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Obama announces $2M donation to Chicago summer jobs programs


44 actively builds a jobs program while 45 threatens martial law to the warzone hellscape.

Both sides, right?


I feel like this post is somewhat misleading. The real reason the center is where it is has to do with the proximity to the university.


The people who criticized Obama for his speaking fees should feel bad. I hope they feel so bad for that bullshit.
"So he chose to focus on Chicago youth? Why not Kansas youth? He should be helping ALL people! This is why democrats keep losing, doing things like this will only push away people from the democrat platform into voting for Trump, identity politics!"

Fucked up part is, I wouldn't be surprised to hear exactly that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The speaking fees bullshit has been so distasteful.

Oh it's not over.

"He's only doing this because he got "caught."

And the depressing thing is the soft-edged amplification Venn diagram of republicans, Bernie Bros, fake Russian Bernie Bros and Jill Stein fuckwits.

Also ignoring the fact that he salvaged the US economy and did many of the things he's accused of not doing enough of, in the most obstructionist congress in history. For two terms.


44 actively builds a jobs program while 45 threatens martial law to the warzone hellscape.

Both sides, right?

Not to mention a history of saying he will donate and not following through. 2 million has to be a good chunk of Obama's worth but it would be just a drop in a bucket for Trump allegedly.
I'm curious how much play this gets in the media compared to WALL STREET SPEECHES!!!!!!!

Good on the Obamas!

It likely won't get much of a blip.

Young Turks, super lefties, and the liberal Puritans aren't going to talk about this. He's now a corrupt Wall Street mogul. He got 65 million for a book deal. This guy isn't one of us. This 2 million is a deflection from the fact that he was bought off for 400k. There's a reason he never prosecuted those banks. It's so he could receive a check that'd be taxed by the State and Federal governments. It was his plan, all along.
"So he chose to focus on Chicago youth? Why not Kansas youth? He should be helping ALL people! This is why democrats keep losing, doing things like this will only push away people from the democrat platform into voting for Trump, identity politics!"
Dems never learn! Is this what you want the face of the party doing?!?!


Yeah, but that's only like... 5 speeches! What about the rest?! 2mil doesn't make up for everything! Obama is still making mad bank.

If you needed to click this JUST to confirm the /s, I'm disappointed


But but but Sanders and Warren . . . something about distastefully abandoning working class????


Get dafuq outta here with that bulllllshit!


This won't be covered like the Wall Street shit, but that's to be expected.

If I would choose to donate 0,025% of all my wealth, I would only have 50$ set aside for donations.

Social inequality!

Let's get this rolling. :D - /s and all that

On Topic:
I really hope that he stays awesome on a social level for at least the next four years. At some point REP people in the US just have to compare the old and exciting president and be like "I've made a huge mistake".
Nope, the "I am so left I only walk in circles" crowd can't twist this into some holier than thou bullshit

These are the same mother fuckers that used the Clinton Foundation as an attack on Hillary Clinton.

The same Clinton Foundation the has LITERALLY saved the lived of millions of people around the world. But as we found out from the Bernie fanatics, Words and Birds mean more then actions and results.
I said I'd be okay with it if he went on a Carter-esque post presidency and just used the money to find that, so good on him for doing this.
And the dumbass, stupid ass, ignorant ass, obtuse ass, fucked up from the floor up gaggle of morons aren't even gonna show up to say good job Obama. Good, they need to stay in their holes.

Keep doing your thing, Obama.
But but but Sanders and Warren . . . something about distastefully abandoning working class????


Get dafuq outta here with that bulllllshit!

Oh THAT GUY will be actively avoiding this thread just like he actively avoided the thread about the ACA cutting down on bankruptcies.


The spin here is actually pretty easy, jobs programs like this just encourage further engagement in neoliberal capitalism, that money could have been better spent on medical charities. Guarantee thats the line

Medical charities are just fronts for the capito-medicinal complex that artifically increases medical costs to keep lower and middle class people in constant fear of losing everything.

That money could have been better spent giving it personally to Bernie Sanders so that he can go around hurting the chances of democrats in red districts.


Incredibly good to see him do this. I still don't know if the speaking fees are helping fund this effort, but I am glad to see his community investment post-presidency.
And the dumbass, stupid ass, ignorant ass, obtuse ass, fucked up from the floor up gaggle of morons aren't even gonna show up to say good job Obama. Good, they need to stay in their holes.

Keep doing your thing, Obama.

I love that word.

The best part is he didn't even do it to prove anything. He's just being who he is. Like I've said before. Your soapbox ain't shit. Most of the naysayers barely know how to wash their own asses.
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