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Mirror's Edge: Catalyst - new previews/videos - Closed Beta begins April 22-26th


Are people really freaking out because of unlocking moves?

Bayonetta surely must be shit for casuals, guys.

It's more equivalent to unlocking basic things in Mario.

In Bayonetta you don't have to unlock things as basic as your jump or a three hit combo.


from what ive seen so far, will buy on bargain sale. is this game 720p or 1080p native? also the motion blur needs to go, yuk :/


Neo Member
The player from the exploration video just commented that:

I can understand the nervousness for the upgrade menu, but keep in mind that most of the skills are already unlocked. It's the bottom half that need skill points, and most of them are the more advanced techs and gadgets.

But then again, maybe DICE unlocked that for the Beta.
I'd rather use a mag rope than slowly shimmy up tubes. A grapple item like this could be done well to keep the pace and momentum going on runs with a lot of verticality.

I'm cool with that stuff as well, if it adds the ability for more creativity and diversity then go for it. It seems like it could add in the wallrun kick gitch style of gameplay that was only really possible on the PC version (map jump to scroll) that I found really fun even though it was game breaking, like you say if done well could be really fun. I do get a bit of an SSX reboot vibe from it though and hope that isn't the case (I enjoyed the game it just wasn't the SSX I wanted to play).
It's a movement based platformer that gates basic moves. It's really not the same thing at all.

It's more equivalent to unlocking basic things in Mario.

In Bayonetta you don't have to unlock things as basic as your jump or a three hit combo.

You have to unlock things like a frigging parry.

It's even worse in Wonderful 101.

Come on guys, it's just game design, it can be bad or good depending on how the rest of the game is designed, let it go.
Disliked the cut scenes. Hopefully they are skippable. Disliked the new over the top runner vision in the PC gamer capture. Expect you can turn it off but hard to get a feel for the game while it is on.

EA doing their best to kill my interest.
Why do you keep comparing Mirror's Edge to character-based action games? The beat-em-up portion of Mirror's Edge is completely optional.

Short games with re-playability. Deceptively simple mechanics that have a huge amount of nuance that you can master or at least try to. Both expect creativity in the gameplay.

But I disagree with the poster you pointed the question to on the unlock system, so far the points system seems to include basic actions that in the original were the equivalent as punch, kick and dodge in a character action game. The equivalent in how character action games unlocks work in Mirrors Edge would be the MAG rope and/or combos.


Beta for a single player game? Interesting

Today, "Beta" has become the new term for "Pre-Release Demo" and "Alpha" has become "Beta" haha. Strange.


So after reading that Eurogamer article about the backlash, I'm willing to keep an open mind. Hopefully some of you all who get in the Beta will enjoy the gameplay and visuals despite some of it being behind the skill tree system. Hearing that getting experience is really quick and straightforward is good though.

Also my only true hope for this game is that from the beginning of the game, you start with some decent amount of movement skills to not feel too constrained on the game as you progress.


It has shared world multiplayer functionality. So they need to test that. I think it's also meant to be a way to build hype. Based on some reactions that seems to not be happening

It's not really shared world though, it's asynchronous. No co-op or PVP AFAIK.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
The player from the exploration video just commented that:

But then again, maybe DICE unlocked that for the Beta.

So many are unlocked from the start? I'll be cautiously excited for now.


Are people really freaking out because of unlocking moves?

Bayonetta surely must be shit for casuals, guys.
Yeah, Bayonetta is a good analogy. The first playthrough is basically a training course, and the real game starts after that. The original Mirror's Edge was already like that (although without the skill tree part) so hopefully the process of unlocking skills will be, like in Bayonetta, a minor annoyance that will only bother you during the training course (the first playthrough)


Isn't it sort of like what EA has done with Need For Speed. Except with Parkour instead of cars?

In NFS there is a degree of "invasion" which I would say is not present in Catalyst, you can see other players' ghosts but not interact with them.

Although they could still add co-op or some form of PVP as DLC.


Can you turn the social features off ? I really dislike other people's intrusions into my game even if it's simply ghosts of their time.


Maybe a little nitpicky, but the blue color on guards looks obnoxious and ugly.

The previous design looked much nicer:






The player from the exploration video just commented that:

But then again, maybe DICE unlocked that for the Beta.
That's right, nobody has to worry. You will be able to unlock Roll by grinding XP or by using 70 Origin Points (25 OP = $1).

Also, you will be able to built up Faith's crib through XP or by using OPs. Just watch out for invasions (extra cribs = extra OPs). The game will need to be Always Online in order to keep with the spirit of the world.

/s Obviously (or is it?). The above is imaginary game design session at EA. That said it would be kind of amusing for EA to put some heavy micro transactions in the game.


That's right, nobody has to worry. You will be able to unlock Roll by grinding XP or by using 70 Origin Points (25 OP = $1).

Also, you will be able to built up Faith's crib through XP or by using OPs. Just watch out for invasions (extra cribs = extra OPs). The game will need to be Always Online in order to keep with the spirit of the world.

You think this means Faith's home, but no. In a stunning revelation, you must defend Faith's infant crib from tyrannical invaders during flashback sequences.


"you will not have my crib, dystopia man!"

+30 xp - ceiling-hung spinning toys unlocked
First thing I'm going to do is turn that ridiculous breadcrumb trail off. I didn't mind the runner vision highlighting things red in the first game, but if it's just going to tell you exactly where to go why not have it play the game for you, too?

I guess we just have to hope we aren't going to have to spend the entire game grinding XP just to get back where we were at the start of the first game. The XP/unlock hamster wheel works well for certain games, but Mirror's Edge always had exceedingly simple controls. It's literally simplified into an Up button and a Down button. I don't see how this is going to improve the game or make anything more intuitive or welcoming for new players; it just seems like "all AAA games do this so we did it too".
In anddition to the issues everyone has already pointed out; did the actual basic movement seem too floaty and unrealistic to anyone?
I like the more realistic-feeling one from the first game, this one seems a bit too streamlined...


The devs have said that there will be an offline mode without the social features. It's how I intend I play.

Good news they give people the choice, it's unclear how intrusive online features are, I still don't know exactly how you will be able to see other people's race ghosts and user created trials, (companion app necessary ?).
I know only the most popular ones are pushed in other people's games but surely there will be too many of them on display at various points of the map.


Rolling absolutely has to be unlocked. That was confirmed yesterday in the Giant Bomb quick look.

I watched the Polygon gameplay footage, which goes through the entire tutorial mission, and you're definitely right. Without the roll, you have this kind of clamber along the ground when you absorb a big drop which is less disorienting, but slower. It's not ideal.

The tutorial mission also includes sections with swinging and balancing on pipes, which were also part of the skill tree, so I assume those things are unlocked from the start of the game.

For what it's worth, when the guy in the tutorial is like, "Time to see if the fabled Faith is all she's made out to be," he's clearly being super condescending, not implying that you're actually legendary.

Why do you keep comparing Mirror's Edge to character-based action games? The beat-em-up portion of Mirror's Edge is completely optional.

Wonderful 101 makes blocking and dodging unlockable skills. And there are still enemies in the first hour of the game that pretty much require you to have those skills in order to defeat them in anything resembling a timely fashion. It's not too big a deal if the basics start the game locked, as long as those basics can be unlocked relatively quickly. Both games are (hopefully) performance-based titles that rank you on speed: there's a good chance that you'll replay areas you did before regardless.


What is going on with the game industry... Why are they all out of touch on what the people want from a sequel? Doom, Mirrors Edge.

I hope that the skill tree doesn't take all game to unlock (at least the movement skills).
And that there is no always online DRM.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
The purity of the original really seems to have been lost. I'm sure this will be at the very least a competent game but it seems like it's just a modern action game wearing Mirror's Edge's skin, it doesn't feel the same. I don't believe that this is the sequel DICE really wanted to make, EA's putrid influence is everywhere. Hopefully there is enough of the classic ME buried under the horribly cluttered surface.

Those hideous health bars are one of many bad omens.
Was just listening to the Giant Bombcast where they were chatting about Sunset Overdrive and how that game's parkour/traversal might have gotten a bad rap because some of the core movement skills (like air dash) were locked behind story progression. I think most people who played through SO would agree that should have been there right from the start.

I hope the folks behind Mirror's Edge know what they're doing here.
Today, "Beta" has become the new term for "Pre-Release Demo" and "Alpha" has become "Beta" haha. Strange.


So after reading that Eurogamer article about the backlash, I'm willing to keep an open mind. Hopefully some of you all who get in the Beta will enjoy the gameplay and visuals despite some of it being behind the skill tree system. Hearing that getting experience is really quick and straightforward is good though.

Also my only true hope for this game is that from the beginning of the game, you start with some decent amount of movement skills to not feel too constrained on the game as you progress.

I think that's why people are so concerned. This image does stick out as someone that spent a good amount of time doing speedruns and trying to find the perfect line in the original game


The Coil is unbelievably important to Faith's movements. It's particularly important when it comes to navigating the world fast because it allows you to jump over obstacles without having to hang and climb/hop over them, assuming you have the correct momentum. That just jumps out as something way too critical of a move to lock from the start. I could at least understand on some level if they locked the new stuff like the MAG rope or Faith's ability to grab onto a pipe while running and swing around the side of a building so that she doesn't lose momentum. But taking away her basic moveset from the original is immediately alarming to me at least.

I'm still not writing it off or anything like that. The locked moves may not bother me in the grand scheme of things. But from the start some fans have been nervous about this game because of the move to open-world. Now this news does nothing to alleviate those nerves.


I don't care one bit if some moves have to be unlocked. As long as there aren't microtransactions for movement, I'll be fine.
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