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New Halo 5 Coverage! (expect spoilers)

Went back and played through Halo 4 on Legendary finally to get Helioskrill. I really hope the knights aren't completely annoying bullet sponges this time around because christ are the last 3 or so levels of Halo 4 the most tedious I've played in any game in quite a while.

I guess I'm the only one on here that has to wait until midnight Monday huh?

In Aus there's no mom and pop stores that sell video games, much less break street date, horrible internet, etc, means I'm waiting till shops open since my nearest one does have a midnight launch scheduled but literally every other one in Aus does. Yea....

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Traded a HEAP of unused gaming gear yesterday at EB Games. Expected about $150ish from it - I was just trading old stuff towards Fallout 4 - and somehow I ended up with $530 in credit.

So naturally I bought an XB1 MCC edition with FO4 included and bought 3 months of Live. and I'll pick up Halo 5 on Tuesday. Hyped!



I guess I'm the only one on here that has to wait until midnight Monday huh?


Nah, I have a digital copy and have to wait as well :(. It sucks, but it is what it is.

I'm with you brotha

In Aus there's no mom and pop stores that sell video games, much less break street date, horrible internet, etc, means I'm waiting till shops open since my nearest one does have a midnight launch scheduled but literally every other one in Aus does. Yea....

You are not alone. I've got a digital copy too.

im waiting with you :)



Can pick this up on Monday morning for 60 dollars or wait an extra day to get it with GCU for 48 dollars. I wish the guy that works at the mom and pop store never called me to let me in it would be in Monday, so tempted to pay an extra 12 dollars and change my GCU pre-order to something else.


Man I haven't brought a disc in over a year no regrets

I'm usualy buying everything digitally too, that's why I didn't double check before preordering H5.
Monday's a public holiday and I could've played through the whole campaign during the extended weekend, now I have to wait until next weekend because my work schedule sucks (to put it mildly) next week. And I already got spoilered, despite staying out of the spoiler thread, reddit and twitter.
So next time I'll preorder a game that I'm really hyped for, I'll do everything I can to get an early copy too.

Ein Bear

Question for those that have finished the campaign: Did Spartan Ops from Halo 4 turn out to be relevant at all to the plot?

Because I'm slogging though them right now to try and catch up in time and it's all just fucking terrible. I never want to hear the word 'Crimson' again.
the only thing I've hated is encounters with the Warden. I like him as a character, but fighting him has been such a slog personally. I totally get the whole shoot his back thing, and I assume it is in part to make players that are solo make use of their team by trying to flank him.. But god, the second I shoot him I aggro him. 90% of the time my buddies run near him and he chops them up. I'm only on heroic and the end of 13 was pretty tough. Lord have mercy for Legendary.

Seriously though, bravo 343. The campaign has been a real treat so far besides that.

I'm currently at this place in game on Legendary and been cursing like never. I find a bit more of a game of luck than a game of skill against him.


Its about ethics in journalism!!
It's pretty simple, if the publisher wants you to stick to the embargo date set by them, they send you a review copy. If you buy your own copy, you can write anything you please at any time you please because there were no documents signed or agreements entered into. Nothing unethical about that.


I'm about half way through the campaign so far, taking it nice and slow on Heroic, exploring every little area that I can find. Absolutely loving it, have very few complaints and a whole load of omg I love it's. The new movement abilities are such a great addition from my first impressions. Minor general spoilers ahead.

All the abilities add so so much to the campaign play spaces that just add that little extra something special. Clamber makes everything more vertical, so you can flank/sneak from above. Loving the little hidey holes behind the walls you can charge through. A lot of the verticality/numerous ways to approach encounters is going to make this very repayable. I also quite like the pacing of missions, you get breathers every now and then with more chances to just explore which is great. Excited to see other people's impressions. Can't wait to finish it.



Quick Question for UK peeps who have it early. Did you order from Game arrive?

I noticed mine got dispatched on Friday but I had it delivered to work! Just wondering if I should be expecting it to be there Monday morning :D


2 didn't have many open areas though...
CE and Reach are the only games with asynchronous objective design justifying open areas. Everything else is varying degrees of arbitarily large canyons. There are plenty of encounters in Halo 2 where multiple routes are viable. People forget 90% of CE and 3 are linear encounters.
So, in preperation for Halo 5, I've been doing some watching and listening.

So far, I've covered:

Spartan Ops Cutscenes
Halo: Nightfall
Hunt The Truth

Is there anything else I need to watch or do before going into the campaign?

I know theres books, but I wont get them done before Tuesday, but I just want to make sure I'm covered for everything else.


So, in preperation for Halo 5, I've been doing some watching and listening.

So far, I've covered:

Spartan Ops Cutscenes
Halo: Nightfall
Hunt The Truth

Is there anything else I need to watch or do before going into the campaign?

I know theres books, but I wont get them done before Tuesday, but I just want to make sure I'm covered for everything else.
I suggest the Halo 4 terminals, and read Saints Testimony. Both are relatively short.


Is there anything else I need to watch or do before going into the campaign?

I know theres books, but I wont get them done before Tuesday, but I just want to make sure I'm covered for everything else.

Halo: Escalation comics or read the summaries somewhere. I think those are very important, because they continue from where Spartan Ops ended with Halsey and also have a Blue Team arc.
Retail is generally cheaper, and you usually get to play early. Plus you get a nice box and can trade in or sell on later if you wish. Win!

Yup. Retail ftw. Except fifa where digital doesn't bother me. I have to have that physical box with the crinkly wrapping in my hands.


What are the chances multiplayer will be unlocked before Tuesday?

Maybe on Monday, when the first timezones hit midnight and thus release day? The servers should be up by then. Otherwise people from these timezones will have to play offline, since they can't connect to the servers.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I can see them opening the server for all later today. Or early tomorrow. No way they are waiting for that exact time. Imagine everyone connecting at once lol
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