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NY Times report Switch sales in North America (from interview with Reggie)

No surprise. Nintendo faithful were going to carry this hard.

Need to see numbers this summer and fall.

I agree about waiting to see numbers throughout the rest of the year. However, I don't think we can attribute the success of this launch to just the Nintendo faithful. They certainly didn't carry the Wii U to the same type of launch. And the Wii U was released during the holidays...


Great news. Loving my Switch. No issues with mine so far, but I put a screen protector on right out of the box. BOTW is brilliant.
Excellent news, hopefully they can keep the momentum going. Now strong arm Gamefreak into putting a proper Pokémon RPG on it ASAP, lock down Monster Hunter again, knock it out of the park with Mario Odyssey and some smart bundles later, throw in Metroid and some good Japanese third party support and we're golden.

And BoTW deserves every sale.
Well, he did claim that the Switch would "have no friend codes", and look where we are now.

Admittedly, you don't need them. There are other ways to connect to friends, I got a few from being linked to Miitomo via Facebook.

I think we're underplaying ARMs. It's a new IP on a console desperate for games and it has greater general appeal than, say, Wonderful 101 or Bayonetta 2 did for the Wii U. It'll sell to the people looking for new games for their shiny new system, and if it's nearly as fun as something like Splatoon is I think it'll do really well. Look at how well Punch Out did on the Wii, except this game is all about multiplayer.


Well the Zelda stat is not surprising.

1) It's amazing
2) It's the only real game they have

Clearly it's nowhere near the level of popularity as Zelda but Snipperclips, Bomberman and Fast RMX are all "real" games (and good/great).


It's undeniably good that it is off to a solid start, but it needs to maintain momentum. It would be a big win if it can outpace N64 levels, it would be enough to show N has staunched the bleeding in successive home consoles.

I think the system has the ability to recapture lost fans. I myself haven't played much on Nintendo systems since the 64, and I bought in on launch. I also have a few friends and family members who have expressed interest when I never would have thought they would go for a Nintendo.

I think it will be a solid companion console (that's my primary use for it) and the fact that it doubles as a mobile option was also very appealing.

Nintendo needs to roll out tons of constant support to prevent WiiU like droughts and give 3rd parties reasons to make ports.

Hoping the switch continues with its initial success!


I agree about waiting to see numbers throughout the rest of the year. However, I don't think we can attribute the success of this launch to just the Nintendo faithful. They certainly didn't carry the Wii U to the same type of launch. And the Wii U was released during the holidays...
We can attribute its success to launching with one of the greatest games of all time.
I'll most likely be jumping in when Mario Odyssey comes out. I would get one now for Zelda but seeing as it's also on Wii U and there is little difference between the two, I just can't justify the money. Congrats so far and good luck, Nintendo.
Are there really people who think Reggie is lying about sales numbers?I mean... really? We will see numbers soon.
Nintendo hate is strong on neogaf, almost reminds me of gamefaqs. Pretty embarrassing.

Anyways, this is a strong and good launch. This console is awesome, I'm really happy.


The hardware issues need to be resolved, but overall I'm very happy with my Switch so far.

Zelda is fucking unbelievable. I haven't played a game this addicting since Mario Galaxy.

Ain't that the fucking truth. I was hooked on Undertale last year because it was hitting my Earthbound nostalgia hard, but this is hitting me in double the places - Zelda nostalgia + Skyrim nostalgia
Which "big game" is coming before Mario in late 2017?

Hopefully Xenoblade 2
probably not.

Im also hopeful for some E3 surprises. RETRO's new game, Pokémon Stars, Smash Wii U port (please, didn't pick up the Wii U versions). I pray for a Platinum collection (W101, Bayo1+2).


If you're going to critical, you need to be fair.

First, even if a percentage, which we don't even know, of sales are scalpers, are those listings findings homes? You're basically throwing out an arbitrary percentage with no evidence.

Second, Reggie is in charge of NOA. Europe is not his terrority so he's not going to address those regions directly.

I get your skepticism, but skepticism has to be based on reasonable concerns.

I've gone with what I've seen in pictures and eBay.


It's the legs and first year results I will be looking at.

The next couple of weeks till splatoon will be interesting. Zelda and switch first week sales look good though.


Turns out having hardware with an easily understandable concept and a killer app to kill all the killer apps sells systems.

The Switch has it's hardware issues, make no mistake, but the idea of it is strong and it's concept still holds true. Launching with the best Zelda game (and what is quickly becoming the best game of all time IMO) is just going to move even more units. I have yet to hear of a single person that got a Switch without Zelda.

Now let's hope Nintendo keeps third parties on board, and look forward to all the good stuff coming down the pipeline.


Let's break a bit...

- SW Better than Wii in first 2 days? 250-350k (Wii did ~470k in 7 days).
- Zelda better than M64 in first 2 days? 200-300k (based on SW sales).

That is my bet.

Edit - Fixed to be a bit more optimistic.

Nice. It's a very solid start if so


Deserved, I still can't believe to play a game like Zelda on handheld.

This evening I was not at home and I've taken Switch and Zelda with me, fucking incredibile experience.


they had special websites to search stores right? I think that was Wii

People were using inventory checkers which already existed for everything. The Wii was ALWAYS sold out.

The Wii was insane. For the first entire year finding one was about as difficult as trying to get a NES Classic today. I had to stand in line hours early before Toys R Us opened to get one two weeks after launch. And for the longest time that was the only way to get one until around the next holiday season. And it wasn't because Nintendo was hoarding consoles to inflate demand, it was because the system was selling like hotcakes. The Wii was such a phenomenon it was insane. Crazy how things have changed (or maybe have not?).

WTF sold more than super mario 64! I mean that has to be due to more consoles available at launch right? Super Mario 64 had to be close to a 1:1 attach rate. That game was epic for the times.....but this new Zelda is right there too.

Gaming is much more popular today than 20 years ago. Virtually all of the top 20 selling games of all-time are games from the past 15 (or even 10) years.
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