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Kotaku: Next Assassin's Creed codenamed "Empires"; set in Egypt, coming 2017

THIS artwork is official

maybe the outfit will be more "ancient" than this but you can see that "eagle" and pyramids.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
So is the not much climbing and more like Witcher part true, too? Then this is the point where I have to exit the Assassin's Creed franchise, sadly :(.


This could be good. I'd love to see it be a reboot. Ditch the modern day segments, start from scratch and build it from the ground up.
well I thought Unity was great (although a better present day story would be nice), and I'm hyped for Egypt setting. Should be good :)
This could be good. I'd love to see it be a reboot. Ditch the modern day segments, start from scratch and build it from the ground up.

i think some people don't understand the term "reboot"

It's a reboot with the fact that this events happen BEFORE AC1.
Everything that happen from Altair to Galina is still canon

It's like we need to learn everything again because the assassin will not have technology , weapons... but the event that occured AFTER Egypt are still relevant.


This is great news. Enjoying my time with syndicate right now, but I still feel a bit fatigued by the series. so A year break and big gameplay differences are welcome!


I'm confused. I thought 4Chan was the source of this, not Kotaku. Kotaku just seemed to conveniently attach themselves to this rumor.

Even Ubisoft stated that the rumor originated from 4chan.


THIS artwork is official

maybe the outfit will be more "ancient" than this but you can see that "eagle" and pyramids.

I remember getting this with one of the collector's edtions for one of the Ezio AC games (might have been Brotherhood). I thought it was cool as hell so the fact we may see something like this is pretty exciting.


Oh boy, if God of War is set in Egypt and is released in 2017 it will be interesting to see how the market responds
I love it that gaf just shit on 4chan rumor just several hours earlier before this kotaku article.

Egypt setting got my interest.
I wonder if this will end up being AC: V or if we'll even see it since I don't even know if Ubi cares about the overall story anymore.


"The game is going for a Witcher feel, with player progression, freeform combat system. Horse is back, and boats too. It's made by the Black Flag team."

Finally. Now do Japan also.

True Fire

I'm confused. I thought 4Chan was the source of this, not Kotaku. Kotaku just seemed to conveniently attach themselves to this rumor.

Even Ubisoft stated that the rumor originated from 4chan.

It was leaked to both 4chan and Kotaku separately. Kotaku provided details that 4chan didn't have, and 4chan provided details that Kotaku didn't have.

I agree that it was a controlled leak. Everything happened so fast, and so perfectly. They even released a "we can't deny this leak ;)" statement, just like the one for "Victory"
Oh my god, this sounds AMAZING. I love ancient egypt! And going back pre-guns might be good for the series as well. Not to mention the year long break to get their shit together :p

All I need to hear now is that they're bringing back modern day gameplay in a real sense and I'm 110% in.


Um yeah, a controlled leak for a game 2 years away....

They are using kotaku. Ubi blacklisted them in order to give kotaku street cred so the story is more believable. Btw, Jason's real last name is Guillemot and he wears a wig.
Maybe finally I'll be able to catch up and finish:

.Black Flag

Watch Dogs 2 though, this will look sick with a proper next gen development time( 3yrs ) It scary to think about that the next GTA may come out in 2020..and that's a big ass maybe.


Egyptian setting might reel me back in. And taking a year off will hopefully benefit the quality of the game.

I do really want an Assassin's Creed: Ninjas though. I can wait for it, but please do it someday.


THIS artwork is official

maybe the outfit will be more "ancient" than this but you can see that "eagle" and pyramids.

They should really tone down the over designed outfits for this series, they have a problem with it.

Arno in this sense was a step in the right direction.


For them to delay the game one year -- is what it took for me to get excited about the series again.

That's how bad the fatigue has gotten.
AC series has been pretty good about it but still.. hopefully not whitewashed Egypt.
They'll probably all have English accents.

This news sounds good to me. Take the time to do it right, and make needed changes to the formula and the game could return to some epic heights.
Egyptian setting might reel me back in. And taking a year off will hopefully benefit the quality of the game.

I do really want an Assassin's Creed: Ninjas though. I can wait for it, but please do it someday.

Play Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - It's actually pretty good. Not really ninjas, but you do get some nice ninja-esque mechanics thrown about it.

Also, aren't we getting 2 Chronicles games this year? That'll be nice filler until the main game next year. I'm really excited about the Russia one.
Play Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China - It's actually pretty good. Not really ninjas, but you do get some nice ninja-esque mechanics thrown about it..
Best of all, since its a stripped down 2D game the controls are precise enough to do exactly what you want to do, especially important with the game's chase sequences.

I enjoyed Chronicles.


I am not happy that I won't get my yearly Assassin's Creed fix but if it makes the games even better than they are now I suppose I can wait but it will be an agonising wait.

I suppose I can see the movie this year for my fix and hope for something to come out of the Assassin's Creed Collection.

I still have to play Assassin's Creed Chronicles so I might hold out getting them until later this year.


Was hoping for Japan or China. But whatever. Doesn't sound too bad. As long as they don't f up the game performance again.
Thank you Ubisoft! The Assassin's Creed games, though I've enjoyed them, have felt like they needed to be put on a 2-3 year release cycle ever since Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Hopefully they take the full year to try to make some significant gameplay changes, and not just more polish and bug testing.
Egypt wouldn't have been my first pick, but when I think about it, it could end up being a great setting.

I'm happy about the delay, and perhaps bi-annual release window, because sequel fatigue is definitely setting in on my end. I didn't enjoy Syndicate as much as I would've because Unity and Rogue came out the year before it, and so forth.


Always love the new year AC leak from Kotaku, good stuff as always!

Franchise in desperate need of a reboot, this sounds like a good way to do it. Wonder if there will be some sort of tie in for the movie this year. Has to be, right?
It's about time AC stop worshipping Europe and America and take advantage of the setting potential they can achieve. But watch the Egyptians be white people. 😅


Oooh, leaks! And in an unexplored time period, how neat! Maybe we get to see/play as Amunet? I guess, probably not, if the main character is the man from the PoP Zero screens and AC concept art...

it is a mainline game. Besides those nintendo DS games, all games are canon
Actually even the DS games are canon, and the Chronicles series of games aren't mainline.

and PLEASE stop saying ubisoft will never do a China or Japan game, ACC China is a PREQUEL to the Shao Jun story

No, it really isn't. It's obviously the end to her story. It was probably made to patch the hole that Embers left. They retconned the box that Ezio gave her to hell and back.

That's not a reboot. It's just the first time we will see a time period BEFORE AC1, BEFORE the Assassins and the Templars. Bellec in AC5, Shaun in AC6 and many files in the two episodes AC4 (Black Flag & Rogue) teased us about that.
Well the Assassin's and Templars still existed, just not under those names. Also we've seen stuff before the formalization of the Assassins, in one of the semi-canon comics and a bunch from Initiates/Project Legacy

All of the stories are still canon. And the writer of Black Flag and Rogue said he will make an episode with the end story of Connor/Shay and Arno.
[citation needed]

Before Assassin and Templar , two factions: Faction of Cain, Faction of Abel (it's the split between the two son of Adam and Eve that create the two lineage faction).
That is mostly false.

There is a statue of an Assassin girl under Monterrigionni in AC2 that is Egyptian from that Ancient time.
That "Assassin Girl" is Amunet. She killed Cleopatra with an Asp.

High chance it will be.
AC1: engine change, many bugs
AC3: engine changement, many bugs
AC5: engine changement , many bugs

AC2 trilogy ; AC4 duology and AC6 are very good without bugs.

So...AC7 =/ I was expecting them to use more the Unity engine with Syndicate and others game. I'm afraid if they didn't learn the lesson that the PS4 and the ONE can't endure the power of AC Unity =/
Unity isn't ACV, Syndicate isn't ACVI. This is not going to be ACVII.

I think Ubisoft will release an HD AC1 this christmas 2016 to introduce the universe to those who will see the movie.

By the way, the movie is canon. The movie is the "real" AC7. Ezio will be in it (yes!)
Ezio will not be in the movie.

This is just fu***** nonsense, the only games that was made in nine month (brotherhood) and one year (rogue) are liked here but when a team worked FOUR YEARS you don't see that. =/

It's just psychology. I can assure that if AC Syndicate was released in christmas 2016 but as the SAME GAME that we had in 2015 (no more, no less) , everybody will say "it's the GOTY 2015, AC is Back" just because Ubi create the "patience" between two episodes;

Yes, it's called franchise fatigue, of course it's psychology, hence the people not liking it. People can't keep up or are bored with the series because it comes out every year.

There is no "reboot" in AC , historical or present timeline.
BUT they introduce a new assassin (a russian girl) in the present timeline and it seems that she will be the protagonist. Her name is Galina.

She appeared in Rogue (in a file) and apparently she really make her first appereance in a scene at the end of AC6 Syndicate (but i'm at 30% of the game so ... =P )

Galina did not originate in Rogue, she's from Initiates and nothing so far indicates that she's the new protagonist. (She does indeed appear in Syndicate -- which is not AC6 -- as well as the new comic series.)

In fact if you want to learn Galina's story, she killed her mother after she had bleeding effect (mother, not her).

Galina does have the Bleeding Effect to an extent. That's why she's so skilled in combat. Here mother, didn't really suffer from the bleeding effect so much as she got mind screwed by Juno.

he said recently that he can't leave Connor Shay and Arno like that.

[citation needed]

Always love the new year AC leak from Kotaku, good stuff as always!

Franchise in desperate need of a reboot, this sounds like a good way to do it. Wonder if there will be some sort of tie in for the movie this year. Has to be, right?

This is not a reboot. That is not what reboot means. Also, the movie takes place in Late Middle ages/Renascence Spain, not very related to ancient Egypt.

What does that entail, though? A new game? A novel? A series of Twitter trivia?

Funnily enough, we do know something about Ratonhnhaké:ton future after the events of the game. He eventually married a blonde woman and had multiple children. The woman later left him and took the children with her. He then died alone.

Ratonhnhaké:ton had a hard life, man.

EDIT: I just realized almost all the posts I quoted are from the same person. Whoops.
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