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GI.biz: "Wii U less powerful than PS3, Xbox 360, developers say"


One of THESE threads, huh?


Some devs have said it's comparable. Others have said it's better, by varying degrees. It's non-finalized hardware, and these are the error bars.


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I'd really like to know what position the unnamed quote came from, even if they can't reveal the company.

Because, you know, a QA Manager probably has less insight into technical capabilities than a Technical Artist or Graphics Programmer.

The quote could be entirely true based on Nintendo not having very good APIs available, or if, say, they were using middleware that didn't support whatever tech the WiiU has yet (as there is a world of difference between 'we don't have drivers to use those shaders yet' and 'those shaders aren't present at a hardware level').

Not sure if serious?

As with most consoles, you can make these "in engine" scenes look fantastic, but the full game never gets very close to that.

Nintendo historically don't bullshot or quote theoretical performance maximums, preferring to show actual real time engine capabilities and quote real world performance values.

This has also had the tendency to bite them in the arse from a PR point of view. There are still people out there who believe the PS2 was more powerful than the GC.
If this is a troll article for April's Fools, which I imagine it is, it's poor. He should've just claimed that it's two Wii's duct taped together.

If this is a legitimate article, which I doubt, it's poorly written and anonymous developer has no weight considering devs like Darksiders 2 have claimed otherwise. The fact that Epic, a company that has not been able to match their style of gaming to Nintendo hardware is now saying they can make games for Wii U also debunks this.

It was posted April 2nd, so not April Fools. And the writer quotes more than one developer saying the same thing. So either multiple sources are in cahoots to feed this guy the same fake story or GI International/Eurogamer are publishing a story totally fabricated inhouse that could be totally discredited at E3 if not sooner, if its not true. Why would do they do that to their reputation?


The 'H' stands for hentai.
The moment this thread pooped up I knew it would be comedy gold.

Thank you NeoGAF for living up to my expectations :D

Considering that Nintendo could easily get a low end variant of current generation cards for about the same price as PS3/360 (or lower) due to economies of scale I seriously doubt they will do it.


I almost want it to be true just to see the anger from everyone. It would certainly be embarrassing though. 7 years later and they still can't match 360/ps3 power? Insane.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
It all depends on the price-point they are going for, and I don't believe that's been disclosed yet.

Ninty could, and in my estimation should, be aiming for as low a price-point as possible.
$249 for example.

Thing is, they need to support the additional cost of the tablet controller as part of the cost, and that's going to add a little bit over the normal, also, there's whatever onboard storage medium to add to the price.

Bottom line is why should Nintendo push the boat out on the cpu/gpu when other aspects are more likely to play into its whole product differentiation strategy? They won this generation with a piece of hardware significantly less graphically powerful, so why should they suddenly change their approach?
For me (and I'm probably the only one here on gaf), the less powerful the better. I don't want to pay over 300 bucks to play nintendo games.

This is a newer more aggressive Nintendo. From a drastic price drop, to securing major japanese exclusives, to throwing their money around making sure Mario came out last year. They do what needs to be done. I totally see them willing to sell it at a loss or close to it to get that valuable hardware/mindshare lead.
I don't mind this as long as it's cheap. I refuse to pay a cent over $299.99 for a video game system.

Also aside from the Kinect launch party and a handful of times with my husband's system, I've never played a 360 or PS3 so the graphics will probably wow me regardless.


Let's just jump to the "less powerful than Commodore 64" and be done with this nonsense.

you haven't made it until we get to "jumped up abacus"

This is a newer more aggressive Nintendo. From a drastic price drop, to securing major japanese exclusives, to throwing their money around making sure Mario came out last year. They do what needs to be done. I totally see them willing to sell it at a loss or close to it to get that valuable hardware/mindshare lead.

well, they could offset it all a fair bit with extremely modest spec - let's face it, the machine doesn't really need to be much better than the X360/PS3. I personally think it'll be better, but the reality is it could be on par and it really doesn't matter - as long as we finally get Nintendo franchises in HD then i'm fine with that (i'm lying here - i'm -not- totally fine with it but i'm prepared to deal with the reality that is Nintendo's recent approach to the market). However, a killer move would be if they've went with a modest spec -and- they're going to throw this out at an insane price like $199/Y19800 - we're talking insta-purchase for -everyone-.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Well, the 3DS was more powerful than the PSP but less than the Vita. Probably some where in that window? Though I still think the "power" argument is a foolish one. What I saw looked fun.


I almost want it to be true just to see the anger from everyone. It would certainly be embarrassing though. 7 years later and they still can't match 360/ps3 power? Insane.

Nintnedo's first party games have some of the best art direction in the industry, and even a small increase in hardware power is a welcome change as far as I'm concerned. Heck, look at the Dolphin thread.


So either multiple sources are in cahoots to feed this guy the same fake story or GI International/Eurogamer are publishing a story totally fabricated inhouse that could be totally discredited at E3 if not sooner, if its not true. Why would do they do that to their reputation?

You can make this exact same argument for any leak or rumor.


It was posted April 2nd, so not April Fools. And the writer quotes more than one developer saying the same thing. So either multiple sources are in cahoots to feed this guy the same fake story or GI International/Eurogamer are publishing a story totally fabricated inhouse that could be totally discredited at E3 if not sooner, if its not true. Why would do they do that to their reputation?
Because they're not risking anything by saying "anonymous sources".
Even when said anonymous sources sound like 12 years old talking about "powerful graphics" and "less shaders".

So, it was anonymous, it was a rumor; in a few months everyone will forget..and those that don't; they'll just reiterate that "it was a source" and move on.


The fact that Epic, a company that has not been able to match their style of gaming to Nintendo hardware is now saying they can make games for Wii U also debunks this.

Playing devil's advocate, but Epic's lack of support for earlier Nintendo hardware has been due to shader limitations, not their "style of gaming." And they could certainly pull off UE3 on hardware less capable than PS3/360 (see: iOS).


these developers are ridiculous man. every freakin week something different. and why do they have to down play it that much? LESS powerful? they're full of crap.


Well, the 3DS was more powerful than the PSP but less than the Vita. Probably some where in that window? Though I still think the "power" argument is a foolish one. What I saw looked fun.

I like you, John Harker. You seem like a swell guy, John Harker.


With a full use of the controller (not just displaying a shitty map or something) I can totally see that happening.


Oh well. At least it should have more than 512 MB of RAM which still gives me hope for getting better textures in PC versions of the PS3/360/WiiU/PC multiplatform titles.


Nintnedo's first party games have some of the best art direction in the industry, and even a small increase in hardware power is a welcome change as far as I'm concerned. Heck, look at the Dolphin thread.

Using Dolphin as the bar is only going to disappoint. That's a HUGE increase in piower. Those beautiful Dolphin screenshots are taken in 1080p and people play those games 1080p 60 fps. The WiiU won't be.

You can't confuse a fan made emulator with Nintendo. Please don't say "Well Dolphin looks this good so WiiU must too!" because that's just not true.


Compare God of War 3 gif with the Wii U Zelda gif. I think GOW3 looks way better...

And I think Super Mario Galaxy looks better than 95% of PS3 and 360 games. What's your point?

Using Dolphin as the bar is only going to disappoint. That's a HUGE increase in piower. Those beautiful Dolphin screenshots are taken in 1080p and people play those games 1080p 60 fps. The WiiU won't be.

You can't confuse a fan made emulator with Nintendo. Please don't say "Well Dolphin looks this good so WiiU must too!" because that's just not true.

I was more talking about the quality of their art assets, but I still disagree with you.


360 has 48 shader units(unified), going by cost/value/time I simply cant see AMD put out something weaker then that really in 2012.


Pedantry time!

Either they're speaking to people who are terrible at *grammar*, or they're people who are ignorant.

"The graphics are just not as powerful," reiterated the source.
This statement would never be said in this form by anyone who understands graphics hardware.
You'd say "The graphic hardware isn't as powerful". "The graphics are just not as powerful" isn't actually a meaningful sentence. Yes, I know it's something we all said as kids, but, well, we're not kids any more, and I'd hope the speaker is an adult too.

"There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable. Sure, some things are better, mostly as a result of it being a more modern design. But overall the Wii U just can't quite keep up."
Shaders are a coding construct. You don't have a finite number of them. I can see that they might mean shader *units*... but that's a different term.

That said... it's quite possible to be an experienced graphical developer *and* ignorant of correct grammatical constructs!
Nintendo can simply rely on brand recognition. They don't have to release cutting edge consoles or handhelds. How about them Pokemon games eh?


these developers are ridiculous man. every freakin week something different. and why do they have to down play it that much? LESS powerful? they're full of crap.

People only find things interesting when they're embellished and hyperbolized. If you're this upset over this article though you probably bail out of any WiiU thread until launch.
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