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Only Five measly trophies for a 2016 PSN game.? come on Sony.

This entire trophy / Achievement fanaticism weirds me out.

Yep. Especially since trophy hunters Loooooooove those easy platinums. Which is how you know it's not about the challenge, which in turn kinda nullifies the point of having them in the first place.

Fucking hate that mindset.


People that complain about achievements and trophies crack me up. I wish more devs would put zero of that mess in their games. What I can't believe is that there are people who won't buy a good game without that bullshit in there. Laughable.

I'm totally neutral on them now that I've been told I can disable the overlay. But I will say it's kind of saddening to see posts like the one a few above mine from a guy who has missed out on games he wanted to play because of them.

If you use them as a list of challenges to engage more in a game you like then I suppose they're nice to have. But grinding for them seems like it goes to far.

I think the moment I realized that some people were playing for trophies not gameplay was when the PS3 was hacked. People were debating the issues it might bring up all across the board. All the expected stuff like hacks, cheats, and mods were mentioned and discussed. But what I never even considered and was surprised to see was that one of the biggest worries had to do with the potential for people to modify their own trophy lists. If how many trophies another person has is that much of a big deal I'd say taking a little time away from the console might not be a bad idea.


This. Who buys a game for the trophies? Is that honestly a thing?

yeah of course there are people out there who are still focused on their trophy and achievements level, once you've invested a certain amount of time and effort, dropping it and walking away probably becomes difficult

next gen, if the platform holders relaxed or removed the requirements further, and more devs just started to ignore them, i'm sure some people would be melting down in tears

personally i give no fucks about them, but can understand those that do, i just don't get complaining about a small narrative driven game in firewatch not having as many trophies as some goat simulator bs
OP call devs lazy because of the lack of imaginary trophies? Poor taste.

OP blaming Sony because it lets devs do their own thing and focus more on the game than trophies? Come on.


I talked to a guy at a wedding buffet one time, who wanted to eat the maximum monetary value of food available. He was eating tons of shrimp, even though he didn't like it, because it was just worth a lot.

Bet he was a trophy Hunter.


So to everyone who laughs at the concept of trophies/achievements... Did you ever 100% games prior to trophies showing up?

Sure thing. I got lvl 99 everything in secret of mana and plenty of other rpgs, while seeing all the content. I got every ending in Ogre Battle (which took a really long time) and had fun doing it. I did it for the experience of doing it, not because it was a checkbox on a list.

There's people out there playing games they don't enjoy because it's an "easy platinum". That's a compulsion.


Considering how often i see people talking about how much of a chore certain trophys were (Notice the simple past) i have a hard time believing that it's about fun.
I went through some bad trophies that felt like chores for sure. Still it felt fun getting it and then completing the game.

Saying you don't believe it's fun seems funny too. Why else would people do it if not, at least, for some fun? Yeah I guess some might abuse and get addicted to it and compete for the sake of it, but that happens with everything, not even game related.
Hey folks--thanks for generally giving us the benefit of the doubt on this!

Generally speaking, it's probably safe to assume that no matter how a given decision on a game looks at first glance, it was still agonized over by the developer for ages. That was definitely true in this case. We brainstormed a TON of different approaches for doing trophies, including how many to have, what to award them for, what to name them, and everything else. We're really glad that Sony takes a light touch with this stuff. Trust me that we made the decision we did based on evaluating the game as a whole and deciding the most appropriate way to fit trophies into it. That's not to say that you have to ultimately end up agreeing we made the right choice (although we obviously hope you do), just that the decision was not borne out of laziness or a lack of consideration of the issue.
I was just checking the trophies for Firewatch to get an indication on how the game plays. Trophy lists are a good way to see stuff about a game before it launches, and I'm very much looking forward to this game.

So I went here: (spoilers for trophies, for those who care, at the link)

and wtf? only FIVE trophies for this game..? I'm in no way a trophy hunter.. I never go for a trophy unless I really enjoy a game and want something extra out of the game.
But FIVE trophies? Even Goat simulator has 30+ trophies.. and a Platinum trophy.

I hate the inconsistency in how Sony allows developers to implement trophies (or whatever the reason is for the BIG difference in trophy numbers). Some games have lots of trophies others have less than toes on Halle Berry's left foot..

What do you guys think about a pretty high profile game (at least Sony showed it at their big shows) for the Playstation 4, only having FIVE trophies..?

People are starving around the world, come on Sony!

Am i doing it right?


I wish more devs did games with 0 trophies/achievements.
If you actually cared about devs you wouldn't because believe it or not there are a LOT of people who refuse to buy games that don't have platinum's/trophies.

I never understood the big deal about people caring about people who enjoy trophies and achievements. I like having incentive to 100% stuff but i don't fall on that extreme of no platinum no buy i have like 3 platinum's and i have had a PS3 since launch and PS4 since launch.


Devs have a "fixed" number of points to spend (around 300 for a "small" game, 1200 for a game with platinum). They can distribute these points like they want, they can choose to have just a few of them with a big part of gold ones, or a lot of them mostly of bronze.

Bronze: 15pts
Silver: 30pts
Gold: 90pts
Platinum: 180pts

platinum doesnt have any points and is simply a medal for completing other trophies.

but still this means that you can have mostly gold trophies and very few in total.

i can assure anyone that designing, implementing and testing trophies take a significant amount of effort in development (which explains the existence of numerous trophy glitch in games)


There's games that give you a fucking trophy for STARTING THE GAME. I'd like to see more games have less trophies at this rate. At least be creative about them and not just have them in the game JUST to have them.


Hey folks--thanks for generally giving us the benefit of the doubt on this!

Generally speaking, it's probably safe to assume that no matter how a given decision on a game looks at first glance, it was still agonized over by the developer for ages. That was definitely true in this case. We brainstormed a TON of different approaches for doing trophies, including how many to have, what to award them for, what to name them, and everything else. We're really glad that Sony takes a light touch with this stuff. Trust me that we made the decision we did based on evaluating the game as a whole and deciding the most appropriate way to fit trophies into it. That's not to say that you have to ultimately end up agreeing we made the right choice (although we obviously hope you do), just that the decision was not borne out of laziness or a lack of consideration of the issue.

thanks for the answer here.. and sorry for using the word "Lazy"..

I know almost nothing about the game, apart from the stuff I saw at Sony´s press event. So I really have no idea how this game works or anything. I just know that what I saw convinced me to put this game VERY high on my "most anticipated game of 2016" list.

I'm glad a you decided how you did (reading now that this is a story based game). For me personally I still love the idea of having a second go at a game to discover new stuff and finish stuff I missed the first time around. The thing is I'm 40 years old, have a full time job, house and family to spent time with, so my gaming time is sometimes very limited (hey me and some friends even run a small independent website where I review games). For me a trophy can guide me to stuff in games I would normally miss because of time issues... maybe I was wrongly calling out your game for this in this thread (because I don't know much about it)..

and good luck with your game. I know I'm going to play it next week, regardless of Trophies or not.. (but maybe I would play it even more with more trophies ;o) )


platinum doesnt have any points and is simply a medal for completing other trophies.

but still this means that you can have mostly gold trophies and very few in total.

i can assure anyone that designing, implementing and testing trophies take a significant amount of effort in development (which explains the existence of numerous trophy glitch in games)

No, he was correct about the amount of points Platinum trophies give.


Who cares how many trophies it has, it's the developers choice not Sony's. If anything I wish more games had zero trophies.


I love people coming in here screaming how much they don't care about trophies and achievements. Well, good for you. I don't personally care about getting the best loot or k/d ratio in a game or trying to get the highest score in an arcade game either but others do.

If trophies/achievements bug you so much, turn off notifications and don't ever check the list. sure, they're "useless" and don't do anything but hell, people will find ways to enjoy a game and trophies/achievements are just another part of the game that happens to persist outside the game for others to see. Telling devs to completely axe them cuz you're not interested is pretty selfish when trophies/achievements can actually enhance a game's objectives.


platinum doesnt have any points and is simply a medal for completing other trophies.

but still this means that you can have mostly gold trophies and very few in total.

i can assure anyone that designing, implementing and testing trophies take a significant amount of effort in development (which explains the existence of numerous trophy glitch in games)

You're wrong. Platinum is not included in the percentage of completion of the game but it does give you 180pts for your overall level.


You're wrong. Platinum is not included in the percentage of completion of the game but it does give you 180pts for your overall level.

ok then. my point is it doesnt count toward total points a developer can allocate in their games.

i dont think anyone can go lower than the limit in total trophy points. 5 trophies could easily happen with a small scope game.
Telling devs to completely axe them cuz you're not interested is pretty selfish when trophies/achievements can actually enhance a game's objectives.

Well, the thread started all guns blazing try to get Sony to mandate a minimum amount of trophies, so you are just seeing push back to that from people who don't care about them. Action and reaction. If the title had've been something more neutral you'd have more of a point, I think.


There already are games with 4 trophies (like Frogger on PS3)

3 gold + 1 silver = 300pts = 20 bronze by exemple
I love people coming in here screaming how much they don't care about trophies and achievements. Well, good for you. I don't personally care about getting the best loot or k/d ratio in a game or trying to get the highest score in an arcade game either but others do.

If trophies/achievements bug you so much, turn off notifications and don't ever check the list. sure, they're "useless" and don't do anything but hell, people will find ways to enjoy a game and trophies/achievements are just another part of the game that happens to persist outside the game for others to see. Telling devs to completely axe them cuz you're not interested is pretty selfish when trophies/achievements can actually enhance a game's objectives.

They could just do that with in game rewards.
Hey folks--thanks for generally giving us the benefit of the doubt on this!

Generally speaking, it's probably safe to assume that no matter how a given decision on a game looks at first glance, it was still agonized over by the developer for ages. That was definitely true in this case. We brainstormed a TON of different approaches for doing trophies, including how many to have, what to award them for, what to name them, and everything else. We're really glad that Sony takes a light touch with this stuff. Trust me that we made the decision we did based on evaluating the game as a whole and deciding the most appropriate way to fit trophies into it. That's not to say that you have to ultimately end up agreeing we made the right choice (although we obviously hope you do), just that the decision was not borne out of laziness or a lack of consideration of the issue.

Thanks for responding. It should be common sense that you guys made a decision and not lightly. I can't wait to play Firewatch!


People who are obsessed with achievements/trophies are one of my least understood phenomenons of "modern" games. Don't understand it at all.

That said-- and as many have already said-- a dev should be able to put as many or few achievements/trophies in their game.
People who are obsessed with achievements/trophies are one of my least understood phenomenons of "modern" games. Don't understand it at all.

That said-- and as many have already said-- a dev should be able to put as many or few achievements/trophies in their game.

The only achievements that matter are WoW achievements, because you get things for them. Also when you invest 10 years into something you want to show people :(


I'm in no way a trophy hunter..
Goes on to complain about how small the trophy list is.
And to your first point OP, just wait it out for a walkthrough if you "want to see how it plays out". Most trophies are spoilers anyway so I don't see how a walkthrough wouldn't help you out there.


I like atrophments but just could not give less of a fuck how many a game has, or if it has them at all. I'd be fine with Sony and MS allowing none in games if that's what the dev wanted.

For Firewatch specifically I'd not even thought about the matter until this thread.

The only achievements that matter are WoW achievements, because you get things for them. Also when you invest 10 years into something you want to show people :(

Outside the occasional other game those are the only ones I care about anymore. Been working towards every WotLK achievement outside of PVP the last two weeks, actually.


extremely selfish. isnt it enough to just ignore them? i mean trophies pop up and i just dont care.

Is it "extremely selfish"? really? Is it "extremely selfish" not to want a logo and a sound popping up in the middle of a scene or focused gameplay part? Is it "extremely selfish" to not want your phone to make a sound at random moments while you are ate one with a game? Is it "extremely selfish" to think that less trophies would actually mean more enjoyment of a game and less redundant work from both the dev and the gullible players?
Is it really "extremely selfish" to care about the environment of gameplay? "extremely selfish" that because you don't care so you tell people who do that they are "extremely selfish"? Is it really "extremely selfish"?
What do you guys think about a pretty high profile game (at least Sony showed it at their big shows) for the Playstation 4, only having FIVE trophies..?
I could not possibly give less of a shit.

I think trophies are fine, and like you OP I will go for them if I really like a game and they sound fun, but I certainly don't need trophies to enjoy a game or let them affect my purchasing decisions.
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