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GTA V PC Trailer (60 FPS)


...was the bottleneck purely in the GPU?

Also. They're recommending a GTX 660 when it comes to the GPU. I recon that a 970 which is so much more powerful will destroy it. It should in all honesty. Considering that the PS4 version runs really stable at 30fps (It does. The drops in the middle of the city are minor and even during heavy explosions it's very stable. That said I'm not saying that it doesn't drop at certain times.) Hands down confident that a 970 and a i5 2500K with some overclocking (if needed at all) will run this at 60fps or more @ 1080p.


Then why conflate the idea that people's exact dissonance with regards to either is a symptom of ignorance regarding games? Surely you actually recognize that tangible aesthetic quality exists purely in regards to visuals in any other instance, right?

Stop arguing.

This isn't a subjective topic.

Our eyes aren't measure in framerates, but if they were, a healthy set of eyes would measure way over 120 FPS. What you and others are saying here is that a 60 FPS games looks more unrealistic than a 30 FPS game, when our eyes see real life in much higher frames than 60 FPS. They're not saying that they subjectively prefer a cinematic feel. But that 60 FPS doesn't mimic real life.

The only way that this is physically possible, is if one has a physical disability.

So, within that contexts, these shit posts bring me to two conclusions:

A. There are people with an ocular disability that literally slows down time for their eyes.


B. People are being hypocritical/shit-posting.

I'm leaning towards B...


Neo Member
Locked 30fps is nothing terrible, but if somebody tries to play a game that has a lot of shooting with manual aiming in 30 fps and then in 60 and then says that 30 is better then I just can't wrap my head around it. I play games to play them, not watch them, and aiming in 60 fps is just so much more precise it's not even a contest.

I recently found that extremely noticeable in AC Unity when I upgraded my GPU and was able to play in mostly 60 fps. The difference is staggering.

Locked 30 is still better than fluctuating 30-60 though, IMO.

Completely agreed. I vastly prefer bloodborne's (mostly) locked 30 as opposed to dark souls 2 on ps3, which went anywhere from 30-50 in a single area, it was ridiculous.
Cool down? Bit of a stretch.

I'm sorry, have you been reading the rest of the thread? It's hard to figure out who's being serious or not, I mean there are a lot of odd one's around.

(Nice quick edit:p)

Yes, yes, I edited it because it wasn't an appropriate response. Sorry. It must have been within seconds of posting it.


formerly sane
I know you are trying to be funny but this kind of parody post can derail threads.

You have to know at this point he's joking the only people who get fooled are the ones he's trolling out.

He literally gives it away with a few details all the time.


Are you actually serious right now? Do you even play games on a PC and Console?
There are so many titles that consoles run at 30 which PC's are unrestricted and up to the users hardware, pushing 60fps.

No, he is not. He always trolls threads like this to get reactions from people. :p
Real life can only see 30fps though!

That "argument" only really crops up if it's only the PC that gets to have the framerate cap at 60 or more.

None of the people shouting "unrealistic!!" would be doing so if GTA V was 60 FPS on current-gen consoles.


Also. They're recommending a GTX 660 when it comes to the GPU. I recon that a 970 which is so much more powerful will destroy it. It should in all honesty. Considering that the PS4 version runs really stable at 30fps (It does. The drops in the middle of the city are minor and even during heavy explosions it's very stable. That said I'm not saying that it doesn't drop at certain times.) Hands down confident that a 970 and a i5 2500K with some overclocking (if needed at all) will run this at 60fps or more @ 1080p.

The problem is that recommended is meaningless without context. We don't know what did they target with the recommended requirements, it's very rarely stipulated.


I recently found that extremely noticeable in AC Unity when I upgraded my GPU and was able to play in mostly 60 fps. The difference is staggering.

Locked 30 is still better than fluctuating 30-60 though, IMO.

You can also try playing a game at your preferred settings and taking a note of the minimum framerate. Say it's 45 FPS. You could then set your refresh rate to around that and cap it as well (or use adaptive vsync). Not sure if there's any downside to this but I didn't notice any from trying it myself at 48Hz/fps.


60 fps at "ultra" is a luxury, for now. Those who can afford it might or might not like it, but we should not forget that it is a choice too. You can limit your framerate to 30 if you so desire. I don't see a problem here unless you live in a bubble and are against freedom of choice. Leave it to people and their choice of hardware and preferences.

30 fps usually does not hinder your enjoyment unless you have been exposed to 60 and are used to it. Yes, you could say people who are used to 60 at Ultra/4K know better, but that does not mean that their overall experience will be.

However, I still believe there are platforms that require more than 60 fps to work properly, like VR.


formerly sane
Locked 30 is still better than fluctuating 30-60 though, IMO.

Very few in here are saying otherwise

So there's no more disagreement

Locked 60fps+ (lightboost, gsync 144/120hz) > Locked60fps >Locked 30fps

sadly consoles even in the case of this game can't gaurantee 30fps locked while stable counts some of here do not want to be driving downtown with the dips any of the consoles still have.

Anything locked I don't mind but when performance starts getting moderately to very inconsistent I take offense no matter the fps rate.


Absolutely fantastic. Can't praise this enough. Looking forward to it enormously!
I hope it is as polished and bug free as possible. I think the delays have been worth it...


No, he is not. He always trolls threads like this to get reactions from people. :p

To be fair I skipped over the Chris bit, but as another poster said I can't be expected to know every single member's "shtick" and if anything that 20 years on the internet has taught me is that half the time a lot of these people are serious.
I could never intentionally pretend to look like an idiot on a forum, I mean I might actual be one at some point in time but I won't pretend to be :p

I'll stop here so it doesn't derail too much more.


lol @ the film comparisons

24 FPS was used in films because it was the cheapest they could go while keeping acceptable motion. After years and years of this it's been cemented as the standard and any deviation would seem awkward to the audience and not worthwhile to film-makers. There is no way 60 FPS is not objectively better than 30 FPS in video games. Better input feedback and more information on the screen are things that highly benefit games. You can sacrifice it for other things but this mindset that 30 FPS is ever better all other things equal is some funny shit to me and I can only assume comes out of people that hardly play 60 FPS games.


Locked 30 is still better than fluctuating 30-60 though, IMO.

I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

Personally I'm perfectly happy with 50 to 60, so long as it's mostly at the latter rather than the former. It's ok to drop briefly ino the high 40's during non-criticla times too. But not below that during gameplay ever. This is assuming tripple buffered Vsync.

If you have something like the blessed gift of G-sync, then that playable area stretched a bit. I've tried G-sync and having a variable frame rate between 40 to 60 feels like 50-60 with traditional v-sync to me.


I have a bad feeling about modding. Like rockstar is going to clamp down on it pretty hard solely for the fact that they have a huge investment into their GTA Online brand.


Stop arguing.

This isn't a subjective topic.

Our eyes aren't measure in framerates, but if they were, a healthy set of eyes would measure way over 120 FPS. What you and others are saying here is that a 60 FPS games looks more unrealistic than a 30 FPS game, when our eyes see real life in much higher frames than 60 FPS. They're not saying that they subjectively prefer a cinematic feel. But that 60 FPS doesn't mimic real life.


Did you quote the wrong post, because you seem to have missed the crux of anything resembling what I've saying, especially if you're lumping anything I've been saying to any other post in regards to framerate. I don't give two shits about how people attribute framerate to whatever their 'perception' of something that looks 'realistic' or however they want to quantify what they see. I'm saying that people automatically, internally overlook the visual aesthetic because the precedent for gameplay obviously outweighs it, despite the fact that in any other instance, it's instantly the most dissonance driving aspect of any other medium you take in visually. It's not very complicated, you're trying too hard if you're reading into this under the assumption people think it'd be better if it ran at 30fps.


My question
Who cares? I can enjoy games at 30 and 60
The console hate in this thread is too damn high imho

The console hate?? It's been nothing but console gamers thread shitting or downplaying 60 FPS or making othewrise rather ignorant comments.

Maybe you just mispelled "PC envy"?
Looks fucking fantastic. The time is almost here.

My question
Who cares? I can enjoy games at 30 and 60
The console hate in this thread is too damn high imho

yo I'm done acting under anything besides the pretense that 'console' dudes bring it upon themselves in these threads. because 99 percent of the time that's just how it is. someone posts something really dumb, and the whole thread becomes a dumpster fire, because people jump in to corroborate and act like their vapid surface observations borne of ignorance and agendas are worth something
I think that's generally what dudes want when they're sharing asinine sentiments like 'wow too smoof', they just want to leave their mark on the thread and boy does it work



Why isn't this .GIF 60fps?


You can also try playing a game at your preferred settings and taking a note of the minimum framerate. Say it's 45 FPS. You could then set your refresh rate to around that and cap it as well (or use adaptive vsync). Not sure if there's any downside to this but I didn't notice any from trying it myself at 48Hz/fps.

Not all games let you set a custom refresh rate like that. I'd go mad if I had to use my PC at anything below 60Hz, and changing it every time you launch a game is too much of a hassle.
Unless there's a tool for that. Never really thought about it.


The problem is that recommended is meaningless without context. We don't know what did they target with the recommended requirements, it's very rarely stipulated.

My guess is that assumes it's pretty much maxed out at 1080p, but at stable 30fps.
A 660 is a 660. For an open world like in GTAV I don't think it pushes much more.
So based on that I'm guessing a 970 will do 60fps with the same settings assumption.


Worships the porcelain goddess
My question
Who cares? I can enjoy games at 30 and 60
The console hate in this thread is too damn high imho

I haven't seen many consoles mentioned in this thread. Just framerates.

It just so happens that this has only been on consoles with low framerates. So, it's okay if you attempt to put two and two together, but its not my fault as a PC gamer that the only way to get this at 60 FPS+ is on this platform.


That "argument" only really crops up if it's only the PC that gets to have the framerate cap at 60 or more.

None of the people shouting "unrealistic!!" would be doing so if GTA V was 60 FPS on current-gen consoles.

I've been told there were similar arguments on GAF concerning the difference between 720p and 1080p being non-existant back in the 360/ps3 days, and here we are now where even 900p is getting blasted. Things won't change until it is the norm on a console


I have a bad feeling about modding. Like rockstar is going to clamp down on it pretty hard solely for the fact that they have a huge investment into their GTA Online brand.

People managed to mod 'rape' into the last-gen versions of GTA Online.

So whilst modding shouldn't be impossible I'm sure Rockstar will do whatever they can to suffocate that development environment.


Neo Member
My question
Who cares? I can enjoy games at 30 and 60
The console hate in this thread is too damn high imho

You mean console gamers coming into a PC thread and shit posting? Then when PC gamers reply explaining how 60fps is better and isn't comparable to film they are bad mouthing consoles?


Stop arguing.

This isn't a subjective topic.

Our eyes aren't measure in framerates, but if they were, a healthy set of eyes would measure way over 120 FPS. What you and others are saying here is that a 60 FPS games looks more unrealistic than a 30 FPS game, when our eyes see real life in much higher frames than 60 FPS. They're not saying that they subjectively prefer a cinematic feel. But that 60 FPS doesn't mimic real life.

The only way that this is physically possible, is if one has a physical disability.

So, within that contexts, these shit posts bring me to two conclusions:

A. There are people with an ocular disability that literally slows down time for their eyes.


B. People are being hypocritical/shit-posting.

I'm leaning towards B...

I can't believe posts like this are necessary, but nice job dude.


I've been told there were similar arguments on GAF concerning the difference between 720p and 1080p being non-existant back in the 360/ps3 days, and here we are now where even 900p is getting blasted. Things won't change until it is the norm on a console

Just a couple years ago, people were claiming they couldn't tell the difference from 720p and 1080p from their couch.
Now there are hundred page threads arguing the difference between 1080 and 900p.

2gb 560 ti enough?

Yes, but won't be maxing out. May have to make some frame rate considerations at 1080p


...Okay. Is anyone else getting a feeling of "eh" from the trailer? I wanted them to expand a bit on the "range of major visual and technical upgrades" that the PC version has. It's just panning over randomly selected scenes. Oh, but it's at 60 FPS, so that makes it special, even though the trailer says fuck-all about the version of the game people have been waiting to play for nearly a year since it's initial announcement.
I'm loving that track.

I quit this game on the PS3 just because the load times were unbearable.

I'll double dip and get it for the PC. Should've just waited.


My guess is that assumes it's pretty much maxed out at 1080p, but at stable 30fps.
A 660 is a 660. For an open world like in GTAV I don't think it pushes much more.
So based on that I'm guessing a 970 will do 60fps with the same settings assumption.

Well I have nothing remotely objective to contradict you, recommended could literally mean anything. Hell, even "minimum" is not the minimum anymore (cf AssCreed Unity).
My opinion is that "recommended" should aim for a console-like experience.
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