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It's safe to assume that Luna was speaking to Gentiana when she first meets Glauca, since she hadn't formed the covenant with the other gods yet.

Also, we know now that all the daemons (Diamond Weapon, cerberus, etc) were brought by Ardyn. As for Glauca's armor, the Ultimania mentions that Ardyn met Drautos 2 years before the Tenebrae invasion, so Ardyn might also be behind its creation.


Junior Member
It's safe to assume that Luna was speaking to Gentiana when she first meets Glauca, since she hadn't formed the covenant with the other gods yet.

Also, we know now that all the daemons (Diamond Weapon, cerberus, etc) were brought by Ardyn. As for Glauca's armor, the Ultimania mentions that Ardyn met Drautos 2 years before the Tenebrae invasion, so Ardyn might also be behind its creation.

Still very curious as to how Drautos led both Niflheim and Lucis militaries at the same time.
Personally speaking, this video sums up my major issues with the game's story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bp-uNdefJo
Okay thanks for posting this. It brilliantly illustrates the problems with story of the game. And it's not even constant criticism because he still gives the game credit for the final campfire scene.

It didn't hit me till now that the Noctis and Luna childhood scenes are really exposition. It's not even about them as characters or their own relationship which is a stupid waste of time.


Still very curious as to how Drautos led both Niflheim and Lucis militaries at the same time.

Lmao, yes. That was one thing that made me really confused in Kingsglaive. I mean...Kingsglaive was pretty bad, but that was a "WHAT??? HOW??" kind of thing.

No, that has to be another person. It has to be. How could he have been leading both full time...?


Personally speaking, this video sums up my major issues with the game's story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bp-uNdefJo
Good video — very thoughtfully constructed. The author likes the story but feels its impact is limited because the setup for certain scenes isn't there. And while I love it overall, I agree the story could be handled better in that regard.

Like take Luna's death. I was still affected when it happened, because if nothing else, it's clear Noctis admires Luna more than anyone in the world. He's eagerly anticipating her throughout the game; he grows concerned whenever there's a hint she might be in trouble. And Luna, for her part, shows that she cares about Noctis, whenever she receives the notebook from Umbra, smiles and touches it in a lovestruck manner, or in later scenes where she straight-up tells Gentiana and Ravus how she feels.

But it'd be even more effective if they showed us more of their relationship, so we can better appreciate why they're so attached to each other in the first place. That's why I think the single best addition they could make to the game would be full-length letters you receive from Luna, once per chapter, upon first resting for the night. This could go on for the first nine chapters of the game. Have Umbra deliver them.

If done well, these letters could show us the relationship shared by Noctis and Luna. We could see they've connected so well because they innately understand each other, i.e. soulmates. We could see they're comfortable enough to really bare their souls and be emotionally vulnerable with each other. Like Noctis could express a sense of isolation, being the heir to the throne; he could confess his fears about his father's ailing health (something that would also help develop Noct's relationship with King Regis), and Luna could console him. These are just examples. The letters would ideally also show a lighter side of Luna —a warmth and sense of humor — and maybe even give us some of the mundane details of their day-to-day lives, so they feel like real people.

By having eight or nine letters of this sort, leading up to Luna's death, we'll feel like we know the relationship they share when it happens, and we'll feel the loss.

An addition like this would require good writing. Ideally, the letters would be fully voiced so we can squeeze in extra emotion. And ideally, we'd see letters both from Luna to Noctis and vice-versa, so we can see the back and forth. They could even have cutscenes showing the two characters reacting to the letters, making it clear they're in love.

The romantic in me would love something like this. But as it stands, there's still enough in the game to infer that the two characters care about each other. It'd just be more effective with more time given to their relationship.

Now, I don't agree with some of the video's other examples. Arriving in Gralea and seeing it gone to hell was still effective, especially since the game builds up to it with Aranea, radio broadcasts, etc, telling you the empire's gone to shit. This piqued my curiosity since the empire has been hounding my ass throughout the whole game, so from the outside they appear almost unstoppable, which makes it all the more amazing when you arrive in their capital and it's in tatters. Likewise, I disagree that Regis looking on during the ending lacks impact; it's true it'd be more impactful if we saw more of their relationship, but at the end of the day Noctis is still his son, so seeing his ghost unable to watch Noctis get stabbed to death was still amazing to me.

On a side note, I've been compiling a list of potential scenes they could add to provide more of the "moving parts" to the story. Like for example, maybe Gladio and/or Iris could have some flashbacks to Jared raising them as children, which I imagine he did being the family butler. A couple scenes like this, before and after Jared's death, would work wonders. (The ones after his death could even appear in Gladio's DLC, which will be between chapters 6 and 7.) Likewise, they could add a scene that shows the imperial general killing Jared, which would 1) show the empire are bad dudes, and 2) help develop the general you shadow before the fight with Aranea.

I also think they could replace the game's cold open (the flash-forward to Ifrit) with a scene better establishing the lore of the world (the gods, the crystal, the ring — make it grand like the opening to Dark Souls), and the threat posed by the empire, and then focusing on the relationship between Noctis and his father, so that when we see Regis wishing Noctis on his way, we feel a connection.

There's so much potential. If what we have is what we get, I still love the game's story, but in terms of how the story is told, there are many additions they can make that would go a long way toward improving the overall tale.


Good video — very thoughtfully constructed. The author likes the story but feels its impact is limited because the setup for certain scenes isn't there. And while I love it overall, I agree the story could be handled better in that regard.

Like take Luna's death. I was still affected when it happened, because if nothing else, it's clear Noctis admires Luna more than anyone in the world. He's eagerly anticipating her throughout the game; he grows concerned whenever there's a hint she might be in trouble. And Luna, for her part, shows that she cares about Noctis, whenever she receives the notebook from Umbra, smiles and touches it in a lovestruck manner, or in later scenes where she straight-up tells Gentiana and Ravus how she feels.

But it'd be even more effective if they showed us more of their relationship, so we can better appreciate why they're so attached to each other in the first place. That's why I think the single best addition they could make to the game would be full-length letters you receive from Luna, once per chapter, upon first resting for the night. This could go on for the first nine chapters of the game. Have Umbra deliver them.

If done well, these letters could show us the relationship shared by Noctis and Luna. We could see they've connected so well because they have innately understand each other, i.e. soulmates. We could see they're comfortable enough to really bare their souls and be emotionally vulnerable with each other. Like Noctis could express a sense of isolation, being the heir to the throne; he could confess his fears about his father's ailing health (something that would also help develop Noct's relationship with King Regis), and Luna could console him. These are just examples. The letters would ideally also show a lighter side of Luna —a warmth and sense of humor — and maybe even give us some of the mundane details of their day-to-day lives, so they feel like real people.

By having eight or nine letters of this sort, leading up to Luna's death, we'll feel like we know the relationship they share when it happens, and we'll feel the loss.

An addition like this would require good writing. Ideally, the letters would be fully voiced so we can squeeze in extra emotion. And ideally, we'd see letters both from Luna to Noctis and vice-versa, so we can see the back and forth. They could even have cutscenes showing the two characters reacting to the letters, making it clear they're in love.

The romantic in me would love something like this. But as it stands, there's still enough in the game to infer that the two characters care about each other. It'd just be more effective with more time given to their relationship.

Now, I don't agree with some of the video's other examples. Arriving in Gralea and seeing it gone to hell was still effective, especially since the game builds up to it with Aranea, radio broadcasts, etc, telling you the empire's gone to shit. This piqued my curiosity since the empire has been hounding my ass throughout the whole game, so from the outside they appear almost unstoppable, which makes it all the more amazing when you arrive in their capital and it's in tatters. Likewise, I disagree that Regis looking on during the ending lacks impact; it's true it'd be more impactful if we saw more of their relationship, but at the end of the day Noctis is still his son, so seeing his ghost unable to watch Noctis get stabbed to death was still amazing to me.

On a side note, I've been compiling a list of potential scenes they could add to provide more of the "moving parts" to the story. Like for example, maybe Gladio and/or Iris could have some flashbacks to Jared raising them as children, which I imagine he did being the family butler. A couple scenes like this, before and after Jared's death, would work wonders. (The ones after his death could even appear in Gladio's DLC, which will be between chapters 6 and 7.) Likewise, they could add a scene that shows the imperial general killing Jared, which would 1) show the empire are bad dudes, and 2) help develop the general you shadow before the fight with Aranea.

I also think they could replace the game's cold open (the flash-forward to Ifrit) with a scene better establishing the lore of the world (the gods, the crystal, the ring — make it grand like the opening to Dark Souls), and the threat posed by the empire, and then focusing on the relationship between Noctis and his father, so that when we see Regis wishing Noctis on his way, we feel a connection.

There's so much potential. If what we have is what we get, I still love the game's story, but in terms of how the story is tell, there are many additions they can make that would go a long way toward improving the overall tale.

I agree with your points and I am not surprised with the storyline difficulties thanks to Tabata's previous works. I still find the overall storyline of FFXV to be excellent and FF worthy regardless and even Tabata's lack of story telling skills could not screw it up. I have some faith the patches and DLCs will fix some of the issues but how much so remains to be seen. I also hope the right people are saying these needed things to Tabata because these complaints are so common in reviews and on message boards. Tabby says he is open to fan feedback...
Regarding yesterday's mistranslation, here is a better one from Mognet's @xXShuyaXx:
The 6 Gods, entities who watched over the world through the millennia.
The mythology that completes Eos speaks of six Gods. They are entities that bestowed powers upon Kings and Oracles. The six Gods created a shining ring that was passed down through generations as proof of the King, in turn their connection to the Royal Lucis family is profound.
They use a language unknown to ordinary man and the only beings able to directly communicate with the Gods are limited to beings like Oracles and envoys of the Gods.
In the legend regarding the Scar of Terupa(?)*, the battle of the remaining Gods, the [Great Demon War], it is said that the origin of the war resonated from the God of Flame Ifrits betrayal. However, it is not known in detail.

*Perhaps I missed it in-game. It says テルパの爪跡. Not sure what テルパ(terupa) means. Don't tell me though. I'll figure it out myself.​

This is an explanation in the lore. Not Tabata talking. Someone was trying really hard to stir up a storm.

In regards to the response to this from Japanese fans...

They are not flaming their pitchforks and flames at Tabata, but rather the half-assed explanation.
Though some are saying that this goes with the lore. Like this happened in the ancient times and the records of the legends were lost over the millennia resulting in missing details. Saying that this makes sense.
However some are also criticizing for the lack of explanation in character motives. Like what betrayal? Why a betrayal? When? How?

Think of it as what you want. But this has nothing to do with Tabata saying ''I didn't know''.​


Still expect GAF to blame Tabata on not knowing the answer for years to come...


Like it could have started with the bro's knocking on Noctis apartment to wake him up (that was shown in Brotherhood), saying farewell to your home, making your way through a small segment of the city and the characters perhaps reminiscing about pastimes in those locations as they say goodbye, gradually making your way to the palace whilst touching upon Nifelheim/commenting on how life will be different for Noctis from now on etc...

Reaching the palace, a flashback of Noctis and his father outside the palace, exploring the palace and flashbacks/dialogues amongst the various rooms and whatnot and then leading in to the scene at the beginning of the actual game.

Why was it so hard for them to think up something simple like this? Instead we know that they scrapped the original reworked opening because they didn't think it would be effective. I have no faith in the new writing team.

Writing, asset creation, motion capture, voice overs, polish, editing, lip syncing, timing, blah blah blah.

Also, Tabata saying "I don't know" is no different from the writer of a novel saying "I don't know". You can easily think up an immortal god character with human emotions and desires, but coming up with logical explanations and deeper motivations for such an inhuman thing isn't really easy to do. It's far easier to just be vague about it. No matter how specific you are about something like this, in the end someone will always be able to poke a hole in it somewhere.

It's kind of like asking the Bloodborne director, "Why do the Great Ones even bother with humanity in the first place". The actual answer in the game is so vague that it honestly renders the question unimportant. And a developer actually giving a canon definite answer to the question would inherently ruin the concept.
Gladio: Isn't it about time you made some headlines? (Speaking to Noctis)

Noctis: I'd rather be in the obituaries.

Man, this chapter 1 after camping conversation takes on whole new meaning now. :(

Edit: maybe not that much considered he has supposedly listed as one of the dead in the invasion. Made me think about his end for a moment though.
Personally speaking, this video sums up my major issues with the game's story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Bp-uNdefJo

Urgh, that is so depressingly on point. I honestly can't remember the last time I played a game that had so many continual basic set-up/pay-off issues with its story and characters, let alone an FF game. The Luna/Aerith, Ardyn+Empire+Iedolas/Kefka+Gestahl, and the World of Ruin comparisons are really accurate, and was the bare minimum I was expecting from XV if it wanted to use similar story concepts. I could understand these story beats not happening on screen if the game had entirely been from Noctis' POV, but it really wasn't. If it was all from Noctis' POV, the game still would have needed a lot of set-up and scenes to make it work well.

we could have had it allllllllllllll The groundwork for XV was so goddamn good, sigh.

The campfire scene is heartbreaking and satisfying all at once because of the amount of time we've spent with these characters, I loved it. The scene with the empty camping chairs (well, empty Coleman camping chairs) was a gut punch, too. I found Regis delivering the final blow on Noctis to be brutal, but my context was their dynamic from Brotherhood, and Regis' self-sacrifice in Kingslgaive. The dynamic between Noctis and Regis in Brotherhood is genuinely raw, nuanced, and believable, especially in the Ignis episode. I found the writing for Brotherhood to be a lot more satisfying that XV, which is a bit depressing.

Regarding yesterday's mistranslation, here is a better one from Mognet's @xXShuyaXx:
The 6 Gods, entities who watched over the world through the millennia.
The mythology that completes Eos speaks of six Gods. They are entities that bestowed powers upon Kings and Oracles. The six Gods created a shining ring that was passed down through generations as proof of the King, in turn their connection to the Royal Lucis family is profound.
They use a language unknown to ordinary man and the only beings able to directly communicate with the Gods are limited to beings like Oracles and envoys of the Gods.
In the legend regarding the Scar of Terupa(?)*, the battle of the remaining Gods, the [Great Demon War], it is said that the origin of the war resonated from the God of Flame Ifrits betrayal. However, it is not known in detail.

That's great, thank you for linking. I love the mythology for XV, it's still mystical and grandiose, but still grounded. I wish we'd gotten a few more hints via Ardyn and his backstory, it's all really intriguing. It's a bit of an hilarious comparison, but I loved the dynamics and personality clashes between the summons in WoFF, I wish we got a few more hints for XV's. I did like that the Astrals in XV needed to be subtitled for the player, though, it made their cutscenes quite intimidating.​
Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God.

I am almost at the end of Pitioss, and apparently I managed to find a place that, if you die in it, sends you all the way back to the mother fucking beginning. I've been playing this dungeon for 4 hours, I just want to be done and now I've had to make my way through all of it again. This just went from being "fun, but challenging" to "holy shit I am cry".


Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God.

I am almost at the end of Pitioss, and apparently I managed to find a place that, if you die in it, sends you all the way back to the mother fucking beginning. I've been playing this dungeon for 4 hours, I just want to be done and now I've had to make my way through all of it again. This just went from being "fun, but challenging" to "holy shit I am cry".

Yep, same thing happened to me...


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'd play Final Fantasy XV-0: The Scourge of Ifrit
Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God.

I am almost at the end of Pitioss, and apparently I managed to find a place that, if you die in it, sends you all the way back to the mother fucking beginning. I've been playing this dungeon for 4 hours, I just want to be done and now I've had to make my way through all of it again. This just went from being "fun, but challenging" to "holy shit I am cry".

How did you die?


Junior Member
I seriously love the story in this game. So much so that I'm a bit baffled by how a number of fans seem down on it.

I agree with you. It's a weird feeling though since I'm actually really disappointed by things that could've and should've been in the game but I'm still satisfied with what's there. I guess all the potential the world has it what keeps me interested. I love reading all the details from these guides coming out and people patching things together. I'm a big fan of the Souls and classic RE style of storytelling (that is through in game notes, items, and fan theories, etc.) so maybe that's why I can give this stuff a pass too, whatever is in my head will always be better than what's shown to me. the bromance was 100% nailed though and that's all I really wanted with the game to begin with.


Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God.

I am almost at the end of Pitioss, and apparently I managed to find a place that, if you die in it, sends you all the way back to the mother fucking beginning. I've been playing this dungeon for 4 hours, I just want to be done and now I've had to make my way through all of it again. This just went from being "fun, but challenging" to "holy shit I am cry".

er i mean you get to open up shortcuts so it shouldn't be that bad


I seriously love the story in this game. So much so that I'm a bit baffled by how a number of fans seem down on it.

The quality of the lore is significantly better than the quality of the game's storytelling. The game has too much to say but didn't have enough time to say it. I suppose they knew this would be the case, which is where Kingsglaive / Brotherhood came from.

If this were 1997-2000, then Brotherhood and Kingsglaive would have been a part of the game itself, and as playable sections or at least cutscenes. But the circumstances surrounding XV just didn't allow that to be possible.

I'd argue that FFXIII has this exact same issue. But the lore/setting surrounding XIII didn't feel anywhere close to as well thought-out as XV's does. I feel like this game's lore could be XIV levels of deep but we'll probably never see it without a sequel or large expansion, which likely isn't happening.


er i mean you get to open up shortcuts so it shouldn't be that bad

Yeah, when you actually are almost done the dungeon and have opened up all the shortcuts popping back to the start is at worst a minor inconvenience. I had that happen like 5 times and I didn't think it ruined anything nor did it frustrate me a crazy amount :S


I was so wired into Pitoss...

I know I spent like 3-4 hours in there, but i was so fucking surprised at what the hell was happening that I couldn't stop playing

It went from 'Final Fantasy' to 'OG Tomb Raider' to 'SUPER MEAT BOY' and the platforming design eventually got so insane that i legitimately began to wonder if i was playing it correctly

And when i realized that i was, I decided it was the best dungeon i've ever touched in an FF game, hands down
Its a shame that game had so much potential, but squanders it because they want to sell DLC. I was actually frustrated I didn't care as much as the game wanted me to at the ending. This is an unpopular opinion, but the four guy's relationship is shallow. I can see the potential there but its not fully realized. So many characters disappear throughout the game and are just told about in dialogue.

Noctis ascending the throne is not as strong because he doesn't really go through the development to make that feel stronger. That whole section entirely is weird because nobody sees that effected that they've been living in an Apocalypse for years. This game was strange, there were times when I loved it and too many times I was downright frustrated at it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Its a shame that game had so much potential, but squanders it because they want to sell DLC.
That's not at all the reason why the game feels like it has chunks missing.

The DLC is all extra, with scenes added late in development to accommodate it. If anything was cut, I bet it was bits of Altissia set aside for Ignis.

I'm not defending the bad storytelling, but it exists because of the game's complicated history. Switching directors, lack of cohesive vision in the early days, revealing things to the public way too early, rushed to release date (despite being announced ten years prior), weird PR cycle once Tabata took over, etc. etc.

I'm in the good lore/bad storytelling camp.


Holy monkey! I just got stabbed by one of those Yojimbos, Cloud Strife style! :O

I love the enemy special attacks in this game. So brutal. I wish Noctis had a way to trigger some of his own without requiring a parry.

Speaking of which...is it just me, or did they remove the E3 Demo / Platinum Demo iron giant parry where he blocks the sword? I havent triggered it once in the actual game.


I love the enemy special attacks in this game. So brutal. I wish Noctis had a way to trigger some of his own without requiring a parry.

Speaking of which...is it just me, or did they remove the E3 Demo / Platinum Demo iron giant parry where he blocks the sword? I havent triggered it once in the actual game.

Both are in the game. The E3 2013 and the Platinum demo ones.

I've definitely gotten the Plat demo one, and I remember the freakout that happened when someone found the E3 2013 one in the Judgement demo (which was just the first hour of the full game, so its def. there)

You need a greatsword for both.

Actually I found a youtube vid of the E3 one:


Both are in the game. The E3 2013 and the Platinum demo ones.

I've definitely gotten the Plat demo one, and I remember the freakout that happened when someone found the E3 2013 one in the Judgement demo (which was just the first hour of the full game, so its def. there)

You need a greatsword for both.

Actually I found a youtube vid of the E3 one:

Ah. I knew from PD that I needed the greatsword equipped. But I guess it's a distance thing, because I always get the one where he jumps ontop of the sword, runs and blasts his face.

Sexy shit


Ah. I knew from PD that I needed the greatsword equipped. But I guess it's a distance thing, because I always get the one where he jumps ontop of the sword, runs and blasts his face.

Sexy shit

oh, the one you're describing is for red giants. Iron giants don't have that parry iirc.

Iron Giants and Red Giants don't share parries :p


the core FNC concept: "Etro grants power (Chaos) to the dying souls when they cross to the world of the dead (unseen world)" seems to be still somewhat intact in the game.

Notics has to be stabbed to get power when going to the after life world.


oh, yeah. I just beat the regular one's asses pretty early on and they just gave up and started sending the red ones after me.

Never should have let me practice on PD.

the core FNC concept: "Etro grants power (Chaos) to the dying souls when they cross to the world of the dead (unseen world)" seems to be still somewhat intact in the game.

Notics has to be stabbed to get power when going to the after life world.

I can't really remember...is Etro ever a thing in FFXIII before Lighting Returns?

Because people always bring up her lore, but i barely remember her being a thing in XIII-2 and she was practically non-existent in XIII.

So when lighting fell down the rabbit hole in XIII-2 i was at a complete and total loss
Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God.

I am almost at the end of Pitioss, and apparently I managed to find a place that, if you die in it, sends you all the way back to the mother fucking beginning. I've been playing this dungeon for 4 hours, I just want to be done and now I've had to make my way through all of it again. This just went from being "fun, but challenging" to "holy shit I am cry".

Look around, you should be able to find your way back, you don't have to go through the whole dungeon again

It happened to me

Watch this video, it shows how to get back to where you need to go! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz1O2J0Wxlk
That's not at all the reason why the game feels like it has chunks missing.

The DLC is all extra, with scenes added late in development to accommodate it. If anything was cut, I bet it was bits of Altissia set aside for Ignis.

I'm not defending the bad storytelling, but it exists because of the game's complicated history. Switching directors, lack of cohesive vision in the early days, revealing things to the public way too early, rushed to release date (despite being announced ten years prior), weird PR cycle once Tabata took over, etc. etc.

I'm in the good lore/bad storytelling camp.

Definitely there is good lore. I agree with the points made above that there is some good history in this world. Just not really realized in the game itself.
Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God.

I am almost at the end of Pitioss, and apparently I managed to find a place that, if you die in it, sends you all the way back to the mother fucking beginning. I've been playing this dungeon for 4 hours, I just want to be done and now I've had to make my way through all of it again. This just went from being "fun, but challenging" to "holy shit I am cry".

i'm in there since last night =)


Junior Member
Both are in the game. The E3 2013 and the Platinum demo ones.

I've definitely gotten the Plat demo one, and I remember the freakout that happened when someone found the E3 2013 one in the Judgement demo (which was just the first hour of the full game, so its def. there)

You need a greatsword for both.

Actually I found a youtube vid of the E3 one:

Awesome. Going to be fishing for that one soon :p
I was thinking about this today - regarding the mass-media approach to Final Fantasy XV, with "Kingsglaive", "Brotherhood" and the DLC's - this isn't the first time this has happened ... look at "The Matrix" sequels.

When "The Matrix Reloaded" came out, there was a video game called "Enter the Matrix" that filled in plot holes and side-stories featured as elements in the film. There was also a movie that featured a collection of Anime and CG segments that filled in other narrative aspects called "The Animatrix". What Square-Enix has done for Final Fantasy XV is nothing new; if you go back to the Matrix sequels, it was the same mass-media approach used to fill you in on several different things that happened off-screen.


oh, yeah. I just beat the regular one's asses pretty early on and they just gave up and started sending the red ones after me.

Never should have let me practice on PD.

I can't really remember...is Etro ever a thing in FFXIII before Lighting Returns?

Because people always bring up her lore, but i barely remember her being a thing in XIII-2 and she was practically non-existent in XIII.

So when lighting fell down the rabbit hole in XIII-2 i was at a complete and total loss

Yeah FFXIII didn't focus on Etro. It put more weight on Pulse and Lindzei trying to find entrance to the unseen world (the gate indeed opened at the end of the game). But Etro was the one who sent Summons to the l'Cies.

that's why VersusXIII was so fascinating and key to the FNC mytho. It might actually show the part where she gives power to the dying people as stated in the FNC cartoon. This actually makes perfect sense. Etro and her world of dead is the "VERSUS" to the normal world and gods.


Just listening to the FFVII OST now and all it takes is listening to the old OSTs to quickly realize just how far both XIII and XV are in reaching the heights of those games. When I listened to the older OSTs after completing XIII I came to the same realization.

So much time in the older games was dedicated to building smaller areas, with NPCs and quirky atmosphere. In both XIII and XV the entire narrative push is spent on serious plot lines continuously pushing you forward, with the restbite being swapped for battles. Modern FF still feels too watered down.
Watching a YouTube video of someone fighting Ravus... It's such a damn waste that SE didn't structure his development like Vergil from DMC. Rival bad guy who's fought several times throughout the course of the game, and who grows alongside you in strength. The final fight, when he's transformed, could have been so amazing. He would use familiar moves that we know already but are also distorted or altered because of his transformation. :/ Could have been so epic and emotional. As it is right now, barely knew the guy.

You know something went wrong when DMC3's characters have more development than an FF game's lol.


Watching a YouTube video of someone fighting Ravus... It's such a damn waste that SE didn't structure his development like Vergil from DMC. Rival bad guy who's fought several times throughout the course of the game, and who grows alongside you in strength. The final fight, when he's transformed, could have been so amazing. He would use familiar moves that we know already but are also distorted or altered because of his transformation. :/ Could have been so epic and emotional. As it is right now, barely knew the guy.

You know something went wrong when DMC3's characters have more development than an FF game's lol.

Makes me wonder. Did the team really just run out of time? Or were they just incompetent and didn't know what to do with the time they had. Probably a bit of both.
Makes me wonder. Did the team really just run out of time? Or were they just incompetent and didn't know what to do with the time they had. Probably a bit of both.
My question for them is, how on Earth did they have so few cutscenes in that 3-year development time? Wtf were the cinematics team doing?

Ravus was robbed.


Junior Member
Watching a YouTube video of someone fighting Ravus... It's such a damn waste that SE didn't structure his development like Vergil from DMC. Rival bad guy who's fought several times throughout the course of the game, and who grows alongside you in strength. The final fight, when he's transformed, could have been so amazing. He would use familiar moves that we know already but are also distorted or altered because of his transformation. :/ Could have been so epic and emotional. As it is right now, barely knew the guy.

You know something went wrong when DMC3's characters have more development than an FF game's lol.

Yep. Ravus is such a cool character design, some awesome fights could have been centered around him. It's not like they don't know how to do a DMC like fight w either since they had the great one with Aranea. A lot of wasted potential with him, hope the new cutscenes do him some justice.


Watching a YouTube video of someone fighting Ravus... It's such a damn waste that SE didn't structure his development like Vergil from DMC. Rival bad guy who's fought several times throughout the course of the game, and who grows alongside you in strength. The final fight, when he's transformed, could have been so amazing. He would use familiar moves that we know already but are also distorted or altered because of his transformation. :/ Could have been so epic and emotional. As it is right now, barely knew the guy.

You know something went wrong when DMC3's characters have more development than an FF game's lol.

I thought we'd get that. Rogues gallery once they had the empire cutscenes I was like. Oh snap we gotta take down 4-5 of these guys? Gonna be dope.

Then I played chapter 10-15 and was like.

Tabata. Bro.


Kingsglaive Ravus and Ingame Ravus are like two completely different characters. It makes sense that he suddenly realized that he was on the wrong team, but the transition between his movie appearance and his game self is too jarring.

Watching Kingsglaive today again made me realize that the movie just goes in another direction that is not followed in the game. It's not because they wanted it to be standalone, it almost feels like they made the movie to connect with another game. Like they wrote the movie while the game was still getting rewrites.


Makes me wonder. Did the team really just run out of time? Or were they just incompetent and didn't know what to do with the time they had. Probably a bit of both.

Its probably a bit of both, but I'm willing to blame both time and marketing. Too much effort was made in making stuff that wasn't in the game and altering scenes to use for promo.

My question for them is, how on Earth did they have so few cutscenes in that 3-year development time? Wtf were the cinematics team doing?

Ravus was robbed.

Honestly there were probably a lot of cutscene in scenarios that were cut due to time or some other reason. Honestly if you look at chapters 11 and 12, there are scenes that aren't cutscenes but hearken back to how final fantasy used to convey story. Stuff like when you can't control the camera, and the bros talk about nif's killing of the gods or even the haunting moment of seeing Shiva's dead face and even that talk with Talcott in the truck. I wanted way more of stuff like that than regular cutscenes. And I bet there probably was, but stuff like Tenebrae and the World of Ruin were basically cut, and that sucks. The second half does some really nice things in trying to adapt old-school FF story telling into a modern FF game, but it ends up being not enough.

But then you get the scene with the secretary where its nothing but stock lazy face movement during a pivotal scene so it just looked lazy and nothing more. We also know that the second half of chapters was the main reason why the game was delayed

I honestly think there was a problem of focusing on open world stuff for the first half, and the second half was where they ran out of time.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I was thinking about this today - regarding the mass-media approach to Final Fantasy XV, with "Kingsglaive", "Brotherhood" and the DLC's - this isn't the first time this has happened ... look at "The Matrix" sequels.

When "The Matrix Reloaded" came out, there was a video game called "Enter the Matrix" that filled in plot holes and side-stories featured as elements in the film. There was also a movie that featured a collection of Anime and CG segments that filled in other narrative aspects called "The Animatrix". What Square-Enix has done for Final Fantasy XV is nothing new; if you go back to the Matrix sequels, it was the same mass-media approach used to fill you in on several different things that happened off-screen.

They were doing that close to the same time with the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII as well. It's really not anything knew. Don't know why anyone would think it was. "Polymorphic content" was the buzzword at the time.
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