You can solve the battery life problem with smaller nodes, new versions and bigger batteries.
You cannot solve the problem of a bad bad baseline spec until next generation of console.


Cause otherwise nobody would buy it.


Nintendo sure knows how to be disappointing, even for people who already have low expectations.
Well, we'll see, but as they clearly present it as the new home console, that doesn't sound good.


If true, this does appear to be the now classic Nintendo gotcha at last. Those speeds are pretty somber reading.

Again, assuming this is true, third party support will be non existent after the first year. Ninty needed to play in the same ball park as PS4\Xbone to get the third parties on board. With this, it'll be another Wii U situation with no western support.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
This is shitty, but probably the shittier thing is it's even below my already low expectations. I figured we'd be lucky if the GPU clock speed was 800 Mhz, and looks like I was right. I knew from the moment that this stupid thing was supposed to work additionally as a handheld it was going to be gimped to hell. That is, unless y'all were thinking Nintenddo was planning on selling it for $900.

There were a lot of people that shredded me for thinking Nintendo would go with a mere marginal increase once again, insisting that the Wii situation was a once in a lifetime rarity. Why on Earth would one think that Nintendo would never attempt such a thing a second time when it was so successful the first round is beyond me.

Also, you wanna be really depressed? The jump between the WIi-U and Switch GPUs is actually even smaller than the jump from the GC to Wii GPUs (40% to 50%).


Smash is already 1080p60 on Wii U.

Really? Sweet. Makes me wonder what they might do for the Switch port. It would be cool if they actually dropped the resolution to match the screen and bumped effects (with it going back to 1080p in docked mode, of course).
Honest question: How could Nintendo make something powerful enough for easy PS4/XB1 ports yet still function as a portable?

They can't really, but damn it's just crazy the low bar that Nintendo seem to go for every time, very very disappointing, but in the same breath it's very much expected.


Oh I get it, the joke it that the new Nvidia Shield releasing at the same time will be stronger and cheaper than the Switch.


Yep as you said we are entering the 4k/HDR so most of the users don't have 4K TV.

i don't plan on moving to 4K for another couple years. if nintendo were to try make a true 4K console it would be expensive. microsoft aren't releasing their 4K console until next year. the only "4K" console we have is the PS4 Pro and that can't even manage 4K in all games.

nintendo i think are right to aim for 720p/1080p.


Gold Member
If it was more powerful than the battery life will be bad and people complain.

If the battery life is long but the specs are lower than the Shield TV than people will complain.

Nintendo can never win.

Simple solution: Nintendo should stop with the gimmicks. If NX had been a proper, dedicated home console they wouldn't be going through this. But instead, Nintendo feels compelled to try to merge home console and mobile gaming into the same device. End result is a handheld that will run Wii U level games on the go but the home console side will be hamstrung by the need for games to be designed around "hybrid" use.

Assuming these specs end up being accurate, I'm still interested but I'm a lot less interested than I was. But I was never intending on having it undocked in the first place. The fact that it won't even use the full power of the GPU when docked though... that's some stupidity.


This is dissapointing, but I retain my promise to buy this with the Zelda game (whenever they are both on the market, launch day or otherwise) if the first party lineup is solid. Geuss we will find out soon. As bad as it sounds though, is it not true that Nintendo wouldn't exactly make use of super realistic Uncharted 4 like graphics anyways? They have more or less reached a peak, at least on a technical level for their art style. The only problem that could potentially arise is performance, I will not tolerate sub-30 FPS games.


Really waiting to hear from the likes of Matt or John Harker on this, Emily Rogers and especially Laura Dale chiming in would be awesome too.

In the meantime, even if a bit disappointed myself if true, the meltdowns here are something to behold.


Couldn't care less about the spec. If switch can run those games as advertise, I'm satisfy.

Pretty much. Although I will admit that underclock for portable seems a bit excessive. Get the pricing right and it can still be a success for sure.


I don't want to be the person to say I told you so but I told you so.

People were saying Switch will be more powerful than NVidia Shield TV. I always said it will just about matching NVidia Shield TV in docked mode and will be weaker in portable mode.
You have to be. The expectations that some people had were absurd. At the end of the day it's still a mobile chip and we'll be lucky to even see it match the Wii u in performance.
I've just got a feeling this will totally fall between stools as a machine.

Too expensive and not enough battery life for a handheld.

Not powerful enough to run as a viable console that can run 3rd party games.

If this did get a price of $199, then those thinking of it as a portable would likely buy it to complement their other console purchase. Anything more and it's going to struggle to gain a foothold for what will only ever be a secondary console since it won't have the grunt to run 3rd party games properly.

It'll find a niche. Those who love Nintie first party who cannot get their fix elsewhere. But as Wii U proved, that's not enough.

An interesting piece of kit that could accelerate Nintendo moving out of hardware and into software for others.


I recall people saying that about HDTV's when Wii came out, and 1080p ones when Wii U came out. All the games ended up looking like shit on my TV. Great.
To be fair, this is mostly a problem on Wii U if you buy anything other than Nintendo games on it. Most of those look quite nice, and some (like Kirby Rainbow Curse) are actually beautiful.
Wtf is wrong with y'all. 199 is where this needs to be! This is great news. I think it needs to even be lower, honestly. A portable Wii U isn't so bad and this is probably more modern than that.

Let's face it, marketing aside this is for all intents and purposes a handheld with a video out mode.

Not a lot of Nintendo fans were ready for Nintendo to leave the home console business, can't really blame them for being upset as that reality kicks in.


Nvidia: The Switch is on the same architecture as our highest end GPUs
Logical human: Oh, that's Pascal

Aaand it's Maxwell 2. Still a fine and competent architecture, but the perf/watt of Pascal could push things higher, or longer, or a bit of both. Ah well.


Lmao @ people being shocked by that. Why would anyone in their right mind expect something more. This is Nintendo. The Wii was close to the GC in power and they were selling it until 2012 or so.


If true, this does appear to be the now classic Nintendo gotcha at last. Those speeds are pretty somber reading.

Again, assuming this is true, third party support will be non existent after the first year. Ninty needed to play in the same ball park as PS4Xbone to get the third parties on board. With this, it'll be another Wii U situation with no western support.

We're unlikely to get current-gen ports, but I really do hope we get the best of the last-gen slate. As disappointing as the specs sound, they would stop mattering quick in the face of portable Dark Souls.


Pretty bad news for 3rd party AAA games.

As a PC player the switch will be a 1st party Nintendo machine which I guess I'm ok with.

Still lol Nintendo.


For me it is a secondary system to get dusted off when a new first party comes out, or when I need to travel.

I'd take Wii U plus 3DS level of first party output and be totally happy. :)

I hope you're a part of a minority, because I wanted Switch to be main system. I hate PS4 to guts and I can't wait to replace with something better. And if that's not happening I'm planning to get a religion and pray my ass of for Nintendo to bring a brand new handheld in 2018 as a 3DS successor. With this specs, Switch is DOA.
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